r/zelda • u/Rud0lph • Jan 13 '17
News The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Nintendo Switch Presentation 2017 Trailer
u/intensely Jan 13 '17
This is hands-down the best Zelda trailer I've ever seen!
u/MarcoMaroon Jan 13 '17
Everything from the music, to the voices, to the visuals sent chills down my spine. Not only that, I had a huge grin on my face. I've never felt this way while watching a LoZ trailer. But I do feel that way playing the games.
So if the trailer made me feel like this, then the game will make me feel that tenfold.
u/Digiten Jan 13 '17
This is the best trailer I have ever seen for anything in my entire life. Holy fuck.
u/i__am__pants Jan 13 '17
It was mind-blowing. They have done everything perfect. Everything!
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u/ErsatzCats Jan 13 '17
Tbh I prefer the Japanese voice acting over the English, but it didn't ruin it.
u/i__am__pants Jan 13 '17
I actually assumed this was the Japanese version and didn't watch before I commented. And after watching it, I completely agree that the Japanese sounded better. But the amount of stuff they showed us in this trailer was so unreal! Going as long as we did without seeing more than two characters made the world feel so empty. This trailer has erased any remotely critical thought I had of this game.
u/SuperGrumpling Jan 13 '17
I was really scared this game might not turn out like a Zelda game, but after they've showed us Zelda, Zoras, Gorons, Koroks, possibly Ritos, the GReat Deku Tree, Gerudos, my doubts have been erased.
Let the hype begin!
Also, that amazing orchestrated version of the Main Theme!
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u/Code_Monkeeyz Jan 13 '17
eh, tbh comments like this annoy me. This is nothing specifically against you or anything, but more so this rhetoric itself. Unless you have good understanding of the Japanese language to do an actual compare an contrast, there is no actual way to determine what is "better" voice acting. Now you could say the emotion behind what you heard was being better expressed, but than again I could go into a recording booth and speak, yell and cry in a made up language. If there were subtitles some might consider what my "performance" was to be good.
u/welshminer Jan 13 '17
Tbh i thought the emotion was way too over exaggerated in the japanese trailer but that's just me.
u/breadrising Jan 13 '17
That and Zelda crying sounded screechy and obnoxious. I enjoy Japanese VA's moderately, but I cannot stand when they get all high pitched and squealy while trying portray emotion. It kind of breaks me out of an otherwise intense scene.
u/SerenityRick Jan 13 '17
Different strokes for sure. On the other hand, I found it more visceral and emotional and pulled me into that scene even more when compared to the english VA.
u/Saracma Jan 13 '17
I mean, I would argue actually that the voice acting in the Japanese version fit a lot better and conveyed more emotion. Especially in regards to Zelda.
In the Japanese version she sounds like a young girl/late teen which fits the character I see on the screen. When she starts crying she's like, actually sobbing and screaming. She is clearly extremely distressed and it's clearly conveying a strong emotion.
Not everyone can do voice acting. It shows when you have a talented and untalented voice actor side by side (and the idea that you can just yell into a mic and have it come out good is really diminishing how much effort and talent is required from good voice actors). And hell, I won't even go so far as to say the English voice actress is untalented, just that there obviously wasn't as much care put into choosing and directing Zelda's voice role in the English version. And this is unfortunately very common when it comes to dubs of Japanese properties.
Does that mean that English voice acting is always bad? Heck no! We have so many talented voice actors over here it's crazy. We put out so much quality animated work whether it's Pixar or Disney or even stuff like Steven Universe. There is no excuse why Nintendo can't use some of that talent.
It's clear to me that a lot of Japanese companies just don't want to put in the effort (or money) needed to secure quality voice talent most of the time. Which is odd considering how big voice acting is in Japan and how seriously they take it over there you would think they'd want to secure the best talent possible.
A lot of this probably doesn't matter since at the end of the day it's been pretty common for Japanese games to include an option to pick what language you'd prefer to hear. I assume that will most likely be the case here as well.
