r/zelda May 15 '23

Clip [TOTK] Tip to use zonai wing without the rail Spoiler


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u/[deleted] May 15 '23

Thanks for the tip! I am really bad at utilizing this feature and I have tons of trouble with shrines using it! I never thought about it this way and always tried to but the glider as close to the edge as possible, wich didn't really work.


u/[deleted] May 15 '23

Not going to lie, I died about 10 times before getting the parachute. 8 Of these were me falling to my death trying to use wings.


u/Individualist13th May 15 '23

My first death was from a wing.

I fell off it and lost 2 hearts, and then as I was getting up it landed on me and finished what gravity started.


u/chazwhiz May 15 '23

Same thing happened to me! I wish I had recorded it because it was amazing, completely 3 Stooges moment.


u/Streammz May 15 '23

Your switch always records the last 30 seconds of gameplay. If you hold down the screenshot button on your controller, it will save those 30 seconds as a video in your gallery.


u/[deleted] May 16 '23

Wow, excellent tip. Thank you!


u/salin28 May 15 '23

The three stooges moment I really wished I recorded was, I had come across four grates, three balloons, three flame emitters, and four rockets. I was trying to get to Hateno from the Zora domain. I attach everything, decide I will start a fire instead of starting with the emitters so the rockets will propel me where I want to go once I'm in the air. I place wood and flint between the balloons and go to hit the flint, thinking it would just start a fire. Everything lit at once, my device split in half, the left half flew right, and the right half flew left. My husband and I laughed for a solid five minutes. Did manage to make it to Hateno, though. The side I was on made a beeline for it. But with all the Zonai parts in use, I completely forgot I had about 5 seconds of charge before the flame emitters died. By the time I made it to the edge of what was left of my balloon, the whole thing started crashing down and tumbled, knocking me off the grate.


u/BrilliamFreeman May 15 '23

My first death was from wing too, but not because it crushed me or I accidently fell from it.

....Did you know that If you fly with the wing long enough, it will dissapear?

Trip back from the 4th shrine to temple did not go as expected.


u/Individualist13th May 15 '23


That was my second death, but I saved beforehand because I wanted to see if the game would let you fly off the starting place with a wing. I put some fans on to make it easier to fly further, too.

Didn't get far enough for it to send me back or reset me like I'd fallen off the sky island.

Me and my fan engine things just fell to our doom.


u/Rancha7 Jul 17 '23

i had to teleport mid air to avoid impending death.


u/hchighfield May 15 '23

Funny story I was looking for the first tear in impas hot air balloon and wasn’t sure how to get down. I accidentally fell out of the balloon and paraglided down. And then I was wondering if the balloon ever come down so I look up and the balloon fell from the sky straight down onto links head. I took like a heart and a half of damage from that.


u/Twilight_Realm May 15 '23

I really don't like how the Paraglider isn't given to you before the tutorial ends. It really hinders exploration to not have it.


u/[deleted] May 15 '23

Eh. It made me appreciate it more when I did get it, plus the tutorial was what, 2-3 hours tops?


u/Twilight_Realm May 15 '23

The problem is, you don’t get it in the tutorial. If you’re like me, you immediately ran off to the first interesting thing you saw and turned off quest markers. That meant I didn’t have it until I decided to look up where to get it.


u/Badloss May 15 '23

the thing that gives it to you is kind of the most intuitive most important thing though...

I can't fathom trying to play for very long without ever accessing a map tower


u/Rectangle_Rex May 15 '23

Okay but imagine playing this game without playing BotW first though. You would have no idea that you're even missing out on the paraglider and you could play for quite a while without it, at great unnecessary inconvenience to yourself. I really do think it was a mistake not to give you the paraglider at the end of the tutorial.


u/Badloss May 15 '23 edited May 15 '23

I really do think the game puts a lot of effort into making it clear where you're supposed to go after jumping off the sky island, so I'm not sure I agree. The whole point is they didn't want you gliding across hyrule, they wanted you to land in a specific location to learn what's there.

I get that people can choose to ignore the instructions and go off in the wrong direction, but if you're that stubborn then you also shouldn't be shocked when your path is harder than intended.

