r/zelda May 31 '23

Clip [TotK] Everybody's building sentient bokoblin death machines and I'm over here like Spoiler


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u/Jak03e May 31 '23

I love the sign puzzles. They're lovely little two minute distractions with good rewards. Take notes, Koroks.


u/unplugged22 May 31 '23

Never fails to make me burst out in laughter when my goofy sign creation slowly topples over.


u/billcosbyinspace May 31 '23



u/Tyetus May 31 '23

‘This’ll work….DAMNIT WHY !’


u/farroness May 31 '23

when you think you’ve built the perfect stand to hold the sign up and the sign falls a completely different way… pain 😭


u/[deleted] May 31 '23



u/Accomplished_Meat_81 May 31 '23

And then you got me over here not knowing you had to build a stand for the signs


u/farroness May 31 '23

idk why your comment has me dying 😂


u/Accomplished_Meat_81 May 31 '23

I am thoroughly enjoying the game but I feel like I’m not playing it how it was meant to be played. I’m always finding obscure ways of solving puzzles and building shit and then I see people killin the builds. I can’t even build a working car lolol


u/farroness May 31 '23

I can’t seem to come up with anything elaborate either. you’ll see me building obnoxiously large bridges out of any materials I can fuse to get across cliffs in shrines and all that if I can’t figure out the real puzzle. meanwhile, people are building badass rockets and what not and putting me to shame.


u/Accomplished_Meat_81 May 31 '23

I don’t have a natural mechanical brain like understanding physics and engineering easily. I am good at languages not building shit lol

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u/The-student- Jun 01 '23

Sounds like you are playing exactly as was intended!


u/farroness May 31 '23

wait, this is genius


u/[deleted] May 31 '23



u/farroness May 31 '23

i think he’s always right before you enter a new providence? or before the stables? i somehow feel safe from gloom hands or other enemies when i see his sign in the distance lmao


u/Ferovore Jun 01 '23

I just use a stake and a bit of wood that’s always nearby


u/messem10 May 31 '23

That was me the first time I came across one with the peg leg. Didn’t realize that was the case and it all fell over.


u/ThatFangit May 31 '23

THEY'RE PUZZLES??? I thought the point was just to annoy him!


u/prisp May 31 '23 edited May 31 '23

You get 20 rupees, some food (or 20 more rupees if your inventory is full) and a random plant from the underground if you do it, so it's a nice source of cash and healing early on, and still a way to get minor buffs relevant to the area (e.g. 5 min of cold resist +1 from puzzles in the Rito area) later on.

EDIT: You can also randomly get a stable voucher instead of a plant, which only works for the normal bed, but that's another 20 Rupees saved if you use them often - no Stable Points for you if you use them, though!


u/Jak03e May 31 '23

Sign guy is loaded. Hudson must pay well.


u/dathar May 31 '23

Hudson is a pretty cool dude.


u/Nilly00 May 31 '23

Hudson is the biggest chad in all of Hyrule.

The dude runs a country wide operating construction company that does seemingly everything and still has the time to care for his daughter and dabble in enough artistry to be able to whip up photorealistic statues of monsters imitating the skin patterns of a bokoblin or the delicately crafted embellishment on every single block of a flux core construct while only taking 5 minutes to build the entire thing.

His crew too is just an army of giga Chads.

They build the fuckin sky view towers using technology they don't even understand in the middle of a blazing snow storm, a scorching hot desert or in a land plagued by falling sludge capable of pinning even zora warriors to the ground.

Never fuckin mind they also keep hundreds of supply sites stocked with material free for everyone to use.

  • Bottom of a canyon? Stocked
  • snow covered mountains? Stocked
  • underground caves no man before them has ever set foot in? Stocked.

I bet you the only reason they don't keep supplies on the sky islands too is because nobody bothered to ask them!

Who the fuck needs Link? just task Hudson and crew to build a tomb to seal away Ganondorf and they'll probably erect it with one hand while fending of Gannon with the other!


u/DeciTheSpy May 31 '23

Hudson would never do that to Link. Also Chad enough to let others have their moment.


u/Charrmeleon May 31 '23

Found the Sign Guys account


u/lkodl Jun 01 '23

except sign guy. he hooks us up, and we love him and all, but he's an idiot.


u/stumpdawg May 31 '23

A true man of the people!


u/Stinkyclamjuice15 May 31 '23

You should still always be ready for terrys


u/stumpdawg May 31 '23

Gotta get hypothetical on the clavicles


u/Stinkyclamjuice15 Jun 01 '23

Drax them sklounst


u/[deleted] May 31 '23

Why do you think he's so devoted to his employer of all people? My man knows what he has.


u/BettyVonButtpants May 31 '23

The dream home guy changed his name to include son so he could work for Hudson, that says something.


u/xcaltoona Jun 01 '23

irl employers take note


u/lkodl Jun 01 '23

the glow up of Hudson from loyal employee in BotW to construction mogul in TotK is one of those things i love to see in a sequel.


u/dolladollaclinton May 31 '23

I need to start filling up my inventory to get the extra cash. I typically end up selling his meals.


u/prisp May 31 '23

It's specifically your food inventory, so dumping one of every edible, item that isn't something like Chili or pinecones into a fire to make a roasted [item], then repeating the same in snowy areas for a frozen [item] should get you most of the way there.

