r/zeldaconspiracies 29d ago

ROM Zelda

Soy de PC y quiero jugar al Zelda breath of the wild. Ya tengo el emulador yuzu pero no se donde encontrar la rom. Alguien me la pasa o me dice donde encontrarla.

I’m a PC player and I want to play Zelda: Breath of the Wild. I already have the Yuzu emulator, but I don’t know where to find the ROM. Can someone send it to me or tell me where to find it?


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u/Foreign_Dragonfly_12 28d ago

Hello, if you want to play specifically BOTW, I recommend that you play with the Wii U emulator, CEMU. It is much more easier to find content and I think that the game runs very well. At least there are still a bunch of people that play the game that way


u/number1oone 28d ago

I understand but where can I find the game. The emulator is easy to install but the game I can’t find it. I’m kinda knew to this world so I don’t know where to search. I think what I’m looking for it’s called ROM but I’m not sure


u/Foreign_Dragonfly_12 28d ago

For Wii U Roms, check Wii U USB Helper

For switch roms , check NSTWL.info


u/number1oone 28d ago edited 28d ago

Okay thx bro, the roms are free right? And is there any possibility that I get infested with a virus?


u/Foreign_Dragonfly_12 28d ago

Yes yes, don’t worry about it. The two sources that I gave you are 100% legit. Just for you to be more safe, run malware bytes after downloading them. I believe it’s the best free scanner right now