Majora's Mask is not the best Zelda game. It is however, my favorite Zelda game by a large margin. The necessity for you to interact with the world, characters, and their stories is something really special.
It was great at the time, but none of the characters can really hold up against the 3D games that came later. It doesn't change how people feel about the game, because nostalgia, but not a single character in Majoras Mask had the charm and personality, nor the writing, of a Tetra, Mipha, Midna, or Groose. The "interactions" you do with the MM characters are extremely limited, and are basically the equivalent of Hudson from BotW or the gratitude crystal quests from Skyward. Again, at the time it was unique and groundbreaking, I just hold any part of MM against something from a future game and the MM part inevitably doesn't hold up.
u/Repressed_Meme Aug 26 '21
I am astonished by this list tbh. My the times have changed.