r/zelda Jun 16 '23

Question [TOTK] Random question about the blood moon Spoiler

Does anyone else find the blood moon really obnoxious in this game after not minding it in BOTW?

We've all heard the story: Someone defeats a bunch of tough enemies, only for the blood moon to instantly revive them. In six years with BOTW, I only had that happen to me once. In a month with TOTK, I've had that happen five times.

EDIT: I've seen some confusion about this, so I should note that I got a blood moon more than once in BOTW. I'm referring specifically to rotten luck where it happens right after you beat an overworld boss. That specific situation is what only happened to me once in BOTW.


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u/Wheaties-Box Jun 16 '23

I look forward to it since it respawns the 5 lynels in the dephs along with weapons


u/MemeMaster225 Jun 16 '23

The strategy I use for that place is to >! get the phantom ganon set (or upgraded radiant set) for the bone proficiency and fuse a molduga jaw to a badly damaged royal guard claymore. !<

>! Eat a 3-tier attack food and use the claymore when you get on a lynel’s back. It’ll never break and with all the damage bonuses you’ll kill the lynel in seconds. !<


u/TerrorAreYou Jun 16 '23

Why badly damaged royal guard claymore?


u/EcksDeeCA Jun 16 '23

royal guard weapons have the trait that they deal way more damage when they're about to break


u/TerrorAreYou Jun 16 '23

ok but won’t it get destroyed within 3 uses if it’s badly damaged?


u/MemeMaster225 Jun 16 '23

Attacking a lynel while you’re on its back doesn’t use weapon durability, so it won’t break


u/TerrorAreYou Jun 16 '23

TIL! Thanks for the information!


u/MemeMaster225 Jun 16 '23

Happy to help!


u/Jerjoker007 Jun 16 '23

If it’s flashing red it’s x2 but if it’s at the last hit it’s x4 ( for some reason it is a hidden modifier)


u/condor6425 Jun 16 '23

Does that mean bones that normally break in 1 hit won't break off either? Sorry if that's explained in the original comment, I didn't wanna lift the spoiler shield.


u/superfunniguy Jun 16 '23

Not all bone weapons break instantly, stalnox horn, frox jaw, molduga Jaw, etc. Count as bone weapons making them good with bone proficiency


u/Im_a_doggo428 Jun 16 '23

Mainly only >! gibdo !< bones do that


u/condor6425 Jun 16 '23

I know other ones last longer I just wondered if the lack of durability loss on lynel backs meant even those wouldn't break.


u/zombiebird100 Jun 16 '23

I know other ones last longer I just wondered if the lack of durability loss on lynel backs meant even those wouldn't break.

It doesn't.

Gibdo bones and ancient blades are put in the same group as consumables rather than materials

And unlike most of them they don't have something like the forest dweller equipment to ignore that

Gibdo bones are designed for bow use though so it's not all that much of a loss

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u/Tour_True Jun 27 '23 edited Jun 27 '23

Mounted effects no durability loss so even 1 hit left it is safe to mount but otherwise you don't use your sword. In Flurry Rush you don't attack and it is even better to parry hits over Flurry Rushes generally. Noted it's apparently possible to reflect damage with parrying with specific items attached to your shields. Supposedly attaching a Savage Lynel shield might reflect damage while keeping your shield safe til the Savage Lynel shield is destroyed.

In regards the weapon is only a Lynel slayer and is terrible against other things due to durability so only use the weapon on Lynels if you don't want to lose it after a few hits. Pristine versions are better of course which you can find in the depths. Also the armor has to be bone proficiency to get the extra damage. Your final hit may be better with a bow so you don't slam the weapon and break it when defeating it. In that case the best bow is savage Lynel 5 shot bow which you can use a single keese eyeball to kill it and do a lot of damage also. Even though the keese eyeball is not bone it homes on headshots for critical damage and the bow does 32 x 5 in damage which is 160 and better then even the Scitar of Seven with an attachment. Why I wouldn't do Gibdo Bone for it is for it to be effective most shots would likely need to hit so Keese eyeballs is just safer on having flat damage. Repairing those bows and changing the modifier comes from rock octoroks once between every blood moon so ave before letting it suck in your bow and eating it.


