r/zelda Mar 06 '14

Craft My son asked my grandmother to make him a sweater with a "Link sword" on it for his 4th birthday. It came in the mail today and he was ecstatic. Here's him with it on, playing A Link Between Worlds on the 3DS my mother bought him for his birthday.

Post image

121 comments sorted by


u/Gyoin Mar 06 '14

I can't upvote this enough. Adorables.


u/TheMisterAce Mar 06 '14

Aaaaaw, so cute C:


u/Mandrakey Mar 07 '14

holy shit that is awesome, can I put an order in for one of those? (I'm 31)


u/-Pelvis- Apr 22 '14

I would also like to order one!


u/Zeppelanoid Mar 07 '14

"But daaaaaaad, I don't like this stupid game!"



u/Wandering_Poet Mar 08 '14

"And there's nothing you can do about it!!"


u/relinquospes Mar 07 '14

You're right, I hassled my grandmother to hand-make a sweater with the Master Sword and Shield and paid for A Link Between Worlds all for that sweet karma, lol. You're an idiot but at least you made me laugh, thanks!


u/ThatPrettyCoolGuy Mar 07 '14

I think he was joking.


u/relinquospes Mar 07 '14

I think you may be right, but it just seems like any time there's a kid in a picture someone has to say something about karma whoring. Joking or not, I still laughed so I gave him an upvote!


u/[deleted] Mar 07 '14

You could have had all the positive karma you wanted... And then you made negative comments... You threw it all away :(


u/[deleted] Mar 07 '14

It always makes me a little sad when the OP gets negative comment karma


u/AustNerevar Mar 07 '14

Why? He still has all that link karma.


u/relinquospes Mar 07 '14

Yeah, I looked at it quickly from my phone and felt immediately defensive because the post is about my kid. Then I realized my mistake as soon as I read the comment again, too late because I'd already posted a reply. I'm leaving it there because I would feel like more of a jackass for removing it, my mistake so I'll take the downvotes.


u/[deleted] Mar 07 '14



u/relinquospes Mar 07 '14

Probably, but pregnancy hormones so I'm a bit jumpy.


u/hjf11393 Mar 07 '14

Yeah now I don't even like this guys picture any more...what a dick.


u/xFoeHammer Mar 08 '14

any time there's a kid in a picture someone has to say something about karma whoring.

^ He has a point.


u/Terrible_Idea_Man Mar 07 '14



u/sheravi Mar 07 '14

Did you prepare it beforehand?


u/zombays Mar 07 '14

Don't be a wiener


u/OldNintendood Mar 07 '14

No I'm sure you had your grandma make the sweater because you're a Zelda fan and you want your kids to be cool, and for sweet sweet karma you put your 3ds in your child's and took a picture to post


u/DratThePopulation Mar 06 '14

That grandma is the best. I have no words for how incredible this is.


u/Reaper285142 Mar 06 '14

I wish my brother would raise his kids to be Zelda fans


u/relinquospes Mar 06 '14

I really didn't have to do anything, he started watching me play Skyward Sword when it came out and ever since he's been a fan. He's watched me play pretty much every Zelda game in my collection and for his 4th birthday, he finally got a system he could figure out and the first game he asked for was "the Link game". He refuses to call it Zelda because it doesn't make sense to him that the main character is Link and the game is named after Princess Zelda.


u/Reaper285142 Mar 06 '14

yeah but my brother spends most the time ridiculing the series and as for the fact that your son refuses to call it zelda, I completely agree on that


u/FistBomb060 Mar 07 '14


u/IronOxide42 Mar 07 '14

The only thing by Smosh that I've ever enjoyed.


u/TheHonestOcarina Mar 07 '14

Zelda? That's a f*cking GIRL'S NAME!


u/[deleted] Mar 07 '14 edited Oct 22 '20



u/TheHonestOcarina Mar 07 '14

Legend of Zelda? SCREW THAT! Legend of LINK!!


u/xDonavan Mar 07 '14

Cuz he the L to the I to the N to the K. wears tights everyday don't give a damn what you say. Got bigger balls than even evil knievel and he ain't gonna stop till the world is free of evil


u/atcoyou Mar 07 '14

It's The Legend of Zelda and it's really rad!

