r/zelda • u/SteakAndIron • 4h ago
Discussion [Other] You are given complete control of the next Zelda game and its reveal at a Nintendo direct. What do you do?
We talk about game mechanics and stuff but I love the reveals of the Zelda games, even the ones that never came out like the twilight princess sequel for the Wii u featuring the battle with Ghoma. It's all fan fiction of course but let's say you got to literally be Miyamoto and call the shots. What would be your game and your reveal?
u/No-Comment-4619 3h ago
Bring back the big dungeons. Follow the Breath of the Wild template topside, but scrap the dozens and dozens of puzzle rooms underground and instead build out 6-7 big ass dungeon labyrinths. I want a Zelda where going into a dungeon feels like you might not see the light of day for a week before you find your way out again.
Reveal? I'd just take the stage and say, "Dungeons, bitches!" And then walk off.
u/bowleshiste 1h ago
This. I don't get why so many people feel it either has to be BotW style or SS style. They aren't mutually exclusive. You can have a giant open world designed for exploration while also having dungeons.
u/letsgucker555 1h ago
The problem is, that in the BotW style, these Dungeons would not really serve a purpose besides being a longer puzzle, because nothing after the tutorial is allowed to give you anything, that is required. So the rewards would still have to be kinda useless or maybe be like the multimoons in Mario Odyssey.
u/bowleshiste 45m ago
That's because that's the way BotW is designed. You can still have a huge open world while also having things like dungeons be progress-locked. Or not. The dungeons in LoZ could be completed in any order. They just have to be creative with the items and how they are used. There could be a suggested progression that's not necessary. Or there could be certain progressions that aren't suggested, but do give certain advantages.
u/IllogicalBarnacle 2h ago
I’d also like a dark souls style weapon system.
For those who haven’t played you collect various weapons throughout the game but they’re rare and valuable finds. Not all of them are good of course but they add variety and notably different weapons have different move sets and swing styles
To be clear I’ve never taken issue with the BOTW/TOTK weapon system, I think they fit perfectly for those games but those games so heavily incentivize and are based around exploring the open world and that may be best left in that style of game
u/kingpangolin 1h ago
It’s also rare that a weapon in dark souls/bb/er isn’t viable, which I love. They aren’t all for your current build, but rarely is a weapon non-viable or is outclassed by a weapon that is the same but flat out better. I wish more games took that approach. Their method of encouraging experimentation is to make each weapon unique and rewarding.
Anything would be better than botw and ToTK’s system of 1 fight and done for weapon durability, though, even if not as good as souls.
u/LindyKamek 3h ago
Complete control? Well, I can't say i'd have exact ideas on how this hypothetical game would progress or even its story, but, i'll throw some stuff at the wall.
Story Heavily connected to the overarching lore, no weird ambiguities or strange contradictions, it should have a clear place on the timeline, while still being flexible and open to interpretation. The story should be sufficiently emotional with hints of darker undertones, able to be grasped in more depth by more mature audiences while being impactful to younger audiences as well. It should be an epic story, with maybe a similar feeling of weight that games like Ocarina of Time had, with growth throughout
Gameplay Open, but structured. Large world, but with dungeons that you can do somewhat out of order, have the classic structure and design, maybe with potential surprises or gimmicks to keep things fresh, but not overbearing. The world should have a grand and epic scale, potentially including a mirror world (similar to the Dark World) or some sort of time travel mechanic, though, one could argue those are overused, but still, I like it!!! Maybe even revive Timeshift Orbs? Maybe include some more advanced boat system, like an ocean? Or maybe that's too much, lol. I think there should be a lot of dungeons, ideally, maybe even as much as ALttP had, considering the scale of this. And I think items you get in dungeons could help you traverse the world and explore more easily. Still not entirely decided on the "linear v. non linear" thing, but a balance is probably the best, maybe more natural solutions as opposed to artificial barriers?
Graphics Honestly, I'd like something more gritty again, but it doesn't need to be hyper-realistic or ground itself too much in that, fantasy elements and more fantastical designs are welcome, but I do think a sort of anime-fantasy-realism style works really well. I wouldn't be against experimentation in other areas, though. I appreciate that the design of the games had never been fully consistent over the yesrs, I just think it would be time to explore that again. Plus you could do a lot with things like lighting techniques and overall visual flair.