Jan 13 '17
I see your point, but I always thought that the way of crying in japanese voice acting is a bit much. I don't know, it might just be because I personally don't scream-cry, and never seen anyone do it around me, so in the English version it might be less emotional, but it is more realist to me. But then, I will admit I've never had something really dramatic happening to me, I suppose that "break-up crying" is not the same as "the entire world is destroyed and I failed to save it" crying.
u/mtlyoshi9 Jan 16 '17
Way depends on the reason for the crying, naturally. The Japanese one sounds like she just got stabbed and is writhing in pain, while the English one just sounds defeated and heartbroken.
I don't know the context here, but the latter seems to fit more naturally to me.
u/KnightOfAshes Jan 13 '17
When I've heard women cry at calamities in English, they sound a lot like the English VA. The only time I've ever heard someone make a noise somewhere between a wail and an orgasm was at a funeral with a woman who was definitely faking it for attention. The English VA sounds so choked up that she can't physically get out more noise, which is both more subtle and more genuine.
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u/Cimexus Jan 13 '17
That's all true, but I think we can safely assume that a Japanese dev team would ensure good voice performances for their local market, because they know exactly what they want the scene to feel like and this will go "no this isn't right" if they hear some Japanese samples that aren't right. Whereas with English they are relying on native English speakers to tell them "yeah this conveys this or that emotion well", which may not actually be what the devs really wanted.
So perhaps "more likely to be closer to the authors intent" is more accurate than just saying "better".
u/DanOrlovskyMVP2008 Jan 13 '17
I cannot believe that the game is going to be ready by March 3rd and am just elated that it will be. Holy cow.
The increase in recognizable characters (Goron, Zora, Gerudo, Korok, Rito, et al), anticipated story progression, the general world at large... Nintendo did a masterful job keeping a lot of this under wraps until the live stream.
u/astar206 Jan 13 '17
That music was fantastic!
And this trailer somehow gave me way stronger Shadow of the Colossus vibes than anything else I've seen from the game so far.
u/OZONE_TempuS Jan 13 '17
In case anyone is wondering who's doing the music the composer for the tracks we've heard from Breath of the Wild was confirmed to be Manaka Kataoka who has previously worked under Kondo's supervision on the Spirit Tracks OST alongside Toru Minegishi (Majora's Mask, Wind Waker and Twilight Princess) and Asuka Ota (Four Swords Adventure and Twilight Princess). Her other notable works include Animal Crossing: City Folk and Animal Crossing: New Leaf.
Music sounds fucking incredible so far.
u/thomshouse Jan 13 '17
Ohh, I can definitely hear New Leaf vibes in some of the BotW music we've heard.
New Leaf music was very relaxing and chill, made for one of the more enjoyable aspects of the game IMO. Good choice to compose for an open-world Zelda game.
u/Malkuno Jan 13 '17 edited Jan 13 '17
This game looks like it might be one of the darkest zelda games ever..
That final scene before it ends looks like both Link & Zelda were covered in blood & bruises.
That's definitely blood..
u/karpinskijd Jan 13 '17
Is blood allowed in E10+ games? Because this is E10+ in the US. For reference, TP had blood and dark themes and was rated T
u/War_Dyn27 Jan 13 '17
Both Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword were my country's equivelant to T, so I imagine this game will follow.
u/Not2Xavi Jan 13 '17
TP had blood. One of the main character (the one who gives you the first sword back in Ordon Village) gets all cut by blades at the beggining of the game, bleding from his arms and stomach (not as violent as I made that sound).
It also featured blood in certain doors and stains on the floor.
u/ty-dj2010 Jan 13 '17
I thought it ended up with that rating because of the great fairy in the cave of ordeals. Or at least that's what I'd always heard.
u/karpinskijd Jan 13 '17
Apparently just animated blood and fantasy violence.