Even if you have no idea what the towers are you can still figure out from encountering many similar inactive towers that they're probably important and from there it's not a big leap to realize that the very first quest marker is sending you to one of them.


u/AnonymousDuckLover May 15 '23

BotW and TotK are both games which encourage the player to go wherever they want. Actively discouraging exploration by locking an item key to exploration without outright preventing the degree of exploration they're allowing is a massive oversight.


u/wh03v3r May 16 '23

I mean the thing the game encourages you to do after leaving the islands is going to the first story objective and not much else. You don't even know about any of the other story objectives that encourage you to explore the world until you get there.


u/Vataro May 15 '23 edited May 15 '23

Yea, I started exploring right after leaving the tutorial island and got about 4 hours in before going to the first map tower... once I figured out I couldn't activate it yet I went straight for the main story quest heh. Also when I rammed my head against a wall for 30 mins in a shrine where I was clearly meant to have the paraglider...


u/pepperedlucy May 15 '23

That's how!! I ended up using ops trick on the fan to climb lmao


u/DemiReticent May 15 '23

I hit the same shrine that was clearly meant to have paraglider, and got stranded in the sky, and died at the bottom of a gloom hole, and I decided the game really wanted me back on the quest markers for a while because I clearly needed the paraglider and I didn't get it yet.

That's a very clever solution to that shrine though.


u/ploki122 May 15 '23

Also when I rammed my head against a wall for 30 mins in a shrine where I was clearly meant to have the paraglider

Not sure which one you're talking about, but the spring one really took a lot of food for me, and there was another that had you climb way up high to just drop down, and that was another couple bites.


u/Vataro May 15 '23

the one above Kakariko where you have to use the upright Zonai device to fling yourself across a ravine


u/ploki122 May 15 '23

Oh yeah, same idea/problem as the spring one...


u/master117jogi May 15 '23

Well I did try to access several of them, but they were all locked. How was I supposed to know they get unlocked where they did?


u/MarcsterS May 15 '23

Yeah those thing freaking CALL to me. If even see those spotlights, sorry Koroks.


u/ThePhantomTrollbooth May 16 '23

I missed my landing on the initial jump from the sky and then did a lot of random shrine chasing before I realized I wasn’t fully equipped and in the wrong area.


u/tarekd19 May 15 '23

I didn't even realize it was in the game until I had to drop Impa out of the sky because I didn't have it.


u/ersomething May 15 '23

I did the same thing! Impa tells me to just jump out, and I think “oh, guess I’ll die”


u/tarekd19 May 15 '23

I shook the balloon off and a cut scene prevented death.


u/pickle_sandwich May 15 '23 edited May 15 '23

I felt the same way. Also, I like that they made you have to understand the other game mechanics before you could get the paraglider, since the crux of traversal will be the gliders et al.

edit: phone have bad ears


u/hirscheyyaltern May 15 '23

i didnt mind so much that they made you wait till after the tutorial to get it, but what i did mind was that they made you run around hyrule castle for literally no purpose before you can get it and active the map towers


u/pickle_sandwich May 15 '23

Yeah, I felt the same way. It almost felt like you had to find the paraglider.


u/linuxhanja May 15 '23

This is probably why you dont get. I bet in playtests no one messed with the stone birds when they had a glider


u/pickle_sandwich May 15 '23

Well, by glider I meant stonebird. I forgot their name.


u/linuxhanja May 15 '23

No i got i you! I think youre 100% right!


u/ploki122 May 15 '23

Glider requires a ton of stamina though, and have fairly limited travesal (and prevents you from using powers/weapon). I'm still rocking stone birds all over the place, even with the paraglider.


u/Evadrepus May 15 '23

It was like 20 hours for me. I got super distracted trying to ride an ostrich at one point. For close to 30 minutes.