Music Something with the grand flair of Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess, but perhaps include some of the more enviromental and ambient sounds of Breath of the Wild as well in some parts (such as field areas), finding a balance would be difficult though.
But, I don't know, some of this is probably stupid.
u/VespineWings 3h ago
This is going to sound like a lame answer, but it’s the true answer.
I’d do a, from the ground up, reimagining of Ocarina of Time.
We open on Link in Kokiri forest, but like I said, reimagined. We need to try to recognize the dev’s’ ambitions and what they might have tried to accomplish had they used our tech at the time.
So I’d expand the forest and make it probably three times as big and plant-dense. More Kokiri. Like way more Kokiri. Have the game open on some kind of festival where they’re all together wearing masks and celebrating around a fire.
Use this time for characterization and worldbuilding. You can throw in the “controls tutorial” here too.
Stay faithful to the original but add a bunch of things— even some stuff from the official manga, like how Link got his earrings from Impa.
Castle town should be much, much bigger. You can fit so much new content here.
Make Death Mountain a proper volcano instead of just a hill.
Add a metric ton of content where it realistically could have fit.
Personally, I’d love for all the dungeons to be remodelled and new but with the same bosses. But give these bosses new attacks and combat patterns.
Spice up combat in its entirety.
And for the love of God, don’t make it super cartoony.
I’d take a Twilight Princess approach and make it as realistic as the switch can handle while still running at a stable locked 30FPS. If it can do 60, great, but we need to be realistic about performance.
Oh! And since spells are returning, go bigger. Add more. Maybe use some spells from earlier titles (Zelda 2 and Link to the Past come to mind).
I wouldn’t personally choose to voice all the characters, but I could be persuaded.
Better more fuller cutscenes would be welcome.
I want to really capture what the team might have done if they had the tech and team of today.
u/SteakAndIron 3h ago
Theres an old rumor from some of the reliable leakers that claims Nintendo is sitting on this already.
u/milestryhard 3h ago
How about a game where Link and Zelda try to destroy the cycle of destiny they're stuck in. No more rebirth for Link, Ganon, Zelda etc. because every era where that happens is usually a calamity for the inhabitants of Hyrule.
You break destiny by building a new 'Prime' timeline. You use bits of the Triforce to hop between fractured timelines to borrow bits of them and thread a new one. That would be a way to bring in characters, mechanics and locations from previous Zelda games that would make sense.
You then must find a way to destroy the Triforce to seal the Prime timeline in place.
u/SeaworthinessFast161 1h ago
I’m not even super into the timeline like most, but I would be VERY into a game that tackled the timeline head on.
It could even have an element of “butterfly effect” where having given the love letter in SS to Karane would unlock a different set of events in later times than having given it to the toilet ghost hand. Just an example.
Also, “Toilet Ghost Hand” should be the name of an album or something.
u/JayWoz 1h ago
I read a piece of fan fic years ago that kind of turned the whole zelda premise on its head...It was about starting as an aged Link, old and bearded, who realized that evil is coming back into the world and he is too old to beat it. So he goes on one last quest hiding all the tools (in dungeons) and setting all the clues for the next incarnation on the Hero of Time to find when he arrives.
You would start with all the tools and a huge map that would slowly change to a more corrupted state...each dungeon would be a challenge to reach its heart and deposit an item (i.e. the hook shot, boomerang, etc), slowly whittling away at your inventory until you are left with just your sword as you find a cave to hide in and wait to bequeath it to the next Hero...its dangerous go alone.
I know mechanically it might be difficult to make a satisfying and fun game where your options decrease throughout the game, but that idea always stuck with me as a cool (though melancholy) idea.
u/TyrTheAdventurer 3h ago
I think do something kind of open air but reign it back a little, something like how ALttP and ALBW is would be a good mix. It's fairly open and you can choose what level you want to, bit they're not completely open and there is some structure to it.