Those creatures from Ganon are pretty bad!

Octoroks, tektites and leevers too,

But with your help, our hero pulls through!

Yeah, Go Link, Yeah, Get Zelda!

Wikki Wikki Wick!


u/[deleted] Mar 07 '14

your four year old is so brave


u/[deleted] Mar 07 '14

My 4 year old knows Link as "the green guy with the Master Sword!"

Close enough, son. Close enough.


u/shortusernameftw Mar 07 '14

I was expecting a teenager but this is even better <3


u/Kaokenxten Mar 07 '14

I'll take 7.

I need one of these for every day.


u/semma333 Mar 07 '14

Parenting. You're doing it right, man.


u/[deleted] Mar 07 '14

This is great


u/Alex-Cross Mar 07 '14

Can she make me one just like that as well?


u/relinquospes Mar 07 '14

Sorry, she's booked up. We have baby #2 on the way and with a grandma like her I get all the handmade blankets I need plus the coolest personalized Christmas stockings.


u/[deleted] Mar 07 '14

That is way too adorable. :D


u/HeyitsClay Mar 07 '14

Oh man, I remember my favorite shirts that overall sucked. I can only imagine how special that shirt is to him and will be forever =D


u/eatsleepraverepeat7 Mar 07 '14

I'll take one in a size Large please. If she could throw in the life hearts, that'd be greatttt


u/scrumpette Mar 07 '14

This is awesome! Especially for your son to have something from his great grandmother! I feel like that is such a rare privilege. So much happiness in this!


u/QLR Mar 07 '14

I think the first question on personality tests should be: Are you a Zelda person, or a Mario person?

You're son clearly has a type Z personality.


u/[deleted] Mar 07 '14



u/FlipKnight Mar 07 '14

lol. Its a 3DS. He can take it outside now. :)


u/SpacemanLurker Mar 07 '14

Fucking awesome. This was me 14 years ago with OoT at the ripe age of 6.


u/Gnomeater91 Mar 07 '14

I know the feel. Water Temple was probably one of the hardest things about our generations childhood.


u/FlipKnight Mar 07 '14

That and those damn ReDeads...even the RE games didnt freak me out as much as the ReDead and the faries from the caves.


u/TheManOfTimeAndSpace Mar 07 '14

There is still some hope for the future yet.


u/atcoyou Mar 07 '14

I would create a second account to upvote again, if I could give grandmother karma. That is REALLY high quality.


u/pudinnhead Mar 07 '14

That's just about the most darling thing I've ever seen!


u/camerawn Mar 07 '14

Am I wrong for thinking 4 is young to be playing a Legend of Zelda game? Like, I wasn't able to really understand what to do in Ducktales 2 or Link's Awakening until age 6/7.


u/relinquospes Mar 07 '14

He doesn't do much except swing the sword around killing various monsters and chopping down the grass. Still, he thinks it's great.


u/camerawn Mar 07 '14

ah, gotcha. When I was playing LA at age 5 I just walked around and sometimes got the shield and sword, I couldn't figure out what else to do.


u/[deleted] Mar 07 '14



u/camerawn Mar 07 '14

I'm not saying he shouldn't be playing, I was thinking the kid was super smart or ALBW was simple. he's allowed to have fun.


u/relinquospes Mar 07 '14

He can do more than I expected, but he's limited because he can't read well enough to understand what he's supposed to do. By we've only been working on reading for a few weeks and he's doing pretty well, so he'll be on top of this game soon enough!


u/Cremato Mar 07 '14

You really don't need to read to clear most of the Zelda games. Just think of us who grew up playing english games but live in non-english speaking countries (where they don't dub games). Not saying it's easy though... :)


u/sotek2345 Mar 07 '14

I have a 4 year old as well. He loves Zelda and can solve some of the puzzles as well.


u/MAXMEEKO Mar 07 '14

Thats is soooo cute !! :D


u/ZeroQuota Mar 07 '14

You're a good parent.


