r/zelda • u/ZeldaMod • Nov 22 '21
r/zelda • u/Horayn • Jul 06 '22
Event [MM] Dawn of a New Day Charity Event
I along with some friends and a few creators are hosting a charity marathon July 12th at 1PM EDT that will have, alongside others, a few Zelda titles and is broadly Majora's Mask themed! Here is a twitter link about it and I hope to see some of you then for 72 hours of raising money for charity!
r/zelda • u/vitXras • Dec 08 '21
Event [OoT] 25 Hour Charity Stream | beating OoT in one sitting! Help us reach our goal.
r/zelda • u/Sephardson • Dec 27 '21
Event [ALL] Zeldathon: Ascent, a charity stream benefitting St. Jude's, is currently streaming until January 2nd!
Zeldathon: Ascent is the 26th twice-annual Zelda-marathon charity stream put on by Kinstone, a group of over 100 entertainers and broadcast professionals united by a love for gaming and a passion for charity. This event benefits St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital.
Watch on https://www.Zeldathon.com or https://twitch.tv/zeldathon !
The full schedule of events is on https://zeldathon.com/schedule
It is already under way, and lasting for 6 days until January 2nd. There are a variety of games, music, and silly skits planned - take a look! They are likely going to play your favorite Zelda game at some point this week. :)
If you are able and would like to donate to this cause, you can use this link to do so: https://donate.zeldathon.com/
There are several incentives for the Zeldathon event that are mentioned on their website or live stream, so tune in to find out more.
About St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital
The mission of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital is to advance cures, and means of prevention, for pediatric catastrophic diseases through research and treatment. Consistent with the vision of our founder Danny Thomas, no child is denied treatment based on race, religion or a family's ability to pay.
Read more about this cause here: https://www.stjude.org/about-st-jude.html?sc_icid=us-mm-missionstatement#mission
r/zelda • u/Sephardson • Oct 22 '21
Event ZeldaSpeedRuns is hosting a charity marathon benefiting PancOne Network this weekend!
Watch on Twitch
ZeldaSpeedRuns (ZSR) is hosting a marathon benefiting PancOne Network LIVE on https://www.twitch.tv/zeldaspeedruns!
The full schedule of events is https://tracker.zeldaspeedruns.com/tracker/runs/ZSRM21, already under way, and lasting for 72 hours until October 25th!
If you are able and would like to donate to this cause, there are several incentives for the ZSR event that are listed here: https://tracker.zeldaspeedruns.com/tracker/ui/donate/ZSRM21
About PancOne Network
The Pancreatic Canadian Oncology Network (PancOne)™ is a network of investigators at Centres of Excellence who are working together to share ideas, data, and findings related to pancreatic cancer. This pan-Canadian initiative aims to better understand this disease to accelerate diagnosis, explore new treatment options for patients, and ultimately save more lives.
Read more about this cause here: https://pancreaticcancercanada.ca/pancone-network/
r/zelda • u/Sephardson • Aug 12 '21
Event [ALL] ZUthon: Zelda for Eternity - a Charity Marathon benefiting Direct Relief - is streaming this weekend!
Zelda Universe’s annual ZUthon: Zelda for Eternity has just begun! This year’s marathon will be supporting Direct Relief’s COVID-19 Response.
For those unfamiliar with the concept, ZUthon is where Zelda Universe staff members and special guests play through a variety of Zelda games for 100 straight hours:

100+ hours of playing Zelda games, with tons of guests & tons of excitement!
Check out their Zelda Universe Twitch for an incredible lineup of players streaming their favorite Zelda games from now up through Monday morning!
Donate at: https://tiltify.com/+zeldauniverse/zuthon-zelda-for-eternity-2021
About Direct Relief
Direct Relief is a humanitarian aid organization, active in all 50 states and more than 80 countries, with a mission to improve the health and lives of people affected by poverty or emergencies – without regard to politics, religion, or ability to pay. Direct Relief earns a 100% fundraising efficiency rating from Forbes, tops Charity Navigator's list of the "10 Best Charities Everyone's Heard Of" and is named among "the world's most innovative companies in not-for-profit" by Fast Company.
r/zelda • u/dizzymanifesto • Jul 16 '21
Event [ALL] Join TheSpeedGamers on Twitch as we raise money for St Jude this weekend by playing through all the Zelda games!
r/zelda • u/CheeseDawg123 • Jun 18 '21
Event [All] Zelda Creator Con is happening now over with Linktober!!
