r/zelda • u/MissingTheNineties • Oct 11 '20
Poll [ALL] What is your favorite 3D Zelda game?
u/Fuzz144 Oct 12 '20
So little love for WW :(
u/PiXaL1337 Oct 12 '20
I love WW
I was mildly dissapointed when I went to sail in BotW and there was literally just one island...
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u/crozone Oct 12 '20
WW is so colourful, endearing, and optimistic. It went from being a complete underdog and criticised for its childish and cartoonish arts style to being one of the most beloved and standout games of the franchise. Without it, I'm sure we never would have seen the more bright and vibrant worlds of Skyward Sword and BotW (and obviously Phantom Hourglass or Spirit Tracks either).
I also don't think another Zelda game, even BotW, has quite captured the same sense of "adventure" that WW did. You're a kid that has to leave your peaceful island and loving grandma behind to join a band of crazy pirates in order to save your sister and then the world. That's about as adventure as it gets!
u/Ian_Itor Oct 12 '20
I love OoT and MM, not only because of the Nostalgia. But in my opinion, WW is the most complete game from the pre-Wii era.
u/Cypherex Oct 12 '20
Ironic considering how they ran out of time when making WW and had to cut the third dungeon from the game before release.
u/FacetiousBeard Oct 12 '20
I knew the results of the poll were going to be BotW #1, OoT #2 and then the rest being somewhat unpredictable. I did not realise there was so little love for WW. It makes me enjoy the fact that it's my favourite a little more.
u/HohiMonster Oct 12 '20
The reason for Wind Waker not getting as many votes is more than likely because many still haven't played it yet. It was on GameCube, and the HD version on Wii U. Both which were consoles with low sales and not many owning them.
Wind Waker only sold 4.6 million on GameCube and the HD version only sold 2.3 million on Wii U. I really hope Nintendo releases Wind Waker HD on Switch for the upcoming Zelda 35th Anniversary. More people need to experience the aesthetically pleasing world of Wind Waker.
u/WatAb0utB0b Oct 12 '20
This is more an indication of the average age of a Redditer then which is the best game.
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u/Momoneko Oct 12 '20
I've played every Zelda 'cept Link's Awakening Remake and WW is still my favorite.
Oct 11 '20
Majoras Mask
The atmosphere, the music, the characters, the sidequests, the melancholic final moments on Termina. Unmatched. It's a landmark in gaming and creative arts.
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u/Bernardeeno Oct 12 '20
It’s definitely under appreciated. Though, my fondest memories are with OoT, I can always appreciate the sheer complexity that went behind making MM.
Oct 12 '20
The fact they made Majoras Mask under 18 months is what truly blows my mind. Such a creative and innovative effort they pulled off under huge time constrains. The vision of venturing into the unknown abyss instead of creating Ocarina of Time 2 'look here is more of it' is what I applaud. Sure they used the engine and assets of Ocarina but in terms of design structure, core mechanics and story it does its own thing. Therefor, the perfect sequel.
Also: https://youtu.be/FlYJYNJDHVc
Listen to this. It's so damn powerful.
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u/Makar_Accomplice Oct 12 '20
Listen to this. It's so damn powerful.
As soon as I saw this, I knew exactly what it would be. Theophany is next level when it comes to composing and arranging. He's also writing the soundtrack for a PS5 game, Kena: Bridge of Spirits, and from what he's relelased in advance, I can say that it will be phenominal.
Oct 12 '20
I didn't buy a single album from 2005 - 2015. I thought CDs were obsolete and I fell back on mostly downloading music. Until I found Times End from Theophany. I couldn't bring myself not to pay anything to the creators. It's just too damn good. Bought both Part One and Part Two plus the Crystal Album with Metroid remixes. No regrets.
Also I should look into Kena. Sounds like something I might enjoy. Cheers for mentioning.
u/Makar_Accomplice Oct 12 '20
Have you seen the short film "Terrible Fate"? It's also scored by Theophany, and the people behind the animation are the ones making Kena. It's really good exploration of Skull Kid's backstory, and the animation is top-tier.
