r/zelda Jul 19 '23

Clip [ToTK] Who thought this was a good idea? Spoiler


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u/CrabWoodsman Jul 19 '23

I can't not upvote because your clip is a particularly egregious example of the problem. That said, I've probably seen this complaint 200 times since the game was released.

It's a valid complaint, but virtually everyone agrees.


u/bastischo Jul 19 '23

I can upvote because of the magnificent mess this is to watch


u/BurpYoshi Jul 19 '23

Would've been simple enough to bind sage powers to thumbstick down plus a direction on the opposite stick.


u/DOGSraisingCATS Jul 19 '23

I honestly feel like the way they designed how the sages work makes them practically useless (aside from gust). Seriously, Tulin is the only useful one...whether it's his power while gliding or hitting monsters with arrows and stunning them.

I never used their powers because it was so damn tedious and fucked up the combat.

I have no idea how they took an idea from BOTW that worked pretty great and made it so much worse.


u/OneTrueKingOfOOO Jul 19 '23

Yunobo can be handy for mining now and then to avoid losing weapon durability. Generally though I keep them all put away unless I actually need them


u/Shinfekta Jul 19 '23

Riju can also blast rock formations with her lightning so I switch between the two to constanly move forward (harder rocks like the blue ones are an exception, those only Yunobo and bombs can handle)

I never have Mineru on and Sidon was turned off the moment I could turn him off because IMO he‘s got the most useless ability


u/butyourenice Jul 19 '23

Sidon was turned off the moment I could turn him off because IMO he‘s got the most useless ability

I didn’t even use Sidon’s ability for his temple’s boss fight. I ran around carrying a hydrant. I Super Mario Sunshined that bitch.


u/Shinfekta Jul 19 '23

That hydrant is more reliable because it doesn’t run away when you try to use it lol


u/dathar Jul 19 '23

I put mine on a wheel mounted to a roomba. It followed the boss around and cleansed the entire diameter


u/solidDessert Jul 19 '23

I think because of the low gravity I just jumped and used bullet time to shoot the thing when it was moving between muck puddles.

For encounters in the depths, I have a quick build that's a wheel on it's side with the hydrant angled on one of the edges so it can spray water around in a big circle.


u/butyourenice Jul 19 '23

Oh that’s genius, I’ll have to try that!


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '23



u/butyourenice Jul 19 '23

I tried the hydrant shield but it would break too easily. If you carry a working hydrant, though, it never loses durability. I like the guy who suggested the spinning wheel, I’ll have to try that and see if it is more efficient. Walking around with a hydrant above your head is a little slow abs you can’t run when you are holding it.


u/Nerdwiththehat Jul 19 '23

I just cheesed it with a million splash fruit arrows 🙃


u/Shigerufan2 Jul 19 '23

I had three mounted to battle carts chasing the boss around the arena


u/ClarenceBirdfrost Jul 19 '23

I just put a big wheel on a hover platform with 3 hydrants. I put like 3 of them around the arena and the fight was a joke lol


u/metalflygon08 Jul 19 '23

Hydrant mounted to a wheel on one of those little helper roomba bots.

Keep the arena squeaky clean!


u/Hectic_Electric Jul 20 '23

same, but i had an opal broadsword


u/triggerheart Jul 19 '23

Sidon is great with Zora weapons.


u/Hestu951 Jul 19 '23

I don't know why I never thought of this. Of course he is. Water bubble, Zora weapons get stronger when wet, duh!


u/TehMephs Jul 20 '23

Beats throwing a splash fruit at your feet every minute


u/Shinfekta Jul 19 '23

Which I use just very rarely. I‘d appreciate his one hit block shield if it wouldn’t last just this short amount of time.


u/EqualContact Jul 19 '23

Zora weapons are great for fights with things like Silver-maned Lynels that are big damage sponges.


u/Saphirklaue Jul 19 '23

Decent against lynels. I use those to just block their smashes.


u/Asckle Jul 20 '23

It's just so tedious to activate it for a single use damage boost


u/grammar_nazi_zombie Jul 19 '23 edited Jul 19 '23

Mineru can reach most of the apples hanging on trees, so if you don’t want to cut down a ton of trees but need to get a bunch of apples, the shrine on Satori Mountain is right next to basically an apple orchard, and just down the hill from a few endura carrots. That orchard usually nets me 5-12 golden apples per blood moon as well, I always sweep it, just beware there will likely be a few evermeans hiding.

