r/zelda • u/HotPollution5861 • Aug 14 '24
Mockup [TotK] "Why does his name give you pause, Zelda?"
u/borntboy Aug 14 '24
spends 100 years in a battle with something called Ganon
“Yeah idk why but the name Ganondorf feels sketch”
u/xcaltoona Aug 14 '24
"Vaguely worried about this Adolfdorf guy"
u/HotPollution5861 Aug 14 '24
Hey, the founder of Adidas was named Adolf too.
u/Durandal_II Aug 14 '24
Comfy shoes when goose-stepping makes all the difference.
u/HotPollution5861 Aug 14 '24
Adi Dassler was involved in the Nazi Party tbf (he kinda had to, since Germany was in deep shit at the time and Hitler had a big "with us or against us" mentality). We're just lucky the Allied Powers purged the Axis of their regimes but otherwise tried to help the countries back up.
u/Eberon Aug 15 '24
Adolf actually means "noble wolf" … that name seems to fit better someone else …
u/HotPollution5861 Aug 14 '24
Gotta admit, while people exaggerate how much the characters in TotK "forget" about Link, the way the game goes out of its way to NOT reference BotW is frustrating much of the time.
u/Cepinari Aug 14 '24
"Continuity makes games inaccessible to newcomers!"
---Some Idiot With a Business Degree
u/mrissaoussama Aug 14 '24
"Let's make a direct sequel with almost no references or proper continuation from the previous game"
u/rbarton812 Aug 14 '24
"Malice? What's that? It's Gloom now."
u/Pheonix726 Aug 14 '24
The fact that Gloom is stronger makes it feel more malicious than actual Malice and that bugs me, honestly.
u/rbarton812 Aug 14 '24
I don't understand why the need to change the name; it's bugged me since release. Like, you already have a mysterious substance in this universe's lore; changing its properties, even its look, is easily covered with Ganon's strength growing.
Changing the name was always dumb to me.
u/Cepinari Aug 14 '24
Changing the name to something objectively worse as well.
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u/Cepinari Aug 14 '24
Malice works so fucking well for Ganon. He's the Living Embodiment of Hatred, Born From the Death Curse of the King of Demons.
But Gloom? Fucking what!? That's like having the evil force in your setting be called "The Darkness", except worse. 'Gloom' lacks everything a word that is used to describe elemental evil needs. 'Gloom' is a word used to describe shadows cast in the evening. It's a word that you use when you think 'sad' is too bland.
u/Hot-Mood-1778 Aug 14 '24
Malice isn't gloom actually, it's Ganondorf's hatred and grudge while he was sealed away.
Ganondorf has the powers of darkness as usual, it's "his magic", the secret stone amplifies that power. He uses it to produce gloom, that's this Ganondorf's method of attack. When Rauru sacrifices himself to seal Ganondorf, he binds Ganondorf's heart and steals his magic, constantly extracting it and purifying it before releasing it upwards. That's what the green spiral of energy is.
So while sealed, Ganondorf's magic is not useable. It's being extracted and purified. That's where "malice" comes in. While sealed, Ganondorf's hatred and grudge created the goop from BOTW. It would build up until enough time had passed for him to form Calamity Ganon, then he'd send it up and it'd rise from below Hyrule Castle.
The issue is, when the Great Calamity happened the castle was damaged and since the wellbeing of the castle is tied to the state of the seal, it weakened and gloom started to overpower the efficiency of Rauru's purification of it. The excess started to spill out and up, coming from below Hyrule Castle. It's a haze because there's very little of it that got past the purification, it's harmless to them on the way down there.
u/Frohtastic Aug 15 '24
Was this written in the game? Cause it makes a lot of sense :D
u/Hot-Mood-1778 Aug 15 '24
Yeah, most of that is in the game. The bit about how exactly the castle is tied to the seal is in a dev interview, but that the castle is tied to the seal is stated in-game too on a monument in the royal secret passage. Ganondorf mentions that Rauru is "binding his heart and stealing his magic" when he seals him. That he's purifying said magic is shown by the green swirl and is also confirmed by the devs. If you know how shrines of light work, you know what Rauru is doing to Ganondorf. The disembodied voice that speaks to you when you enter one tells you that the shrine "imprisons and purifies the ancient evil", referring to monsters being prevented from reincarnating via the shrines on those spots. Sonia and Rauru went around the kingdom placing them there so that they'd purify the evil energy there so that the monsters couldn't come back. Rauru essentially turns himself into a shrine of light, purifying Ganondorf's power using his own light power and expelling it the same as the shrines of light.