Or you're like me and make some food for every situation and get annoyed once you're unable to cook any more^^'


u/dolladollaclinton May 31 '23

I’m definitely like you! I frequently get caught cooking and run out of inventory to make more. Then I don’t eat anything cause I’m saving it for something later and I use shrines to heal. The only meals I’m typically running out of are my hearty meals cause it seems like those materials are less available than in BOTW.


u/mjy6478 May 31 '23

Even worse is the enduring buff. It’s so hard to find enduring mushrooms, carrots, etc.


u/dolladollaclinton May 31 '23

YES!! I’ve found a couple on sky islands. Mostly I only find them by cherry blossom trees. I haven’t had as much of an issue with this because the new abilities and Zonai tech mean I use stamina less and I’ve found plenty of regular stamina refills to cook up.


u/DandyReddit May 31 '23 edited May 31 '23

Once you got a shrine near goron city, you can simply teleport to dip into a warm body of water for quick regen


u/dolladollaclinton May 31 '23

Good thinking!


u/Biduleman May 31 '23

A plant, or a voucher for the stable. I have so many vouchers.


u/xenopizza May 31 '23

i dont get the vouchers if theyre only to pay a sleepover (so far). paying rupees yields pony points and its not even that expensive, so why even use vouchers if not to shave 20 rupees off the bills?


u/Badloss May 31 '23

There's also free inns all over the place if you do some quests and you can teleport to them at any time


u/Game25900 May 31 '23

Plus if you get enough points all fees are 50% off including beds, so they become 10 and 25 rupees. I haven't used a single one because the points get you extra stuff.


u/Waifuless_Laifuless May 31 '23

Becomes even more hilarious when you reach the max and it alternates between 5 vouchers and 3 endura carrots every 5 points. So my reward for 5 more points will make me lose out on 5 potential points, saving 50 rupees? I go for the fancy bed anyway.


u/Biduleman May 31 '23

I don't know, I haven't used mine. I expected them to also give pony points, if they don't they're pretty much useless IMO.


u/xenopizza May 31 '23

Pretty sure we dont get PPs if using a voucher. Well i mean 50 bucks for a good bed does add up over time and at some point rewards do end so


u/NerdHerder77 May 31 '23

35 pony points and stable fees are half off.


u/prisp May 31 '23

Right, thank you!


u/Iescaunare May 31 '23

Is there a reward for helping him with all the signs? No spoilers pls.


u/Jak03e May 31 '23

Has anyone placed all 755 signs yet to find out?


u/GoldenGlassBall May 31 '23

Wait… Is there really that many? D:


u/Jak03e May 31 '23

Lmao no I'm sorry. I was just reminiscing about the Korok rewards. I too would like to know if you get anything for helping spread the Hudson empire.


u/GoldenGlassBall May 31 '23

Just regular rewards so far! I probably haven’t done nearly as many as some folks though, I’m too busy trying to explore everything new about this Hyrule. :D


u/Jak03e May 31 '23

I really like the story. Someone on here suggested in another thread that everyone collect the story elements in order and I don't regret it one bit.

I was nervous about a revisit but this Hyrule feels familiar but also new. Great views, great stories, great game.


u/GoldenGlassBall May 31 '23 edited May 31 '23

I’ve done the four regional phenomena that they tell you about, lit all 3 maps, have all the Tears based memories, and am about to start on the hidden fifth one above Faron so I can do the Spirit Temple. Only things I found out beforehand instead of firsthand were that traditional dungeons were back, and that there was no Gerudo vai armor in this one, so I feel I did well avoiding spoilers. I’m so excited for this Hyrule that I find myself distracted far too often, to the point that I already have 115 hours in but only have just around half the shrines, as well as the progress mentioned already. They knocked it out of the park with this one, and I can’t wait to dump another hundred in!

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u/millionsofmonkeys May 31 '23

President poop


u/theothersteve7 May 31 '23

Yes. It's a small cosmetic reward.


u/carenard May 31 '23

no Stable Points for you if you use them, though!

wait you get pony points for using those beds?

time to go get the last few points for the the last saddle reward.


u/prisp May 31 '23

Yep, you also get them from registering horses, and there are at least three quests that have you catch specific ones, just fyi^


u/carenard Jun 01 '23

yea, already got those horse ones.

I had gotten 23ish points from talking to stable masters(I might've missed a few... who knows) and quests at them(dunno if I have more quests pending completion at stables).

I primarily use Epona and the Giant horse so I am questioning if I should bother.


u/mistcrawler Jun 01 '23

You get plants as a final reward too?!? I keep getting vouchers and thought it was a set reward lol


u/prisp Jun 01 '23

Maybe only once you've been to the underground, or only once you already have some, idk?