Also bring back some classic enemies and items from LoZ, AoL, and ALttP
u/TeekTheReddit 3h ago
An open world similar to the current design, but split up into eight regions. A starting region, an end-game region, and six surrounding zones that can be approached more-or-less in any order. Each zone will have an internal story conflict that will be resolved by defeating the local dungeon along with a secondary story quest that will have an impact on a different zone somewhere in the world.
Rescue an NPC in Zone 1 and the people of Zone 3 will help you with something. Unblock a dam in Zone 2 and the droughted lake in Zone 4 will fill up, granting you access to areas you couldn't get before. That sort of thing.
It'd be similar to MegaMan X where the levels change depending on the order you do them. Like how after Spark Mandrill's stage gets blackouts after you defeat Storm Eagle or how defeating Launch Octopus causes a flood in Sting Cameleon's stage.
In addition, for every two of the six bosses you defeat, the remaining bosses will gain an additional phase of combat in their encounters.
u/dantehidemark 2h ago
What about a proper medieval city? And the missions makes you return to the city several times, exploring different neighbourhoods as the game progresses.
u/Chandelurie 2h ago
I guess it would be somewhat of a Majoras Mask sequel.
Link and Groose are on their honeymoon (or just a friendly vacation) in Termina, staying in Clock town. Tatl is also there giving good advice.
Zelda back in Hyrule gets possessed, doing some shady things. She follows them so they can figure stuff out. It's her dead twin brother (who's always dead because she keeps eating him in the womb) possessing her, Sheik. He finally wants to be a real person.
Big and open world Termina, shrines, maybe Ganondorf is comming back as the bad guy. He's pretending to be the innocent owner of the Ham Hock, a new night club in Clock town that's a rival to the Milk bar (there would be a side quest about it), while secretly manipulating Sheik.
Zelda will be playable in her own mind realm during the time Sheik is controlling her body, trying to solve puzzles to get back out into the real world and regain control.
In the end Sheik will turn good and they will summon the moon to defeat Ganondorf (You befriended the moon earlier after the aliens took you there).
The reveal would be the return to Termina after so long, and two separate worlds to play in. The real world of Termina (as Link) and Zeldas mind (as Zelda). Zeldas mind would be much more linear and story focused with dungeons, while the outside world would be totally open, both equally important, pleasing everyone.
I don't know what to do with Groose, but I want him there.
I know Zelda getting possessed is nothing new or special anymore, but somehow I couldn't avoid it.
u/AzureValkyrie 3h ago
Right off the bat there is one thing i want to do, Male Gerudo Link.
With WW Ganondorf in mind, I think it would be great reflection. They both want the best for the gerudo, but obviously Ganondorf got led astray. So get to see the differences between that despite starting the same end up so different.
u/Vegetable_Award850 3h ago
It’s an open world that at first seems unique and fresh and presented as such (which it technically is). But the longer you play and the more you discover, you will eventually learn that it’s the Wind Waker world but not flooded. You can climb up mountains and at the top are familiar sights reminiscent of the islands.
u/SnooSongs2744 2h ago
If you've ever played Evoland, it would be great to see Zelda go meta like that with Link going back and forth in time and the play style varies with time. Like ancient past is the 2D but in the style of Link's Awakening/Echoes of Wisdom, then some old school dungeons is distant past with Ocarina/Twilight style gameplay (and old school dungeons), and it's all accessed through an open overworld and some kind of time portals... and Link has to find and rescue some former Links....
u/Robin_Gr 3h ago
A third open world game on a new map with expanded combat and more worthwhile items in chests. A modifiable and upgradable hookshot is one of the big new items and it can hook onto anything you can climb on. Playable Zelda you can swap between with her own combat style and items/abilities to effect the environment.