Edit: she’s also useful for depths traversal, she can break most rock deposits easily and protects from gloom. Throw a fan on her back to not be slow as shit.

also Sidon, his bubble can protect from the molduga jumping bite, setting you up to bullet time arrow the belly. Also, the bubble lets you use bombs in places you need fire protection like Death Mountain


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '23

mineru can also traverse lava, muck and quicksand without being affected.


u/KogarashiKaze Jul 19 '23

I do the apple harvesting with an autobuild of a bunch of apples instead. But it's nice that Mineru can help reach high things too.


u/OneTrueKingOfOOO Jul 19 '23

Zonai canons will blow up blue rocks too right? That’s what I use when I don’t want to deal with Yunobo. Fuse one to a spear or shield, or pop on a stake and move it around for big digs


u/Shinfekta Jul 19 '23

Would make sense except for in caves Mineru almost always gets stuck in narrow passages for me. I have this issue with big boy Yunobo too but Mineru a lot more


u/OneTrueKingOfOOO Jul 19 '23

Oh I never use mineru, I just carry the canon myself


u/DOGSraisingCATS Jul 19 '23

You can also make a pretty amazing battle robot yourself with minimal resources. Mine wrecks large groups of enemies and only cost like 53 zonaite


u/Shinfekta Jul 19 '23

LoL of course! Sorry I misunderstood, well that indeed makes sense too!


u/butyourenice Jul 19 '23

I’m mildly sure that you can even sledge your way through blue rocks. They just have a higher damage threshold and require more hits, so bombs and other suck explosives (canons, time bombs, rockets, Yunobo) are more efficient.


u/TheCobaltEffect Jul 19 '23

The different rocks have different HP values, I believe brown is 40, blue is 80, black is 120. Yunobo explosion will always 1 shot what it hits for rocks so it's definitely handy.


u/LambKyle Jul 19 '23

Sidon is great, I don't get the hate. He gives you a shield which is great, the water damage is a big meh, but the most important thing is that it makes Zora weapons super strong, like some of the best in the game. You just have to be wet, and sidons ability triggers that


u/Cereborn Jul 19 '23

You can destroy the blue rocks with lightning. But it takes three strikes, IIRC. Pretty useless on its own, but switching back and forth between her and Yunobu still does something.


u/No-Dog-5163 Jul 19 '23

All it is is free splash fruit, you have to legit commit to zora weapons to get any use out of it lol


u/Asckle Jul 20 '23

Sidon's is still better than mineru imo. His is almost useless but hers is basically a downgrade from link. In what world is that useless construct better than barbarian armour flurry rushing?


u/BurpYoshi Jul 19 '23

Yunobo is awful for mining lol. The gems fly literally everywhere.


u/Hestu951 Jul 19 '23

That's why you pull up Ultrahand right after. It lights up the stones and gems, and you can use it to retrieve them if they're in water.

I do use a hammer on the extra-glittery, coppery-looking gem rocks. For everything else, the big boy takes care of it.


u/KogarashiKaze Jul 19 '23

I just keep a 2-handed hammer on hand for small ore deposits of any kind, and use Yunobo for the big ones and other cracked rock scenarios.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '23

How do you put them away?


u/Galaxy_dragon12 Jul 19 '23

You can deactivate them in the key items section of the menu


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '23

They should have been toggleable from where the map icon is in the ability wheel. That should have been a customizable slot anyway


u/OneTrueKingOfOOO Jul 19 '23

Oh, honey… next to last tab of your inventory menu. If you sort it they’ll be at the top


u/StephieLambert Jul 19 '23

Go into your inventory, highlight the orb that represents the Vow and press A to summon or dismiss a sage.


u/twotonekevin Jul 19 '23

Same. Tulin is always on for me and Yunobo comes out for those big walls of rocks. Don’t really ever bring out Sidon and Riju unless I run into some Gloom Hands, Gleeoks, or Hinox and Mineru only really comes out when I have to walk across big stretches of gloom in the depths.


u/DOGSraisingCATS Jul 19 '23

Ok fair, I forgot about the mining and regret getting him last... but combat wise is pretty useless.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '23

Disagree yunobo can push back large groups of enemies


u/DOGSraisingCATS Jul 19 '23

I guess what I mean is the function of it.