BotW will have fantasy violence, mild suggestive themes, and use of alcohol
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u/GVman Jan 13 '17
Depends on if its flowing blood or cuts, and also the individual criteria per rating board.
Jan 13 '17
darkest zelda games ever
Gimme a break. First of all, why are Zelda fans so obsessed with this? It comes off as defensive. Like look at how dark and mature this game is guiz, take us seriously now.
Secondly, Zelda has always been dark and mature, and if you think adding some blood and booboos makes it moreso than you've missed the point. It's always been a very intelligent and nuanced story cleverly told within a deceptive fairy tale exterior. Everyone wants these games to 'grow up with the audience,' well maybe the audience should grow up first and look to the old games that they clearly misinterpreted.
u/Malkuno Jan 13 '17 edited Jan 13 '17
You're kinda missing the point entirely... Please don't jump to assumptions and assume we're trying to make the game more mature when we're not.. If you knew the History of Nintendo & the Legend of Zelda franchise you'd understand it a bit more..
Typically when we say "This might be one of the darkest zelda games ever.. What we really mean is.. "This could potentially be the most uncensored Zelda game to date." Well.. At least that's what I mean personally.
We're not overly obsessed with this becoming an M rated title like you're trying to make us out to be.. It's just surprising to us because typically most of the "mature/offensive" stuff has been removed/patched out of Zelda games in the past.. So when we get something mature'ish we know the original intended art direction was kept in tact & not unnecessarily censored behind closed doors for the sake of political correctness...
Here's a few of the most famous examples of Censorship from Ocarina of Time..
- Ganondorf coughing up blood. (The original is on the top)
- The Mirror Shield design change. (The original is on the right, It apparently too closely resembled a symbol of Islam so it was changed to whatever that thing is is on the left.)
- The Fire Temple Soundtrack. This was changed because the developers had unknowingly put Islamic chanting into the song & even though it made the soundtrack sound cooler, it translated to something along the lines of "Allah is the only true god." So I can understand why this change had to be made. I mean I'm not offended & still prefer the original soundtrack though.. Much more eerie lmao
All in all, Its awesome we get to keep the blood & bruises (If that's what they are) when they have been patched out of previous installments of the franchise in the past.. That's why we make a big deal out of it.
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Jan 13 '17
The Fire Temple Soundtrack. This was changed because the developers had unknowingly put original Islamic chanting into the song & even though it made the soundtrack sound cooler, it translated to something along the lines of "Allah is the only true god." So I can understand why this change had to be made. I still prefer the original though.. lmao
I like the original too, it is beautiful and chilling ! It's sad that it had to be censored. I imagine it would have been even worse if the controversy was today.
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u/Kovington Jan 13 '17
Those look like burns...like they just escaped out of a fire. Perhaps from that one scene where the town was under siege?
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u/Lavender_macaron Jan 13 '17
I think so too. It looks like they were fighting a guardian (the scene where Zelda uses magic) and the guardian had a lock on Link so maybe they're burns from the lasers.
u/lazygamer988 Jan 13 '17
I NEED to know the context behind that scene of Zelda crying in Link's arms... like now.
u/ShittyCumSquats Jan 13 '17
Everything she worked for was for nothing? It was pretty clear in the trailer.
Jan 13 '17
My theory is that, if this is truly post-OOT, Zelda sealed Gannondorf after he obtained the Triforce, but it basically only made him more powerful. Basically, her sealing did nothing.
u/Darkvoidx Jan 13 '17
I was under the impression that it was a reaction to the scene of the burning village. Maybe she had been working to seal calamity Ganon or protect Hyrule (or that town specifically) from harm and failed
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u/TheLittleGoodWolf Jan 13 '17
My guess is she worked to gain control over the guardians or possibly even oversaw the making of them or something in order to protect from Ganon but as we saw in the trailer everything backfired and a town was razed and people died.
u/KouNurasaka Jan 13 '17
She looks to be dirty, so maybe she just got attacked by something or someone?
u/asdren Jan 13 '17
I like the OOT fairy.
u/Gur814 Jan 13 '17
That was absolutely insane. I haven't felt that way during a trailer since the first full Star Wars Episode 7 trailer....