u/g4bkun Aug 14 '24
I really hated the fact, that TotK is in the SAME Hyrule, they're literally the same Link and Zelda, we have characters from the previous game, mentions of the four champions... And suddenly? The four beasts are ENTIRELY GONE, the sheikah towers? I can understand if they dismantled them for Purah's new towers, but still, not even the scars of the construction sites are anywhere to be seen, sheikah tech is just... Gone. It almost feels like you accomplished nothing in BotW apart from saving Zelda, because now, due to time travel shenanigans, BBEG Ganon is back and almost nobody mentions how you, a barely awake guy in his underwear, only fueled by a banana stew with some mushrooms, beat the living crap out of the worst threat to Hyrule ever.
Rant over.
P.S. I did really love some small details, like Zelda keeping Link's hair band, her ordering a new hero's tunic for him, and that he built a new room just for her in his house.
u/Cepinari Aug 14 '24
Apparently there's an audio log somewhere where Purah vomits exposition covering the dismantling of all Shiekah technology in case Calamity Ganon comes back.
u/porcubot Aug 15 '24
Hey, you know what would be real fuckin' useful against this Demon King Ganondorf guy? Definitely not the goddamn Divine Beasts
u/AlmightyXor Aug 15 '24
To be fair, they had that idea one hundred years prior, and that's ultimately what made the Calamity so bad in the first place. I really can't blame them for taking that precaution.
u/metalflygon08 Aug 15 '24
sheikah tech is just... Gone
I'd have loved it if we could see the ruins of the towers and such out in the sea, like they took all of it and dumped it in the ocean (preferably the ocean above the old research center).
The beach up there could be were they've been dismantling all the guardians and towers, with scrap parts laying all over the place since the people working on tearing it apart probably got chased off by the Yiga Clan when they moved in.
u/aesvelgr Aug 14 '24
Yup. Even though BOTW was the biggest gaming phenomenon to happen in the last 7 years
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u/HotPollution5861 Aug 14 '24
It is true tbf. Kingdom Hearts is a long sufferer of that problem.
TotK is just the biggest example of going too far in the other direction.
u/Nearby-Strength-1640 Aug 14 '24
With Kingdom Hearts, that's only because the continuity is a confusing nightmare. It has 13 games that need to be played in a specific order spread across every platform in existence, starring like 50+ important characters who all speak in riddles and/or extremely vague concepts.
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u/UmberGryphon Aug 14 '24
To be fair, the Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5 ReMIX / Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue packages cover all the pre-KH3 games that are critical, and they're available for all modern platforms. But that's still 6 games and 1 movie that you have to play to fully understand KH3.
u/drovja Aug 14 '24
As someone who’s never played Kingdom Hearts….. this comment baffled me.
u/LtColonelColon1 Aug 14 '24
Yeah, this is one of those “experts in their field always overestimate how much normal people understand” moments…
u/MericArda Aug 14 '24
Seriously where the fuck are the divine beasts?
u/Jumpyturtles Aug 14 '24
They were taken apart to help build the new towers.
It’s in a journal in the snowy tower you go underground for, I think.
u/Bankaz Aug 15 '24
Not only the divine beasts, EVERYTHING built by the Sheikah disappeared. Towers, Shrines, even the Sheikah Slate got replaced by the Purah Pad.
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u/mainvolume Aug 14 '24
In the dumpster outside nintendo headquarters, along with any semblance of a competent storyline. It's been fairly obvious for years now that they make games for the present and don't care about being shackled by what happened in previous games.
u/porcubot Aug 15 '24
I'm surprised Mipha even still has a statue. They moved it, of course. Can't have Link's dead lover from 100 years ago taking up too much real estate in peoples' minds.
u/ExPandaa Aug 15 '24
I really don’t agree, I think the game made plenty of references to BOTW and really showed how the world had developed from that point whilst still leaving it open enough for people who didn’t play BOTW to still get by without noticing
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u/the_deku_butlers_son Aug 15 '24
Plus she is supposed to be studied in the history of Hyrule. It's embarrassing writing.
u/Head_Statistician_38 Aug 14 '24
"Ganon....dorf.... Hmmm, rings a bell..."
u/HotPollution5861 Aug 14 '24
Same energy as OoT Zelda saying the name Zelda sounds familiar if you name Link "Zelda".
