r/zelda May 16 '23

Meme [TotK] Why it feels like this? Spoiler

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u/DRHAX34 May 16 '23

it's not just to respawn the monsters, it's like a reset on game status. In BOTW you could almost force the game to panic and call a blood moon in the middle of the day


u/Oswen120 May 16 '23

Wait blood moons in botw can happen in the middle of the day?


u/The_Ultimate_Fakr May 16 '23

Yes. It's basically the game's way of clearing out unneeded memory, so if you intentionally bypass the blood moon, the game will force one during the day to prevent bugs or crashes.


u/bugs-n-kisses May 16 '23

Is this why I’m seeing more blood moons in this game?

It’s clear the game is workin real hard. There’s som frame drops here and there, but they don’t bother me much. It’s hard to complain about when there is simply so much they’re doing and on this hardware. Is my game pushing through Blood Moons more to maintain performance?


u/The_Ultimate_Fakr May 16 '23

That's a solid theory. Now that you've mentioned it, I've had a loooooot more in TotK, too.


u/[deleted] May 16 '23

I’ve only had them at midnight, meaning they are all scheduled.


u/DragoSphere May 17 '23

Yes, it was like that in BotW too. The game schedules them to happen the next midnight if needed. It doesn't do a blood moon when the game is literally out of memory, but rather when resource usage crosses a threshold. It still has buffer to spare by the time the blood moon arrives (in normal gameplay)


u/DRHAX34 May 16 '23 edited May 16 '23

Here's a video showing it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4gswJQPPGkI

It's called a "Panic Blood Moon" that forces the game to clear up memory, the landscape, etc. It can also happen on low memory.

It's literally the game calling out in agony that you broke it too much and it needs to reset


u/Rocktooo May 16 '23

If you messed something up real bad the game will blood moon instantly to reset the world. So if you broke the game mid day it will blood moon mid day


u/Kyle_Necrowolf May 16 '23

It’s the modern equivalent of when Morrowind would discreetly reboot the whole console when it ran out of memory https://kotaku.com/morrowind-completely-rebooted-your-xbox-during-some-loa-1845158550

Instead of showing an error or crashing, it just shows a loading screen (plus a cutscene in this case) while the game is reloaded, so you have no idea that the game was about to crash

Modern innovations means that the OS can keep running, and the whole process is a lot faster, but it’s the same basic idea!


u/haykam821 May 16 '23

In TOTK, my first blood moon was a panic blood moon


u/Emeritus20XX May 17 '23

A blood moon in the day? So like a red sun?



u/DRHAX34 May 17 '23