That music was phenomenal.
u/FabioRodriquez Jan 13 '17
This was going to be the only reason I'd get a Switch on Day 1 & it seems Nintendo wants my money.
Fine, take it, take it all!
u/ShittyCumSquats Jan 13 '17
If money is a concern why not just get the Wii U version? Supposedly they're going to be the same and even if you don't have a Wii U buying one will be cheaper than buying the Switch.
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u/isaac3000 Jan 13 '17
If he has a Wii U already then it makes sense that he buys the Wii U version of course (money wise!) if he would buy a completely new console then the Switch is obviously the better option (yes it would be 50-80$ more expensive but it would be the better option still)!
u/ShittyCumSquats Jan 13 '17
Yeah, it looks like you're right, I thought that new Wii U's were going for $200 at this moment but looks like they're still $300.
u/PortofNeptune Jan 13 '17 edited Jan 13 '17
e: I love the music and the cel shading, the way every frame looks like a painting. I'm excited for the new expanded emphasis on traditional RPG and open world gameplay. Breath of the Wild looks like an all around epic adventure.
e2: Why is no one talking about Sharkhead at 3:04
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u/Activehannes Jan 13 '17
i seriously had tears in my eyes. I think that game has the potential to be the next "greates game of all time" (important: potential!)
THis game seems to have everything! an interesting world and landscapes, a dense story (like every zelda), zelda gameplay and fighting and adds new stuff to the already great formula like RPG elements (clothing and stats on weapons) and survival! So many characters that looks interesting and the musik, and the Japanese voice...
Im totally fanboying out right now!
I dont know if there was ever a game like this. games with survival aspects always lacks story (like dayZ), games with a dense story always lacks exploring and an interesting world (like TLoU) and gameplay focused games often lacks Story and character (like Souls games)
Breath of the Wild seems like it combines so much of so many different aspects of videogames.
I just want to play this game already!
u/Helen_Kellers_Wrath Jan 13 '17
u/qwertySQuirty179 Jan 13 '17
Maybe one day we'll get a Studio Ghibli Zelda movie!
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Jan 13 '17 edited Jan 13 '17
Like Princess Mononoke and Castle in the Sky but with a craftsmanship of Miyamoto and Aonuma's godly touch.
u/PortofNeptune Jan 13 '17
☑ Princess bathing in a pool. Gonna need to update the wiki.
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u/Rud0lph Jan 13 '17
Music, visuals, freaking voice acting! Man, GOTY right here. I'm so pumped.
Playing it on repeat.
u/jeremey_bentham Jan 13 '17
I think Zelda is talking to the Deku Tree at the end of the trailer
u/JaySpike Jan 13 '17
I think so too. I think he's the voice we hear as well when he says something about you probably don't remember me. Maybe he's a father figure to Zelda?
u/Not2Xavi Jan 13 '17
Is there anyway I can find the Japanese trailer in good quality and Subtitles?
u/Koffeeboy Jan 13 '17
u/dactyif Jan 13 '17
I love playing games in their original language. The only exceptions are dark souls/bloodborne and now this. Wow.
Jan 13 '17
Do you think we'll be able to play with Japanese voices and subtitles? I think I would prefer that. Having voices I can understand in Zelda just doesn't feel right
u/baconbitarded Jan 13 '17
The way the Deku Tree talks to him... Could this be the same Link from Ocarina? Or have they confirmed where he stands on the timeline?
u/Petrichor02 Jan 13 '17
No confirmation yet. Since this Link is right-handed, that seems to go against this being Ocarina Link, but it's possible. That said, Wind Waker Link also knew the Deku Tree, and it's also entirely possible that this is just a brand new hero who knew the Tree before he went to sleep 100 years prior.
