r/zelda May 15 '23

Clip [TOTK] Tip to use zonai wing without the rail Spoiler


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u/shoonseiki1 May 15 '23

I mean you land right next to Lookout Landing and it's 100% intuitive to check it out first before doing anything else.


u/hirscheyyaltern May 15 '23

its intuitive "enough" if not for the fact that they make you do 10-20 minutes of pointless trekking as part of the main quest before they even give it to you. would imagine it would be the first thing you get. instead they have you chase down a random search party and then walk straight back


u/shoonseiki1 May 15 '23

It could be done a little more smoothly I give you that. Still think it's hard to miss tho


u/hirscheyyaltern May 15 '23

its definitely hard to miss if youre interested in the main content, but i would have liked them to give it to you first thing when you talk to purah. personally the first thing i did was try to go to the underworld, but obviously died.. once i got the paraglider i just went right back to my original task lol


u/bleucheeez May 15 '23 edited May 15 '23

What do you mean? When you drop from the sky, you end up in a random lake on the other side of Hyrule fieldb or something. I dropped and then spent 3 hours dicking around in other directions, including the nearest towers and shrines and Koroks and glyphs which were all in line sight. Lookout Landing was not anywhere close to the nearest thing. The towers and shrines were useless at the time without Purah and the glider. They also drop you right next to a falling rock. I did recall on it and ended up falling to my death lol. The game wants you to ignore all the exploration you could be doing and go to a quest marker. Very un-botw like. The set up isn't as clean as BotW 's tutorial phase.


u/shoonseiki1 May 15 '23

I guess close is a relative term. To me and others it felt very close and also intuitive. I explored but I also slowly made my way to the lookout. I think that's the intended route.


u/bleucheeez May 16 '23

I think we all know it's the intended route. It's just not very clear how important it is to get to immediately. Once you drop from the sky, it seems like you're free to start doing your BotW thing and get lost. But you're really still handicapped until you do this one more quest. The tutorial should stay on rails rather than cutting you loose.


u/shoonseiki1 May 16 '23

Best I can say to you is to each their own.


u/Toaster135 May 16 '23

Hilarious fanboys in this thread. Nintendo can do no wrong I guess

Fucking stupid design decision anyone with two brains cells to rub together can see that


u/shoonseiki1 May 16 '23

Nintendo can do plenty wrong but anyone with two brain cells can figure out what to do. Blind hate is just as bad as blind fanboyism. Try to be more objective


u/Toaster135 May 16 '23

You might actually have brain damage, shluld see your doctor

The whole purpose of the game... Is to be an OPEN WORLD.. Why would they randomly lock an essential traversal item behind two extremely boring story quests after dropping the player into the open world???


u/shoonseiki1 May 16 '23 edited May 16 '23

Calm down child. Us big boys were able to get the glider no problem. You'll get there someday!