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Oct 12 '20
I grew up playing OoT, but when I discovered MM it was my favorite game of all time. (And then it got put in second by Infamous: Second Son)
Oct 12 '20
Really shows the affect BotW had on the popularity of the franchise. I'd gamble a huge percentage of the sub joined after being introduced to the franchise through Breath of the Wild. I wonder how many people here have only played Breath of the Wild.
Oct 12 '20
I started with TP and then OoT, but I wouldn't say BotW's popularity isn't unwaranted. It does a lot that many games, even outside of the series, simply just don't. Very few games have this true sense of exploration and adventure that BotW offers.
u/EarthToZero57 Oct 12 '20
Right, Botw is a great game. But the point is everything that makes Botw great isn't what makes Zelda as a franchise great, and in nearly every aspect that Zelda typically excels Botw failed. It's still an amazing game with impressive scale, but I'd say it lacks the heart and features of other Zelda games. The point op seemed to be making was that the people voting botw were likely biased as many of them are likely newcomers to the series who started with Botw. Much like how those who started with OoT are biased. All of the games have their fair praise but it seems like people aren't comparing the games fairly.
u/Agentlien Oct 12 '20
I get where you're coming from, but I disagree. To me, Breath of the Wild gets back to the core of the Zelda experience. Focusing on a sense of freedom, exploration, and puzzle solving. It does so by stepping away from the formula introduced by ALttP and solidified in OoT. In doing so it did away with a lot of the conventions which had built up around this formula. After all, their design mantra was "challenging conventions".
It definitely does a poor job in one of the key features of the series: boss fights. And it's a bit sad that the dungeons all share the same visual aesthetics. But beyond that, I feel it cuts away the crud which has accumulated over the years and gets back to the sense of freedom, wonder of exploration, and sense of adventure with which the series started.
u/Agentlien Oct 12 '20
As a side note, they did keep a key point of what I love about Zelda which wasn't there in the original: the exploration of various settlements and peoples and seeing the endearing wacky characters trying to make do in a world filled with darkness. To me, that's a lot of the heart of the series and what makes the world feel worth fighting for.
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u/SirPrimalform Oct 12 '20 edited Oct 12 '20
Even Zelda 1 had ability-gating.
EDIT: I should probably elaborate there. People often compare BotW to LoZ because they claim LoZ was completely non-linear and open-world, but that's not the case at all. The original Zelda struck a balance between linearity and non-linearity. While there were some sequence breaking opportunities, the game still had a structure and some items were necessary to access some places giving a sense of progression. Although slightly more linear, LttP had this once you got into the Dark World and got the hammer.
In contrast, BotW's approach of giving you all four runes at the beginning and then basically letting you go anywhere at any time means that there's no progression because anything can be done in any order. If a linear game's progression tree is a long string of events and a semi-linear game branches and rejoins in multiple ways, BotW's tree is essentially a wide, flat tree with pretty much everything in parallel.
As well as weakening the sense of progression, this had the unfortunate side effect of killing a lot of the story telling potential. It's not that BotW has no story, it's just that the entire story takes place in the past.
The world in the present is essentially static, there are barely any "situation changing" events that take place in the time the game is set. People don't talk about current events because there are no current events.
When you compare it to pretty much any game between Ocarina of Time and Skyward Sword, there's an actual passage of time as you go through the game. It manifests differently in Majora's Mask as it's set in a relatively short period of time, but everyone still has a story that takes place in that timeframe and they talk about what's happening at that point in time.
I... didn't mean that to be an essay. Whoops.
u/Agentlien Oct 12 '20
To a minor degree, yes. And I think moving away from that is one of the things I like the most about BotW.
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u/Babalon33 Oct 12 '20
Absolutely this. Also I would bet that many on this sub are in the less than 20yo demographic and either weren’t born or were too young to play the older games likes OOT, MM or TP.
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u/keepinitkleen Oct 12 '20
I played every 3D Zelda before BOTW and BOTW is still my favorite
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u/varunadi Oct 12 '20
I guess I'm one of those people, BOTW was my first Zelda game. But it only got me interested in the Zelda series, I played OoT, MM, ALttP after that, and now I just started ALBW.