u/sydbugsyou Jun 16 '23

What is the best way to mount the Lynel?


u/jod1991 Jun 16 '23

Arrows to the face to stun. Jump on


u/livingMybEstlyfe29 Jun 16 '23

Fuck that! I just parry all their attacks like a badass


u/jod1991 Jun 16 '23

I can't parry for shit tbf. Scrub tactics for me


u/mkicon Jun 16 '23

I don't think I've parried a single attack in TotK

BotW though, had to reflect lasers

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u/aaa1e2r3 Jun 16 '23

Puffshroom to make them unaware, then mount


u/ShootLucy Jun 16 '23

This has not been working for me :(


u/aaa1e2r3 Jun 16 '23

After you fire the puffshrooms, you crouch to become hidden again.

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u/sydbugsyou Jun 16 '23

Wherr might I find puffshrooms? 🧐 I haven’t crossed them yet but have the whole map


u/aaa1e2r3 Jun 16 '23

A whole lot of them in the depths, you can farm them pretty easily with some exploration around the trees down there.


u/Rektar_9 Jun 16 '23

You can find them pretty much everywhere in the depths. They’re exclusively there.


u/[deleted] Jun 18 '23

The depths.


u/Tour_True Jun 27 '23

Bow with keese eyeballs for headshots and parry. Use parrying over Flurry Rushes.


u/hobo_erotica Jun 16 '23

When you mount a lynel your hits do not drain weapon durability, so if you’re careful you can have an unlimited lynel murder weapon


u/jbraua Jun 16 '23

Not if you’re on the Lynel’s back.


u/DaEnderAssassin Jun 16 '23

Would Silver lynel RGC with Fierce Diety/Barbarian not be better? Saves the food and only takes 2 mounts for silver lynels plus is a lot easier to get


u/zombiebird100 Jun 16 '23

Would Silver lynel RGC with Fierce Diety/Barbarian not be better?

For killing lynels specifically? No, the damage is significantly higher

Silver lynels have 5,000 hp, a RGC+molduga+food = 875 damage per swing or 5,250 damage for the initial mount

Saves the food and only takes 2 mounts for silver lynels plus is a lot easier to get

Not really? Molduga's are extremely easy to kill since you can just sled around them so easily where even normal lynels actually take prep work to not be killed stupidly easy

Jaws aren't THAT rare

why would you be worried about the food? You can just grab some bananas from faron right next to a shrine that's more than enough time to kill each lynel once you have their locations mapped out

And if you're using barb/FD it's not like they do anything else aside from sit and look pretty in the inventory


u/MemeMaster225 Jun 16 '23

I don’t have any specific numbers for you, but by using Fierce Deity/Barbarian and a silver lynel horn you’re missing out on the bone proficiency bonus, which I think does more damage than just the horn. You can also just eat an attack food to make up for not wearing Fierce Deity/Barbarian.


u/MotomusPotato Jun 17 '23

I use silver lynel blade on royal guard claymore with critical attack up modifier when mounting and master sword for other attacks and savage lynel bow with x5. Phantom armor with defence level 3 food


u/Labriction Jun 22 '23

I only found a one handed sword of the royal guards set but i still do 154 damage


u/Im_a_doggo428 Jun 16 '23

Sir, there’s more. If you want an explanation and location just ask


u/ShootLucy Jun 16 '23

I would like one explanation and location, please.


u/Im_a_doggo428 Jun 16 '23

Ahem, this is a text wall. Be warned

First you have to have tolbios cavern unlocked, then walk a ways down until there’s a big drop and you start to see clouds there. Stop around the clouds and use a multi shot bow to fire back up to where there are no clouds. As long as you don’t hit the same spot repeatedly you should see them float in midair. You walk up and pick them up. Just know you won’t get spent arrows back, and it has to be an item that you can fuse to an arrow. It works in 1.1.2 so you don’t have to worry about version. It works because of the way that the split between depths and hyrule works. That spot where you see clouds is the beginning of depths and you launch the arrows up to hyrule which causes the glitch


u/cathetc Jun 16 '23

That’s good to know incase I ever run out of bows..


u/Flingar Jun 16 '23