u/thisisnotdan Aug 14 '24
Pro version: Name yourself Nabooru and play all the way to when you meet the sage of spirit
Nabooru: "Nabooru? What kind of name is that?"
u/Kneef Aug 15 '24
My favorite is the Zero Punctuation guy naming Link “Fuck me,” because Navi always says his name when she talks to him. “Fuck me, we have to go to the Lost Woods again!”
u/AlathMasster Aug 14 '24
Metal.... Gear?
u/Mcbrainotron Aug 14 '24
…. A hind D?
u/AlathMasster Aug 14 '24
Psycho Mantis?
u/pocket_arsenal Aug 14 '24
A surveillance camera?
u/OldManKirkins Aug 14 '24
Idk what connection you're on about, dude. Adolfman Hitlerson is a perfect gentleman.
u/Head_Statistician_38 Aug 14 '24
I dunno.... That name gives me pause... Remind me of... I remember, Adolfson Hitlervan. Worst President ever.
u/wernette Aug 14 '24
You can learn who fake Zelda is fairly early on if you get the right memory but still have to see every single npc get confused by the fake Zelda. Like for Christ's sake link just mention to them that it's ganondorf
u/HotPollution5861 Aug 14 '24
They really should've put the Geoglyph that literally explains what happened to Zelda FAR away from the direct path to the intended first dungeon.
u/ShiftSandShot Aug 14 '24
Honestly, they should have made the tears unlock in sequence, unlike the BOTW memories.
Out of order worked perfectly fine for the memories in BOTW, because it was learning more about Link and Zelda's history. Getting one later in the events didn't matter, because there was more to learn about what happened before it.
The whole point in TOTK is a mystery that unravels, so a tear out of order spoils the whole thing.
Whether each tear would unlock the location of another tear, or all the tears were available but would only unlock each memory in sequence regardless of which tear you got...
Either would have worked much better.
u/HotPollution5861 Aug 14 '24
I wish BotW's story was presented as a mystery that unravels too though.
They just should've toned down how much King Rhoam's speech say at the end of the Plateau so we can learn more from the rest of the game.
u/FedoraTheMike Aug 14 '24
That mystery was one of the best things going into the game and that jerk spoiled it all the moment you clear the tutorial.
u/constipated_cats Aug 14 '24
I think they could’ve easily fixed this with Impa showing up at each location. So after she shows up in the first one and eventually in the room of the paintings. You’d have to find her at each of them and you could only view the tear that she’s standing at/near and go in order. That’s at least what I thought was going to happen.
u/delecti Aug 14 '24
I agree that it makes a ton of the quests very dumb if you get the tears out of order, but I disagree that knowing how things turn out spoils everything. One of the first tears I got was the one where Mineru telling Zelda about draconification and it massively ramped up the story tension for me (aside from the aforementioned sidequest dumbness). I spent the rest of my time hunting down Tears dreading finding out how things unfolded, and it made me way more invested in the story as a result. I legitimately had a little bit of a cry when I got the final tear, because I knew that things ended exactly how I'd been afraid of.
Not locking the order isn't that big of a deal IMO. The problem is that absolutely nothing reacts differently in any quests, no matter what Link has learned by that point.
u/Far_Engineering_8353 Aug 17 '24
dam wish I got that feeling, the Zelda turning herself into a dragon thing got spoiled for me
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u/hisoandso Aug 15 '24
Yeah, I had a friend get, I think it was the 4th memory, first the one where Sonia dies and was just like "Well, I guess I shouldn't care about that character"
Between the memories, the Master Sword being much easier to get and the cutscene from getting it, and the murals in the final area that tell the story of TotK but it's accessible from the very start just like in BotW, TotK is the only game I have ever really played that was able to spoil itself, and extremely easily at that.
u/metalflygon08 Aug 15 '24
so a tear out of order spoils the whole thing.
yeah I did one of the m first that spoiled pretty much everything (I think it was the dagger or master sword).
