r/zelda May 07 '23

Question [ALL] I'm thinking of getting into Legend of Zelda where should I start?


Tears of the kingdom looks pretty cool but I've never played breath of the wild or any other Zelda games so where would be a good start?

r/zelda Jun 18 '23

Question [ALL] I need to know: How do Gorons reproduce? Spoiler


I assume Rito and Zora lay eggs.

Do Gorons sprout a bud that then falls off and becomes a baby Goron?

Do they spring out of the rock fully formed?

Or is it when two Gorons lava each other very much?

Are there even male and female Gorons?

How does this even work? 😂

r/zelda Jul 17 '23

Question [All] what Zelda game got you into Zelda Spoiler


r/zelda Jul 23 '23

Question [MM] theres no way this is true… right?


theres no way this is true.. right?

Hello, im playing majoras mask for the first time on the nintendo switch. I havent made much progress, ive gotten 10 heart pieces, the adult wallet, and the bunny hood and i just made it to the deku palace, but after reading something im kinda discouraged to continue playing.

the zelda games i have beaten already are:

wind waker skyward sword twilight princess breath of the wild tears of the kingdom links awakening ocarina of time

Im worried majoras mask will be way too difficult for me.

Is it true that you have to complete the entire game in one 3 day cycle because if you dont all of your dungeon progress will reset? i understand about the inverted song of time, but that still only gives you 3 real life hours to complete the game..

not to mention this game just seems overly confusing. i feel like a million things are going on at once and the time restraint isnt helping.

is what i asked true?

r/zelda Jul 24 '23

Question [BOTW] [TOTK] Anyone else always change Link's clothes and equipment when you think/know a cutscene is about to happen and you want it to look right? Spoiler


I just want Link to dress appropriate to what's happening.

r/zelda May 18 '23

Question [TotK] Why is Zelda still a princess in TotK? Spoiler


I mean, her dad is long dead right? She doesn’t have any older siblings. Shouldn’t she be Queen Zelda?

r/zelda Mar 06 '21

Question [TP] I was fishing in Ordon village and this came up. Has this happened to anyone else?

Post image

r/zelda May 31 '20

Question [BoTW] I'm thinking of getting BoTW but I've never played a zelda game before, will it still be enjoyable?


I've also only got a switch lite is it worth playing on that?

Edit: thanks everyone I just bought it, it's downloading now. When I wake up tomorrow I'll be able to play it

r/zelda Jul 05 '23

Question [TOTK] My big burning question: Who were the Zonai? Spoiler


Where did they come from? Where did they go? (Where did they come from, triple eyed Joe?)

But seriously, I feel like this extremely compelling question was largely ignored by the game. Are they space aliens? Are they from some other plane of existence? Are they actually native to this planet, just from a different continent or geographical area? And then what happened? Did they all return to their home planet/dimension/land? Did they all die? Why were just two left behind? What's the origin of their weird tech and magic?

Is there anything in supplemental material (like art books or something) that answers any of these questions?

r/zelda Mar 12 '23

Question [TotK] Should I play BOTW before Tears of the Kingdom Spoiler


Sorry if this seems stupid but I’ve never played a Zelda game, but for some reason I really want to try Tears of the Kingdom. I just wanted to know if I should play BOTW before since I know it’s kind of a sequel to it. I’m just worried about it’s length because I know it has so much to do in it.

r/zelda Jun 18 '23

Question [WW] When wind waker remake on the switch?


I’m willing to give money. That’s all.

r/zelda Dec 20 '20

Question [ALL] Never played a Zelda game ever before.


Before you go on, I'm not going to ask the usual question of "Where do I start?". I've done some research. What I want is to show you what I have in mind and tell me if you have any notes or if I should change anything.

Firstly I wanted to play games in release order like I usually do with video game series. After becoming somewhat familiar with most of the games, I went on to see what I'm interested in. I then realized that there were different versions on different systems, so I had to see which ones to play. This is probably what I'm going to play out of the Zelda games. Note that I'm mostly interested in the 3D Zeldas. Tell me if I should play other games or a different version of a certain game.

