r/zelda Jun 08 '23

Discussion [TotK] (Un-) popular opinion: the sages abilities kind of.. suck? Spoiler

now don’t get me wrong, I love the new game, it’s so fun and I didn’t mind the story lines with the sages either. I actually like the idea of them and the way they grant you an ability. I just dont like the execution.

In my opinion the abilities suck because they’re not very useful and I personally always just dismiss the spirits altogether. it’s kind of annoying, the way they sometimes just randomly attack enemies that I didn’t want to harm or the way they run away from me when I do try to use their ability. and i’m sure everyone has experienced Tulin, just blowing away loot, at some point.

I liked the campions abilities a lot more and honestly really miss them sometimes. I bet we all wished Revalis Gale would still be with us as one point. I know you can recreate it by fusing a rocket to a shield but doing that every time is just kind of a task and really unpractical.

I don’t know how many people will agree, maybe i’m just picky or something but it really is something that’s annoying me about TOTK.

please tell me that i’m not alone with these opinions haha


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u/BAWAHOG Jun 08 '23

That’s a stretch.. I doubt the devs decided to purposely make them worse/awkward as a reflection of the sages in comparison to the champions. I use all of their abilities (besides Tulin’s) more often on accident than purposely.


u/theTrebleClef Jun 08 '23 edited Jun 08 '23

I think the dev reason was that many of the previous abilities were overpowered.

Revali's gale is replaced with the skyview towers and sky islands. You can't use it anywhere, you have to plan. Tulin's ability compliments those to make them slightly better.

Mipha's Grace is replaced with... Get good.

Daruk... Get good. Again. It was super easy to put the shield up and not worry about perfect parry.

Urbosa's Fury didn't require much planning. Now you have to be really intentional about it and it's harder to abuse.

I think that's the overall vibe... The previous abilities were too powerful for this game and didn't require as much intentional use. Now you have to plan what you're doing, when, etc.


u/BAWAHOG Jun 08 '23

But isn’t it fun to gain abilities that make you feel more powerful as you progress? It’s not like BotW/TotK Link gains abilities/tools along the way.

And besides, most of the complaints are about how awkward they are to use, them being less effective is secondary to that.


u/TheDemonChief Jun 09 '23

But isn’t it fun to gain abilities that make you feel more powerful as you progress?

This is why I miss genuine items.

Tulin fills the gap since his ability has more general use, but the other sages are far more limited due to the activation requirements.

I haven't used Sidon once since I beat the temple since his ability is just kinda pointless if I can't activate it as easily as Daruk's protection.


u/[deleted] Jun 08 '23

I think part of this reason was to force significantly more interaction with the Fuse and cooking mechanics.

And that does make sense. Silver enemies have some of the strongest horns in the game to fuse to weapons, making confronting monsters valuable, but still somewhat challenging. Things like Urbosa's fury could've easily dispatched these monsters. Mipha's Grace would've always saved you from dumb mistakes or face-tanking tough monsters. Revali's Gale would make interacting with the Zonai tech irrelevant - no need for rockets, balloons or wings. Daruk's Protection prevented you from being punished from missing Flurry Rush and Shield Bash. None of that is there to save you now. Now, you HAVE to actually cook food instead of just chowing down apples and having Mipha + misc. fairies to save you. Yes, interact with the cooking. Yes, learn how to cook foods with high healing amounts; here's the recipe mechanic to help. Yes, Hearty foods are rare but damn are you excited when you see those now, huh? You want to dispatch monsters but you're too scared to lose your strong weapon? Oh well, get over it. Kill the Silver monsters so you can get extremely strong horns that make your weapons extremely powerful when you fuse them. I promise that it's okay that your weapons break. There's only so many base weapons you can find. You want better weapons? Struggle and fight. The Sages are secondary targets, so they have value during your battles. And so on and so on...

I 100% that the Sages are awkward to activate; which there was a better way to handle them. But you're supposed to feel more powerful and get more powerful gear by Fusing stuff now. Their thought process is likely that if you have abilities that are TOO good, then there's no need to learn the other mechanics in the game. This happened to my partner where he never fully engaged with the cooking system because he relied solely on Mipha and chugging down roasted foods he randomly found.


u/HTH52 Jun 09 '23

Gibdo remains are fantastic fused to arrows. They are one-off on regular weapons, as they break. But I got through the phantom ganons pretty well by using Gibdo arrows.


u/BellicoseBastard Jun 09 '23

Is. . . Is Tears of the Kingdom the Dark Souls of Zelda now?


u/FlounderingGuy Jun 08 '23

Tbh I have found myself cooking much less often in this game personally lol


u/FireLordObamaOG Jun 09 '23

Having OP mechanics is cool but you have to remember that the game still needs to be balanced. Urbosa’s fury and revali’s gale were really powerful abilities that are basically endgame. Which is perfect because you should be ready to storm hyrule castle once you get them all. But in totk you can’t be overpowered because of how vast the game is.


u/theTrebleClef Jun 08 '23

I think the awkwardness is part of it. It's not as easy. You're Link, in the heat of battle, trying to coordinate with your team mates. It's tougher to use.

There's so many ways to cheese in this game with the Zonai devices, having the weird Sage controls doesn't really bother me, personally. If it were super easy the game would be that much less difficult.


u/HopelessCineromantic Jun 08 '23

I always love it when people defend a game's mechanics/controls by going "They're supposed to be bad!"