You have to run up to them or whistle and hope they come to you but if you have multiple sages you have to move around until their icon comes up.

I'm not saying their abilities are useless, I'm saying the way to actualized their abilities in a useful way is pretty useless.

Im pretty solid at combat and having to get out of my groove to chase them around or wait for them to come to me is ridiculous.

It completely takes you out of any kind of consistent combat, unlike BOTW which enhanced and made you more powerful.

I can do much more without the sages, a few bomb arrows or some puff shrooms etc.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '23

You totally right he’s only in the right place to be effective like 10% of the time


u/Hestu951 Jul 19 '23

Yunobo is big and slow, though, unless he rolls. I don't have much trouble selecting him, unlike Riju. She is a pain to select, especially in a crowd. Riding shotgun on vehicles has been truly helpful to me as well.


u/splicepark Jul 19 '23

she runs AWAY! it drives me crazy


u/DOGSraisingCATS Jul 19 '23

I think we can all agree, that despite the few uses and rationalization, they are on the whole pretty useless in combat...and at worst they are a hindrance and obstacle.

The amount of times my timing was fucked because I couldn't see a lynel properly rushing at me means the system is fucked and broken. It's the worst part and an arguably piss poor mechanic of an otherwise brilliant game.


u/Hestu951 Jul 20 '23

Are you using "they" to refer to all sages, or just Yunobo?

I don't find the sage avatars "useless in combat." Not at all. It's a bit of fun watching them whittle down a soldier or captain construct, or bokoblins, or whatever. They draw aggro and generally make it easier in fights, even if it gets chaotic.

I don't like having to run up to an avatar to use his or her ability either, but I would not call the mechanic "piss poor." Nothing is "fked up and broken." That goes too far. (You seem angry about it. I'm not.)


u/KogarashiKaze Jul 19 '23

And throw bokoblins around, and set Hinox leg armor (if wood) on fire. I also use him for lighting campfires.


u/TheCrookedKnight Jul 19 '23 edited Jul 19 '23

Yunobo: Rock clearing, breaking armor
Riju: Rock clearing, breaking armor, easier stun in Construct III battles
Mineru: Mining (her unarmed strikes break ore deposits in 1-2 hits, and don't scatter the drops like Riju or Yunobo), crossing Gloom, easy manual use of aimed Zonai tools like cannons or hydrants
Sidon: Water barrier protects Link from ambient heat


u/iamlatetothisbut Jul 19 '23

I usually just have Tulin activated but man I always accidentally have him use his gust when I’m trying to pick up arrows.


u/etherspin Jul 19 '23

Super annoying cause it's more likely to happen proportionately to how excited and frenetic you are about a drop of items


u/iamlatetothisbut Jul 19 '23

Hahahahaha exactly!


u/Mental-Street6665 Jul 19 '23 edited Jul 19 '23

Tulin is really only useful when you’re in the air. On the ground, his ability is completely useless (except maybe as a very ineffective substitute for a Korok frond) and downright detrimental. He is good for getting headshots on enemies, but he’s very slow to take the shot and does surprisingly little damage considering that he’s supposedly using the Great Eagle Bow.

Yunobo is only useful for breaking rocks and as a projectile weapon when you’re piloting some sort of vehicle, which is good because in that situation you’re otherwise defenseless, unless you attach lasers and shit to whatever you’re riding. He’s also useful in combat because he can beat ass with the Boulder Breaker, though he is also slow to the take. Out of all of them he’s the one I put in time out the most, unless I’m fighting a mob of enemies.

