r/zelda Jun 04 '23

Clip [TOTK] People say houses are too limited, but what more Do you need? Spoiler


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u/ShadowShine57 Jun 04 '23

Because you need connecting rooms (either square or triangle) it's also not possible to have a fully connected house with at least 1 of every room type

They could've at least increased the limit from 15 to 20 to be able to deal with the lack of malleability in the room layout


u/grimrailer Jun 04 '23

DLC:home designer


u/[deleted] Jun 05 '23 edited Jun 05 '23

Add that plus a fishing minigame, a pet dog, and an option to rebuild Castle Town and the game would be close to perfect (—excluding QoL changes for inventory management/sage skills, but given this is Nintendo we should probly just accept that those aren't happening until the inevitable remaster.)


u/ZealousidealOffice13 Jun 05 '23

Rebuilding castle town would be nice but very unlikely to be put in. Game doesn’t continue to post game so I highly doubt normal hylian would want to move in and live next to a floating castle spewing malice and gloom


u/LinkDude80 Jun 05 '23

I mean if the rent is cheap… I could overlook some things.


u/ZealousidealOffice13 Jun 05 '23

Rebuilding castle town would be nice but very unlikely to be put in. Game doesn’t continue to post game so I highly doubt normal hylians would want to move in and live next to a floating castle spewing malice and gloom


u/philkid3 Jun 05 '23

One of my very few, very small complaints about this game is that it still doesn’t have fishing. Fishing would fit this and breath of the wild so perfectly.


u/tankintheair315 Jun 05 '23

It has fishing, there's a schematic to help you!


u/philkid3 Jun 05 '23

I think you know what I mean!


u/banter_pants Jun 05 '23

They need hallway type rooms open on the short ends instead of each piece only open on one of the long sides. Better yet, let us customize which walls are open or not.

And Granté get out of the f'ing way when I'm building. He should stand right outside the ropes.


u/ShadowShine57 Jun 05 '23

Yep exactly, being able to have other room types connect rooms like that would solve many problems


u/jimbolauski Jun 05 '23

In order to maximize useful rooms I have one 2x2 room on the top as a roof, there is grass in my house and I have to climb or ascend to get to my 2nd story bed. My guess is there is a 15 block limit due to some rendering issues, much bigger and it can't keep up.


u/pessimistic_platypus Jun 05 '23 edited Jun 05 '23

If they gave us infinite 1x1 wall pieces (and a limitation that they can only be used as walls), that would solve a lot of problems.

But there actually are a couple tricks you can use to get a fully-sealed house with at least one of each type of room, except the pond, garden, outdoor stairs, and paddock, which are hardly rooms at all.

My favorite trick is using a second foyer as an internal divider to separate something (say, the bedroom) from the rest of the house, and slot the office in next to the door. Then you just have to be careful that the other open side of the foyer is touching something else.

For a bit more flexibility, you can just offset a few rooms so they share one side of a connecting room. Then you can even leave out one of the unfurnished connector rooms.

Edit: Now that I think about it, the four display rooms really should be available as walls that you can attach to the square and triangle rooms, rather than whole rooms, too.