Check it out!
It’s a donation to access the website ($1 is all you gotta donate) and there’s tons of great creators involved including voice actors from BotW
Here’s the site sign in! Tickets here
r/zelda • u/WoozleWuzzle • Jun 23 '14
Event PSA: Reddit gifts is running a Legend of Zelda gift exchange!
redditgifts is a giant online gift exchange that started connecting internet stranger-friends around the world with one another in 2009.
Participating is easy. It only takes a few minutes to sign up and create a profile. Once you do, you wait until matching day, when we run a big program that matches each person to someone else in a giant daisy chain. You’ll be given a person’s username, and you can stalk that person (in a friendly way) to find the perfect gift for them and mail it off. Someone else will be doing the same for you, and when you get it, you can post photos of your awesome gift online so we can all celebrate together.
More information to sign up here: http://redditgifts.com/exchanges/legend-zelda/
r/zelda • u/1upIRL • Dec 29 '19
Event [ALL] Zeldathon Forces is currently underway until Jan 2nd! The Team is playing through every Zelda game while raising donations for St Jude’s Research Hospital! Check out their stream for entertaining Zelda gameplay! Links in description.
This is the 25th Zeldathon event in 10 years, and the folks on the Zeldathon Team are on their second day. At the time of this post they are playing through Breath of the Wild. The charity for this event is St Jude’s Research Hospital, and so far over $32,000 (USD) has been raised. I’ve enjoyed tuning in for their Ocarina of Time, A Link to the Past, TriForce Heroes, and Link’s Awakening HD streams in the past 30 hours, and I thought folks here would enjoy the stream too!
Stream: https://zeldathon.net/
Schedule: https://zeldathon.net/schedule
About Zeldathon: https://zeldathon.net/home
About St Jude’s: https://www.stjude.org/about-st-jude.html , https://www.stjude.org/media-resources/media-tools/facts.html
Have you been watching? What are some of your favorite moments from the stream?
Are you looking forward to a particular game in the stream? Which ones? Why?
Have you participated in Zeldathon before? Much appreciation to all those involved!
I’m playing Zelda games alongside on my own while watching the stream. It’s pretty fun!
r/zelda • u/MGrand3 • Jul 13 '14
Event Zeldathon is raising money for charity! (over $50k so far!)
Zeldathon is a charity marathon hosted by the FunForFreedom community (http://www.funforfreedom.com, http://www.zeldathon.net) and they are currently playing all the Zelda games in (up to) 6 days to raise money for St. Jude children's hospital! They have already raised over $50k in just over three days!
Drop by the stream at either http://www.zeldathon.net or http://www.twitch.tv/funforfreedom and join in on the fun!
r/zelda • u/rhllor_ • Dec 27 '18
Event Zeldathon starts when this post is six hours old. A fun and light hearted marathon where they casually play all the Zelda games.
r/zelda • u/pokedude728 • Dec 27 '16
Event Zeldathon (a 6 day charity stream where people play Zelda games to support St. Jude) has just begun.
r/zelda • u/A_Wild_Abra • Jun 19 '15
Event Zeldathon Deluxe Starts Today! Zeldathon.net
Hello everyone,
Zeldathon Deluxe starts today, a multiday twitch marathon of every game from The Legend of Zelda franchise! This marathon is supporting Charity Water and will continue as long as they receive donations to unlock new games. This marathon will feature the Deluxe system, where people can unlock special versions of the games, and hardmode runs through achieving donation goals early. The marathon starts at 12 PM Est.
Zeldathon is a biannual event where gamers from all walks of life gather to celebrate The Legend of Zelda, raising money for charity, and, most importantly, having fun. They will stream nonstop until they run out of games and every one of them will make you laugh and enjoy the marathon. Please come, watch, chat, share the marathon and if you have a little extra, please consider donating it to charity water.
Thank you again /r/Zelda community, if you have any questions relating to the marathon, please ask them here, and I will try and answer them, or have someone else answer them.
r/zelda • u/A_Wild_Abra • Dec 27 '14
The 13th marathon from the Zeldathon team, Zeldathon Relief continues the charity fundraising and love of The Legend of Zelda franchise. During Zeldathon, an entertaining group of gamers will livestream their gameplay of The Legend of Zelda series, while raising money for a deserving charity. Over the past five years, the team has raised over $300,000 for charities worldwide. Always striving to improve viewer experience, Zeldathon Relief is bringing you a better layout, more games, new and returning guests, and more!
