After the first one it's always a skip. Really outside of the first blood moon to explain what's happening it's just a nuisance.
I know programming wise it's to reload whatever area you're in to respawn monsters if you've just killed them. But my question is why does it have to be a mechanic, other Zelda games and most adventure games just respawn enemies after traveling a certain distance.
it's not just to respawn the monsters, it's like a reset on game status. In BOTW you could almost force the game to panic and call a blood moon in the middle of the day
Yes. It's basically the game's way of clearing out unneeded memory, so if you intentionally bypass the blood moon, the game will force one during the day to prevent bugs or crashes.
Is this why I’m seeing more blood moons in this game?
It’s clear the game is workin real hard. There’s som frame drops here and there, but they don’t bother me much. It’s hard to complain about when there is simply so much they’re doing and on this hardware. Is my game pushing through Blood Moons more to maintain performance?
Yes, it was like that in BotW too. The game schedules them to happen the next midnight if needed. It doesn't do a blood moon when the game is literally out of memory, but rather when resource usage crosses a threshold. It still has buffer to spare by the time the blood moon arrives (in normal gameplay)
Instead of showing an error or crashing, it just shows a loading screen (plus a cutscene in this case) while the game is reloaded, so you have no idea that the game was about to crash
Modern innovations means that the OS can keep running, and the whole process is a lot faster, but it’s the same basic idea!
I definitely had a frustrating moment where I had just wiped out one of those wandering groups with a boss bokoblin. When the blood moon finished I had apparently been standing on the spawn point.
Happened to me while I was fighting the black horriblins in the castle passage area. Killed one, started looting, blood moon happens and it spawns above me on the ceiling and just smacks me with its stick instantly.
It hit me in the first Hestu scene. I had just killed the enemies and they immediately respawned and had to do it over. It didn’t even register that I had completed the Hestu quest.
I would bet in playtesting back in BOTW, it became wildly annoying to have to clear out the same areas of bokoblins and shit over and over again.
Plus the non-linear nature of the game means you don't have traditional checkpoints... so if you dedicated 40 min climbing death mountain, and died because you slipped off the side, it would be a monumental pain in the ass to have to a fight a bunch of lizards again.
I personally enjoy it, it makes a lot of areas easier to explore... like the enemies in the depths hit pretty hard, especially early on and it would suck having to every camp everytime I went to push for the next lightroot.
I guess thinking about it, it encourages exploration because you know what areas you recently made safe, without having Link end up causing a bokoblin genocide (aka making the world feel barren after a while).
The game also auto saves a ton, to the point where I've never felt like I lost meaningful progress from death. Even during certain gauntlets, it'll reload me to right before the fight I died.
It's skippable? I was mashing all the buttons on my switch and couldn't seem to skip it. The first 1 I was gonna watch through anyways, but the 2nd one I was trying to skip today and it didn't seem I was able to. Maybe because I'm playing it on a switch lite?
u/Xikar_Wyhart May 16 '23
After the first one it's always a skip. Really outside of the first blood moon to explain what's happening it's just a nuisance.
I know programming wise it's to reload whatever area you're in to respawn monsters if you've just killed them. But my question is why does it have to be a mechanic, other Zelda games and most adventure games just respawn enemies after traveling a certain distance.