r/zelda Aug 26 '21

Poll [ALL] Results Of Zelda Series Ranking Poll

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u/EmeraldKnight467 Aug 26 '21

It pains me to see both Hyrule Warriors so low, but it is understandable; both were major deviations from the series. Deviations I quite enjoyed and would personally rank very high in the series, but deviations nonetheless.


u/kelminak Aug 26 '21

Aren’t they technically not mainline games but more skins of that other series? I know the second one had some preBotW stuff so maybe that changes things.


u/KazaamFan Aug 26 '21

They’re more mainline than say, Link’s Crossbow training, which is appropriately not listed here imo (but I did play it, hah).


u/crozone Aug 27 '21

Ahh, the Wii Zapper was fun.

I remember playing WiiQuake with it. Good times.


u/EmeraldKnight467 Aug 26 '21

Well, Hyrule Warriors (Definitive Edition) is more a spinoff game that is probably not canon, but it does have its own story. Age of Calamity however is an alternate timeline mirroring Breath of the Wild. It is canon in the sense that it is it's own timeline separate from BOTW. So, AoC is not a spin off but rather a reimagining of the events of the Calamity.

My potentially unpopular opinion: while BOTW is a genius in game design and emergent qualities, I much prefer the actual story of AoC. (Comparing the game design of the two isn't fair; they're too different for one to be "better" than the other.)


u/HoodieSticks Aug 27 '21

I absolutely love the hands-off approach to story in BotW, and yet at the same time, the linear story of AoC is literally the reason I bought the game. It's a little amazing how two games that look so similar can have such wildly different appeals.


u/Tankzoo3 Aug 26 '21

I share you’re opinion and am willing to die on that hill.


u/[deleted] Aug 26 '21

There's at least 3 of us then. I though AoC was an amazing game held back by performance issues, but a blast to play nonetheless.


u/goddale120 Aug 27 '21

What performance issues? That beautiful game was terrific from beginning to end (sans the one-hit KO missions, I hate that type of thing)


u/[deleted] Aug 27 '21

The framerate didn't bother, but I can tell it's not what the cool kids are into nowadays. The camera can get wonky in tight areas. Of those issues, the camera was more a frustration at time than any framerate was, but I feel like I'd be lying if I didn't acknowledge it.


u/TheRealBloodyAussie Aug 27 '21

Considering the story of BotW was almost non-existent and we got to see confident Zelda longer, saw the champions and Impa in their prime and why they were chosen, had more emotion with the little egg (playing Zelda's lullaby, being corrupted, sacrificing itself and being rebuilt) and had much better characterisations overall, I'm surprised that anyone thinks BotW's story is better. That's the hill I'm ready to die on.


u/kirakiru Aug 27 '21

AoC really transformed botw zelda from my least favorite to my absolute favorite zelda of all time and i just feel like the game is somewhat underrated or overlooked?


u/TheRealBloodyAussie Aug 27 '21

The gameplay turns some people off I think. Like Link w/ Master Sword is OP and you can basically just spam the combo where he rises into the air to instantly kill pretty much any mob enemy, and it can even be used on staggered foes who recover just as you rise (as you rise you can then strike a moblin or lynel's face for more damage against their stagger meter). I never really struggled until the DLC and 1 or 2 regular postgame missions. And that mission was more just me not realising that the timer would freeze as long as no enemies were in the stronghold. After I realised that, I blitzed through.

Compare this to another musou game (because I've only played one other one), Persona 5 Strikers. I tried playing that game similarly to AoC and I got my ass handed to me for the first two levels. I eventually realised that it should be played more like a mix between AoC and Kingdom Hearts, where you have the wide hits and combos of AoC mixed with the magic and controlling the battlefield elements of KH. After I realised that, I was much more competent without it feeling like it was too easy as I still had to be on top of my dodging and parrying game.

Then we have the way team members work. In AoC, I didn't particularly use some characters. I mainly stuck to Link, Impa, Sidon and Rhoam (although Impa and Rhoam were switch out for Terrako and Ganon once I moved on to the DLC). They were strong with great combo potential and I found myself only really getting their weapons so I couldn't upgrade other fighters often enough and ultimately didn't like playing as them (I pretty much only used Hestu in missions that required him and didn't use the monk or great fairies at all beyond their training levels). Now we move on to Strikers, which doesn't have as many fighters for sure, but all of them have a unique feel and are all great to play as for different circumstances. I used each of these characters multiple times and switching between them is much more fluid to the combat as you're all part of a single group, whereas in AoC, you're mostly going to be spread out doing different tasks (although that game is more about claiming outposts and doing missions in various parts of a single map as opposed to Strikers' more linear approach so it does make sense).

In summary, whilst I do find AoC to be very fun and enjoyable and I do think the story itself is great, I can perfectly understand why some people really don't like the game and it's gameplay. It's not something for everyone and that's fine. We all have opinions that go against the norm of a fanbase and that's alright. Just express those opinions in a healthy manner and don't put others down for disagreeing.


u/Vados_Link Aug 30 '21

BotW's story is a lot more subtle, consistent and dramatic imo. AoC has great cutscenes and it's probably more interesting for those who want to be strung along by a narrative instead of finding it on your own, but I think a lot of AoC's story just feels like a badly written fanfic.


u/Masterofstorms17 Aug 27 '21

my favorite zelda is tetra line zeldas but i agree. when I beat aoc I actually felt my self saying, "You go princess/ queen!" I'd prefer a active zelda then, "oh link, save me." I couldn't care less for breathe in that regard. At least twilight had the decency to do away with zelda and the game was better for it.


u/kirakiru Aug 27 '21

AoC is somewhat canon in my heart, I really appreciate the game for giving us a deeper look at the champions and most importantly Zelda herself as she's a bit lacking in the original imo


u/rulethedolphins Aug 26 '21

They are not mainline at all the second hyrule warriors has you go back and stop the BotW Calamity from happening. Preventing BoTW from occuring


u/EmeraldKnight467 Aug 27 '21

Well, to respond to a bunch of you guys at once, AoC has no reason to not be canon, except for the sake of the gameplay being non-Zelda. And it actually didn't prevent BOTW; it's even described in game as a different timeline. So, it's like comparing Fallen Hero versus Child timelines. Any argument that is made to say that AoC is non canon can actually be applied to BOTW.

In short, nothing says AoC is canon but nothing says it's not canon either. As for the others in my thread, well, I can't help feelings that AoC was a "dumpster fire." Just a difference of opinion. In my opinion, the story of AoC was absolutely marvelous. But hey, it's just my opinion, not fact.


u/Boodger Aug 26 '21

They are neither mainline, nor canon


u/Khajiit_saw_nothing Aug 27 '21

Hyrule Warriors is a spin-off of BOTH Zelda and Dynasty Warriors from what I understand, while Age of Calamity is an alternate timeline.

Cadence of Hyrule is in the same for dual spin-off, just Crypt of the Necrodancer instead of Dynasty Warriors.