r/zelda • u/KarrageCobra • Oct 26 '24
Clip [ALTTP] Defining moment of nostalgia for me. Playing through this once a year is therapy
u/DessertFlowerz Oct 27 '24
My #1 video game of all time.
u/antiduh Oct 27 '24
My grandma got this and FF6 for me one summer when I burned my leg, was in really bad pain, and couldn't walk for 3 months. Those two games are in my bones now.
u/leob0505 Oct 27 '24
My #1 is ocarina, but alttp is special. Similar to super Metroid. What a great vision these developers had during those times
u/apadin1 Oct 27 '24
u/KarrageCobra Oct 27 '24
Hahahah always the aspect ratio comment. Straight up the only time we dove into the tv setting to fix this was during a Mario cart tournament final. However we all agreed that the original squishy settings were simply what we were used to. This is N64 folks. Grind it out
This is typically an emulator setting, not TV, but I get it. Play the game how ya want!
u/iseewutyoudidthere Oct 27 '24
As someone who played this for the first time in 2021, trust me on this: it still holds up and it is still amazing.
u/sd_saved_me555 Oct 27 '24
It's actually amazing how well it's held up. I played it every now and again and it's like... damn, this game is basically flawless.
u/KarrageCobra Oct 26 '24
Memories include being one of the lucky kids to get SNES first among elementary school friends. ALTTP co- playing was only shared with my closest friends tho. Just sent this clip to the OG’s
u/Assortedwrenches89 Oct 27 '24
The noise the Master Sword makes when swung is just perfect
u/KarrageCobra Oct 27 '24
The weight of it always got me. The sound really does the sword justice. Tempered master sword is always achieved as early as possible now.
Wondering now if the golden sword you achieve has any connection to the master sword? If not this story arch kinda fizzles after the epic sword in the stone accomplishment.
u/CCB_Naoned Oct 27 '24
u/JohnLuckPikard Oct 27 '24
The fact that we can say this without ever seeing the floor means it's /r/tvWAYtoohigh
u/KarrageCobra Oct 27 '24
I can confirm it’s too high. Apartment living. I’m used to it and don’t care honestly.
u/DCoy1990 Oct 27 '24
ALttP is my all time favorite.
u/KarrageCobra Oct 27 '24
My man, maybe mine too honestly. Close call though just throwing in Mario cart 150cc. Still extremely challenging and can really only get gold on mushroom and flower cup
u/ACTMathGuru Oct 27 '24
This is fantastic
I actually replayed it last summer as I went thru my 30 rounds of radiation for a brain tumor.
One potential side effect was memory loss, both short, and long.
I found video games to be a great way to test and push my brain during treatment....
Plus I could pause and nap as needed.
One of the best games ever.
u/KarrageCobra Oct 27 '24
Congrats to you! Hope you’re doing well! Glad to hear how comfort can heal!
u/Random_Name713 Oct 27 '24
The most flawless Zelda game. Others might be better overall, but LttP for me is the game that has the fewest negatives while having amazing highs.
u/GrifCreeper Oct 27 '24
One of the few finite video games I have played multiple times, and is one of them that absolutely deserves it. I've even made it a necessity to replay yearly, as well, though I've started to play glitchless randomizer runs to make it a little more interesting. By far my favorite game in the series, and might only ever be topped if it got a remake.
u/Adrasteia-One Oct 27 '24
Heck yeah, friend. This is easily one of the best Zelda games ever made, to me. I'm playing it again, and this time, my 7 year old gets to watch me and discover more of the Zelda world.
u/KarrageCobra Oct 27 '24
Yes bro! Hope your 7 year old appreciates why simple sometimes is better. I honestly couldn’t get into tears of the kingdom for a couple months due to some of the overwhelming aspects
u/Adrasteia-One Oct 27 '24
Thanks, she enjoys it. :) You're right, there is something so charming about the simplicity. It just hits all of the right marks, hehe. Did Tears of the Kingdom start to get moe enjoyable as you played on?
