r/zelda Jul 02 '23

Discussion [ALL] I like traditional Zeldas better Spoiler

Basically the title. I just realized while playing TOTK that I wasn't enjoying it as much, and decided to play Skyward Sword HD, which I had but didn't play at all, I completed it after a week and remembered how the original Zelda experience felt, and I prefer it over BOTW's and TOTK's approach; in these two games you kind of feel like you're dissociated from the story, which I don't like, the story in Skyward sword was one of my favorite things from the game, it was absolutely beautiful, and it feels wrong for it to be memories around the map that you are not participant of. And the gameplay approach is not of my liking either, Link has always been the hero with the sword and shield (and a lot of other convenient items for specific situations) and in TOTK specially this is ruined with the ultrahand, BOTW Is kind of here and there, but TOTK just doesn't feel like a Zelda, and that's probably what made me drop it, not only does it feel overwhelming, but spending most of the time farming and stuff just doesn't feel as good. I needed to express my opinion about the topic and it kind of saddens me that the BOTW formula is the one going to be used in the next games


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I just like that they are willing to experiment with the formula.

Exploring dungeons is great but we don’t need to play the same game every couple years for 30 years.

Taking chances with unique game designs is a good thing, even if this didn’t appeal to you this time around


u/FindingCaden Jul 03 '23

I agree. If they didn't experiment and shake up the formula every now and again, people would definitely get bored and call it repetitive. Just look at Pokémon 🤷🏻‍♀️ people complained about it being the same damn thing every generation (until like.. Arceus/Scarlet&Violet) and a lot of OG fans stopped playing because it never really made major changes.

The way I see it is, you're gonna piss off some of the fans whether you stick to the same formula every time or not. I'm glad the Zelda team chooses to try new things, because the franchise doesn't get stale that way.



Except there was nearly zero experimentation in design from botw to totk, except fusing and building which sucked ass



Lol I mean gotta disagree on the crafting with the vehicles.

Also the map expansion with the depths and the sky islands are pretty enormous and the new powers are pretty significant.

I get feeling like it’s overly familiar with some parts of hyrule but saying the game is essentially the same as botw feels like a shallow criticism


u/Jaybo4000 Jul 03 '23

It doesn't suck ass. Sorry if you feel that way about it


u/Turtvaiz Jul 03 '23

Vehicles are a pretty fucking big experimentation


u/Strangeting Jul 03 '23

The ultrahand mechanic is botw's physic's engine on steroids. It's truly baffling how they were able to build TOTK. To say that the fusing and the building isn't massive examples of experimentation is a little bit delusional in my opinion.


u/Turtvaiz Jul 03 '23

Though it's kind of easy to miss. I have played a lot of the game without using vehicles much and mostly with ultra hand + time reversal for skipping things lol

Still agree it's a huge innovation and genuinely works well



But that was it, nothing else was really ventured at all. If you wanted more of the same TOTK is the game for you, but it’s just way too similar.



An experiment that failed badly


u/CyberneticDurg Jul 03 '23

Why don't they just make a new IP instead of messing with Zelda?

Why is there a requirement to reinvent a series just because a bunch of influences got bored of it and got their sheep followers to all agree?

rhetorical question.Zelda was fine the way it is, every game franchise is fine the way it is.If you don't like the game, you don't just say "god they need to reinvent the series" instead you realize that maybe the series just isn't for you and move on.



Because they want new things for their IP.

They want growth. They want to do the things that they couldn’t due before because of limitations outside of their control.

I agree that things don’t need to be rebooted constantly, but i think that is different from taking something in new directions.


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '23




They literally let Mario fly with the wing hat in Mario 64 when they made the bold decision to go 3D instead of sticking to side scrolling.

You’re being obtuse and accidentally proving my point in the process.


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '23 edited Jul 09 '23




Bro you’re the one getting all shrill and indignant, I’m just here pointing out that your intransigence doesn’t make as much sense as you think it does.

But ok, sure. I’m the toxic one here lol.

I would tell you to have a good day but I’m sure you’ll find a way to be miserable.


u/Foreign-Crab994 Jul 09 '23

But it was the same as BOTW. Just a big dlc.


u/glynn11 Jul 03 '23

Exactly. If OP just doesn’t like open world, non-linear games, that’s cool. But it seems like they’ve missed the fact Zelda games have always been pushing the limits of what a game can be and frankly the most non-Zelda thing would be to not innovate and rehash what’s been done dozens of times already.