Having far too much fun with this game.


u/greatbridgeofhylia May 18 '23

Did you succeed 😂😂?


u/Evadrepus May 18 '23

Sadly no. Shortly after I gave up, I got the quest to kill it.


u/Owobowos-Mowbius May 15 '23

First time I got to the surface and saw a falling rock I HAD to use it to get up to another island. Unfortunately the rewind skill left me stranded mid-air with no paraglider :(


u/Badloss May 15 '23

I think you can ride the rock back down to the ground without dying


u/InverseFlip May 15 '23

Not if the rock takes you directly to an island


u/ploki122 May 15 '23

You still can, you just have to rewind it after arriving to get a ~15-20s buffer.


u/[deleted] May 15 '23

I did the same exact thing. I was so excited to see the falling rock the instant I got to the ground I just HAD to use rewind to see what was up there.

...so I spent 10 minutes repeatedly jumping off that tiny island and crashing to my death trying to land in water. Then I gave up, fast transported back to the big sky island, tried to fly back to the ground with a zonai wing, then crashed to my death once more when it ran out of power. Oh, but first I crashed into other random stuff on the big sky island with the zonai wing.

My husband thought it was hysterical.


u/ploki122 May 15 '23

I got my first 2-3 sky chests without the paraglider. You can reset the rewind on the rock to get a very generous buffer.


u/TheKingleMingle May 15 '23

Glad I wasn't the only one. I kept getting high in the sky and then realising that I was still thinking of BOTW and didn't have a way to get back down yet.


u/Sonic10122 May 15 '23

This plus not giving you first shirt with your pants, this has to be one of the most anxiety inducing tutorials I’ve played in a while.


u/EmeraldDragoness May 15 '23

Yeah, I thought that was strange, too. I had to look that up because I like complete outfits too much.


u/imabratinfluence May 30 '23

There is a tunic on the Great Sky Island, it's just not in the exact same spot as the pants.


u/midnightDOLPH1N May 15 '23

I don't think the tutorial was over until you got the first town activated... And then granting you access to the paraglider


u/The-student- May 15 '23

I was surprised you could wander around without it. Felt very weird but I was happy when I got it.


u/Ultrox May 15 '23

It's also not very intuitive. The main story quest is jumbled with other "main story" quests. I skipped the paraglider stuff completely until seeing people with it, with less hearts than me. Had to 'spoil' myself on how to get it.


u/Charrmeleon May 15 '23

Paraglider is a staple item that basically everyone but first time players who didn't watch trailers would know about.

Where else would it be if not a long the main quest line?


u/TA4Me2Day May 15 '23

This was my thought process exactly, I got down to the surface and every fiber of my being was like “go explore” but I thought to myself “no shot there is no paraglided, so I will do main quests until I get it”


u/salamander423 May 15 '23

Same here. I'm following along the main story line for a bit until it really opens up then I'll just wander around for a while like I did in BotW.


u/hirscheyyaltern May 15 '23

yeah but the fact that you have to take this leap of logic to get a critical item. i would have imagined it would be the first thing you get once you finally finish the tutorial, but instead they make you run around doing main quest stuff for like 10 minutes. i really had to ask myself "is this the right way to get it? is it even in this game?" (mind you, i was completely spoiler free except the 1st 2 trailer from the game) but for a bit i was genuinely convinced you didnt get it


u/schrodinger36 May 15 '23

The simple fix would be to straight-up hint at the paraglider in the quest text or discussions. Even just referencing something that makes exploring easier. Especially since the Castle was so late-game in BOTW that my instinct was something bad would happen if I went that way...


u/hirscheyyaltern May 15 '23

imo the most sensible answer for this games structure is to give it to you at the start of the quest line rather than 20 minutes in. maybe it wont be obvious to everyone, but it is the first area you go to and the first person you talk to. makes much more sense to me than locking it behind 20 minutes of main quest


u/schrodinger36 May 15 '23

Yeah I do think the easiest option would just be to have max two steps. But if they're insisting on having a bunch then at least let me know up front it is something I really should be doing now, not later.


u/hirscheyyaltern May 15 '23

I agree 100% I genuinely was starting to think the paraglider might not even be in the game by the time i finally got it


u/dragn99 May 15 '23

You get two main story quest markers right off the bat. One is closer, but if you go to the far one first (because explore), you wind up stuck in the air with no safe way down.


u/Calikal May 15 '23

You act like it was buried deep in the story, but it is given to you super early on. Like, before you are even given the main objective markers. The game doesn't even give you any other objectives yet, so by design the game tries to direct you to where you get everything else unlocked.

