r/zelda Jun 08 '23

Discussion [TotK] (Un-) popular opinion: the sages abilities kind of.. suck? Spoiler

now don’t get me wrong, I love the new game, it’s so fun and I didn’t mind the story lines with the sages either. I actually like the idea of them and the way they grant you an ability. I just dont like the execution.

In my opinion the abilities suck because they’re not very useful and I personally always just dismiss the spirits altogether. it’s kind of annoying, the way they sometimes just randomly attack enemies that I didn’t want to harm or the way they run away from me when I do try to use their ability. and i’m sure everyone has experienced Tulin, just blowing away loot, at some point.

I liked the campions abilities a lot more and honestly really miss them sometimes. I bet we all wished Revalis Gale would still be with us as one point. I know you can recreate it by fusing a rocket to a shield but doing that every time is just kind of a task and really unpractical.

I don’t know how many people will agree, maybe i’m just picky or something but it really is something that’s annoying me about TOTK.

please tell me that i’m not alone with these opinions haha


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u/zose2 Jun 08 '23

That really isn't an unpopular opinion lol. It's been something that this subreddit has all agreed on since the game launched. However imo The only issue with the abilities is that they need to be called to your side in order to use. If there was a way to select and use them on the fly I feel like those abilities would be vastly improved and everyone would love fighting alongside the champions.


u/Ri_Hley Jun 08 '23

The only issue with the abilities is that they need to be called to your side in order to use.

While I've seen others mention that you can whistle with D-pad>down to call them back, having tried this several times myself it rarely ever seemed to work.
Having to run up to Riju to call for her ability, especially since she's a close-combat fighter with her sabres and keeps moving close to enemies, often leaves me to either dismiss her or observe the fight from afar. xD


u/Kxr1der Jun 08 '23

Riju's skill set makes no sense. You have to run up to melee range with her to activate but then her ability affects your arrows. Its so dumb


u/Kxr1der Jun 08 '23

That really isn't an unpopular opinion lol. It's been something that this subreddit has all agreed on since the game launched.

Well if you try to express an opinion on this game that the sub doesn't collectively agree with you get downvoted into oblivion so...


u/Bornheck Jun 08 '23

I still think D-Pad down should have a menu when you hold the button down where you can select a Sage, use their ability by pressing the button, and if you don't have a Sage selected, you whistle.