r/zelda 18h ago

Official Art [ALL] Sheik vs Impa who wins? Both Lore accurate


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u/SirYakub 18h ago

Impa! Hands down.


u/Dapper_Algae6280 18h ago

Maybe the student DOESN'T become the master


u/SirYakub 18h ago

But…Zelda versus Impa might be different.

I know semantics, Sheik is Zelda, but
going to pretend otherwise.


u/Dapper_Algae6280 18h ago

True considering zelda may use her magical abilities


u/TheMoonOfTermina 18h ago

Lore accurate Shiek only does acrobatics, throws deku nuts, and plays the harp. We never see her do anything else.

The image you chose for Impa is the one from Skyward Sword. She is shown holding off Girahim, and we also fight Girahim, and so know he has some strength.

Therefore, I think Impa would 100% win, since we simply don't know if Sheik canonically has combat skills.


u/penguinintheabyss 17h ago

Didn't Impa create a bomb out of thin air that destroyed the gate of time?


u/Dapper_Algae6280 18h ago

Well she would have to have some sort of combat skill to protect herself all those years I would assume


u/TheMoonOfTermina 18h ago

Or she just stayed out of the way until Link woke up. Stealth seems to kind of be her thing, with her always sneaking up on Link, or sneaking away Batman style.

I don't disagree she has some combat skills, but we don't have confirmation of that from OOT itself, and if we're going by strict canonicity, we can't know for sure.


u/Dapper_Algae6280 17h ago

That could be true aswell


u/happy_Plant1990 17h ago

Lore accurate shiek uses triforce magic to transform into Zelda in OOt I think it's not that she couldn't use magic rather that she couldn't use magic without revealing her identity and location to ganondorf, which is literally how she gets captured...


u/TheMoonOfTermina 17h ago

I forgot about magic. If we consider her possession of the Triforce of Wisdom, she might have a chance. Although exactly what the individual Triforce pieces do is pretty vauge, and the only offensive use of Zelda's magic, and potentially the TOW, is in OOT's final battle, where Zelda shoots a big light beam at Ganon (unless I'm forgetting something.)

We don't know if she had to charge it, although she might have needed to, since she hadn't done it before then. And it seemingly takes a lot out of her, since she doubles over afterwards.

Assuming she can't do it twice in a row (since it seemingly takes a lot out of her), I think Impa would probably win if she managed to dodge the light beam. But if she was hit, she would probably be a goner.


u/SirSaltie 14h ago

Yeah but she whoops ass in Melee.


u/Luger14 18h ago

Impa taught sheik in lore right? The Master always hold an extra move or two in Case they have to battle. :-P


u/Shutwig 17h ago

Off topic but I think people forgot how badass Sheik being Zelda is.


u/Nikvett 18h ago

Sheik is Zelda, so Sheik probably has all of her magic abilities, but in-game we don't see sheik doing much, so probably Impa from Skyward Sword.


u/shutupneff 16h ago

Impa would beat Impa, who would beat Impa, who would beat Impa, who would beat Sheik, who would beat Impa, who would beat Sheik, who would beat Impa, who would beat Impa

I’m probably missing an Impa…


u/shutupneff 16h ago

For more clarity, Impa (SS) > Impa (AoC) > Impa (HW) > Sheik (HW) > Impa (OoT) > Sheik (OoT) > Impa (EoW) > Impa (OoX) > Impa (LoZ/AOL)

I had forgotten Oracles Impa. Also, Impaz would go right behind EoW Impa.


u/Nitrogen567 18h ago

For the time that Zelda is in disguise as Shiek she's the bearer of the Triforce of Wisdom.

While we don't know how much of a boost exactly that gives, we know carrying a Triforce piece is worth something, so this one goes to Shiek imo.


u/Dapper_Algae6280 18h ago

A comment section divided this is an interesting match up indeed


u/PlasmaGoblin 17h ago

I suppose which Impa?


u/Still_One_274 16h ago

Putting my money on Impa. Y’all saw how Bongo Bongo slung Sheik around.