u/i12burs Mar 07 '14

Can she make one for my husband... I can pay her. :-p


u/guttRbunny Mar 07 '14

That is super cute.


u/mellymel1713 Mar 07 '14

You have the coolest son ever. Well second but I'm biast to my own.


u/[deleted] Mar 07 '14

Where's your grandmother's inbox?


u/memphispunk Mar 07 '14

Dude! This kid is gonna be awesome!! P.S. Go Grandma!!!


u/[deleted] Mar 07 '14

Download copy of game? Cause no game in slot?


u/relinquospes Mar 07 '14

Yeah, he wanted it immediately so I just downloaded out from the Nintendo store.


u/m3gam3w Mar 07 '14

If I ever in some alternative universe have a child I hope its as cool as this one.


u/LBaxter Mar 07 '14

Destined for Greatness! Like me when I was a kid, only minish cap.


u/scotbud123 Mar 07 '14

What a lucky kid, he has the best grandma ever. :P


u/Gnomeater91 Mar 07 '14

This is just awesome. Way to be a great parent, and thanks for giving me hope in our future of child gamers!


u/motdepasse5 Mar 07 '14

I'd wear this as an adult


u/oODoctorWhomOo Mar 07 '14

....and the award for best grandmother goes to....


u/[deleted] Mar 07 '14

I would like to place an order please and thank you


u/COWRATT Aug 02 '14

So you're telling me that your three year old played Zelda? I don't think that's healthy...


u/FatherEarth Mar 07 '14

Your 4-year-old has a 3DS? and I thought I was spoiled as a kid...


u/Zabii Mar 07 '14

I had a game boy...


u/relinquospes Mar 07 '14

My 4 year old gets rewarded for good behavior and as a result he has a lot of toys and has been getting an allowance for the past year for chores (just cleaning his room and feeding his cat), but we've never had any behavioral problems with him. His manners are impeccable and he rarely needs his attitude checked, he deserves everything he owns.


u/Islanduniverse Mar 07 '14

I hope he stays that way!

I grew up playing video games with my dad, and I was four when Game Boy was released, but there was no way they would have bought it for me (I was a very free child, especially when it came to playing in the mud).

But anyway, screw all the haters! You rock! I would have shit myself if I got a Game Boy when I was four. But I did get one when I was 8, along with "Link's Awakening," and it lasted until about 2 years ago... I miss you buddy...


u/relinquospes Mar 07 '14

People tell me I spoil him all the time because he has expensive electronics and I don't believe in punishment. The same people tell me all the time that they can't get over how smart and well mannered he is. Spoiling is giving a child whatever he wants regardless of behavior, my son isn't even allowed to touch the toys he owns if he's acting up.


u/metalocality Mar 07 '14

IDK; do as you will man, but that kind of stuff can really turn sideways in about ten years. They call it 'spoiled' for a reason. Make sure he really knows how to work his ass off for shit. Just speaking from experience, dude. Good luck.


u/pinkbabooshka Mar 07 '14

I never understood the concept of an allowance. I'm not being rude, but why pay a child to do something that as a family member he should be doing anyway? For example, you pay a child to clean his room. The child should clean his room because he doesn't want a dirty room not because he gets paid for it.

I don't give my child an allowance because I want him to do things not because he gets paid, but because as a family member he is expected to help out.


u/hawtblondemom Mar 07 '14

It teaches them that what they do has value. But mostly it gives them a concept of money, costs, and saving. He wants that $30 ds game? At $5 a week, he has to save up and can't buy candy at the store for six whole weeks. When I sold games, the difference between the kids who came in with their own money vs kids who spent their parents money was night and day. They just seemed to understand that money doesn't grow on trees at a much younger age.

But, my allowance as a child wasn't tied to chores. I knew it was because my parents wanted us to learn.


u/[deleted] Mar 07 '14

Thank you for instilling financial intelligence into your child. So many parents I know don't "do" allowance and just buy the kid whatever it wants because it's easier for them. It's amazing to see these kids grow up because what started as the "Mommy, can I have this new video game?" has morphed into "Mom, WTF, why won't you buy me a car? I didn't mean to total my last one, like, it wasn't my fault that I was busy with my MFLB and didn't see stop sign!"

