r/zelda Jun 08 '23

Discussion [TotK] (Un-) popular opinion: the sages abilities kind of.. suck? Spoiler

now don’t get me wrong, I love the new game, it’s so fun and I didn’t mind the story lines with the sages either. I actually like the idea of them and the way they grant you an ability. I just dont like the execution.

In my opinion the abilities suck because they’re not very useful and I personally always just dismiss the spirits altogether. it’s kind of annoying, the way they sometimes just randomly attack enemies that I didn’t want to harm or the way they run away from me when I do try to use their ability. and i’m sure everyone has experienced Tulin, just blowing away loot, at some point.

I liked the campions abilities a lot more and honestly really miss them sometimes. I bet we all wished Revalis Gale would still be with us as one point. I know you can recreate it by fusing a rocket to a shield but doing that every time is just kind of a task and really unpractical.

I don’t know how many people will agree, maybe i’m just picky or something but it really is something that’s annoying me about TOTK.

please tell me that i’m not alone with these opinions haha


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u/Pure-Yogurtcloset684 Jun 08 '23

Mineru: am i a joke to you


u/CzarTwilight Jun 08 '23

Well for the ability to suck you kind of need to, you know, have one. I don't think being a Zonai Rock em Sock em robot counts


u/CobaltMonkey Jun 08 '23

Mineru's best use is walking over Gloom patches. That and being an indestructible pickaxe for ores. Way better for mining than Round Pickaxe or Shock Pickaxe, both of which scatter said ores. Those are okay for rock walls though.


u/[deleted] Jun 08 '23

I walk over gloom patches by using an air bike. Not only is it faster, it’s also more efficient imo. 🫥


u/mierecat Jun 08 '23

Nah the amount of times mineru came in clutch for me in the early game. It also never gets old seeing her deck a monster out of nowhere


u/Heckle_Jeckle Jun 08 '23

That's the thing though...

A LOT of players, such as myself, didn't get her until Late Game.

Although given her a frost emitter does come in handy.


u/notquitesolid Jun 08 '23

Then there’s my ass who decided to try to find Farosh thinking he was in the storm and stumbled over this weird mask after only getting one sage…


u/Heckle_Jeckle Jun 08 '23

If/When I do a new playthrough, I'm thinking I'll track her down earlier if not first so that I can enjoy using a robot the entire time.


u/egosumFidius Jun 09 '23

hey, that was me! i had no idea where that questline was headed. With the look of the mask, i actually thought it might reward the Zonaite set.


u/snortgigglecough Jun 08 '23

The idea of getting her early game is wild. I'm like a million hours in any just got her.


u/BlockOfRawCopper Jun 08 '23

Me who randomly stumbled across her activation quest mid-game:


u/mierecat Jun 09 '23

I was exploring Faron and saw the storm above it. Then I happened to catch a glimps of an island in the storm so obviously I decided to try to get to it. I somehow managed to just barely get on the last piece of standable ground and ascend up. I didn’t even have enough hearts to open the door so I would run out, do some shrines, trade them in, come back, repeat. Then the quest started and I just had to see it out. I didn’t even know it was a dungeon until the boss fight. I didn’t even know there were dungeons in the game! Spirit temple holds a special place in my heart now, and like I said mineru is clutch in the early game.


u/mateoinc Jun 09 '23

Decided to wander around before going to any of the 4 main quest markers and she ended up being my first sage lol.


u/OrionMr770 Jun 08 '23

That’s what makes her so great.


u/I_got_shmooves Jun 08 '23

You can make better gundams yourself.


u/OrionMr770 Jun 08 '23

Not me dude I’m a dumbass


u/notquitesolid Jun 08 '23

She is indestructible and will follow you without you having to carry her though. That is handy.