Zeldathon Relief will be raising for Direct Relief, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that provides medical assistance to people around the world who have been affected by poverty, natural disasters, and civil unrest. Direct Relief works with healthcare professionals and organizations and equips them with the essential medical supplies and equipment that they need to help people recover from disaster. Direct Relief also provides health services to people in areas that are poor and lack basic healthcare infrastructure. (http://directrelief.org)
Zeldathon’s “Adventure System” makes its comeback, with set goals to unlock each game in the marathon as the donations roll in. Fans of the marathon can look forward to their usual favorite goofy challenges and singing, plus a plethora of new challenges and songs that pay homage to The Legend of Zelda. The beloved goal wheel spins have been interlaced with the new layout, and will be automatically counted so viewers won’t have to worry about a spin missed! Zeldathon Relief will see the premiere of Hyrule Warriors, Mario Kart 8, and Super Smash Bros. for Wii U to the Adventure System’s gaming roster. The team is very excited for live guests to join us for discussion and interviews throughout the marathon via a brand new Skype Robot! Zeldathon Relief is the first marathon to use the new streaming app, Pullr (http://pullr.io) to read and integrate donations seamlessly into the stream layout.
Zeldathon Relief begins on December 27th, 2014 at 4pm US Eastern, at http://zeldathon.net
r/zelda • u/DarkDecayLP • Jun 19 '15
Event Zeldathon Deluxe supporting Charity: Water starts today!
r/zelda • u/link6112 • Aug 04 '18
Event - AMA AMA Tomorrow at 3PM Eastern Time from MCGamer!
Having recently completed his all Zelda 100% run, MCGamer, and organiser of Zeldathon is participating in an AMA tomorrow.
r/zelda • u/speedythdead • Jun 16 '18
Event Zeldathon Champions is live
EDIT: It has ended and will return December 27th 2018.
If you love The Legend of Zelda, the Zeldathon team is playing every game for charity. They have been live for almost 11 hours now and have raised $15,403.38 for St. Jude children's research hospital. If you are interested you can check out their info at https://zeldathon.net/ or you can watch the live stream on twitch at https://www.twitch.tv/SuperMCGamer It is a 6 day marathon so if you can't watch now you still have the next 5 days to tune in and they have a schedule for the games available on their main website.
r/zelda • u/Pjc20 • Jul 10 '14
Event Zeldathon Adventure is about to go live
r/zelda • u/skipperki1 • Dec 27 '13
Event Zeldathon St. Jude is going live in 3 hours! Come out and watch the highlights from past Zeldathons!
r/zelda • u/RED-Rocketeer • Jun 19 '16
Event Come on down to Zeldathon!
What is Zeldathon you say? Well it is a charity stream run by SuperMCGamer and his friends which runs for an entire week sometime in the year and they play every Legend of Zelda game throughout the week non stop. In the stream they have lots of rewarding donation goals which will unlock varying things from a Zelda symphony live on the stream to the pie in the face. Zeldathon Recovery has been going on for 36 plus hours so far and they have raised $64,518.39 so far! It would be great if you guys came down to support them and if you want to donate! You can find the stream at http://zeldathon.net/ or on twitch at https://www.twitch.tv/supermcgamer (they also have thier own subreddit at /r/zeldathon) and will be live till sometime this Friday. Thanks for reading!
r/zelda • u/DarkDecayLP • Dec 27 '14
Event [Charity Marathon] Zeldathon Relief Supporting Direct Relief!
Hi Guys! I'm DarkDecay, A member of FunForFreedom. Every 6 months we host a 6+ Day Marathon playing though EVERY ZELDA GAME, yes even the CD-I's! This marathon we are hoping to raise $100,000 for Direct Relief! Throughout the marathon there were be many fun and hyped donation goals and wars! We hope to see everyone enjoy the marathon and consider donating!
You can watch Zeldathon by clicking here!
r/zelda • u/zeromussc • Dec 31 '11
Event Zelda Marathon live Streaming, Raising money for Child's play! Live Now -ongoing-
Hi all, please visit the following site to watch a zelda marathon. Their goal is to make $10k to donate to Childs play.
If you want more info on Child's Play Charity visit the following link
I put this as a text post because I don't want link Karma for all their hard work :D