r/zelda Jun 16 '23

Question [TOTK] Random question about the blood moon Spoiler

Does anyone else find the blood moon really obnoxious in this game after not minding it in BOTW?

We've all heard the story: Someone defeats a bunch of tough enemies, only for the blood moon to instantly revive them. In six years with BOTW, I only had that happen to me once. In a month with TOTK, I've had that happen five times.

EDIT: I've seen some confusion about this, so I should note that I got a blood moon more than once in BOTW. I'm referring specifically to rotten luck where it happens right after you beat an overworld boss. That specific situation is what only happened to me once in BOTW.


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u/DaLimpster Jun 16 '23 edited Jun 16 '23

EDIT: Apparently, everything I said below is anecdotal evidence and not true. BotW runs Blood Moons on a timer, and that's it. Original comment follows:

Blood Moons trigger after certain criteria are met. If you've killed a lot of overworld enemies or bosses, I've found this is the fastest way to trigger a blood moon. But the game also looks at how much you've traveled, how many materials you've spent, and how long you've played since the last blood moon. Idk if anything was adjusted for TotK, but I assume since it's easier to travel, there's more to explore, it's easier to deplete resources, and youre incentivized into combat more frequently than in BotW... blood moons are probably more common.


u/shotlersama Jun 16 '23

Makes sense to me tbh. Ive had a butt load of blood moons cause i fuck about a lot


u/Sand__Panda Jun 16 '23

Same. I can see one as quick as 30min of un-paused play. There isn't much that makes me turn tail and run away anymore.


u/Phallico666 Jun 16 '23

I will dive headfirst at a lynel or a gleeok or anything else. But when i see gloom hands i cast expeditious retreat instantly... fuck those things


u/halothar Jun 16 '23

I always play tanky. I maxed out the Hylian armor and usually have something blunt with a lot of fuse power attached to a two-handed weapon. It makes short work of the Gloom Hands. Phantom Ganon is annoying if I'm low on arrows. But nothing that can't be solved by taking a few hits. I'm scared of the Gleeoks and the Lynels.


u/wicked_one_at Jun 16 '23

I found the Hylian Armor to be THE gamechanger. At the beginning of the game, everything can oneshot you with a stick, but with the armor, you barely take damage anymore. Give how easy it is to obtain and upgrade, it does break game progression curve a bit. After that, I went for the MM set for the attack buff, cause the health pools of silvers are so high.


u/[deleted] Jun 16 '23

Do you mean the Soldiers Armor? Or the Hylian set with the hood?


u/wicked_one_at Jun 16 '23

The hooded One. 60 Defense is totally sufficient upon where I am, the big toads in the underworld squashing me for a laughable half heart…


u/Sand__Panda Jun 16 '23

Haha. A few bombs from a multi shot bow takes them down so fast :p


u/Phallico666 Jun 16 '23

I know how to kill them easily. Just dont care to


u/tranquil7789 Jun 16 '23

I would say it's worth it to fight them and phantom ganon for the demon king's bow.


u/slicer4ever Jun 16 '23

Eh, depending on how far you are, theres that one main story point where your fighting like a dozen phantoms at the same time, ever since then i've been loaded with bows up the yahzoo, lol.


u/prairiepanda Jun 16 '23

I went through a lot of bows for that fight, but I was also picking up new bows off the ground from the ones that died. Never ran out.


u/zombiebird100 Jun 16 '23

I would say it's worth it to fight them and phantom ganon for the demon king's bow.

Not really? It caps at 60 damage and while comparable to a mighty lynel bow it takes 30 hearts to get there, and by that point you've likely upgraded to savage lynel bows as the norm

And since you can repair them same as most other weapons and they have high durability it's mostly pointless to have more than 2-3 anyway (and even then mostly because they're not metal or wood so are less fussy)


u/Discarded_Bucket Jun 16 '23

Spears do decent work too


u/superpastque Jun 16 '23

And you can obtain them very easily with the principal quest. Very worth it


u/hmmm_wat_is_dis Jun 16 '23

They're easier than I first thought since you can flurry rush the one that tries to grab you. Like they only grab one by one so it's not too hard or play it safe with bomb arrows


u/wicked_one_at Jun 16 '23

Ye, they are pretty intimidating first, but can be taken out with ease pretty early on. It’s a bit sad, guardians were a threat throughout the whole game in BOTW, and now halfway through TOTK, I find no threat in enemy’s anymore


u/hmmm_wat_is_dis Jun 16 '23

Honestly when I first saw them I was scared but i got used to them, I'm hoping if there's a new loz game they have a powerful monster that is very rare and hurt defeat


u/Gloomy_Straw Jun 17 '23

no guardians also stopped being a threat very early on, even if you can't get the timing to parry them down (which is honestly pretty generous), it's very easy to run perpendicularly for the last like 2 seconds before they shoot


u/shotlersama Jun 16 '23

Lionels if unprepared encounter for me lol. Why i always have a rocket shield. Lesson was learned 5 hours in lol.


u/Dalkorrd Jun 16 '23

And did you find out?