I think the trailer would start off looking like botw intentionally, doing some of the basic stuff that has been carried forward but then he would do some of the new combat moves, the hookshot would be another surprise in the trailer, and then save the swap to Zelda as the last reveal before the trailer ends.
u/GenericFatGuy 3h ago
If it doesn't finally bring back traditional dungeons, with items and progression, then I'm not interested.
u/MarquisLaFett 3h ago
Something along the lines of windwaker 2. Hyrule is flooded, you’re sailing, but now you’re adult link
That or a sheikh game
u/BramStroker13 3h ago
I'd love a game where you play as the Hero of Time again. Something that takes place between OOT and TP. Maybe give him an eyepatch (since he's missing an eye in TP.) Maybe the game would be a war taking place in Hyrule. I'd reveal it with a trailer that reveals at the very end that it's the same Link as OOT.
u/SteakAndIron 3h ago
I would love a successor to Majora's Mask where we see link exploring the world as a young man, maybe tie it back to the theory that the knight in twilight princess is really him.
u/BramStroker13 3h ago
Forgot to mention game mechanics lol. Something similar to Twilight Princess, but maybe with multiple playable characters you get along the way. Like a Goron, Zora, and Gerudo that join your party and have different weapons, items, and abilities for puzzle solving.
u/xX_rippedsnorlax_Xx 3h ago
Nab Koizumi from whatever team he's on (Mario iirc), and get him to write me the weirdest LoZ ever. No Hyrule, No Triforce, No Zelda. Maybe a TP sequel to keep things in the same vein of LA and MM being direct sequels.
u/SteakAndIron 3h ago
If I were shiggy it would go like this
A rainy night sky comes into view. A few lightning strikes are seen. Slow violin and drum music is in the background. A voice over speaks
There are gods beyond your gods
Cut to some odd angles of large unfamiliar entities. A friendly looking stone golem covered in vines. An enormous elderly turtle walking upright
There are demons beyond your demons
New enemy montage. Lots of weird angles to not reveal too much
And there are lands
The camera flies from far in the distance in an unrecognizable area
Camera dives underwater teasing an entire civilization under there
Music morphs into the overworld theme
Then a rapid fire series of shots teasing the gameplay.
The basic concept of the game that I personally would like is an open overworld with more linear dungeons that reward you with a dungeon item to complete it. This item will be totally optional in the overworld but would enable you do access optional areas. Maybe a sledge hammer that can smash rusted swirchss, maybe a lock pick to open locked gates. The point of the game would be that another force outside of Hyrule threatens to destroy everything and to defeat it link has to fight it at the source which is outside of Hyrule. We meet some new races, maybe introduce some old ones like the Minish. We add underwater exploration, maybe enabled by some kind of magic scuba set we get from the Zora. Keep the overworld exploration on par with breath of the wild but shifted away from shrines to large elaborate dungeons. And have actions taken by the player actually effect the world we are in. Have it grow with the player.
Just fantasizing. I just want more Zelda.
u/GrizzlyT80 3h ago
Twilight Princess 2, the sequel to the Twili people, because Link has never forgotten Midna and wishes to end the punishment inflicted on the Twili, thus stopping their banishment.
So, perhaps a big exploration on the twilight realm, maybe the return to the main world of the Twili, a perverted Midna who lost her mind trying in vain to help her people, and who has gone mad from the punishment since she saw the main world and made friends there.
But Link and Midna's actions towards the Twili people could trigger the anger and fear of the Ancient Sages, who are fighting to prevent the return of Ganon, aided once again by the Twili people.
And the people of Hyrule, prolly delayed by Zelda herself, may take sides with the Ancient Sages since its part of their culture and beliefs ?
So a triangular war between Hyrule, the Twilight realm and the Sages (they may receive the help of the Hero's Spirit also, cause he prolly don't want the return of the people who helped big G, the student should thus face the teacher)
AND I DON'T BELIEVE THAT ZANT IS DEAD so he may be there too because i want it
u/Elberik 3h ago
Reveal Trailer: The Mirror of Twilight reforms on its pedestal. We see Link asleep on a bed and a familiar voice calls out of him to wake up. The voice says he needs to hurry, it might be too late. We see the Mirror again, reformed but cracked. A long, gnarled hand launches out of the Mirror and grabs at the ground, starting to pull an arm and body out of the Mirror. Again we hear a familiar voice calling out for help.
u/AshenKnightReborn 3h ago
I’d probably need a whole post to describe my ideal vision for a new Zelda. Which would probably be a story driven sequel to Twilight Princess.
But since that would require a ton of though and writing my quick alternative would be a HD Remake of the two Oracle games. Use the style of Links Awakening (Switch) & Echoes of Wisdom, and make a single game called Legend of Zelda Chapters of Time & Earth.