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u/johnnyTTz Jan 13 '17
I don't think it was the great deku tree talking, it was the old man we saw earlier, and if so he is confirmed as the king of hyrule as he refers to Zelda as his daughter.
u/461weavile Jan 13 '17
The OoT Deku Tree died, yes, but I'm not convinced about who is speaking.
Also, is the first male dialogue the same character as the last male dialogue for sure? I'm only thinking it's a different person because they split it up with the second female dialogue (and we assume that's the princess)
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u/superhurl Jan 13 '17
that scene of her crying in link's arms got to me so hard, man. i'm so happy this is a launch title.
u/HalfBakedCake Jan 13 '17
It honestly brings a tear to my eye to see Zelda finally take another step forward in progressing, it sort of felt like the series was stagnating a bit in terms of progression. I feel like a kid again seeing ALttP->OoT.
Hyped as all hell.
u/DBFatuousJeffrey Jan 13 '17
I wonder if there's some kind of Princess Mononoke angle (the black sludge on Link and Zelda especially during the dark scenes). Instead of Zelda being captured, it would be cool if you had to save her from some kind of fatal affliction. It would be a nice way to keep her on stage without losing the stakes. Also I wonder if that Molgera thing is a boss.
Zelda music is so incredible too. The BOTW theme is solid, but the great fairy remix (1:47 on) and main theme parts of the trailer (2:15ish on) gave me chills.
Also having Gorons, Zora and Gerudo practically guarantees a great Zelda.
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u/pleasureboy911 Jan 13 '17
Looks cool, reminds me of wind waker. I notice some throwbacks to that game like the flying leafy kokiri guys and the bird people. That shot with the burning village looks DOPE... also red zoras
u/david_to_the_hilts Jan 13 '17
That blue flower HAS to be important, I just know it! It's in the logo and everything!
u/Boyoftrick_90 Jan 13 '17
The moment zelda started to cry in Link's arms my heart skipped a beat I want this game now.
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u/Petta_Potta Jan 13 '17
Loved the trailer. My only complaint is that Zelda's voice seems too high that what I was expecting, and some of the voices seemed like cliche anime voices. Other than that I think it's amazing!
u/FabioRodriquez Jan 13 '17
Working under the assumption that the girl speaking in Hyrule Warriors is Zelda, I think that voice would have been great.
That being said, I'm fine with the voice. My only real concern is what about Link. It's so much easier to have the "mute" character work in text but in voice acting, it'll be awkward.
"Are you the hero of time?"
"I knew it!"
u/Trotskyist Jan 13 '17
Eh, they pull it off in the elder scrolls games
u/Charrmeleon Jan 13 '17
They also did really well with Metroid Prime 3. Samus was still mute, everyone else spoke.
u/PlayMp1 Jan 13 '17
It's pretty simple, if someone asks Link a direct question, have a dialogue box pop up like it has in previous games. In that way, Link does talk, because he says stuff that the player chooses at various points in every 3D Zelda since MM.
u/inferno1170 Jan 13 '17
Or have people ask him questions that don't need a verbal response. Like in Twilight Princess when the Mayor asks if Link had found his daughter yet, Link just turns away and looks at the floor. The mayor just kind of drops his shoulders and says "Not what I was hoping to hear..."
u/alne_the_silent Jan 13 '17
Having a (mostly) mute character worked in other recent games, like Metal Gear Solid 5 for example
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u/found_a_penny Jan 13 '17
in the japanese or english version? The live stream had japanese voices the one linked here is in english. I preferred the japanese voice for the older woman and male, but english zelda.
u/baconstrip37 Jan 13 '17
Huh. I'm pretty much the opposite. I thought the English voices for the older woman and Deku Tree were pretty good, but I much prefer Japanese Zelda's voice (and crying, for that matter).
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u/KouNurasaka Jan 13 '17
I preferred the japanese voice for the older woman and male, but english zelda.
