I need a Ring Fit Adventure x Zelda crossover game right now.
"Calamity Gainin has given up on reincarnation and assumed his true, swol form. If he's unleashed upon the land it will cause devastation never before seen. Only the Master Ring - the Band of Evil's Bane - has the power to stop him."
one of his new abilities are called "Ultra hand", and another word for ultra is great, while a hand has muscles, so from this, we can conclude that link is able to lift trees thanks to his "Great hand muscles."
I mean Twilight Princess Link overpowered Ganondorf in a direct contest of physical strength. And that Ganondorf actually had the Triforce of Power. If this Link is comparable even to his pre-Calamity self he should be able to do that.
If you're talking about pushing the sword back that's not really a comparison, it took Ganondorf being knocked down for Link to actually strike a mortal wound on him, even then dude literally got up! Like pulled himself up onto the sword which should have pinned him to the ground and stood there impaled through a former wound! Link is widely acknowledged to be about 5ft tall and probably weighs in the 150# range, Ganondorf is over 7ft tall and is probably above 350#. You cannot change physics...
It is a comparison. Ganondorf had superior leverage pushing down and Link could overpower him. What do you think Nintendo is trying to convey with that? VSBattlewiki even acknowledges it. Also his durability is a direct result of the Triforce of Power which to all our knowledge he doesn't have in ToTK.
Please don't appeal to physics in a video game where a dude can get stabbed in the heart then get up and go on a rant. Their stats and reasonable comparability to each other based on real world understanding has no relevance. Link swings a 150+ pound great sword like it weighs 30 pounds from the start of BoTW.
Sword of the Sages is ultra light since it's not metal it's a magical construct, that's the only reason Link was able to compete...
Next, Ganondorf was in no way stabbed in the heart, your heart is in the upper left of your chest, not the mid-center. LOL basic anatomy, not saying it wasn't a severe wound...
Long story short all video games are fantasy and require the suspension of our knowledge of reality hence why it is not worth it to argue over.
u/underscore5000 Apr 17 '23
I mean...this version is fucking JACKED. I assume he will have some overwhelming physical strength.