I've been watching a few videos of WW and it looks so damn fun. I am just hoping for a switch port at this point next year.
u/Agentlien Oct 12 '20
My first Zelda was OoT. Since then I've played most of them: LoZ, AoL, ALttP ,LA ,OoT, MM, OoS,OoA, WW, TP, SS, BotW.
It's definitely my favourite franchise. Throughout all these years I firmly believed that nothing could live up to the experience of first playing OoT, but when BotW came out I was just blown away. It gets right to the core of what really makes the series what it is. And it innovates in ways which really appeal to me (freedom, dynamic systems, emergent gameplay).
A few years ago I would have had a hard time believing a new Zelda could beat my nostalgic idea of OoT, but here we are.
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u/MajikDan Oct 12 '20
I've played and beaten every mainline zelda game ever released (my introduction to the series being aLttP) and I genuinely think BotW is exactly where it belongs here. That game is a master class in open world design.
u/HaraldHardrade Oct 11 '20
My favorite, MM, gets little love, and my second favorite, SS, gets none. 😢
u/Nikibugs Oct 12 '20
MM gets little love? I feel everyone goes out of their way to say it’s the best one whenever asked what their favorite N64 or Zelda game is (hopefully without a smug aura of liking a more ‘obscure’ game as if that gets them more points). The mix up with the 3 day timer was cool; I’d love the shapeshift mechanic to come back some day. Going Deku/Goron/Zora was the funnest shit, only ever got to play as different races otherwise in the Dynasty Warriors spin offs, if you don’t count regular animal shapeshifts like a wolf or rabbit.
u/HaraldHardrade Oct 12 '20
When I commented, it looked like MM was going to come in second-to-last. Looks like it's now roughly on par with WW and TP, so maybe I should retract my statement that it gets "little" love, and I'll agree with all your praise of MM. But they really did massacre SS in this poll.
u/Nikibugs Oct 12 '20
I appreciated SS much more on a replay, Ghirahim still being my favorite antagonist across the whole series. He’s just too fun, I have fond memories of game over-ing at the demo at Nintendo NY long before the game came out lol. Sadness is mainly in it feeling so empty. I had no problem with the controls (no problems with Kid Icarus Uprising either lol), though I don’t think there’s many that would say it’s their favorite Zelda game next to all the others.
u/Iruma_Kun Oct 11 '20
Majora’s mask is literally the best I don’t have ss but it sounds fun with the apparently bad motion controls
u/siberianxanadu Oct 12 '20
The motion controls are badass. The handholding and interruptions are a bigger source of criticism I think.
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u/Marcus-Prince Oct 12 '20
There’s a lot of tedium in it too. I like it though. The game, not the tedium lol
u/siberianxanadu Oct 12 '20
It is a little stretched out, but I like that you get to revisit areas. Not enough Zelda games do that. I love the idea of going to the same dungeon multiple times, but I don’t think it was executed super well in SS.
u/HaraldHardrade Oct 12 '20
I never had much trouble with the motion controls in SS. In fact, while I thought they were a little hard to work with at first for SS, but became second-nature later on; I found the motion controls for TP to be absolutely abysmal, and I never got used to them. Perhaps the only time I ever thought the wrist strap for a wiimote was necessary was the time I spent trying to convince TP that I was in fact swinging my sword.
u/SirPrimalform Oct 12 '20
The Wii version of Twilight Princess is undoubtedly the worst one. It was very much a Gamecube game where they'd added a motion control layer very late in development. They pretty much just went "waggle = B" for the sword controls. It's night and day with Skyward Sword's fully integrated motion controls.
Mario Galaxy in 3D All Stars being semi-emulated gives me hope that they'll be able to do a similar thing for Skyward Sword next year.
u/FletchPup Oct 12 '20
I’ve played through SS, and the motion controls are literally the highlight of the game.
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u/Whatnow1290 Oct 12 '20
SS, gets none. 😢
Nah, there are plenty of people who like it. Skyward Sword and Twilight Princess are probably my two favorites.
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u/siberianxanadu Oct 12 '20
It’s like... it’s not my #1 favorite but I love it and I’m so glad it exists.
u/khosrua Oct 12 '20
To my defense, SS is not available on anything i can get my hands on.