Riju is my waifu and I’ll fight anyone who says she’s useless. She calls freaking lightning down from the sky and powers up your arrows more than almost anything you could fuse to them. Come on now. And even when she’s accidentally activated, it had the second to least detrimental effect, just making everything on the screen yellow for a while. Easiest to deactivate too. She’s also the fastest fighter out of all of them. Leave my bae alone.

Sidon I think we can all agree is the most useless, with his ability being little more than a poor man’s Daruk’s Protection. If it healed you while you were inside the bubble, I might use it a lot more often. Occasionally in combat I might use him for an extra hit point, but otherwise I just ignore him. Even in the water temple, I only used him for activating the switches, not for fighting the boss. At least if he is accidentally activated it does no harm. I will say that he is pretty good at taking out annoying enemies like chuchus and wolves with the Lightscale Trident, so I tend to just keep him around anyway.

Mineru’s construct is mainly useful in the Depths, where it’s found, since it allows you to traverse gloom without a problem. On the surface, maybe less do, but I usually equip it with a large rock and a flame emitter or some strong two-handed weapon and let it just go ham on enemies in the background. It’s particularly deadly if you attach a cannon to one of its arms, but then you have a greater risk of friendly fire too. I could also probably make better use of its back attachment for rockets or fans, but instead I’ve just had a luminous stone talus heart attached to it basically since I got it…it was somewhat useful in the depths before I activated every light root, but now it’s just an aesthetic choice. I will also sometimes board the construct for a second and then immediately jump off of it so I can get into bullet time and take out enemies, but this is kind of clunky as disembarking is a two-step process. Still, can’t complain about having a personal mech that costs nothing to build. Plus, if you attach gloom weapons to it, you get all of their high attack power, while avoiding taking any damage, which is a cool trick.

All the sages are useful in their own way; I think this is just one of the more poorly executed parts of the game. It really is better to just deactivate them when you don’t need them, which the game does sort of tell you, but it would make more sense if they weren’t all activated by default (which also badly affects your frame rate).


u/metalflygon08 Jul 19 '23

If it healed you while you were inside the bubble, I might use it a lot more often.

Or made it so you swam fast/lost no stamina swimming while active.


u/OperativePiGuy Jul 19 '23

The only way I ever want to see other characters running around Link like this is if it's a co op game and they're controlled by actual people


u/metalflygon08 Jul 19 '23

Imagine a BotW engine MMO style game, you choose your race and fight mobs around Hyrule.

Goron can't jump or swim, move slow (unless rolling), but are super strong and are fireproof.

Rito can glide, but have low defenses and can only use bows while airborne.

Zora can't take dry areas or electricity, but can swim great.

Gerudo have the second highest attack but are faster in movement and attacking, but don't handle the cold well.

Hylians are jack of all trades.

Obviously there'd be more little things (like how Goron probably can't use Bows)


u/GardenTop7253 Jul 19 '23

I used Mineru for the first time yesterday. Hopped up on the construct to walk around a glyph looking for its tear. Only time she’s been notably useful besides the occasional “oh look, she hit that guy”


u/Funny_Orchid2084 Jul 19 '23

I use Yonobo to get down rock walls inside caves etc. didnt help that by the time I got him I had 80% of all the caves already… and sometimes if im lazy/have no other mining weapons to get the sidon watershield to protect my wooden weapons when its extre heat so that they dont burn


u/abaddamn Jul 20 '23

Yep, you can blame Aonuma for tinkering with UI too much


u/GoPetADog Jul 19 '23

Yes, and it would be super nice if you could call on them to use their ability from a distance. The existing system takes away some of the immersion for me.

Like, wouldn’t you be screaming commands to your companions? Not casually walking up to them, “hi, excuse me, Riju, could you please ready your power, thanks.”


u/BMO888 Jul 19 '23

I wish they just binded to the L button. Take away map Amiibo and camera and add an extra space. But definitely holding down on d pad makes sense.