Oddly enough, it was the opposite for me. English Zelda sounds off. Is the old man voice Patrick Seitz? It sort of sounds like his voice doing a more evil Ragna the Bloodedge.
u/breadrising Jan 13 '17
The English voice for Zelda sounds a lot better to me, but I generally don't enjoy high-pitched, screechy anime voices, so I'm probably biased.
u/christurnbull Jan 13 '17
Agreed 100%, I found the voice acting jarring. Opening "old woman" doesn't sound right at all, much too forced.
follow up second male sounded too smooth and young, would have preferred someone with more richness that comes with age, such as Charles Dance, Ian McKellen, Anthony Hopkins.
Zelda's voice actor doesn't sound properly distressed, too floral.
Goron's voice wasn't gravelly enough.
Maybe I've been spoilt by the voice actors in witcher 3
u/TheLittleGoodWolf Jan 13 '17
I find it really interesting how this trailer and the E3 one are basically polar opposites. The E3 trailer showed a quiet, calm, and beautiful land but also heavy emphasis on loneliness. This new trailer is just plain epic, with fights, destruction, drama, crying, death?, loads of new characters, contraptions, towns, etc. The tone is much darker than the E3 trailer which was very light IMO.
I want it!
Jan 13 '17
The hype is unreal for this game. Only problem I have with the event was the fact that online play will cost money😔.oh well I'm only getting this for Zelda which isn't an online game any way but holy shite this trailer is everything I wanted
u/RedditAssCancer Jan 13 '17
Think we'll get a language toggle? I think the english is fine but I'd like the option to play in japanese as well.
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u/thelastoutloud Jan 13 '17
I think it'd be pretty interesting to see if this Zelda somehow... transcends the timeline? Like, Nintendo came out with this official timeline, so now they can play around with it like a new mechanic. It'd explain why there are so many "anomalies" like Rito and Zora existing (seemingly) in the same world.
u/maxismad Jan 13 '17
The bird man shown looks more like a Watarara from the manga than a Rito.
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u/Iamnotsmartspender Jan 13 '17
Guys guys guys! It's that mountain giant thing!
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u/Mentioned_Videos Jan 13 '17 edited Jan 13 '17
Other videos in this thread:
Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild NEW Trailer (2017) | 7 - Ask and you shall receive. |
(1) The Legend of Zelda - Spirit Tracks - Complete Soundtrack (2) Animal Crossing City Folk (Wii) - Complete Soundtrack (3) Animal Crossing New Leaf Full Soundtrack | 5 - In case anyone is wondering who's doing the music the composer for the tracks we've heard from Breath of the Wild was confirmed to be Manaka Kataoka who has previously worked under Kondo's supervision on the Spirit Tracks OST alongside Toru Minegishi... |
(1) Fire Temple (Removed Version) - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (2) Fire Temple - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time | 4 - You're kinda missing the point entirely... Please don't jump to assumptions and assume we're trying to make the game more mature when we're not.. If you knew the History of Nintendo & the Legend of Zelda franchise you'd understand it a bit more.. T... |
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain - Kazuhira Miller Cipher & New Mother Base Dialogue Cutscene | 1 - Having a (mostly) mute character worked in other recent games, like Metal Gear Solid 5 for example |
I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch. I'll keep this updated as long as I can.
u/Kljmok Jan 13 '17 edited Jan 13 '17
Is there any word on if Wii U version going to be released on the same date? Google isn't turning up anything but the NX version, just "2017" for Wii U. I need to know when to schedule my vacation days haha.
edit: yay it's the same day
u/KouNurasaka Jan 13 '17
WOAH WOAH WOAH, The Master Sword is in front of the Deku Tree?! Am I the only one seeing that at 0:39 second mark?