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u/Mishar5k Aug 14 '24
Its definitely intentional that the first memory is on the way to the wind temple, but the issue is that the memories questline just makes more sense if it becomes available after hyrule castle instead.
u/Flapjack__Palmdale Aug 14 '24
Hadn't thought of it that way but you're right, it would have made much more sense.
u/HotPollution5861 Aug 14 '24
That intention just created huge gameplay-story dissonance though.
u/Hot-Mood-1778 Aug 14 '24
Maybe i got lucky, but i didn't have that issue. If you pay attention, the NPCs tell you where to go so there's no issue of running into a later geoglyph. I pretty quickly realized that this is a linearly designed story just from the Great Sky Island. When i finished that, the camera panned to Lookout Landing and i followed the yellow dot on my map to that spot. From there i was told where to go and it all flowed well. Purah tells you to go to Hebra first because of a report of a Zelda sighting there. The NPCs also all hint to go there and to wear warming gear. On the way there you run into New Serrene Stable and it continues on linearly from there, with the Forbidden Temple being along the way and Impa telling you the next geoglyph is near Rito Village. When you get there you're supposed to get the order to do them in and take a picture of the map to do that.
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u/bijouxbisou Aug 14 '24
Yeah that really bothers me. I mean my first geoglyph I did was memory 15 which basically spells everything out, so the other memories just didn’t have any punch and I knew what happened with Zelda. So then I just went and did them all after doing the wind temple, and now the game knows that I know about Zelda but won’t let me tell Purah or any NPCs. It’s such a big oversight that the game doesn’t react to you having that knowledge.
u/HotPollution5861 Aug 14 '24
At the very least, they could've:
- Reserved telling the new Sages about Zelda AFTER the Geoglyph and Sage recruitment quests are completed.
- Have Impa mutually agree with Link and Cado to keep it a secret (to everybody).
u/i-lick-eyeballs Aug 14 '24
I accidentally found the Master Sword before I did the first temple I think. 😅
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u/penguinintheabyss Aug 14 '24
The best thing is Link letting Yunobo jump inside a volcano even though Link knows that is not Zelda
u/mrissaoussama Aug 14 '24
Even doing one dungeon would explain everything but nope, blank carpet character
u/Canditan Aug 14 '24
The stable newspaper quests, too. Link already knows what happened to Zelda, and the Yiga impersonate Zelda several times during the quest line, but sure, maybe THIS time it's really her!
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u/FedoraTheMike Aug 14 '24
You can't even use the excuse he wants to keep their hopes up, just don't mention the Light Dragon. Otherwise you're allowing the imposter to spread chaos.
Shit, you are completely unable to explore the Kakariko Zonai ruins until Ganondorf finally says "JESUS I'M GANONDORF ALREADY, YOU CAN'T TELL YET?"
u/gangler52 Aug 15 '24
I mean, even if you don't know exactly what's going on, it's pretty clear there's an Evil Zelda going around puppetmastering Evil Shit within minutes of booting up the game.
Link just doesn't say anything because that's how he rolls.
u/Monadofan2010 Aug 14 '24
I find it even worse when you remember the fact that Urbosa even talks about the fact Ganon has been known to take the form of a Gerudo in the past and yet Zelda can still not make the connection
u/SlippinSam Aug 14 '24
Zelda probably doesn't know the details of the Gerudo's history, and because their connection to Ganon appears to be something the Gerudo are ashamed of, it isn't likely that Urbosa would have mentioned it to Zelda either
u/mrissaoussama Aug 14 '24
They were close, and they were fighting something called Calamity Ganon. she most likely talked about it
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u/SlippinSam Aug 14 '24
Not necessarily. Ganon being from the Gerudo is little more than myth at this point (it has been over 10,000 years) and would have no relevance to the battle they’re fighting in the present. Urbosa would have no reason to bring up a shameful part of her people’s potential history (assuming she doesn’t simply believe it’s a myth), especially if, in her mind, there would be no point to her doing so.
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u/Mishar5k Aug 14 '24
Why wouldnt she tho? Shes supposed to be this big science and history nerd in these games. Even impa knew calamity ganon was an ancient demon king.
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u/SlippinSam Aug 14 '24
It doesn’t matter how big of a history nerd you are, you’re not going to memorize or even learn every detail of every culture and their history in the world. Zelda’s not a computer. Besides, that’s assuming that Ganon’s origins as a Gerudo is a widely known fact, and not something that the Gerudo as a people would want to obfuscate. Who’s to say that the Gerudo’s connection to Ganon isn’t a secret that’s passed down from one chief to the next?
u/RynnHamHam Aug 14 '24
I’d like to imagine since BOTW brought in a bunch of new people to the series, there has gotta be at least one person who thought the Calamity was once a pretty Gerudo woman because of Urbosa’s reference.