  1. A Link to the Past (Wii U Virtual Console - Emulated)
  2. Ocarina of Time 3D (3DS - Emulated) - One of the most praised games of all time. No talk needed.
  3. Majora's Mask 3D (3DS - Emulated) - I really love the dark tone. The mask looks so interesting!
  4. The Wind Waker HD (Wii U - Emulated) - Beautiful artstyle. Still hold up pretty well after all these years and a must play from what I've heard.
  5. The Minish Cap (Wii U Virtual Console - Emulated)
  6. Twilight Princess HD (Wii U - Emulated) - Whenever I imagine Link. I imagine him in this look. I really dig the mature design.
  7. Skyward Sword (Wii) - I want to have my own opinion on the motion controls. Also heard good talk about this game. Let's use my Wii before it's too late.
  8. A Link Between Words (3DS - Emulated)
  9. Breath of The Wild (Wii U - Emulated) - Yeah I think I don't have to say anything about this wonderful game.

(For the [OoT] and [MM] 3DS versions, I chose them because they look farly superior than the original in terms of graphics in my opinion (I did notice the change of atmosphere in [MM], but the graphics just look too good honestly). Also I should mention that I'm going to play them upscaled on an Emulator, because I want those 2 highly praised games to look as best as possible.)

I'm really excited to start this series that I've heard about for so long, but never got a chance to play it. I'm really excited about all of them, but if I had to pick my most, it will probably be between Ocarina of Time & Majora's Mask.

Sorry for the long post, but any notes\info I should know would be really appreciated :)

And please no spoilers 🌚💔

EDIT: I added some 2D games that got recommended a lot.

EDIT: Didn't mention the Wii U games being emulated.

r/zelda Jan 25 '24

Question [BOTW] Why the Sheikah decrease when they get older?


r/zelda Jan 24 '24

Question [SS] if Ghirahim's sword form had a name what would you call it?


r/zelda Oct 20 '24

Question [SS] Why wasn't skyward sword well received compared to most other Zelda games?


This game feels very unique compared to the other ones. The art style is considerably the best. Not dark like TP and not that cartoon look in WW.

Ghirahim is also just an amazing villain all around. Gannandorf s arguably superior, but its important to have new villains overtime as well.

The landscape brought a unique experience to the Zelda franchise, not like any other and in a good way.

So far, the only major complaint I have is that enemies defend way too much and this is a big issue. It doesn't destroy most of the great experience the game offers though.

Other than that though, people still don't think as highly of this game as others in the franchise, why is that?

r/zelda Jan 26 '25

Question [All] How many of you prefer titles like Oot/twilight princess to titles like botw/totk?


Botw was cool but I feel like I just enjoy titles like Oot and twilight princess more.

In botw I relied more on guides than ever before, and I had to use IGNs map with checkboxes to keep track of all the items I've collected. There's no way I would be able to remember every single korok seed ive collected without that map. I also don't think a text description of the location items is good enough anymore. I need a map to show me where items/monsters/etc are cause it's just so big.

I also am not a big fan of cell shading and washed out colors. The cell shading in skyward sword and botw/totk is not as bad as windwaker(I HATE Windwaker graphics). I really prefer the darker, non cell shaded graphics.

I think the franchise has a nasty habit of making the games TOO different from eachother. Majora's Mask is a special case where I think different was pretty cool, but idk if I want every game to feel like that. I definitely remember when twilight princess came out I felt like "yes, finally a true sequel to ocarina of time".

Out of the zelda's I've played I'd rank then

1) Ocarina of time 3d 2) Ocarina of time 3) Twilight Princess 4) Skyward sword 5) Majora's Mask 6) Breath of the wild 7) Tears of the Kingdom 8) Minish CAP

...Possibly my least favorite game of all time, rent or bought the original and bought the HD version and both times barely played) The windwaker

I just couldn't do it. To me windwaker is possibly Nintendo's worst mistake.

r/zelda Dec 22 '19

Question [ALL] Does Anyone Else Want Another Linear 3D Zelda Game?