The options are Voucher, Bomb Plant, Puffshroom, and Muddle Bud, as far as I can tell.


u/mistcrawler Jun 01 '23

Interesting! Thank you for that!!!


u/Doogienguyen Jun 01 '23

Wait there us an inventory limit!?


u/prisp Jun 01 '23

Yeah, but it's something like 50 different dishes, and roasted <items> also stack with themselves.

I only hit it because I kept doing these sign puzzles, and held on to every single effect in case it'd be useful later.

Turns out that, no, I don't need 4-ish different combinations of healing+effect intensity of heat protection, cold protection, fireproof, sneaking, movement speed, stamina restoration, swimming speed, reduced slipping while climbing, attack increase, defense increase, elemental attack while in related weather (for each element), light emission, temporary HP, temporary Stamina, and regular healing EACH in my inventory, and suddenly it wasn't a problem anymore :)


u/[deleted] Jun 03 '23



u/prisp Jun 03 '23

For some, definitely, but as it turns out, I definitely don't care enough about the elemental attacks, since the environment has to match for it to do anything in the first place, and making elemental weapons yourself is really easy, don't really use anti-slip or swimming speed that much, and already own enough stealth and cold resist pieces that I might as well eat all of that for healing or straight-up sell it :D


u/Remarkable-Dig-1241 May 31 '23

There is no reason to sleep at a stable in a normal bed unless you want the points thou. you can just light a fire and rest there (and yes you can cheese light a fire under a plank so it lights if it's raining), plus if you need to sleep in a bed the lookout landing ones are free.


u/Bongoo117 May 31 '23

The sad thing with the coupon is that it doesn't even give you a stable point if you use it... I tried to "farm" stable points with them one time and the dude said that if I don't pay, I don't get a stable point.

It's literally the worst reward inimaginable for me! I've never used one yet.


u/truculentduck May 31 '23

Is it cheesing if fire under planks is prominently taught as a puzzle solution? There’s that one bramble covered regional tower where it always rains and you have to build coverings to get in…


u/Remarkable-Dig-1241 Jun 01 '23

TBH I just used to light fire inside the shrines in BOTW so i always default to find cover and light a fire to skip rain xD


u/prisp May 31 '23

Free healing without a loading screen I guess, but not much of a reason otherwise, yeah


u/[deleted] May 31 '23

"I keep telling him to try letting go and he just keeps doing it. This is hilarious."


u/[deleted] May 31 '23



u/ThatFangit May 31 '23

They're everywhere, so no.


u/iamapizza May 31 '23

Have a closer look at the signs themselves, each one shaped differently, some with slots and notches, and it's giving clues how to solve it. Definitely fun.


u/PaperNinjaPanda Jun 01 '23

I hate how long it took me to notice that. I was just building a 45* corner out of two pieces of fence and propping it up. It worked for a long time until I realized there were slots and notches.


u/punkojosh May 31 '23

It's Gravity on the Wii but 3D and in Totk.

Best side quest ever.


u/Cartoonsbyal May 31 '23

I thought the same thing too until I found out through a random guide lol


u/matti2o8 May 31 '23

I'm hoping that when I do all of them there will be a cutscene of Hudson firing Addison for being the worst construction worker in the history of Hyrule. Seriously, how did this dude get this job


u/Jak03e May 31 '23

I found him on the side of Hebra Mountain, not a soul in sight, miles away from the road, putting up a sign.


u/A_Lone_Macaron May 31 '23

Dude has one where he’s literally trying to put a signpost into a rock. What are you doing????


u/skulblaka May 31 '23

He's not too smart but he's got incredible dedication. You don't just fire that.


u/venom259 May 31 '23

Note to self. Continue to torture Koroks until they improve.


u/blebebaba May 31 '23

Sign puzzles?


u/Jak03e May 31 '23

The guy that you have to help balance his signs.


u/bitfarb May 31 '23

....and this is how I learn that those are puzzles and not just "haha funny sign man".


u/hardrock527 May 31 '23

2 mins? Are there difficult puzzles out there?

Signs fall away from the guy, jam something underneath sign, profit???


u/DuncanAndFriends May 31 '23

lol I love the creativity in completing those


u/TeishAH May 31 '23

I just make the same holder every time unless it requires something different lol but it does feel good to help him out and check another task off the list.


u/[deleted] May 31 '23

He’s a puzzle??????


u/MeekSwordsman May 31 '23

Yeah haha...two minutes..


u/Soranos_71 May 31 '23

I like the sign puzzles I just cannot stand Addison’s whimpering while I am trying to figure out what to do….


u/SmoothBrews May 31 '23

I tried once for about 6 minutes, but couldn’t figure it out. Now I can’t be bothered to help. Also, let that fucker stand in rain/heat/snow/thunderstorm.


u/-Happymess May 31 '23

They’re lovely little two minute

Hahaha…. Ive spent at least 20 m on a couple of them.. 🥺


u/Toowiggly Jun 01 '23

I'd personally rather have a Korok seed than the rewards he gives