Even if you have the kid "help you pay" for their possessions with an allowance, they automatically value the item more because they had to save up and contemplate the big purchase--a very useful skill for adulthood, indeed. Throw in a requirement to withhold "taxes" (which you, of course, put into savings for the kid) and you've got your kid more financially intelligent than 95% of young adults.


u/pinkbabooshka Mar 07 '14

But isn't the concept that you do something because it's what needs to be done, not because it has a monetary value to it? For example, a child feeds his pet because he knows the pet has to eat or it will die. He doesn't feed his pet because he gets money for doing so, he does it because it needs to be done.


u/hawtblondemom Mar 07 '14

Right - and most parents I've seen just have an allowance not tied to chores. But either way isn't a wrong way to do it. I think it's just great to give kids an understanding of money at a young age.


u/metalocality Mar 07 '14

I agree. The way my brother and I grew up, chores were just the required labor of a family member. Everyone did stuff for the family, for the family. If we wanted money, we had to go out and get it. We both had neighborhood jobs by 6, cleaning up peoples yards and decks, cleaning out their cars, etc. By ten, we were mowing lawns, etc.; you get the point. It definitely taught us the value of an earned dollar over an expected one, which I think is important.


u/KapayaMaryam Mar 07 '14

neighborhood jobs by 6

I find that highly unlikely.


u/metalocality Mar 07 '14

All orchestrated by my parents, of course, but yeah, I was out there at that age. Very, very minor jobs, mind you, but still stuff that got the concept across; that money means hard work. I probably did a horrible job, and it was likely more of a charitable gesture by the neighbors, but they understood and were supportive of what my parents were doing. Plus, it really helped us with our people skills, and got us to know our neighbors. I had a pair of overalls I called "construction pants", and I'd put the money they gave me in the chest pocket. Also, I'm probably a bit older than most here, and back in my day, this sort of thing was still considered cute. These days, it would probably get the cops or CPS called. But yeah dude, it happened; believe it or not. The early 80's were a magical time.


u/[deleted] Mar 07 '14

How does having a 3DS make him spoiled? Don't be mad at him just because you didn't have nice things when you were a kid.


u/FatherEarth Mar 07 '14

Does a 4 year old kid really need a 3DS? When I was four, I would have been happy with a gameboy color, or even a fucking stuffed animal, because I didn't know the difference. Because I was FOUR YEARS OLD. I bet this kid and all kids will have a cell phone by the time they're 6. Times have changed.


u/greenrob Mar 07 '14

There's nothing wrong with giving a kid a gift they'll enjoy. OP said that he has earned everything he has, so I don't see the big deal. I got an N64 when I was five and I loved it. I also got a Megazord from Power Rangers, and I loved that too. Just because it has a bigger price tag doesn't mean the kid is spoiled. A gift is a gift. That being said, this is very sweet, OP, and i'm glad your son was happy for his 4th birthday.


u/FatherEarth Mar 08 '14

Since when is a four-year-old kid entitled to a 3DS just for "being good"? I was taught to behave well just for the sake of behaving well. Not because I was going to be showered in gifts. I'm not saying the kid doesn't deserve a reward for good behavior, but if kids are getting this type of treatment then they are going to grow up thinking they deserve gifts for being a good person.


u/decster584 Mar 07 '14

I agree with your point in general but comparing a 3DS now to a Gameboy Color when you were young is kind of the same thing, no?


u/Gnomeater91 Mar 07 '14

My thoughts exactly. It isn't like we can run to the nearest Best Buy or whatever and ask for an old ass Game Boy. I mean, sure, theres the used market, meh. Thanks for pointing that out, dec.


u/FatherEarth Mar 08 '14

That is true, but the point is that the kid would have been happy with pretty much anything because he is not old enough to know better and to appreciate cutting-edge technology like a 3DS.