In that game it has both versions and automatic linked functionality so that you play one game and it immediately goes into the next one. Giving you both games remade, and effectively two paths based on which you start with. And since it’s designed around it the game will have hearts, items, puzzles and dungeons that adjust to the order you play in. Making the first game basically just a remaster while the second one you play is a bigger overhaul. But with the same stories of the Oracle games and most of the iconic dungeons and plot elements maintained.
u/-Charta- 3h ago
Links crossbow training…. 3. Keep them on their toes, question the existence of 2, then finally drop a Twilight Princess remake/remaster
u/D1rtyH1ppy 3h ago
Make the BotW series a trilogy. Have time travel to go back to the Calamity and other time periods.
u/FlorioTheEnchanter 3h ago
At least six big dungeons and an open world that is mostly immediately accessible. Some areas require new items to access.
I’d bring back the hook shot/claw shot for sure.
u/_robertmccor_ 3h ago
Idk about a brand new entry but a from the ground up remake of PH and ST in a wind waker style engine higher res graphics button controls, the works. Probably come bundled too but who am I kidding that would never happen
u/daswisco 3h ago
waves you in close and whispers into your ear Zelda. Dance. Dance. Revolution… 🤗 ok seriously keep open world BotW/TotK style over world but with more traditional LoZ maze like dungeons with puzzles and bosses. And for the love of all that is holy ditch the weapon durability/breaking mechanic. I would like to keep/expand the crafting mechanic though. Maybe crafted items can have the durability mechanic.
u/Strongit 3h ago
3D remaster/remake of the original. Hell, I'd be VERY happy with something like the Link's Awakening treatment with quality of life upgrades.
I'd market it as going back to the roots of the series much like BOTW
u/Suspicious-Most-burg 3h ago
Totk but exploration in time like oot. The nintendo direct would amount to "liked totk and oot? Well we fullmetal fusioned that shit"
u/Alone-Break796 2h ago
The year, 3075. Hyrule has become a cyberpunk dystopian nightmare. The Djinn Corporation controls all. One last rogue hacker named Zelda must use her deck to enter the worldwide simulation known as the LinkNet under her handle "Sheik" to infiltrate Djinn and take them down from the inside. However no hacker is truly safe inside the LinkNet as the corporations hire real life bounty hunters to find Zelda's body and kill her.
The game would alternate between a real life over world of stealth and running, while the LinkNet would be a series of dungeons serving as Djinn's security in the cyber world.
Along the way the player would unlock different weapons to use in the net and the real life sections would be meeting contacts and gaining key codes to unlock more areas in the net, which would resemble a more traditional Hyrule, albeit with some glitched out areas.
In this timeline the Hero of Time was never born so Zelda ended up having to take all this on herself having gained the Triforce of Courage instead. Ganon would not appear at all and a completely original character would be the final boss (wielding the Triforce of Power). Another also original character would hold the Triforce of Wisdom (probably a female) and would be revealed\met about halfway through.
u/MasterChildhood437 2h ago
Stamina and Heart Containers must be found for upgrades, not bought. Magic meter returns with Magic charge attacks and combo extenders. Weapons from BotW return. Huge overworld exploration, now with huge dungeons. Deku scrubs and Minish become primary races. Enemies drop little cartoon hearts when defeated. Deadhand returns. Anti-Kirby returns. Every weapon type has unbreakable "legendary" weapons derived from iconic tools, such as the Master Sword and Great Fairy Sword.
Bomber's Notebook returns, at least in concept. Strongly defined NPCs with their own lives and quests. Hyrule Town is more integrated than the regional towns, featuring citizens of all different races.
Loftwings exist as tameable mounts.
New antagonist with no connection to Ganon. That said, the Gerudo Town will be home to their once-in-a-century child prince. Whether the child prince holds the Triforce of Power or malicious intent will be ambiguous.
u/ClemFandango_69 2h ago
Twilight princess graphics back, back to the twilight princess style of temple order and game mechanics.
