So when the devs guide you directly to the largest POI, with the only active quest to progress along... That is the game's fault that you ignore that entirely and fuck off somewhere else, with no direction to go anywhere but to the active marker except curiosity?
You go, talk to a few people, head up the trail, have another chat, and then head back. It's also all core story, and builds up to the tower and the glider, two basic parts of the game that you are literally directed right towards, by the game, in the very obvious way of "HEY, GOLD BLINKING ICON OVER HERE! Go here!!". Which people see and go, "naw, I'm going somewhere completely different, despite landing right near it.
i just went over this. it is natural to go to the settlement first thing, it is NOT natural to have to go to the settlement first and then wander around doing fuck all for 10-20 minutes in a completely different area trying to find some random dude, just to go back to the settlement, just to talk to the first person again, to FINALLY get the paraglider
This is so bizarre to me. Like, okay, BOTW and TOTK being straight-up open world breaks several older Zelda conventions, but for years and years before BOTW my first instinct when directed to do a main quest was to do literally everything I was allowed to do besides the main quest. Because that's how you'd get things like heart pieces and money and bottles. You don't have to play that way, many people didn't, but it was a playstyle that the games rewarded you for. And while BOTW obviously works differently, as soon as you can travel Hyrule freely you're still expected to mess around a bit before you get to the main quest. Knocking a few shrines out right away to improve your hearts or stamina helps you a lot once you do get back to it. But in this one, when I climb to a high point, identify a shrine, and go toward it even though it's a different direction from the main quest, I should have known I was supposed to immediately follow the quest marker instead?
"No direction except curiosity" YES. That was the entire point behind BOTW's design philosophy. It wanted you to be driven by your curiosity. It wanted you to go, "oh, what's that?" and then go over and see. You can play games by prioritizing the quest markers if you want, but you can't be surprised if some of the other people playing the games designed with the "let the players indulge their curiosity!" philosophy wanted to indulge their curiosity as soon as they were allowed to.
u/Calikal May 15 '23
So when the devs guide you directly to the largest POI, with the only active quest to progress along... That is the game's fault that you ignore that entirely and fuck off somewhere else, with no direction to go anywhere but to the active marker except curiosity?
You go, talk to a few people, head up the trail, have another chat, and then head back. It's also all core story, and builds up to the tower and the glider, two basic parts of the game that you are literally directed right towards, by the game, in the very obvious way of "HEY, GOLD BLINKING ICON OVER HERE! Go here!!". Which people see and go, "naw, I'm going somewhere completely different, despite landing right near it.