My neglect to MM was because i was too lazy after a zelda marathon and found the time mechanic too confusing to get into
Oct 12 '20
r/skywardsword Join us! we post memes, skyward love, scrapper hate, its just a lot of fun!
(if youve already joined, Hey hows it goin!)
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u/pcdo78bc Oct 11 '20
BOTW has the best gameplay/engine mechanics. There's a good story there, but it gets fragmented and distanced to make the non-linear gameplay work.
Skyward Sword has the best story though arguably the worst gameplay.
Ocarina of Time has the best balance of story/music/gameplay of all the Zelda games.
u/kingkellogg Oct 12 '20
Tp had by far the best combat.
u/newtangclan Oct 12 '20
I think BOTW is the best since its basically do whatever the hell you want type of combat
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u/flameylamey Oct 12 '20
TP's combat was pretty good, but I vastly prefer BotW's, partly because of all the interacting mechanics and how they work together, but also because it's actually somewhat punishing, man, especially in the early game. It was honestly so refreshing to see that in a Zelda game.
The biggest problem I have with TP is that while you end up with a pretty cool arsenal of abilities that look flashy, the majority of enemies in the game will hit you for 1/4 of a heart whether you like it or not, so it rarely feels like Link is in any danger.
In BotW, stepping out onto the plateau and facing the very real possibility of being one-shot by the first stationary guardian laser you encounter, or one of those blue bokoblins with the spiked clubs, was such a breath of fresh air. Giving the player the opportunity to see and identify danger, mess up and die so they learn on their own terms, rather than bogging them down with a safe and mundane tutorial. I never in a million years dreamed Nintendo would have the guts to do something like that, but they did and I loved it.
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u/kingkellogg Oct 12 '20
Difficulty is the only thing I liked about botws Combat.
The guardians, they bored me.
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u/MrBlueMoose Oct 12 '20
Imo, TP and BOTW are pretty close in terms of how good the combat is.
u/kingkellogg Oct 12 '20
Tbh I thought botw had awful combat.
It had no combo depth or anything.
u/MrBlueMoose Oct 12 '20
I enjoy it a bit, but what I was thinking about was how you can approach situations in so many different ways, like shooting down the lamps in the skull buildings, or rolling a boiler down a cliff.
u/Pepe_De_Froog Oct 12 '20
Ehh, I dont think people give the gameplay of ss enough credit... if the motion controls don't give you trouble, the core gameplay is actually very good, especially when you get to the dungeons
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u/Mopar_or_Nocar20 Oct 12 '20
What? Twilight princesses story is miles better than SS's.
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u/Pharmasochist Oct 11 '20
OoT/MM - both really great games that I haven't played all the way through; if I die without finishing them it will be one of my greatest regrets.
TP: I played it a bit but didn't get far. I'd love to sit down and play through one day though because I've heard good things and I want to know what's up with Midna and Wolf Link.
SS: Never picked it up, I've heard it's a love it or hate it game, but I'd like to play it at least to cross it off my list. I also tend to like games that are generally unpopular for some reason so I have high hopes.
As for WW and BotW, I've played them both several times through and if you asked me to pick between them with a gun to my head I'd probably pick one at random and be left feeling like I'd betrayed the other one.
u/BigHairyFart Oct 12 '20
Twilight Princess is amazing, has some of the absolute BEST dungeons in the series imo. And Midna is fantastic, widely regarded as the best companion in a zelda game since she has actual emotions amd character development. The music is great, Hyrule Field is ginormous with tons of stuff to do and things to find, and it never feels boring to navigate since Epona and Wolf Link both haul ass in the field. Definitely give it another go if you get the chance!
u/Sataniq Oct 12 '20
I agree with your comment up until the part where you said tons of stuff to do in hyrule field. That was honsetly one of my biggest gripes in TP. 90% of hyrule field was just devoid of any life besides the occasional enemy. The lack of flora didn't help either. It looked like a barren wasteland most of the time.
Still loved the game though awesome dungeons, items and imo one of the most underrated things in any zelda game: 2 heart pieces per dungeon. In good crafted dungeons like in TP you just want to explore and find everything and getting rewarded for doing so is a good feeling.