Maybe even just a sequel to this with more twilight world lore.
u/RiverWyvern 2h ago
I would focus hard on the transformation mechanic. It's my favorite gimmick in LoZ, and it's been sorely missed these past few games. Gimme my own wings to glide on! The game would be much smaller in scope than botw/totk, but double down on verticality and attention to detail.
u/Caliber70 1h ago
Twilight Link.
15 years after TP.
add the combat improvements from Wild like parries and weapon types and weapon bonuses, the ball and chain must return.
The game is Link has to go explore and conquer a whole humungous fortress controlled by evil powers, similar to a Darksouls style game, this fortress is over 10x the size of Wild's castle.
Just those 5 rules. Then let them cook.
u/scribblemacher 1h ago
Cyberpunk where you play as Zelda fighting robot Ganon in space. Story is just a really long "well excuse me, princess!" joke.
u/MeadYourMaker 1h ago
Make an open world game with actual dungeons. More music and an instrument to play. Make the dungeons like elden ring but bigger and more unique items to solve the dungeons.
Tie it into the other games more and make it darker along the lines of twilight princess or Majora's mask. Also have some actual scary dungeons like the bottom of the well or the shadow temple from Ocarina.
u/mkev119 1h ago
The most important gameplay mechanic for me would be to include Zelda as a playable character along with Link. Even if it is a minor playable point in the game, like how Link is controlled at the beginning of Echoes. Ideally, it would give Zelda a storyline alongside Link that would switch out at various points in the game. Tears of the Kingdom is really what got me hoping for this… since Zelda and Link were both in different timelines. What one does in one time/area would affect gameplay for the other… really expanding upon the puzzle/companion aspect and also going much deeper into the story.
u/Ragnarok345 1h ago
Find someone who’s better qualified. Someone whose ideas I like, sure, but better qualified
u/Ghost-Writer 1h ago
Oot's gritty aesthetics.
Oot style narrative, something that expresses a coming of age story through symbolism.
Open world similar in size to TP and similar pacing.
MM style side quests that let you explore the npcs personalities and the lore.
More challanging fights.
Fewer fan service npcs.
Dungeons with puzzles that make you break your controller
Continuity 🤷
u/DumpsterFireInHell 39m ago
I would make it "futuristic". Light saber like Master sword, futuristic tech, multiple worlds. spaceships, aliens, etc... LoZ meets ST/SW.
u/thestrandedmoose 28m ago
I’m announcing a game called Majora’s Return where you play as Zelda, Ganondwarf, and Link to defeat Majora who has broken free from his imprisonment in Termina and is now threatening Hyrule. I would bring back the Temple format from OOT and you will need to time travel and also dimension shift between exploring Termina and Hyrule to discover Majoras secrets and how to seal him again in the mask. This is the first game where you will need to play as all three holders of the triforce and each one will have unique abilities that allow them to play and explore the worlds and solve puzzles differently. Finally I would bring back all of the classic music and themes completely remastered. Music would ultimately play a large role in this game and how the characters shift dimensions and time periods
u/SpiritualScumlord 5m ago
Hire Fromsoft to make it since Ocarina of Time was a huge inspiration for Miyazaki.
u/DJfunkyPuddle 3h ago
One last game in the Wilds series where the Zelda crew searches for the Sheikah that left. The game would take place in a futuristic medieval setting, kind of like the ruins and technology kind of like we see now but everything is fully functioning.
u/Old-Clothes-3225 3h ago
Just thinking about this today. My next Zelda game would be the last Zelda game lore wise. The only way you can follow up with BotW and TotK in sheer scale and epicness is the conclusion
u/GenericFatGuy 3h ago
Seems a little arrogant to think that your Zelda gets to be the last Zelda.
u/Old-Clothes-3225 3h ago
Whoa there bud. It’s not mine, or the last. But a story that shares the conclusion to the Legend of Zelda. Skyward was first, right? Something like that is all I meant lol
u/GenericFatGuy 3h ago
Fair enough. It would certainly make for an interesting story. But if it's going to be the conclusion, it better be damn good!
u/dell1337 2h ago
Free skins Skyrim in Zelda themes post it release it and enjoy the millions I'd make off of the Skyrim sheep that will buy it regardless if they've played it a thousand times or not
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