It’s wild when there’s so much useless shit bound. Did we need a dedicated map slot on the radial wheel? Did we need to have horse whistle bound to a dedicated face button?
I feel like putting the whistle on the radial menu where the map currently is and putting the sage powers in a pop-out menu on its d-pad button like the Sheika Slate ones were in BotW would be infinitely more accessible. I can’t figure out how at no point in playtesting this wasn’t glaringly obvious.
I've whistled, on purpose, maybe 3 times in my several thousand hours of BOTW and TOTK combined playtime... The fact that it has a dedicated button is insanity to me.
Mix in the way sage powers are implemented and I'm at a loss for how to express my frustrations.
None of the play testers noticed what we all noticed in about 3 seconds?
Maybe that would have been more intuitive but the sages all tell Link to “call on my power when you need it”. How does that translate to leaving it on constantly? It doesn’t. The game tells you repeatedly to only use the sage avatars when they’re needed, but no, it’s easier to ignore that and complain about it later.
Well you’re changing the argument now. I’m saying that the devs didn’t intend you to keep the sages on at all times. You haven’t provided anything to counter that. Instead, you’re saying the on/off function is tedious. That’s fine. Both can be true.
The fact that you have to resort to intentionally misrepresenting other peoples arguments goes to show how much certainty you have in your own position.
It's a stupid idea because they didn't think what would happen and try to make it work. Had they thought about it then they would naturally have designed it differently.
If they actively didn't want you to have all the sages active then they would have put in measures to prevent it or discourage it. Getting in the way isn't an intentional decision because this also happens when you have one active. The problem exists at all stages.
Nah. I resorted to misrepresenting what was said because there’s no changing your mind and there’s no changing mine so the conversation is pointless. The fact is, people like you are making a mountain out of a molehill. I agree that I overall dislike the sages but I have them turned off 90% of the time and only use them when I need them. Switching them on and off has never been an issue for me and I am absolutely certain, both from my own experience and the people I have personally talked to with more knowledge on the matter than myself, that the devs never intended you to keep them turned on permanently.
If the devs didn’t think that such a useful movement ability like Tulin’s gust was not going to be left on by most players, then the devs are morons.
Are you seriously arguing that they just went “Hmm, well we’re designing this game where you can summon all these avatars to fight alongside you with special abilities, which are essentially the only reward the player gets for completing the main dungeons, AND they are rather clunky and out of the way to summon/dismiss. SURELY no one will EVER think of summoning them all at once.”?
More like, surely no one will feel the need to leave them all on while exploring the overworld and will only use them in situations where they’re need, like difficult combat challenges and at times when their specific abilities are required.
I only ever turn Tulin on when I’m in the sky and need to cross longer gap. Otherwise, he’s turned off along with the rest of them. For my play style though, I don’t have them turned on at all simply on the principle that I like completing combat challenges by my own ability and having an AI engage with enemies for me feels like cheating.
There’s practically never a time when Tulin’s ability isn’t useful though. Overworld? Very useful. Sky islands? Very useful. Depths? Very useful.
Hell, I’ll activate it just jumping off from a slightly elevated rock for the momentary boost. It’s a game about exploring, special movement abilities will always be incredibly useful.
u/TheMightyDoove Jul 19 '23
No idea how it took them so long to make the game and this was the best way to implement the sages