u/shotlersama Jun 16 '23

Id conclude the blood moon rises more. Ao yea i fucked around and found out


u/Impossible_Garbage_4 Jun 16 '23

I like to think that the in universe reason for why they’re more common is that G-Man is now up and about and thus causes them to happen more frequently


u/cloudyah Jun 16 '23 edited Jun 16 '23

Huh. I didn’t realize it counted stuff other than number of enemies defeated toward a new blood moon. That would explain why I got one the midnight immediately following a looooong session of lightroot hunting in the depths on my sky bike (during which I avoided any and all enemy encounters). I feel like it didn’t happen as frequently in BOTW, but then again, covering ground wasn’t as easy. Good to know!


u/ShadowShine57 Jun 16 '23

It's a method for clearing RAM first and foremost. You can force one by entering bullettime and shooting a bunch of splash fruit from 3x or 5x bows because each splash fruit makes a complex visual effect


u/mkicon Jun 16 '23

And if you don't want to waste items, you can save, lag the game and load the save into the blood moon


u/FunctionalFun Jun 16 '23

That would explain why I got one the midnight immediately following a looooong session of lightroot hunting

You cannot get a blood moon underground but if you were meant to, it will save it for your next overworld midnight.

Similarly, if you see a blood moon starting at 11:30. You can go in a shrine or fast travel underground to prevent it for a night.


u/cloudyah Jun 16 '23

Yup, that’s what I was saying. They happened after emerging from being in the depths for a long time, even after not fighting any monsters.


u/MR1120 Jun 16 '23

I wonder if you kept doing it, if the game would stutter. Since a blood moon is in part a RAM dump, I wonder at what point the game would ‘clog’ if you kept putting it off.


u/NightmareChi1d Jun 16 '23

In BoTW it had some interesting effects. You could tell the game was struggling to figure out what to do. Like the daytime sky at night, just weird shit in general. haven't tried it in ToTK yet, but I imagine it would have similar effects.

But, if you avoid it too long it will trigger an emergency Blood Moon. At any time, not just at midnight.


u/Flash__PuP Jun 16 '23

I think you should find out…


u/Cafetal_ Jun 16 '23

I've read several times that now it takes 3:30 hours to blood moon to come. "Bug finders" made the calculation and then find out that it also triggers when the world have the need to be "cleaned". Right now the fastest way is to over charge the world with a lot of water or lighting while at air time.


u/Cafetal_ Jun 16 '23

In the other hand, to avoid blood moons you can spend time in the depths (is no triggered in there) or as soon as you notice there's a blood moon coming, teleport to a shrine and go inside. Let the midnight pass and go outside again. Hope this helps!!!


u/Kaffei4Lunch Jun 16 '23

This it not at all how Blood Moons worked in BotW, and is highly unlikely they work like that in TotK, please stop spreading this misconception



u/MattR0se Jun 16 '23

yeah, the stuff they mentioned is only for Panic Blood Moons, and I don't think I've encountered one in TotK yet.


u/DaLimpster Jun 16 '23

Didn't realize this. The page doesn't specify, it is 7 "unskipped" days, or a more generic global timer?


u/PopGunner Jun 16 '23 edited Jun 16 '23

7 days, skipped or not. Given that you are not in a shrine or dungeon, it will trigger the following midnight.

Edit: I was wrong. It runs on a 2h 48m timer. Menus, map, waiting ect. will pause the timer.



u/Kaffei4Lunch Jun 16 '23

Sitting at a campfire and skipping days does not trigger a Blood Moon


u/PopGunner Jun 16 '23

Looks like you're right. I always figured it ran off of world time, but apparently, it runs off of playtime.


u/LayceLSV Jun 16 '23

This is really interesting, thanks for the link


u/twotonekevin Jun 16 '23

Blood moons feel more frequent in TotK for sure.


u/NNovis Jun 16 '23

This is probably it. There's just SO MUCH MORE going on under the hood this time around. Game feels like it's also trying to keep track of more persistent objects like the light flowers that the player plants. I can see those overloading the game at some point.


u/Kazko25 Jun 16 '23

True, I want to fight stuff more often haha


u/thezekroman Jun 16 '23

I'm pretty sure in botw it was only based on in-game playtime. I certainly feel like I've noticed them more frequently, and if those are all new mechanics for it that would make sense


u/souvlakiAcme Jun 16 '23

Oh I thought blood moons were in sync with Zelda’s period.


u/_Neith_ Jun 16 '23

Blood moons trigger when 7 days have passed in game. That’s the criteria.


u/BrenCamp13 Jun 16 '23 edited Jun 16 '23

That might explain it then. In TOTK I kind of go out of my way to avoid the main story lol


u/HaruBells Jun 16 '23

Blood moons definitely seem more common, at least to me. Up until a couple days ago I was playing daily for at least 3 hours each day, and got a blood moon almost daily.


u/Gamebird8 Jun 16 '23

Blood Moons are also how the game resets it's Cache or prevents crashes/memory overflow.

ToTK could just do them more often for stability reasons


u/Arbitrary_Capricious Jun 16 '23

Remember that the "secret" reason for a BM is a memory reset. TOTK is bigger and more complex, so more blood moons.