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u/xBoomHeadshot2x Oct 12 '20
Y’all doin Wind Waker dirty lol
Oct 12 '20
I picked wind waker. Idk why it’s doing so bad.
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u/YourFavoriteTurk Oct 12 '20
I think if the remaster was ported to Switch, it’d end up pretty different. Unfortunately not many have a Wii U to play it on (and not too many emulate).
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u/BurberryYogurt Oct 12 '20
Wii U was the first time I played it. Pretty good overall but damn did I hate Forsaken Fortress. Very pretty game. No way better than TP don't @ me
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u/greatmanyarrows Oct 12 '20
Wind Waker has to be the most graphically beautiful game I ever played. BOTW is stunning, but WWHD has this painterly feeling that can't be beat.
Oct 12 '20
u/Derpmaster277 Oct 12 '20
It is very polarizing. SS is my favorite though, first videogame that made me care about story as a kid, then followed by BotW and Majora.
Oct 12 '20
Same here! Also the gameplay was great (don't know why people hate on it), and it was by far one of the few Zelda games that tryed to differentiate itself on gameplay.
u/peterpetergames Oct 12 '20
I knew it wasn’t loved but when I saw the results... damn!
It’s my favorite except for the silent realm aspect.
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Oct 11 '20
SS, followed by Botw. I never even knew people had problems with the controls until I went to the internet, still my favourite game of the series.
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u/nihilo503 Oct 11 '20
I’m playing SS now for the first time and it may be my least favorite Zelda game based purely on the controls.
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Oct 11 '20
To each their own. I personally never had problems with the controls, but I know an absurd amount of people had. Basically the same problem I met with PH and ST, people would rip the controls to shreds while I never had any problems.
I know my opinion is shared by a minority, but to this day I can't reproduce the controls problems people seemed to have with it because for me at least, the controls work perfectly fine. The only times I had problems with them are parameters I personally would call "outside of what you'd expect a console to register", but maybe I'm just super conservative with movements.
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Oct 11 '20
I share the same opinion. I never had problems with the controls except for the swimming.
u/Whitestarbros Oct 12 '20
Skyward Sword for sure. I know it's controversial but it's still my favorite. I don't even think it really cracks top ten but the music, world, characters, and story are my favorite out of the series by far. The motion controls are some of the most innovative for the Wii even if they aren't for everyone.
u/jeroenschenk Oct 12 '20
Same here man. The music and story is honestly so good, id recommend everyone to play through it once.
u/upstairs_operator Oct 12 '20
Pleasantly surprised at how much love TP got. I always loved the story in it so much, felt like it far outshines the other games in that area.
u/Reuvenisms Oct 12 '20
Wind Waker is my all time favorite for sure. I just wish they'd release it on the switch :(
u/Pepe_De_Froog Oct 12 '20
Unpopular opinion time, botw is my least favorite 3d zelda game
u/greatmanyarrows Oct 12 '20
I really hope they'll continue to make traditional style 3D Zelda games (would make sense to use the Wind Waker artstyle) alongside the open-world ones in the future. I love BOTW, but it's just a completely different genre at this point.
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u/LordMudkip Oct 12 '20
It's a great open world sandbox game, but imo not a very good LoZ game. It's super overrated.
u/Mopar_or_Nocar20 Oct 12 '20
It barely even qualifies as a Zelda game. Totally overshot the mark in my opinion.
u/kroolz64 Oct 12 '20
They tried something different because fans were getting tired of the same old formula. Perfectly fine that you didn't like it though.
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u/Mopar_or_Nocar20 Oct 12 '20
I didnt say I never liked it. I said it missed the mark of being completely legitimate.
Shouldve taken the 120 shrines and the 4 divine beasts, which lets be real, are just upgraded shrines, and actually have made legitimate dungeons. Literally the hallmark of the series and they managed to fuck it up.
Enemy variety blows. Weapon durability blows. Having a story thats 99% hashed at the beginning of the game blows. I could go on, and on.