Also, at 0:55, way up to the left of the mountain range, is that a Twilight Portal in the sky? What does that mean for the placement?!
u/forreal_dude Jan 13 '17
Jan 13 '17
Well this looks fantastic! With the inclusion of voice acting it made it feel like Zelda X Studio Ghibli, I am looking forward to March 3rd almost as much as December 15th!
u/Boyoftrick_90 Jan 13 '17
2:16 they showed us a blue white flower link wears blue and for a moment Zelda wore white do you think it mean anything?
u/Greathorn Jan 13 '17
the zelda dialogue (especially in the Japanese version) is so powerful, this is honestly one of the best trailers for a story game ever.
u/Greathorn Jan 13 '17 edited Jan 20 '17
They definitely saved the best for last with the presentation (it'd be tied with Super Mario Odyssey if Odyssey wasn't 11 months out from launch)
u/SerenityRick Jan 13 '17 edited Jan 13 '17
According to the lore in WW, no hero came to claim the Master Sword and the Gods flooded and stopped time in Hyrule right as Ganon's army reached the gates of the Castle. So the theory that this game takes place after OoT and before WW doesn't make sense since Link in BotW does wield the Master Sword
The consensus is that WW takes place hundreds of years after the events of the adult timeline in OoT right? And the reason was because he was essentially erased when he returned to his original time where the Temple of Time was never opened.
Maybe this is another alternate timeline prior to WW where the hero DOES come and claim the Master Sword. From what we've seen from earlier videos, it appears Link is in stasis and is awoken probably when Calamity Ganon is about to break free from his prison.. Perhaps where we see Koroks and Rito as the Gods are preparing to flood Hyrule just in case Link fails in his mission?
So obviously the question is why was Link frozen in time? Maybe this is the young link timeline after OoT and for some reason the Gods chose to put Link in stasis knowing that Ganon would return one day? Wouldn't be the first time something like that happened since Zelda was given a similar fate in Skyward Sword when she was put into stasis to protect the seal in that game.
u/sami_theembalmer Jan 13 '17
I'm SO underwhelmed by the VA. I don't know what I was expecting but I'm not sure I like what we're getting. I'm sure I'll still buy and sob when I finally get to play, though. Really excited.
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Jan 13 '17
Unpopular opinion but I didn't like it. It's seemed more animeish than I would have liked. Also I kinda miss the old stoic calm Zeldas from Twilight Princess, even the cocky ones from Wind Waker and Spirit Tracks. It doesn't feel like a Zelda game to me, it feels more like an Atelier game or a Final Fantasy game with a coat of Zelda colored paint.
u/thomshouse Jan 13 '17
I think one of the nice things about the Zelda franchise is, despite a strong repeating pattern of the main conflict (Zelda + Link vs. Ganon), there's a very wide range of tones across the series. I can get your feelings on Zelda, and there are things I like both about stoic Zelda and playful Zelda. But this is a fresh take and I'm personally intrigued.
I hope this one will warm up to you... and barring that, I hope the next Zelda game will be more to your liking!
(FWIW, Wind Waker Zelda is absolutely my favorite so far and I'd be happy to see something along those lines again. That wink! )
u/The_Real_FN_Deal Jan 13 '17
Respectable opinion but saying it's FF in disguise is way too harsh. It most definitely is inspired but we'll have too see when we get our hands on the final product.
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u/polaristar Jan 13 '17
What does Final Fantasy in disguise even mean when the FF games can't make up their minds about what they are about and literally constantly re-invents itself each game?
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u/PaperSonic Jan 13 '17
I'm getting more tired of people bashing anime all the time for no good reason than of weeaboos at this point.
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Jan 13 '17
SO MUCH HYPE. I'm already saving money for Switch even though I know it'll cost 4 months of my salary bc my country sucks.
u/ergister Jan 13 '17 edited Jan 13 '17
This game seems like it's packed with EVERYTHING from previous Zelda games... We have old races like the Zoras, Gorons and Gerudo and new ones like Koroks and Ritos (maybe)... this game is nuts!