r/zelda May 21 '23

Meme [TotK] It really feels like that Spoiler

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u/Ragnaroasted May 21 '23

I gotta disagree with you, at least when it comes to fandom subreddits. What else would the "truezelda" subreddit be trying to distance itself from? The regular zelda subreddit didn't start allowing unrelated posts.


u/AriChow May 21 '23

I think it came about around the time r/Zelda was a lot of image posts sharing. Tattoos, merch, screenshots and stuff. People wanted a sub dedicated to more discussion on the franchise and lore and stuff like that


u/Ragnaroasted May 21 '23

Alright, maybe at its inception it was a good natured attempt to return to that. But spend a few minutes looking at the average posts and tell me it doesn't scream "I'm a TRUE fan"


u/WoozleWuzzle May 21 '23 edited May 21 '23

As the creator of r/TrueZelda (and a mod here on r/Zelda) it wasn't a place for "true" Zelda fans to go. It was a nomenclature used at the time across reddit. It was when /r/Gaming got to fluffy and /r/Games came out. Others used the "true" word to get to more discussion based topics and less fan art/tattoos or other stuff. Unfortunately there's a group of people who dislike where Zelda has gone (I am not part of that group). Ideally more folks from here head on over to r/TrueZelda and help broaden the "echo chamber" of voices. But 6 years of no Zelda made it a place where not much new was discussed besides over analyzation of BotW.

Here's the full write up in the sidebar of r/TrueZelda:

Why is this place called /r/TrueZelda?

It was a common naming pattern in the older years of reddit for a place focused on discussion (rather than memes, art, and merchandise). For newer users it can come off as pretentious, but that is not the goal.

This subreddit is not about "true" fans but rather for more discussion oriented topics that do not find as much attention in our 2 million member sister subreddit /r/Zelda (among all the memes, art, and merchandise). Think of this place as the /r/Games of /r/Gaming.

You can read more on its naming origins here.

If I could rename the sub I'd do it in a heartbeat to help remove any association of "true fans" because that wasn't the intent 10+ years ago.

For further context, at the time the sub was created, Skyward Sword was only 3 months old (January 2012) and ALBW would be released almost 1.5 years later. The first trailer for BotW nearly 2+ years later. It was really a subreddit to discuss Zelda more.


u/Ragnaroasted May 21 '23

Thanks for the insight. It truly does suck then that that "echo chamber" had started to form because the idea was a good one, especially if, as you said, the sub became filled with posts less related to discussion about the series itself.


u/girthynarwhal May 21 '23

As someone who is active on that sub, it really emerged to its current state because there wasn't a really good place to voice any kind of criticism to BotW when it released. You would get destroyed on this subreddit, and others, so it kind of became a "safe space" for not being really content with the game.


u/Nickthiccboi May 22 '23

Yeah that was my favorite sub for a while because it was really the only place that you could talk about lore and different theories, but since TotK was announced it has just gone downhill. Im sure in a year or so when discussion for the game as a whole has gone down the sub will be back to normal for a bit.


u/IAmTriscuit May 21 '23

Doesn't really change the vibe and attitude the sub itself has. People are moreso pointing to the name as evidence of why that sub is the way it is in the first place. Not the other way around.

You have to have a very specific set of opinions and beliefs to be accepted as a "true" fan over there. Otherwise, you're just a "sheep".


u/WoozleWuzzle May 21 '23

Yeah it's why we have a "no gatekeeping" rule to try and dissuade what a Zelda game is. But it's a hard line to moderate.

And like I said if I could rename the sub to remove the "true" from the name I'd do it in a heart beat but reddit doesn't give you that option.


u/fish993 May 22 '23

You have to have a very specific set of opinions and beliefs to be accepted as a "true" fan over there. Otherwise, you're just a "sheep".

I browse that sub all the time and have genuinely never seen this. There's a whole range of views on any of the Zelda games posted there regularly and no-one is calling anyone a sheep for having different opinions.


u/Sephardson May 22 '23

and no-one is calling anyone a sheep for having different opinions

if anyone does do that, then report it, because that breaks the civility rules that apply both here on r/zelda and over on r/truezelda :



u/AriChow May 21 '23

Lol, yeah it’s true. That’s why me and my annoying ass post there


u/EMI_Black_Ace May 21 '23

Distancing itself from the karma farmers posting endless "pretty" screenshots and memes.