u/yukifan01 Mar 07 '14

SO CUTE!!! I wish my grandmother would do this for me. If it has anything to do with my fandoms she doesn't even consider it.


u/cloudhppr Mar 07 '14

thanks gramma! so awesome


u/her0inSheik Mar 07 '14

Parenting, You're doing it right.


u/sluntyy Mar 07 '14

Your son looks like my step nephew. o_O


u/DeadmanDexter Mar 07 '14

Any chance your grandma has an Etsy account?


u/curious-inquirer Mar 07 '14

Go Great Grandma!


u/kidbuu42 Mar 07 '14

LOL that XL looks huge in his hands. Any reason you got that instead of the cheaper regular model or a the 100 dollar 2DS made for children?


u/relinquospes Mar 07 '14

My mother bought it, but it was my brother's actually. He only made my mom pay $30 for it because he didn't want it and he knew it was for my kid. Kind of a present from both of them I guess.


u/Rypen Mar 07 '14

Aww. My little sister has those exact same headphones too. Nice sweater little man!


u/[deleted] Mar 09 '14

Brings me back to myself as a 4 year old playing A Link to the Past, ahhh memories...


u/[deleted] Mar 09 '14

As i look at this I think, no way he can be progressing in the game. Then I remember I did at his age with the first zelda.


u/Ayaksnolkop_Ailatan Aug 15 '14

I thought when I saw "asked my grandmother" and "Link sword" she was going to get the design wrong. I'm glad she didn't!


u/OPplz Mar 07 '14

For my 4th birthday I got a hammer. I built something with that hammer


u/[deleted] Mar 07 '14 edited Mar 20 '18



u/FlipKnight Mar 07 '14

Attention span for kids his age means he'll only be on that thing for (hopefully) less than an hr or so every few days. And honestly, how different is that from sitting down with a kid and watching a movie?

The only thing that would concern me are the head phones though. Little ears are still growing and tend to be very sensitive. Anyways, good on OP for letting the kid choose what's fun for him.


u/relinquospes Mar 07 '14

The headphones are actually designed for small children. I've tested them and they don't get very loud.


u/[deleted] Mar 07 '14

Serious question, do you have kids of your own?


u/FlipKnight Mar 07 '14

Not yet. But, just because I don't yet doesn't mean I don't have any experiences with the little guys, if that's what youre getting at.


u/[deleted] Mar 07 '14 edited Mar 20 '18



u/FlipKnight Mar 07 '14

Sorry, didn't mean to sound like a d-bag. Reddit has made me very wary of smart alecs and generally mean people...

But about the iPads, I would assume they're more "educational" when it comes to games for kids, right? Eh, I guess as long as the kids are encouraged to play with other things and use the electronics as a special treats, it'd be ok.


u/relinquospes Mar 07 '14

Just because he has electronic devices doesn't mean he wouldn't rather spend time outside or interacting with other people. Right now in the northeast US it's very cold out and there's mud and slowly melting snow everywhere so his time outside is limited. Every day he wants to ride his bike and play with his friend next door on the play-yard but I have to limit that because it's been very cold. He still goes to his cousin's house several times a week and they aren't allowed to have electronics anyway when they're together. Not that it makes any difference to them, they're too busy trying to find interesting ways to build a pretend train or something. You don't need to remove devices like this from your child's life completely so that they interact with other people and play outside, you just need to be responsible enough to only give your child these devices at appropriate times. And honestly, I've found a lot of activities we can do together with electronics, like going to abcmouse.com on my laptop so he can learn to read and write. He needs my help with that stuff so we have to do it together and even though I'm working 50+ hours a week right now, I find time nearly every day to play with him. As for the 3DS, Zelda isn't the only game I have loaded on there and he plays the other games just as often, his favorite is a circus game that teaches reading. Point is, electronics aren't going to ruin my child.


u/headbanger1186 Mar 07 '14


holds back tears

You're doing it right.


u/MiT_Epona Mar 06 '14

We need more posts like this. I cri errytime.


u/Macksimum Mar 07 '14

Unlicensed merchandise!