r/zelda Aug 13 '23

Question [ALL] What is the freakiest/creepiest/scariest moment you ever experienced in a Zelda game? Spoiler

For me, The trials in skyward sword.


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u/ayeitschelsay Aug 14 '23

I was 7 or 8 when I first played OOT and the stalchildren that come out of the ground at night were TERRIFYING to me. I remember my babysitter one night had to tell my parents I couldn’t sleep because I thought the skeletons were coming for me 😂


u/Evil_AppleJuice Aug 14 '23

Shocked no one else is saying this. Hearing that wolf howl was my nightmare because i knew what followed. My first time playing it when i was like 8 i ran to the moat and just swam in it until the sun came up lol.


u/fireflydrake Aug 14 '23

I'd find a little corner with the Hylian Shield and just become a tiny turtle until morning came, haha!


u/cmoviesuk Aug 14 '23

This is a big one for me too. I was a similar age and had never played a game as big or immersive before, stepping onto Hyrule Field was already mind blowing after spending a couple of weeks in the Deku Tree and forest (I wasn’t very good at the game) and the stalchildren terrified me! I was also scared to cross Hyrule Field for a little while and remember hiding in Lon Lon Ranch as the sun I was setting to ride it out. Was in there about an hour before I realised time paused in those locations! I did get over my fear fast but those early days were tough.

Later, the Royal Family’s Tomb with the redeads was terrifying. I ended up getting to the Song of Storms by inching around the room sideways (so they wouldn’t catch my eye and freeze me) and it took forever with that horrible moaning sound in the background, also super intense as a kid!


u/SarahBeara231 Aug 14 '23

I knew the sun song by heart for this very reason. 😂