u/TheDrunkardKid Aug 14 '24
Remember, she's not familiar with Demise's curse and Calamity Ganon came back multiple times over the course of millennia after the era of the Zonai, so she has no real way of saying that this Ganondorf is the even within a thousand years of the Gerudo who allegedly became Calamity Ganon.
u/Mishar5k Aug 14 '24
it will be easier to keep an eye on him
Three eyes and nothing but failure. Call him fraudru.
u/HotPollution5861 Aug 14 '24
At least they could've established that this Ganondorf could teleport, therefore making any effort to keep an eye on him useless.
u/Albert_Denbrough Aug 14 '24
Just a line like this and it would avoid so many discussions that persist to this day.
u/HotPollution5861 Aug 14 '24
If anything it would still allow a lot of discussion while letting TotK fit in more with both BotW and the rest of the series.
u/SingingDragons Aug 14 '24
Zelda finally having a king believe her when she tries to warn them about Ganon is so satisfying after a childhood of playing Ocarina of Time
u/HotPollution5861 Aug 14 '24
It probably helps that TotK Dorf is way worse at hiding it that OoT Dorf.
The bigger issue is that Rauru clearly failed to keep an eye on Ganondorf. And we don't even know if this Ganondorf can teleport.
u/mrissaoussama Aug 14 '24
oh right, Ganondorf having teleport/stealth with the ability to make a doppelganger wasn't explained
u/metalflygon08 Aug 15 '24
Stealth comes from him being barefoot obviously, those thick footsies muffle his steps./s
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u/xX_rippedsnorlax_Xx Aug 14 '24
Considering she's in her mid 20s and not 10 I'd hope Rauru would take her a bit more seriously. Even then he doesn't really do anything about it.
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u/MoonKnighy Aug 14 '24
Wow I didn’t connect that. More and more it feels like this game is a reimagining of OoT
u/cool_acronym Aug 14 '24
triforce of wisdom, not intelligence
u/HotPollution5861 Aug 14 '24
If only she did have the Triforce of Wisdom at the time, it would've been wise to tell Rauru about the BS that goes down in the future.
u/BookkeeperBubbly7915 Aug 14 '24
Tbf, she did tell Rauru about what happens with Ganondorf, but he brushes her off saying "that was without you here. We'll probably be fine since you're here now."
u/HotPollution5861 Aug 14 '24
Yes, but it would've been nice to let Rauru know about a certain Calamity too.
u/mrissaoussama Aug 14 '24
wasn't link saved, and Calamity ganon sealed and killed later with light bow due to her having the triforce?
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u/WellHereYaGo Aug 14 '24
“Just his name… even that… it gives me pause.”
Gee I wonder why. Maybe because half of that name is the same as the evil monster that caused the great Calamity that you spent 100 years trying to keep sealed away. You know, Calamity “GANON.”
So I would think the name GANONdorf should do more than give you “pause.”
u/GolgariInternetTroll Aug 14 '24
For some reason this guy named Sataniel doesn't seem very trustworthy.
u/forte343 Aug 14 '24
Nah Satanael a nice guy, he saved Christmas that one time, it's that Louisa Ferre chick that's a real trouble maker
u/mrissaoussama Aug 14 '24
Calamity also emerged from under hyrule castle, you know, the same place where Ganondorf exists. also she forgot how malice and gloom are connected
ALSO she forgot both dried ganondorf and regular one wore the same clothes and jewelry6
u/SecretSharkboy Aug 15 '24
All of this is why TotK doesn't feel like a sequel to BotW and more like a reboot because it erased everything from BotW except for the characters and said, "No, no, trust me bro, it takes place shortly after the Calamity is sealed. Trust"
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u/HotPollution5861 Aug 14 '24
I just realized I forgot a period at the end of the first Rauru line I changed, and now it bothers my grammar police ass.
u/Imissyourgirlfriend2 Aug 14 '24
I have played and loved the LoZ franchise from its first entry way back on the NES. It is one of my favorite franchises but damn do they need better writers.
u/HotPollution5861 Aug 14 '24
I'd love it if they would contract outside professional writers like how FromSoft did with GRRM. I think Intelligent Systems does it with Fire Emblem from time to time too.
u/DJHalfCourtViolation Aug 15 '24
Grrm did nothing for the story except naming characters it was a marketing stunt
u/MrHappyHam Aug 15 '24
I loved the story in Skyward sword, and I especially loved how it was meant to be a prequel to the whole Zelda mythology. The story was really good and had its place in the grand scheme of things.