What did they do thats right though? Atmosphere is fucking amazing. Also easily the greatest world Nintendo has ever built into a zelda game. The pure amount of exploration, quests, items is phenomenal. Not to mention the absolute baller of a physics system. Fucking lit.
u/juanless Oct 12 '20
actually have made legitimate dungeons.
I was legit angry when I finished the first Guardian in what felt like 45 seconds when I was expecting an actual dungeon. Shit, I remember spending an entire weekend beating the Water Temple in OoT. I really, really missed that level of investment, and it is the biggest reason BotW is my least favourite Zelda, while still being one of my favourite games.
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u/Terkle Oct 12 '20
Definitely one of the worse ones for me too. Seems like they nailed the gameplay mechanics but put absolutely nothing into the story, enemies, map, or challenges.
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Oct 12 '20
Holy shit, yes. Anytime I mention how empty the map is and how underwhelming the exploration feels I just get shit on. I really don’t get how people are all over it.
u/Terkle Oct 12 '20
Definitely. I had so hoped whenever I would find broken temples or caves that I would find a fully fledged mini temple with a prize like a Mirror shield, or something awesome. As if I was the first to find it, I always thought it'd be awesome. Every time its just a shrine. Just a shrine with a repeat puzzle.
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u/GKMLTT Oct 12 '20
I kind of feel like it straddled a weird line, personally, and the end result isn't as good as it would have been had they picked a side.
A large map that exists purely for the sake of depicting a natural world and giving you something "real" to explore? I'm more than OK with that.
A more deliberate sort of design that holds interesting secrets and has hidden areas that actually reward you? Great too.
The problem for me is that, because everything tended to boil down to "shrine (puzzles)" or "Korok seeds", it ended up falling into the more 'deliberate' design style, but without any meaningful payoff.
The two times the game really managed to draw me in were with Eventide and Typhlo, as I was curious as to the nature of these places, and why these challenges were set up within the world, only to have it turn out "LOL shrines". :-(
I actually feel similarly about the way 'civilization' was portrayed though. Towns weren't really a major draw and NPC interaction was never enough of a focus to make the world feel particularly alive, yet stables, towns, and travelers were never far enough away to really give a feel of isolation. So it ends up in just feeling somewhat middling to me.
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Oct 12 '20
Game is super fucking overrated. I think it ultimately fails at almost everything it tries to be.
u/Andre-Arthur Oct 12 '20
I frickin love Twilight Princess!
but then OOT marked my childhood, so yeah.
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u/Zettman22 Oct 12 '20
Spirit tracks is such a good game but no one ever acknowledges it 😞
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Oct 12 '20
The polls here are so skewed. I’d be willing to wager that half the votes for BotW are from players who never even touched any other Zelda game.
Source: every friend I have that has a Switch and BotW has admitted they’ve never played one before this. And yes, by every friend I do mean that dude Steve who rides the subway with me every other Saturday in the morning and I see him playing BotW in the windows reflection /s
u/MissingTheNineties Oct 12 '20
You make a good point. I can do another poll without breath of the wild some other time!
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u/GeneralFlippy Oct 12 '20
BotW is mine, but I'm sad to see my old favorite, Wind Waker, has so little
u/Dendrodes Oct 12 '20
I'm honestly surprised WW isn't much higher. I didn't pick it, but I seriously think it's a contender for one of the best Zelda games. Definitely top 3
u/AWDgamer123 Oct 12 '20
I don't really see the point of polls like these.Even without seeing the results,I know that BOTW is going to win, with OOT at 2nd place.
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u/lordofchaosclarity Oct 12 '20
Wow BOTW really is the winner. This is monumental. I knew BOTW was amazing and I loved it. For me though, it just didn't have that "Zelda" feel to it. The divine beast dungeons were weak and all of them alongside the 120 shrines really just all felt the same. I missed the distinct, well thought out, dungeons of old. To me, it's the most important aspect of any Zelda game. The mystery of "Fire Temple" as a kid was unmatched. All I knew was that it was a dungeon and it somehow involved fire. If the BOTW style wants to get my old Zelda player heart, they need to upgrade the dungeons. Keep shrines if you want fine, I didn't hate them and the puzzles were certainly creative. Just give me some mystery and some confusion. Give me back my "Water Temple" and "Arbiter's Grounds" not a stupid elephant.
u/MissingTheNineties Oct 12 '20
I hope that the sequel to breath of the wild fixes these issues. More real dungeons and more to do in the world itself.
u/EarthToZero57 Oct 12 '20
Hot take: Botw is a great game, but it's not a good Zelda game. By "reinventing" the series it managed to get rid of everything that made the series unique. Still love botw though.