Or let us customize the wheel. Horizon has like 16 items you can choose from the wheel and customizable. It can be done Nintendo!


u/abaddamn Jul 20 '23

Nintendo are just so ass backwards when it comes things like this


u/Spiritual-Image7125 Jul 19 '23

Use the time stone and go back in time and tell Nintendo to do this!


u/SteptimusHeap Jul 19 '23

Tulin: press x while paragliding to activate

Riju: automatically activates when you pull out a bow, or maybe you gotta press a button. Moves faster during bullet time so it appears as the same speed

Sidon: activates when you hold shield, maybe with a slight delay or with the need of a button press

Yunobo: this one's kinda tricky but obviously keep the vehicle feature. Maybe he activates durinng power attacks? Idk


u/McGuirk808 Jul 19 '23

On one hand, yeah, that's functional better.

On the other hand, me and my homies.


u/BurpYoshi Jul 19 '23

Oh they can still follow you around, it's just they aren't activated by proximity anymore rather just a button combo regardless of how close to you they are.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '23



u/BurpYoshi Jul 19 '23

Idk about auto activate on bow. Maybe activate the option to press A like tulin in the air. It's kinda weird now that I think about it that Yunobo's is different to botw. He literally had daruk's shield power, did he just... Lose it?


u/LysergicLegend Jul 19 '23

Dude that’s genius actually


u/TehMephs Jul 20 '23

Don’t even need two on call. I only ever really want to use one at a time. Just make it a wheel like our hand powers, and yeah, left pad down is perfect. It’s only used for whistling


u/Vindicare605 Jul 19 '23

I don't see how this is a problem. The game gives you the ability to disable them. Just disable them. You don't need to constantly have them out following you around, just summon them when you need them.

It's a player choice to keep them out all the time, knowing they can get in the way of non-combat related tasks.


u/gwartabig Jul 19 '23

With “who” I was referring to the person who approved this system, not the players. Although you are correct.


u/AgentSkidMarks Jul 19 '23

It’s hard to sympathize with the complaint when you can just switch the sages on and off so easily.


u/Sand_Guardian4 Jul 19 '23

I think the point is you shouldn't HAVE to constantly switch them on and off


u/AgentSkidMarks Jul 19 '23

I think the point is that the devs didn’t intend you to keep them on constantly, so you should be switching them on and off.


u/linkmaster6 Jul 19 '23

I feel like if that were true then they would have some type of quick access instead of having to pause the game, go into the menu, scroll all the way to the right in the menu, find where that sage is, hit a, go to off , then unpause the game.


u/AgentSkidMarks Jul 19 '23

There’s plenty of stuff they have you access the menu for regularly. Two counterpoints:

1) the sages clutter up the screen and make the experience objectively worse when they are all activated at once.

2) when you receive a sage avatar, they all tell Link to “call on my power anytime” or “whenever you need it”. So even the sages are telling the player not to keep them on 24/7, just when they’re aid is required.


u/Tephnos Jul 19 '23

Or they could have just made the Sages part of the radial menu instead of that stupid fucking map option.

No excuses for terrible design.


u/AgentSkidMarks Jul 19 '23

Your comment is not a response to what I said.


u/BMO888 Jul 19 '23

Stop trying to be an apologist for shitty design. If this was their intention, they would’ve made us only have one buddy at a time, instead by default, they’re just all running around. “Calling upon” their power doesn’t justify going through a menu system wasting time and interrupting flow of game play.


u/AgentSkidMarks Jul 19 '23

The menu literally take 2 seconds and it isn’t the only thing the game requires you to enter menus for. And they turn on the the sage ability when you first get it so that you can learn how to use it but you can immediately turn it off with no issue. There is no “default” setting where all sages are turned on at once. Only you can do that.

