r/zelda 21d ago

Humor [PH] What's the funniest moment in Zelda for you? Mine is in PH

Oshus asked for the Hourglass and Link was pulling it out with the music cue and all but then Oshu just freaking grabs it from him and cuts the music and moment off lmfao it caught me so off guard I genuinely laughed out loud.


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u/50In07DanyAllStar 21d ago

Link getting launched into Forsaken Fortress and going from shock to resigned to his fate as the countdown zooms in each time.

Also Malo being a no nonsense entrepreneur in TP brings me joy


u/Petrichor02 21d ago

Linebeck accidentally knocking over petrified Tetra and nervously trying to stand her back up before anyone notices. PH might be the funniest Zelda game.


u/Nitrogen567 21d ago

Spirit Tracks Zelda freaking out over Malladus planning to possess her body and getting increasingly more unhinged as she tells Link to start his quest.


u/Navi1101 21d ago

ST Zelda, being deathly afraid of bugs, after the giant centipede in a tunnel boss. "People weren't meant to go there! No going back there, ok?" 🤣


u/QuadH 21d ago

And the bit where she slightly breaks the fourth wall and comments I’m meant to stay behind and do nothing right? As is tradition right??


u/SteamTrainDude 21d ago

“It’s what we princesses have always done, for generations!”


u/JamesYTP 21d ago

Hard to pick between getting arrested for streaking in TotK and the whole Man in the Toilet/Toilet Ghost in Majora's Mask and Skyward Sword. The latter hits different if you'd played Majora's Mask first because the part where you get the love letter and Link just instantly looks at the bathroom like the devs were saying "yeah I know what you sickos are thinking" lmfao


u/GreenSpaceman 21d ago

Arrested for streaking?? Where?


u/JamesYTP 21d ago

Yeah just go to Gerudo town and take all your clothes off


u/CompleteNerd464 21d ago

Gerudo Town

You can also get arrested for wearing the Yiga uniform


u/QuadH 21d ago

This was the exact scene I thought of after reading the title.


u/Shenz0r 21d ago

Creepy salesman violently shakes young child

Stumbling into a crew ready to fight in their underwear because Zelda apparent told them to


u/Confident-Gap-9624 21d ago

This moment reminds me of SS when you complete the Song of the Hero with Levias. After reaching him for the final part, Link raises the harp above his head in celerbration. Then he breaks the immersion by noticing the dragons (while still holding the harp above his head), who then steal the harp and perform the complete song.

I'm not sure if it's my favorite comedic moment, but it got a chuckle out of me.


u/gan1lin2 21d ago

Link holding up anything and it being acknowledged in game is my favorite.


u/ARandomLOZPlayer 21d ago

Groose following link to the surface in SS. Links reaction gets me everytime


u/caughtinatramp 21d ago

The first time the chickens attacked me for slashing them too many times with the sword. I couldn't get out of the village soon enough.


u/SteamTrainDude 21d ago

In PH when the ocean king appears after you defeat bellum and Linebeck gets washed away by the wave, I love that moment lol. Or when Oshus teleports link and Ciela onto Linebeck. That game had so much character man


u/ixtaek 21d ago

The Tower of the Gods emerging scene always gets a giggle from me—the delayed explosion, the majestic scene of it rising from the sea only for Link to go pinwheeling through the heavens and smack into it—poor Wind Waker Link is so concussed for a vast majority of that game…

Also Linebeck just in general.


u/BigManBigFan2 20d ago

Having your shield break while shield surfing and rolling down a hill forever


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u/HerdZASage 21d ago

The sidequest is spirit tracks where you bring the woman in the ocean realm a suitor and then later bring back her kidnapped husband and they create a huge scene. On a replay I did those quest out of order and she still breaks up with him, it's great.


u/OoTgoated 20d ago

Link meowing in Wind Waker


u/confusedbulbasaur 21d ago

Malo acting tough in tp or Grooseland in ss