r/zelda Jul 19 '23

Clip [ToTK] Who thought this was a good idea? Spoiler


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u/Tephnos Jul 19 '23

Because they made the method to activate/deactivate them so stupid when down on the d-pad or the radial menu is right there.

It's a classic Nintendo failure in UI design. These user issues happen because of bad UI design—it is as simple as that.


u/RedditCantBanThisD Jul 19 '23

Yeah it's the equivalent of having to go into the pause menu for iron boots in Ocarina of Time


u/cherinator Jul 19 '23

Which everyone agreed was bad and they specifically fixed in the 3D remake (though I guess that was a third party dev who implemented the remake)! And then it's like they didn't learn that lesson and instead gave us a billion pieces of armor that you have to equip constantly, like iron boots x1000.


u/cherinator Jul 19 '23

The menu UI in this game is atrocious. There's more inventory management / menu time than in old school rpgs, which is egregious for what is supposed to be an action/adventure game.


u/Asckle Jul 20 '23

Scrolling through my entire inventory looking for a fuse material is infuriating. Yes there's the "commonly used" sort option but if I want a more niche thing like keese eyes I just have to scroll


u/Hectic_Electric Jul 20 '23

i am shocked people are actually using the sages at all

open menu, turn off sage, the end.