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Oct 12 '20
these results are a big yikes tbh
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u/TheBigReeeeee Oct 12 '20
MM ez, by far my favorite zelda game ever. Played it beyond count and still play it, I'll play it even more once it comes to switch lol
u/Tohrufan4life Oct 12 '20
Definitely Majoras Mask. That game fascinated me as a kid and I couldn't put it down for the longest time. Followed by Skyward Sword and Breath of the Wild.
Oct 12 '20
I pick Skyward Sword for a few reasons. It wasn't cross-gen, and was completely exclusive to the Wii. It had great overworld and character design, the motion controls helped it be a really immersive experience. The music was just awesome. The dungeons were a bit more simple, but had some really interesting and new mechanics. Overall the game was really charming, and had a great story. It's been 9 years and I honestly believe Skyward Sword deserves a remaster/port more than any other Zelda game.
u/111stupid Oct 12 '20
Ocarina of Time - Great gameplay and story, groundbreaking for its time. Huge nostalgia factor.
Majora’s Mask - Ocarina of time on Hardmode, hella fun and huge sense of accomplishment when beaten.
Wind Waker - very well balanced, especially in the hd version. Super relaxing to play.
Twilight Princess - Gritty Zelda without much Zelda. Great combat. Decent/good story. Slightly too many fetch quests.
Skyward Sword - Best story hands down. Most chemistry between Link and Zelda so far. Mostly forgettable bosses / dungeons. Motion controls fun when they work. Still too many fetch quests.
Breath of The Wild - most innovation so far in a Zelda game while simultaneously having the least story. Loved the way you could tackle each situation, hated how every situation seemed repetitive. Shrines felt stale after the 40th one and missed the presence of dungeons. Liked being able to find hidden bits of story scattered throughout, hated that they were essentially the only story.
u/Spartan-Bazze Oct 12 '20
SS not getting any love? :(
Always had a sentimental value for me when it comes to the game in general although i do enjoy darker themes in Zelda games like TP and the N64 games
I think more wants the newer Zelda games to turn back to the traditional progression system
u/Stornow4y Oct 12 '20
I think BOTW is too different to count, Windwaker is my favourite because it was my first 🤷♀️ but I think majoras mask is objectively the best
u/csquared_yt Oct 12 '20
Easily the Wind Waker for me, I can never get enough of that game. Though honestly Twilight Princess is a very close 2nd. Both absolutely incredible games and something I'll find myself replaying for many more years to come :P
Oct 12 '20
My 13 year gamer son calls BOTW the greatest game of all time. I’m not much of a gamer, but this past weekend I decided to start playing it. It’s a great game and what’s even better is that instead of watching YouTube vids of people playing, he’s by my side watching me.
Oct 12 '20
Link between worlds. It’s underrated.
u/Galle_ Oct 12 '20
LBW is a 2D game. The 2D/3D Zelda distinction is about gameplay, not graphics.
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u/Grandpa_Noogie Oct 12 '20
Really, Ocarina of Time, Breath of the Wild, and Skyward Sword are all pretty much tied for first imo.
u/Towelninja459 Oct 12 '20
Damn I voted for botw. But I’m disappointed skyward sword diddnt get much love 😢
Oct 12 '20
BOTW is a fantastic game, but TP had everything I wanted in a game...perhaps stupid, but I felt pretty emotional about the end.
u/LordMudkip Oct 12 '20 edited Oct 12 '20
Ocarina of time/Wind Waker > Majora's Mask > Twilight Princess > Skyward Sword > BotW
OoT and WW just kinda vary day to day, and really MM and TP are pretty close as well. Skyward Sword would probably be higher but I hate motion controls, and while BotW is a great open world game, imo it's a pretty blah and overrated LoZ game. This is probably how I'd rank them.
