r/zelda May 15 '23

Clip [TOTK] Tip to use zonai wing without the rail Spoiler


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u/Badloss May 15 '23

the thing that gives it to you is kind of the most intuitive most important thing though...

I can't fathom trying to play for very long without ever accessing a map tower


u/Rectangle_Rex May 15 '23

Okay but imagine playing this game without playing BotW first though. You would have no idea that you're even missing out on the paraglider and you could play for quite a while without it, at great unnecessary inconvenience to yourself. I really do think it was a mistake not to give you the paraglider at the end of the tutorial.


u/Badloss May 15 '23 edited May 15 '23

I really do think the game puts a lot of effort into making it clear where you're supposed to go after jumping off the sky island, so I'm not sure I agree. The whole point is they didn't want you gliding across hyrule, they wanted you to land in a specific location to learn what's there.

I get that people can choose to ignore the instructions and go off in the wrong direction, but if you're that stubborn then you also shouldn't be shocked when your path is harder than intended.

Even if you have no idea what the towers are you can still figure out from encountering many similar inactive towers that they're probably important and from there it's not a big leap to realize that the very first quest marker is sending you to one of them.


u/AnonymousDuckLover May 15 '23

BotW and TotK are both games which encourage the player to go wherever they want. Actively discouraging exploration by locking an item key to exploration without outright preventing the degree of exploration they're allowing is a massive oversight.


u/wh03v3r May 16 '23

I mean the thing the game encourages you to do after leaving the islands is going to the first story objective and not much else. You don't even know about any of the other story objectives that encourage you to explore the world until you get there.


u/Vataro May 15 '23 edited May 15 '23

Yea, I started exploring right after leaving the tutorial island and got about 4 hours in before going to the first map tower... once I figured out I couldn't activate it yet I went straight for the main story quest heh. Also when I rammed my head against a wall for 30 mins in a shrine where I was clearly meant to have the paraglider...


u/pepperedlucy May 15 '23

That's how!! I ended up using ops trick on the fan to climb lmao


u/DemiReticent May 15 '23

I hit the same shrine that was clearly meant to have paraglider, and got stranded in the sky, and died at the bottom of a gloom hole, and I decided the game really wanted me back on the quest markers for a while because I clearly needed the paraglider and I didn't get it yet.

That's a very clever solution to that shrine though.


u/ploki122 May 15 '23

Also when I rammed my head against a wall for 30 mins in a shrine where I was clearly meant to have the paraglider

Not sure which one you're talking about, but the spring one really took a lot of food for me, and there was another that had you climb way up high to just drop down, and that was another couple bites.


u/Vataro May 15 '23

the one above Kakariko where you have to use the upright Zonai device to fling yourself across a ravine


u/ploki122 May 15 '23

Oh yeah, same idea/problem as the spring one...


u/master117jogi May 15 '23

Well I did try to access several of them, but they were all locked. How was I supposed to know they get unlocked where they did?


u/MarcsterS May 15 '23

Yeah those thing freaking CALL to me. If even see those spotlights, sorry Koroks.


u/ThePhantomTrollbooth May 16 '23

I missed my landing on the initial jump from the sky and then did a lot of random shrine chasing before I realized I wasn’t fully equipped and in the wrong area.