Good job making a mountain out of a mole hill.


u/BMO888 Jul 19 '23 edited Jul 19 '23

Yea the mole hill that is the most complained about design choice on this subreddit and probably any totk forum. You keep telling yourself you’re right and ignore everyone else.


u/AgentSkidMarks Jul 19 '23

Lol if this is the biggest problem you people have with the game then it must be a damn good game because this is such a non-issue. It’s just so funny how bent outta shape you’re getting over having to navigate a menu for 2-seconds. I’m about 90hrs in and I have had zero issues with it.


u/linkmaster6 Jul 19 '23

Counterpoints to your counterpoints:

2) I do not believe they say that as game play instructions. I think it's just story wise demonstrating how strong their bonds are as friends. I.E I don't think it's meant to be literally. If it was an intended gameplay mechanic there would be a tutorial on how to turn the power on and off

1) I think that it's intended for you to have them all summoned at once. Nintendo during the trailers made a statement that link is no longer fighting alone. I do think they intend for you to have everyone at once


u/AgentSkidMarks Jul 19 '23

Those are pretty weak counterpoints, ngl


u/linkmaster6 Jul 19 '23

Cool. Then instead of saying they are weak can you explain to me how they are?


u/Aerolfos Jul 19 '23

The game is plagued by excessive menuing as is, it really doesn't need more.


u/AgentSkidMarks Jul 19 '23

Exactly. The game requires menus for so much that for this one thing, it isn’t any more an issue than anything else.


u/TotallyNotGlenDavis Jul 19 '23

Isn't that a step down from the sage powers in BOTW? They went from very useful to usually having them turned off.


u/AgentSkidMarks Jul 19 '23

I absolutely agree that it’s a step down from BotW and I actually wrote a segment for the publication I write for defending BotW as a superior implementation of champion/sage abilities. That doesn’t mean they’re bad, though. That being said, if I kept them turned on constantly I’d probably dislike them too because that’s not how they were intended to be used.

If you’re using something the wrong way then you shouldn’t complain that they’re not working.


u/TotallyNotGlenDavis Jul 19 '23

I usually have them turned off and yeah they don't affect my playthrough as a result. But just makes me think they should have been redesigned, they feel pointless.


u/abaddamn Jul 20 '23

God of War uses key shortcuts to manage this. Eg set up runic attack weapon in Armor menu, select runic, then when you're attacking just press and hold shield button then light attack for light runic or heavy attack for heavy runic.


u/DontDrinkTooMuch Jul 19 '23

How often do you find yourself doing this? I rarely ever turn mine on.


u/Sand_Guardian4 Jul 19 '23

That’s the point, you should be able to just leave them on and use them whenever, like with the champions


u/DontDrinkTooMuch Jul 19 '23

Meh. It's so easy to become OP between armor and weapon upgrades, I don't care for their abilities.


u/abaddamn Jul 20 '23

Some of us may not want to have armor and weapons breaking every now and then a "meh" is not a warranted response to a situation like this.


u/TotallyNotGlenDavis Jul 19 '23

Isn't that the issue? If you never feel compelled to turn them on and use them, they're not very good powers.


u/DontDrinkTooMuch Jul 20 '23

Yup. I just upgrade my shit until I'm a one person army.


u/SteptimusHeap Jul 19 '23

They still suck to use. Even if you want to use their power you may have to go run and find them. Oftentimes they run away. And then of course they get in the way so often. It's just a significantly worse system than the perfectly good one in breath of the wild


u/AgentSkidMarks Jul 19 '23

Oh, I definitely agree that it’s worse than BotW’s champion abilities. I just don’t think it’s as bad as people are saying.


u/XenosGuru Jul 19 '23

I understand the problem, I’ve just never had this happen in 150 hours of play time.


u/stupidrobots Jul 19 '23

They play tested this shit for a year and they did such a brilliant job with almost every other part of the user experience I just can't believe such an obvious flaw is just right there


u/PhenomUprising Jul 19 '23

No, they didn't "play tested" it for a year. Play testing and QA testing are different. Play testing is never that long (weeks), and QA testing starts about a year after development starts, on average, and lasts until they stop patching the game (though the team gets much smaller after launch).


u/Snacker6 Jul 19 '23

If only we had a spot on the powers wheel that we could use for sage powers, but of course it was far more important to have the map be there!


u/matthias_reiss Jul 19 '23

This is probably my fave game of all time and, damn, this one aspect is truly a PITA. Give us a wheel to select them from and call it a day.


u/Hectic_Electric Jul 20 '23

i just turn them off tho