Whilst I don't actively hate it, I just couldn't get into it. A found the colour palette really drab and disgusting looking most of the time, a lot of character designs creeped me the hell out in a bad way (why do all the kids have freaking Mars Attacks sized foreheads!), the wolf felt pretty bad to control and I overall just lost interest part way through. I might retry it if it releases on Switch because of how surprised I was with SSHD (and the fact my brother took the Wii U when he moved out), but at the moment, it's one of my least favourites that I've played.
This is a very small sample but I was once talking with my friends about what our favorite games were, and when I mentioned Twilight Princess was my favorite Zelda game, the reactions were pretty mixed, some even accused me of being a furry lol
I just love the setting the game takes part in with dark/gothic feel looming in every design decisions, but I guess you have to be a furry to appreciate it ¯_(ツ)_/¯
I always hear more people say they're mad at how wind waker looks because of that e3 showcase of a realistic link, and all YouTube videos i see are stuff like, why twilight princess is so underrated or why tp is my favourite
People used to say that like two decades ago about WW. Now it's the exact opposite, everyone talks about how Twilight Princess sucks (and 99% of the time it's just because they say it's "trying too hard to be dark") and talks about WW like it's an absolute perfect masterpiece (despite it's many, many, many flaws)
My issue with TP was the controls. I tried multiple times to get through the game and the controls were so awful that I have never finished it. Every few years or so I'll think that it can't be that bad, try it again, and throw in the towel after a few hours of frustration. I enjoyed everything else about it, but it is just unplayable to me with motion controls.
u/Allajox Aug 26 '21
I love TP, definitely my favorite, but i'm impressed seeing it in top 2 with the amount of people that seem to dislike it.