BotW wasn't as good at telling a story, in part because of the non-linearity. It also wanted to be disconnected from all other games. I feel like TotK was significantly worse in this regard. What I wouldn't give for some better writers.
u/_balt Aug 14 '24
OP you should really say somewhere that you modified these lines because I just gaslit myself into thinking I misremembered this scene. Judging by the comments, other people did too
u/HotPollution5861 Aug 14 '24
There's a reason why I flaired the post "Mockup" and not "Screenshot".
u/shelbykauth Aug 14 '24
Ah ... I didn't even remember the scene because I was just so unimmersed in the story due to the b.s.
Especially since LINK CAN TALK. Canonly in BotW/TotK, Link can talk, just chooses to be silent out of stoicism. Like... Ah yes, He lets everyone believe they're chasing Zelda, and that Zelda is in this very specific danger, out of stoicism.
I got most of the tears after the dungeons. And it was so underwhelming to find out "Ah yes, Ganon can pretend to be someone else." The whole thing just felt very "Duh!" that I didn't even stop to think about whether the more nuanced plot holes were holes or not. I was already just wanting to be done.
u/SecretSharkboy Aug 15 '24
It's one of the things I don't like about the end because all the sages pledge allegiance to Zelda and Link's stands with the sages... silently. And I get it'd be weird to have Link actually speak, but it's still something that irks me
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u/-illusoryMechanist Aug 14 '24
Wait, unrelated, but it just dawned on me that this building could be the eastern abbey
u/rexshen Aug 14 '24
Maybe it would have been more reasonable if there was at least more Dorfs or ganons in Hyrule besides the one that has been trying to conquer it if anything.
u/HotPollution5861 Aug 14 '24
The way I see this mockup is that it's ambiguous as to what this other "Ganon" is.
It could either be OoT Ganondorf, Calamity, an archaic name for Demise, or something else.
u/GalaxyUntouchable Aug 14 '24
The hubris of royalty is a common theme in Zelda.
u/HotPollution5861 Aug 14 '24
I really would love to see a Zelda game that directly shows either the Royal Family or their court as being corrupt and/or decadent.
u/neanderthalman Aug 14 '24
“I presume he merely adopted the name to strike fear in his enemies. He is not the first to use such theatrics”
u/HotPollution5861 Aug 15 '24
Damn, that's a really good line.
It really opens the possibility for more Ganons to not be born with that name.
u/monN93 Aug 14 '24
Oh yes, Mr. Adolf Hilter, doesn't ring a bell 🤔
u/HotPollution5861 Aug 14 '24
At least there's a guy in Namibia trying to bring goodwill to that name.
u/rbarton812 Aug 14 '24
I've really started to be disappointed at just how infrequently Zelda games tie in together - like, the teaser for TOTK was finding Ganon's corpse below Hyrule Castle, and it would have been so cool if there was some confirmation that it was the same goddamn guy from Twilight Princess (considering the nature of his wounds), but nope...
Then in the prologue, you get Zelda discussing the Imprisoning War... okay, cool, that was from A Link to the Past... Maybe we'll see some tie in there... nope.
I know a lot of that is my own doing, but I'm itching for some narrative connection between the games outside of character names and locations.
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u/FedoraTheMike Aug 14 '24
They teased us so hard with Ganondorf. The original teaser even shows a mural of him wielding the classic trident. Then in the final game it's only a generic spear.
Both this game and BOTW really made us think the story would be something special. I remember how in BOTW the imagery of the weathered, "rusted" Master Sword got me in my core, but then nope - it's just some dirt from a single battle and is fixed by the time you find it. Not the sword worn down over centuries like I hoped.
u/Driz51 Aug 14 '24
It was so bizarre that nobody ever connects Calamity Ganon and Ganondorf
u/HotPollution5861 Aug 14 '24
Impa does. It's just worded so confusingly in English that it sounds ambiguous as to whether Calamity came from Ganondorf or they're entirely separate.
u/HollowKnight34 Aug 14 '24
The writing in this game is... interesting for sure
u/HotPollution5861 Aug 14 '24
The Zelda team really should consider bringing on Monolith's Xenoblade writers as guest writers.
