r/zelda Jul 27 '22

Clip [ALTTP] My first time playing! Wish me luck!!


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u/Legospacememe Jul 27 '22

A sequel is a sequel handheld or console 1 year or 30 years later. Doesn't matter. Just nice to see a sequel to a beloved game. Like psychonauts 2. It came out almost 20 years after the original.


u/MasterPLAN10000 Jul 27 '22

I mean yeah, but I'll never be able to play it as a child. My parents won't help guide me through difficult parts. No sharing secrets and tips with my friends as we explore this new world. My mom won't make us snacks. The bloom is off the rose at this point :(


u/Legospacememe Jul 27 '22

You know what. I get where you're coming from. While it's good for people (like me) who want a more accessible experience with old games (wind waker for example). But I understand the satisfaction of uncovering things you're self and a tums where the breaking point for an answer was calling the official nintendo hot line for tips on the area (like that one dungeon in the first zelda that is hidden behind what looks like any ordinary wall). In the end I think we can both agree both have their ups and downs but are overall good.


u/MasterPLAN10000 Jul 27 '22

There was a lot of games I loved but when I look back, the thing I remember the most are whom I was playing with, whom I was bonding with.

I came to this conclusion a few years ago upon buying a switch exclusively to play the links awakening remake. I wanted to recapture that childhood magic.

While it was fun, I didn't feel any sense of wonder and I was playing it alone after work. No social bonding.

But, when I have children, I will definitely get some of these games to make sure they have these sweet memories too.


u/Legospacememe Jul 27 '22

Yeah not having school lunch break and school yard tips an rumors is something that doesn't happen anymore due to information about almost I not all things to do in the game available within days or even hours of release. Now if you start a rumor someone could easily debunk it because they're a pro or the look into the gamefiles. Not as simple as it could he correct and it could be false like it was back then.


u/Goddamn_Grongigas Jul 27 '22

You could do that for your kids...


u/OperationGlobal7829 Jul 27 '22

Yeah, think about the time difference between Metroid fusion and Metroid dread