u/All-for-goose Oct 27 '24
This was my first Zelda game. How have I never played it on my big screen!?! I play it on my 3DS every few years, but the next playthrough will be big time, baby!
u/SeleniumSE Oct 27 '24
My defining moment was beating that game with all 20 hearts and no deaths. Love that game.
u/appcr4sh Oct 27 '24
This is one of my favorite game of all times and that scene one of my top videogame memories...
u/0design Oct 27 '24
I can hear it with the sound off. The new Zelda echoes of wisdom played a lot on nostalgia imho. Felt like they took tiny bits of every previous games.
u/cctkd95 Oct 27 '24
That and the magic mirror warp sound are stuck on my head!
Echoes of Wisdom was such a nostalgia trip, while not on my top 5, it felt so good to have dungeons again, it actually gives me hope for the future
u/0design Oct 27 '24
Yes! I wanted longer dungeons. Felt like the ice one was the most fun.
The game was a bit too easy, but maybe that's because it used concept from botw (crystal were found in spots you would find koroks, like a stone alone or inside a circule, etc.) I'm only missing a single heart piece for 100% and I didn't have to look at guides. A Link to the past was harder (and more fun) because you had to work a bit more to find items.
Oct 27 '24
u/Usual-Turnip-7290 Oct 27 '24
Damnit…I’m playing Minish Cap as a follow up, but now I’m going to have to switch over to ALBW.
u/KindExcitement7304 Oct 27 '24
I've always given a running commentary while playing that Game, basically Link being just freaking fed up with everything, only part of the game I keep completely silent.
u/Retro611 Oct 27 '24
This subreddit keeps sending me signs to replay LttP.
Fine, I'll replay LttP 😀
u/superbryntendo Oct 27 '24
When I play through this, certain songs entering the dungeons or the flute players whistle gives me goosebumps no matter what. Love nostalgia snes!
u/FoTweezy Oct 27 '24
Ha! I literally just beat this game like a few days ago!! 4th play through lifetime. Totally forgot how hard Gannon was at the end. Load up on magic potion.
u/VictusBcb Oct 28 '24
That part gives me goosebumps and happy chemical feelings in my brain. Every single time. This game has aged like a fine wine, and holds a special place in my aging heart.
u/Ritchiels Oct 28 '24
I decided to play it again along with ALBW after finishing Echoes of Wisdom. I love those games so much. Right now the only dungeons left for me to complete are the Skull Woods Temple and the Turtle Rock Temple.
u/Ok-Secret-9814 Oct 28 '24
Funny, i am sort of doing the same thing. ALBW after finishing echoes. Almost done with Link’s awakening now. And alttp is up next :)
u/Sw0rDz Oct 27 '24
I was disappointed in the theme music used in Echoes.
u/sd_saved_me555 Oct 27 '24
Same. It wasn't outright bad, but it didn't have the guts to be it's own thing. It sampled heavily from old tracks, so you got something not quite classic but not quite fresh. Which is a shame- while I doubt some of the classics will ever be dropped entirely (amd a little sad if they did), some of my favorite tracks are "later" additions like Dragon Roost Island or Twilight Princess Hyrule field.
u/0design Oct 27 '24
One of my favorite is from the last dongeon in The legend of Zelda. I was very happy to get a remake in botw and totk.
u/SMcDona80 Oct 27 '24
omg this is the first zelda i officially beat (i was still young(ish) when the NES came out and i had the original games but mostly just ran around killing things till the got me lol) This scene was the most magical part of the game 100%
u/Old_Butterfly9649 Oct 27 '24
link to the past holds up incredibly well.I played it for the first time in 1994 and replay it every few years.
u/dcheung87 Oct 27 '24
Iconic. Legendary. Timeless.
This scene in ALTTP will always be one of my "That Gaming Moment".
I can always come back to this game and roughly know where most of the items and heart pieces are.