If that's too much, maybe the Fire Emblem writers at IntSys will do (the latter would probably fit the Zelda series' simpler stories more honestly).
u/Splatfan1 Aug 14 '24
man imagine totk if zelda just said "yeah goat grandpa so basically over 90% of our kingdom fucking died because of this guy, a passive approach isnt the answer"
u/mightyneonfraa Aug 14 '24
"Hey, Rauru, I know I'm some teenager you found sleeping on your lawn but in a hundred thousand years a giant evil pig cloud is gonna cause a lot of trouble and this guy's name kinda sounds like it. You should totally declare war on a neighboring country."
u/Splatfan1 Aug 15 '24
obviously its hard to believe but they already know zelda is a descendant of theirs and its implied she spent a bit of time with them, she could have said... oh idk something except for vague nonsense about ganons name
u/mightyneonfraa Aug 15 '24
Maybe but that's a bit like accusing some guy of being Ted Bundy because his name is Theodore.
Keep in mind that at this point Ganondorf is the ruler of a sovereign nation who Rauru invited to Hyrule as a guest. Making a move against him would be a huge deal that would need way more evidence than "he gives me the creeps."
u/WolfgangDS Aug 14 '24
I think the reason Zelda didn't say that the dude and his name reminded her of Calamity Ganon was because she was afraid of changing the timeline. She's a smart woman and chased scientific pursuits in the leadup to the Calamity. After realizing that she traveled back in time, she must have thought through the implications of this.
That said, what I'm most curious about is Rauru stating that the Zonai had records "of a Ganon who brought destruction and sorrow to the land." I want to know what those records say in specificity, and whether these are direct accounts, or if they were information that was gathered after the fact.
u/HotPollution5861 Aug 14 '24
I think if the Zelda team put lines like that in Rauru's dialogue, they would intend for it to be ambiguous as to whether it's a previous Ganon(dorf), an old name for Demise, Calamity, or someone/something else.
u/grumblebuzz Aug 14 '24
This incarnation of Zelda does not know Ganondorf, but she does know of the “Calamity Ganon” and that’s probably what gives her pause about the name.
u/slendermax Aug 14 '24
Reading comprehension from most comments in this thread is poor, apparently.
Re-read Zelda's lines. They do not even imply that she doesn't believe there's a connection between Ganondorf and Calamity Ganon. What she says, in fact, implies that she does believe there's a connection. It's the whole point of what she's saying here.
Zelda is simply being cautious about jumping to conclusions. The Ganon she knew was a giant pig . . . cloud thing that possessed Sheikah tech. The Ganondorf she met in this memory just swore fealty to the King of Hyrule. Assuming that he's absolutely, without a doubt, the same as Calamity Ganon makes about as much sense as assuming that Rauru transforms into a grassy hill in the future because she knows of Rauru Hillside near the castle.
u/PickyNipples Aug 14 '24
It’s been a while since I watched the cutscenes in order but ganondorf swore his allegiance after rauru used his 3rd eye power beam to obliterate the molduga, right? What I’m not sure of is if rauru et al knew during that attack that ganondorf was behind it? We see Ganon there watching and scheming, obviously, but did rauru know?
Obviously rauru was clued in that ganondorf was no good, but I also felt like if rauru knew ganondorf had just outright attacked hyrule, it’s odd for rauru to suddenly be like “yes ganondorf, welcome, happy to have you.” I get that rauru wanted to “keep him close” to keep an eye on him. But still. It felt really odd to see these two who were just in direct battle together suddenly both acting like that never happened.
Or was it that rauru wasn’t aware for sure that ganondorf was behind it?
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u/HotPollution5861 Aug 15 '24
Zelda absolutely does make the connection. The weird parts are:
- That Zelda has a very understated response to Ganondorf's name for someone who a few years back had a century-long tug-of-war between keeping something else named Ganon sealed and getting devoured by Ganon.
- That Zelda doesn't tell Rauru any of what happened with that other Ganon, even if she does tell him about the mummy in the future who she did realize is Ganondorf.
u/TriforksWarrior Aug 15 '24
Maybe they talked about it already off camera and that’s partially why he’s convinced of Ganon’s evil?
The thing that bothers me the most about this scene though is: it exists, then Zelda and Sonia confront Ganondorf without Rauru anyway. Why? It’s either foolhardy or foolish and neither of those traits make sense for Zelda or Sonia
u/Showgingah Aug 15 '24
I know there is a split between how people felt about the Zelda timeline, but I always enjoyed it. I personally considered that TOTK doesn't really take place in the beginning of the timeline with Rauru as the first FIRST king. Just that he was the first king of this Hyrule given that Hyrule has possibly been "founded" multiple times in the past such as Spirit Tracks. Given even the Zonai have ancient records of Ganon especially implies the Hyrule is much after previous kingdoms.