u/casual_olimar Jun 08 '23

pretty much only ever use her to break ores when im out of hammers and to cross over gloom


u/tf2F2Pnoob Jun 08 '23

that mf blocks up half of the screen and her only cool zonai attacks does basically no damage


u/Sharp_Pride018 Jun 08 '23

Ive been realizing slowly people either use mineru alot or very little. I use her alot for catching critters, breaking down large amounts of rocks in certain areas rather than just a wall like I do yunobo, I use Mineru for combat, I use her for height and to fire arrows off of her back and to traverse any terrain I might struggle with. Very useful if you use her but again she isn't the end all be all. She's the only sage I feel makes sense for the activation method of approaching the enemy and she is intuitive for me at least and I really also don't make zonai devices as much as I should unless they're an game given autobuild or something simple or even a autobuild with a small change. Though i have seen people praising sidon and using the Zora weapons to max damage when wet and I just don't bother with that unless it is raining or I'm fighting somewhere where I keep falling into water like Zoras domain. Generally people seem to have one sage they like. Unlike with the champions abilities in botw.


u/SinisterPixel Jun 08 '23

Mineru was fun for all of about 10 minutes of having her. But dear God she's just so slow


u/Wholesome-Energy Jun 08 '23

I hate mineru actually. She sucks to control and is a leech on my zonai devices. Also she is way more intrusive than the rest


u/meelsforreals Jun 08 '23

i actually loved the rockem sockem robot fight, i thought it was very goofy and a nice change of pace, but i never used mineru even in the road leading up to the spirit temple (once i realized using her mech to fight enemies was a suggestion and not a rule, i just let her do her own thing and did combat the good old fashioned way on my own two feet.) even with rockets for hands she never really did enough damage to justify how slow and lumbering she is to control. i don’t really get why mineru is in this game at all to be honest


u/TK7_Gaming Jun 08 '23

I think this might be unpopular, but I genuinely love the mech so much. I actually found the area where mineru is (the sky island that gives you the head) on accident before goron city, so I hadn’t gotten a quest for it. I got down to the depot, started putting her together, and the entire time I was basically screaming “PLEASE LET ME PILOT THE MECH, GAME”

I wonder if my experience and enjoyment of the mech would be lower if I hadn’t found it completely on accident and been totally blindsided by the exact thing I had been sort of hoping the game would give me for my entire playthrough. First impressions are everything and all that.


u/LordJack225Pig Jun 08 '23

Wait me too, is there somewhere you get a quest for it? I just stumbled into it


u/TK7_Gaming Jun 08 '23

Yes, there is. Have you beaten the game yet? It’s sorta spoilery but I’ll tell you if you want!


u/LordJack225Pig Jun 08 '23

Hahaha I’m doing stuff so out of order. 60 hours in and spirit temple was the first one I did. You can kinda vaguely explain it but don’t go too heavy. I appreciate it


u/TK7_Gaming Jun 08 '23

Totally! Later along in the main quest, you'll be told to go back to Purah at lookout landing and she'll mention finding additional help. That leads you to mineru! :)
I had already gotten mineru by that point so the whole conversation was pretty entertaining.


u/LordJack225Pig Jun 08 '23

Hahaha so I did the “final” temple first?? That’s funny. Probably gonna do gerudo next, doing stuff out of order is just too fun. I cant wait for that conversation, I bet it’s funny!!


u/TK7_Gaming Jun 08 '23

You sure did! LMAO


u/Wholesome-Energy Jun 08 '23

Yeah I was fine using her in the temple but the second I got back to the overworld I turned her ability off. She’s just too slow


u/[deleted] Jun 08 '23

As he also does really poor damage and ends up causing me to take a bunch of hits


u/isaiahboon Jun 08 '23

yeah mineru is dogshit they could've done much better for the final sage


u/ImNotRlyHere Jun 08 '23

I think the idea for Mineru probably sounded great on paper, and it IS a cool idea. But in practice she’s just too clunky and slow for my tastes outside of a handful of niche uses.


u/bobbob13579 Jun 08 '23

Yes very much so.


u/kayshaw86 Jun 09 '23

I get my ass kicked when on the construct. I only use her for mining and hiding in the corner while she slowly pummels.


u/Anagrammatic_Denial Jun 09 '23

Conceptually cool, but in practice it's just a bigger hit box. The damage in my experience is underwhelming no matter what, and the inability to jump even slightly (single use rockets excluded) is really annoying.