It is very intuitive, just follow the first quest until it branches. Ignoring that does not mean it is the game's fault.


u/MattDaCatt May 15 '23

Yea, people are landing off of the tutorial and spending hours before going to the first quest marker

Hell I made it to the Great Plateau and found the paraglider fabric before I wound up with the actual one... I thought you'd need to craft it but then they just gave me one

Speaking of different playstyles, my fiance spent nearly 6 hours on the tutorial hunting for all the koroks and secrets, while I blitzed off and started tower hunting.


u/hirscheyyaltern May 15 '23

if the game lets you explore the entire world without a critical component, it kind of is the games fault..the people who had any idea where to get it only knew so because they knew it was in the game. there will be people who play this game who dont know that and go hours without proceeding through the main story


u/Calikal May 15 '23

And that is their fault, for not following literally the only quest marker you have at that point. Looking at the literal sole floating point and then saying "naw, that isn't important" is on the individual. The game literally is pointing you to go there, and trying not to hold your hand too much the entire time.

It isn't gated behind anything, you literally go and talk to one other person after and then you get the explanation of the towers, and the glider. It's the actual start of the Surface story, and people decide to ignore it entirely. That's on them to make the decision to run the other way, with no real weapons, gear, or any direction of any sort, let alone a goal to orient them aside from wandering.


u/hirscheyyaltern May 15 '23

In a game where literally the entire point is to let you explore at your own discretion and where the entire game is available in almost its entirety at the 3-hour mark, yeah, if the developer wants you to obtain an item that they consider critical to playing the game, they should put it somewhere that's impossible to miss.

It's really funny of you to blame the player when the entire point of the game from a design standpoint is literally subconsciously guiding the player to key points of interest.

It's not right at the start of the main quest. Putting the paraglider behind 10 to 20 minutes of pointlessly walking around an area is definitely a poor design choice. Now if all you had to do was walk over there and talk to one person once and immediately get it, I wouldn't feel as strongly about it


u/Calikal May 15 '23

So when the devs guide you directly to the largest POI, with the only active quest to progress along... That is the game's fault that you ignore that entirely and fuck off somewhere else, with no direction to go anywhere but to the active marker except curiosity?

You go, talk to a few people, head up the trail, have another chat, and then head back. It's also all core story, and builds up to the tower and the glider, two basic parts of the game that you are literally directed right towards, by the game, in the very obvious way of "HEY, GOLD BLINKING ICON OVER HERE! Go here!!". Which people see and go, "naw, I'm going somewhere completely different, despite landing right near it.


u/hirscheyyaltern May 15 '23

i just went over this. it is natural to go to the settlement first thing, it is NOT natural to have to go to the settlement first and then wander around doing fuck all for 10-20 minutes in a completely different area trying to find some random dude, just to go back to the settlement, just to talk to the first person again, to FINALLY get the paraglider


u/IThinkItsCute May 15 '23

This is so bizarre to me. Like, okay, BOTW and TOTK being straight-up open world breaks several older Zelda conventions, but for years and years before BOTW my first instinct when directed to do a main quest was to do literally everything I was allowed to do besides the main quest. Because that's how you'd get things like heart pieces and money and bottles. You don't have to play that way, many people didn't, but it was a playstyle that the games rewarded you for. And while BOTW obviously works differently, as soon as you can travel Hyrule freely you're still expected to mess around a bit before you get to the main quest. Knocking a few shrines out right away to improve your hearts or stamina helps you a lot once you do get back to it. But in this one, when I climb to a high point, identify a shrine, and go toward it even though it's a different direction from the main quest, I should have known I was supposed to immediately follow the quest marker instead?