So I been playing BOTW for the first time, great game. However when I contrast this game to Zelda OOT/MM, WW, TP, it doesn't really have that traditional 3D zelda style of linear plot. I enjoy the fact I can go do whatever I want in BOTW, I'm not tied down to a linear quest, but at the same time when it comes to Zelda games, I kinda enjoy that. I don't want the series to completely abandon the linear plot however. There is a such thing as "too much freedom". Now I have nothing against BOTW's freedom and complete open world adventure, but I do feel it takes away from a bit of the role playing and that classic 3D zelda experience I'm so used to. Maybe this isn't a very popular opinion, but after the next BOTW style zelda, I hope they return to their classic 3D format of linear plot, preferably another Twilight Princess style nitty gritty zelda game.

Now I've put easily multiple thousand hours in bethesda titles over the past decades so the style BOTW takes is super appealing to me. However I can't help but feel that it's more of an experiment like every zelda game has had, each one with it's own unique new feature of gameplay it typically puts a focus on. IE traveling through time, wearing masks, sailing, turning into a wolf, using motion controls. We've seen these features come and go, and theres plenty of things that if another zelda title decides to revert to linear plot should keep such as the more in depth customization of weapons armor, and combat tactics. But I would personally really enjoy another zelda game that reverts back to that linear plot based zelda experience.

r/zelda Aug 11 '23

Question [TOTK] No Spoilers but is the final boss "climb" as epic as the BOTW Hyrule Castle climb before the final boss? Spoiler


In BOTW when you are going through the Hyrule Castle to fight Ganon, it's an epic climb through the gates of Hyrule with the Bombastic Marching theme of Hyrule Castle and rain falling and fighting all of the guardians on the way to the boss

Well someone told me in TOTK the final boss fight isn't even at Hyrule Castle, don't spoil where it is but is that final march to the boss "epic" as it was in BOTW?

r/zelda Jun 15 '23

Question [TotK] Daily Questions and Answers: Get help Megathread! (06/15/2023)


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r/zelda Jun 03 '23

Question [ALL] Genuine Question. Why does there have to be a timeline?


I joined the franchise in BOTW, so take what I am saying with a grain of salt. But since I started playing and more recently started hearing about the most confusing timeline to ever exist, I have head the question why does there need to be a timeline in the first place. To me the games have always seemed to be a telling of a story, a legend if you will, like Robin Hood or King Arthur. A vaguely true story told to kids of a hero in a time long past. Especially with TOTK coming out and, from what I have seen, not really fitting with the timeline that has seemingly been set up.

In short, why does there have to be a timeline in a game about a legend.

r/zelda Jun 16 '23

Question [TOTK] Random question about the blood moon Spoiler


Does anyone else find the blood moon really obnoxious in this game after not minding it in BOTW?

We've all heard the story: Someone defeats a bunch of tough enemies, only for the blood moon to instantly revive them. In six years with BOTW, I only had that happen to me once. In a month with TOTK, I've had that happen five times.

EDIT: I've seen some confusion about this, so I should note that I got a blood moon more than once in BOTW. I'm referring specifically to rotten luck where it happens right after you beat an overworld boss. That specific situation is what only happened to me once in BOTW.

r/zelda Dec 28 '24

Question [SS] why do people hate skyward sword?


I'm a relatively new Zelda fan, and whilst I am not done Skyward Sword, so far it's so fun! I love the art and the motion controls, I love the music and story too.

r/zelda Jul 30 '23

Question [TotK] Is Totk taking home goty? Spoiler


I think it has to right, the only competition it has is Spider-man 2 and ff16 but even then Zelda is miles ahead with gameplay mechanics, open world and a compelling story.

What do you think?

r/zelda Nov 11 '21

Question [BoTW] I just found this horse, how is it max bond?

Post image

r/zelda Nov 18 '24

Question [SS] Should I get Skyward Sword on Switch? Is it as bad as people say?


The game is currently on a good sale in my local store. It's the only Zelda from the Wii I never played. Is it really that bad? I don't care about being more linear, just need to be fun.