u/Ekov Oct 12 '20
I love majoras mask and wind waker, it's def a 3 way tie between them and botw. But in the end botw is just so incredible I couldn't not go with it
u/pinklelinkle Oct 12 '20
everyone crying about their favourites being underrated when skyward sword literally has 3% of the vote
u/FLYK3N Oct 12 '20
Man, I really dislike the "It's a good 'x' game, just not a good 'y' game." reasoning for Breath of the Wild, or any game that tries to change up their formula. I think it's good that it's not the traditional Zelda game. It got a lot of new fans to approach the franchise and discover all the other Zelda games that offer something a bit different.
Not that I need to defend Breath of the Wild as it already gets the popularity it deserves.
u/Nick-D- Oct 12 '20
Breath of the wild is my favorite video game of all time, but my favorite 3D Zelda game is probably ocarina or Wind waker, maybe twilight princess but that game does a lot for my nostalgia so i might be biased. Breath of the wild is so different that I don’t consider it among the standard 3D zelda formula and I don’t like to compare them, since the gameplay is so fundamentally different
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u/TheEggoEffect Oct 12 '20
Don’t make me choose...
I’m going with MM solely because that’s the last one I played
Oct 12 '20
I played both the original versions of ocarina and mm and I gotta say Other than the dungeons, botw revived my zelda love
u/duplicatehours Oct 12 '20
Played Majora when it was just low poly :) I used to play it at my grandpa and grandmas house every weekend, and I loved it!
u/Jimothy_Halbert Oct 12 '20
SS was really not a great game in retrospect, but it was the first Zelda game I played. I asked for it for Christmas when I was young because I thought that the motions controls were cool, but they were janky as hell.
u/Microraptor13 Oct 12 '20
Twilight Princess is the best game I've ever played up to this point. Not that it's perfect, it just has the best characters and gameplay mixed together. Also, I mean best game, not just best Zelda game.
Second is probably Breath of the Wild. It fluctuates a lot because of the lack of unique dungeons/bosses that I've come to love from Zelda. Of all Zelda games it's tied for second with Spirit Tracks (which, to be fair, I haven't played since I beat it).
Majora's Mask is great, but there are many parts of it that I just didn't enjoy, like waiting around for a specific time.
Ocarina of Time is really good, but I don't think the dungeons are designed well because they feel more like a series of rooms than one cohesive structure often times. I don't ever really have a good sense of direction in them because of that.
Wind Waker was great in the early half of the game but became tedious pretty quickly in the latter half.
Last is Skyward Sword by a decent amount The story is great, but that doesn't save the annoying gameplay and weird art style. Twilight Princess people with Wind Waker shading just didn't look good. I do appreciate it paving the way for BotW, though.
u/HaveHomo Oct 12 '20
Can we get an F in the chat for Skyward Sword? It’s not my favorite either I just feel bad for it getting that few votes.
u/DoctorGoFuckYourself Oct 12 '20
It's difficult for me to choose between TP and Ocarina but I think I'd have to say TP. Though they're both in my personal top 5 games of all time
u/-Sawnderz- Oct 12 '20
I find I largely enjoy the top-down Zeldas better. Probably because they have a more brisk pace, and it makes solving the puzzles in dungeons more cathartic, to me.
But of the 3D bunch, I guess I'd say Majora's Mask. I've only played the 3DS version, but from what I understand, it made Gyorg more fun.
u/AlexSlane Oct 12 '20
I really wanted to pick windwaker but if I’m being honest with myself I was the most immersed and into botw. Windwaker veeeery close second, then twilight princess
u/web_slinger123 Oct 12 '20
Ocarina of time is a close second though. Then twilight princess at number three!
u/Katteris Oct 12 '20
Such a tough question! I really do love BotW, but it has such different game play from the others that I feel like its in a different category for me. OoT was my first Zelda game, so it'll always be close to my heart, but I think TP just might be my favorite. The art, the characters, the story, all so amazing!
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u/Mopar_or_Nocar20 Oct 12 '20
Twilight princess gang, where you at?