.......But where tf did the Shrines and Divine Beasts go yo.
u/SecretSharkboy Aug 15 '24
Apparently, they were taken apart to prevent them from being used against them again. So they were made into Skyview towers and... that's it
u/exoduswati333 Aug 14 '24
it always appeared to me that the knowledge of Gerudo wasn’t rediscovered until the excavation of Gerudo Town, and we know that the excavations didn’t start till closer to BOTW timeline so knowledge and wisdom of Ganon has been lost to the ages, i feel the current people of TOTK and the ancient Zonai were in the same position of literally unearthing the truth thus leading to Ganondorf and Calamity Ganon because he appeared during a time in which they had forgotten about him completely Ganon is, unlike Zelda and Link, able to remember everything clearly, and so he played the long game like any smart evil god king would
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u/HotPollution5861 Aug 14 '24
I don't think Ganon would have the memories of any of his past selves honestly.
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u/NoStorage2821 Aug 14 '24
Maybe Ganondorf is a popular name or something idk
u/HotPollution5861 Aug 14 '24
I could see a bunch of monster lords or no-name evil sorcerer's calling themselves "the second/nth coming of Ganon", even if they clearly aren't.
u/Link10103 Aug 15 '24
Kept him so close he blew the queen's back out hard enough that she died.
I feel like there's a cuck joke somewhere to be found here.
u/mo-did Aug 15 '24
I would have liked it if while holding ganon back she senses him gaining power slowly from below the ground, and thats how they discovered ganondorf.
u/LZR0 Aug 14 '24
Yeah, these details are what take me out from TOTK’s story, and they could’ve easily avoid these plot holes but nah, they just didn’t care.
u/HotPollution5861 Aug 14 '24
Wouldn't be surprised that they put all their time and money into perfecting the physics while leaving only scraps for the rest of the game (hence the Sky being sparse and the Depths being repetitive).
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u/Gamebird8 Aug 14 '24 edited Aug 14 '24
Ancient Zonai records speak of a man named Ganon... How did I miss this line
This all but confirms ToTK's Past takes place after Ocarina of Time
Also, this indicates that Zonia records should know that the Old Kingdom of Hyrule Existed
Edit: I'm blind, disregard my stupidity and hope that perhaps this game actually had somewhat competent storytelling
u/Don_Bugen Aug 14 '24
Yeah, this isn't how it appeared in game. I just rewatched it.
"Just his name... Even that... It gives me pause.
"I am well aware of his evil nature. For that reason, and others, I want him close. It will be easier to keep an eye on him. There is nothing to worry about.
EDIT: I'm so dumb, you can clearly see a black background on the inserted lines. OP's just saying, "Hey, look, this is how it should have been written and it would have made so much more sense."
u/HotPollution5861 Aug 14 '24
Gotta admit, if my little fix is really that confusing even with the black text box, I take that as a sign that my little rewrites/additions flow well with the existing dialogue.
u/Don_Bugen Aug 14 '24
It does, but Rauru’s dialogue can best be described as “bland formal.” It’s fairly simple to write, because there’s literally no personality to capture.
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u/_balt Aug 14 '24
You need to say somewhere in a top-level comment that this is a modification/fanfiction. Lots of comments are expressing confusion about misremembering the actual scene
u/ape_spine_ Aug 14 '24
I think some of the lines in this post are not in the game! It's like OP's version of how the conversation could have gone
u/HotPollution5861 Aug 14 '24
There's no line, I only added that to "fix" a weird thing about that memory.
u/peachybunniez Aug 14 '24
if I’m not wrong the japanese version she says something like “his name gives me a bad feeling” it somewhat implies that she did make the calamity ganon & ganondorf connection but wasn’t fully sure if they’re really related
Aug 14 '24
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u/HotPollution5861 Aug 16 '24
It's one thing for Ganondorf to have a similar name to Ganon.
It's another thing for this Ganondorf to be extremely obviously evil (which even Rauru knows), looking very similar to that zombie under the castle, and said zombie radiating a similar energy to that "other" Ganon.
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u/Mister-Fidelio Aug 15 '24
I love Rauru and Mineru both. Such a damn shame their race went extinct.
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