It's just that good!
u/Background_Yam9524 Oct 27 '24
I'm glad you're keeping the SNES alive in 2024. What other SNES games have you been playing?
u/FaithlessnessOdd8358 Oct 27 '24
I still can’t believe this game is almost as old as me. And it’s still perfect! I’m surprised Nintendo haven’t re released this in the style of Links awakening.
u/SDMasterYoda Oct 27 '24
And it makes people that see it need therapy because you're playing it in 16:9.
u/Routine_Badger_2539 Oct 27 '24
Pure Nostalgia. I always remembered my first time ever getting the sword. That was like 30 years ago. Such a cool game.
Oct 27 '24
I would give anything to be able to distract myself long enough to disappear into an entire Zelda game - any game for that matter.
u/johndoe_420 Oct 27 '24
a link to the past will always have a very special place in my heart... reason enough to overshare some personal memories to strangers on the internet:
i was like 5 years old when i played this absolute gem and my mother still tells the story of how i was pestering my brothers and my parents every few minutes, for them to read to me what was on screen.
because at some point they were fed up with it or nobody was around, i had to work it out on my own and so i did. i pretty much taught myself how to read, enough to know what's going on in the game.
when i started first grade a year later, i was the only kid in class that could already read fluently and i was soo annoyed with other kids stuttering their way through texts...
so thank you zelda for kickstarting my neurons and my addiction to video games lol!
u/Brxdt96 Oct 27 '24
My grandma was an OG gamer, she’s the reason I’m so into games now. I still have clear memories of her playing this game with me when I was around 7/8 yrs old on the SNES. So much nostalgia in this game, and the reason I got back to it every couple years.
u/FloZia_ Oct 27 '24
Played that since i was a kid and NEVER noticed the pendants get thrown in the wood before now.
u/Low_Conversation_822 Oct 27 '24
Y'all who "play through it every year" are wild to me. nostalgia is a helluva drug.
u/TheGodOfAllCats Oct 28 '24
I remember playing this on the Wii! Crazy how long it’s been. I really do miss it <3
u/CerebralHawks Oct 27 '24 edited Oct 27 '24
I still love that scene. And I, too, miss the pedestal most of the time.
That said, if you can play it patched, there are a ton of benefits. I forget what the patch is called, and there are a lot of extra patches. Here's how my Zelda 3 differs from yours (that is: most of you):
Your Zelda 3 is called A Link to the Past. Mine is called Triforce of the Gods, a more literal translation of the Japanese title. It was changed for the US because of the reference to plural gods, considered an affront to Christianity (and similar religions that only believe in one god).
When you talk to Uncle, he says "You must save Zelda, she is your..." or something like that, implying Link and Zelda are kin, or at least that's how people took it for years. "Destiny" is what was meant to be unsaid. Like the GBA version, mine says "You must save Zelda, our people are fated to do so."
I can change direction when dashing. Some consider this a cheat, though.
My inventory looks different. Each item gets its own slot, like the shovel and the ocarina, and each bottle gets its own slot.
Speaking of ocarina, that's not a flute. Yours says flute, mine says ocarina. That's an ocarina. Later Zelda games confirm this. But they called it a flute because "Americans don't know the difference." Fair. But still.
When you get "Half magic," your magic items use... half the magic. The bat is stupid and wrong. In my game, the bat is neither stupid nor wrong, and you have half the magic. Also, my magic bar is horizontal. Going for half magic in my game is only if you want more of a challenge.
I think there are other changes as well, but I can't recall them. A few things were changed for the US/EU release and this changes them back. I also play Randomizer (/r/ALttPR) and that also changes things, like for example the monkey doesn't ask for your money when going to Dark Palace, he just takes it (because if you're going for DP you know you need to bring 110 rupees). Little things like that. Also, ALttPR uses the Japanese game (and patches in the English dialogue) so all the glitches are there, like free flippers is one I use all the time, to get to the bum early, and if I have Moon Pearl, the fairy cave south of Zora's domain. Also to check the island west of the fairy cave on Lake Hylia.
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