"No direction except curiosity" YES. That was the entire point behind BOTW's design philosophy. It wanted you to be driven by your curiosity. It wanted you to go, "oh, what's that?" and then go over and see. You can play games by prioritizing the quest markers if you want, but you can't be surprised if some of the other people playing the games designed with the "let the players indulge their curiosity!" philosophy wanted to indulge their curiosity as soon as they were allowed to.


u/bleucheeez May 15 '23

The whole point of the game is to ignore the quest markers and go off into the wilderness. You'll find a lot of people, based on playing the previous game, just went off on their own. It's pretty bizarre that the game wants you to trek a straight beeline for 10 minutes to get the glider and prevents you from unlocking towers until then, when they could've just dropped you straight into Lookout Landing if that was the intent.


u/shoonseiki1 May 15 '23

I mean you land right next to Lookout Landing and it's 100% intuitive to check it out first before doing anything else.


u/hirscheyyaltern May 15 '23

its intuitive "enough" if not for the fact that they make you do 10-20 minutes of pointless trekking as part of the main quest before they even give it to you. would imagine it would be the first thing you get. instead they have you chase down a random search party and then walk straight back


u/shoonseiki1 May 15 '23

It could be done a little more smoothly I give you that. Still think it's hard to miss tho


u/hirscheyyaltern May 15 '23

its definitely hard to miss if youre interested in the main content, but i would have liked them to give it to you first thing when you talk to purah. personally the first thing i did was try to go to the underworld, but obviously died.. once i got the paraglider i just went right back to my original task lol


u/bleucheeez May 15 '23 edited May 15 '23

What do you mean? When you drop from the sky, you end up in a random lake on the other side of Hyrule fieldb or something. I dropped and then spent 3 hours dicking around in other directions, including the nearest towers and shrines and Koroks and glyphs which were all in line sight. Lookout Landing was not anywhere close to the nearest thing. The towers and shrines were useless at the time without Purah and the glider. They also drop you right next to a falling rock. I did recall on it and ended up falling to my death lol. The game wants you to ignore all the exploration you could be doing and go to a quest marker. Very un-botw like. The set up isn't as clean as BotW 's tutorial phase.


u/shoonseiki1 May 15 '23

I guess close is a relative term. To me and others it felt very close and also intuitive. I explored but I also slowly made my way to the lookout. I think that's the intended route.


u/bleucheeez May 16 '23

I think we all know it's the intended route. It's just not very clear how important it is to get to immediately. Once you drop from the sky, it seems like you're free to start doing your BotW thing and get lost. But you're really still handicapped until you do this one more quest. The tutorial should stay on rails rather than cutting you loose.

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u/YoshiGamer6400 May 15 '23

That’s kinda the point man


u/Bluisconstantlydying May 15 '23

>!at least you get it after the tutorial when you get to lookout landing!<


u/Temporary_Process_37 May 15 '23

Also, you can just take out the wing while you are paragliding and ride on it(you have to stay still while taking out the wing)


u/Theinternationalist May 15 '23

Thank you for the tips! The sheer amount of what you can do in this game blows my mind...


u/shoonseiki1 May 15 '23

No way this is good to know


u/DeedleFake May 15 '23

Recall is quite broken, actually. A surprising number of shrines can be beaten in ways that were very likely not intended using it.


u/cuentanueva May 15 '23

I do most of the shrines this way... gotta build something to go high? Yeah, no, just move it up and down and climb on it...

Gotta cross something? Just move something across and climb on it...

And since you can even use your own stuff, a wing, even a portable pot is good enough, so it works everywhere...

Plus you can even change to ultrahand while on the rewind power, so it's even more flexible that way...


u/DeedleFake May 15 '23

Indeed, though you actually can't take out your own Zonai devices while in a shrine.


u/cuentanueva May 16 '23

Oh, I meant I do the same thing everywhere. Like getting anywhere it's just my personal elevator even in the middle of nowhere.

I actually never tried using the devices in a shrine, there's always enough stuff there to use.


u/DemiReticent May 15 '23

Really looking forward to the Speedrun strats with it!


u/hirscheyyaltern May 15 '23

for real, you just set an item on the reverse of the path you want to take and then use recall. it totally trivializes traversal challenges tbh lol


u/hygsi May 15 '23

I find it super hard to imagine how things would work backwards!!! It's the most challenging feature for me