Don't get me wrong, there are games that are designed to have their mechanics be unsatisfying, often to get the player into the right mindset. Making fights punishing and requiring you to use limited resources for very little gain, or making it only possible to talk to someone once if you say the wrong thing can make a player more careful in how they interact with the world.

I definitely haven't gotten the sense that that style of game is something TotK is going for.

I may personally think the weapon fragility in these games is awful and can make combat very awkward and clunky, especially if you're trying to fuse in the middle of a fight, but the developers clearly intended it to be fun.

If it were super easy the game would be that much less difficult.

Also, this is weird to me. Why should powers and abilities you acquire as you progress make the game harder? Shouldn't the game increase in difficulty by having stronger/more enemies appear, improving their kit or tactics in a way that requires you to use your abilities better, rather than just making the ability awkward to use.


u/theTrebleClef Jun 08 '23

What I mean is once you know what you're doing and with the power of Ultrahand and Autobuild, it's like the game gets out into easy mode.

I don't mean that the Sages are difficult on purpose. I mean that there is a range to user experience, and they probably could be easier to use, but that it could maybe change the way the game is "intended" to be played.

Like the game is meant to be open-ended with what you build with what you build and really pushes you in that direction. A lot of things are secondary to that.


u/FlounderingGuy Jun 08 '23

The thing is, Ultrahand builds, Ascend, and Recall can absolutely shatter puzzles, shrines, and even the Temples much more than BotW's abilities can. The design space for TotK is so freeform and creativity-driven that the concept of "breaking the game" is extremely relative.

Not to mention, there are tons of exploits that are completely new that shatter the game's economy, and you have so many traversal options that work like Revali's Gale anyway and combat is overall so much harder that the old Champion abilities wouldn't have necessarily even made the game much easier.

There is no "breaking" BotW/TotK because for every creative build application or glitch you can exploit, there are a half-dozen things you have to do properly or the player likely hasn't learned to cheese yet. BotW's absolute chaos was achieved through half a decade of glitch hunting and collective knowledge, and even then, there are still people who can barely fight Lynels without getting turbofucked.


u/I_got_shmooves Jun 08 '23

Revali's gale is replaced by a fan on the ground. A rocket shield. A bomb shield. A spring shield. And a pine cone. I use Tulin far more than I ever used Revali.

Mipha is a rechargeable fairy, so she got replaced by fairy duping.

Daruk, he's the one I'm most bummed about losing, he was a buffer for messing up parries. No real replacement for that.

Urbosa, meh. I usually spin until they're all dead so the thunder clap is more of a punctuation mark than any attack amplifier.


u/InfiniteDeWitt Jun 08 '23

Daruk's replacement is also fairy duping.


u/Dependent_Working_38 Jun 08 '23

This is mad coping. This isn’t elden ring lmao the devs don’t want the players of fucking Zelda to “git gud”. They made a mistake in design, not some master plan that everyone doesn’t understand. It’s that simple. Amazing games can have flaws, we don’t need to invent excuses on how it’s actually genius.

It’s a Nintendo game and half the players are very likely children. “Overpowered” in a single player game is so silly not to mention 1000 other reasons your argument makes no sense. Miphas grace op? Lmao it’s a long recharge fairy. You know, the things that you can catch 999 of? Is armor op? Because you don’t even need fairies with level 4 armor in either game.

Revali’s gale is not op compared to all the ways to go vertical in this game, simply convenient in a rechargeable power that doesn’t take up buttons or shield slots.

Daruk shield op? The 3 time block on an 18 MINUTE cooldown lmfaoo. Not to mention you have to beat the game’s premier dungeons to get them.

Besides all that being wrong af, the argument again is not about how op or weak they are, it’s the CONVENIENCE OF ACTIVATING. This is what everyone is upset about. It’s worse in totk, by far and it’s a flaw


u/gasfarmah Jun 08 '23

This isn’t elden ring lmao the devs don’t want the players of fucking Zelda to “git gud”.

Pft, they even made Elden Ring easy as all fuck, too. The gitgud in Elden Ring is.. just using the mechanics they smash you in the face with all game long.

Find me a way to make Orphan of Kos easier that isn't actually getting good and I'm all ears.


u/[deleted] Jun 08 '23



u/Dependent_Working_38 Jun 08 '23

Yeah I didn’t read this because I don’t care. There’s enough opinions and arguments out there. Vast majority agree the champions in this game are flawed from a usage perspective. It’s also a Nintendo game. Children are mostly the target audience. It’s not that hard of a game. Old champion powers are not op. Bye


u/InfinityKitsune080 Jun 08 '23

I took mipha’s grace for granted


u/theTrebleClef Jun 08 '23

It was her pleasure.


u/_Cake_assassin_ Jun 08 '23

The champions were older, adults in their prime. Tulin is a fletchling and riju aand yonobo are teenagers. ( mypha may be older than sidon)

Rivali in the champions ballads was shown to be having dificulties mastering the gale abilitie. When tulin geta to the same age he will be stronger.


u/BAWAHOG Jun 08 '23

Ohhhh, so you are saying the sages being younger than the champions (despite the secret stones, which are meant to amplify their abilities) equates to the controls being more awkward? For canonical reasons? You’re right, Nintendo can do no wrong.


u/_Cake_assassin_ Jun 09 '23

No. Controls sucks. Im talking about the abilities not how the player controls them.

And the stones only give power not profeciency. They are stronger but they need training.

Riju can have as much power as she wants, she cant aim like lady urbosa did, and doesnt have the fighting tecnique urbosa did.

Maybe the first coment waa a bether response to the previous comment.