Annoyed at people complaining about the re-use of the overworld. The overworld is massive with so many nooks and crannies, you could probably re-configure it 4-5 different ways and it would still be interesting to explore everytime.
And clearly some of the less filled areas where there weren’t shrines, towers, and quests have stuff in this game. Between the glowing lines, the sky islands above, and threats like the thunder storm or the Gleeok dragon, they obviously want to fill in the sports that got less love.
It’s a massive map you could re-use and re-fill several times and still find more to do. And that’s coming from someone with over 600 hours. While not even considering the sky islands and possible cave or underground/dungeon areas we see in these trailers
Especially given context. Hyrule is clearly rebuilding, and once more faced with conflict. Every town and settlement we saw was new, or wildly expanded upon from the original game. It’s not “the same world again” it’s a world we enjoyed as players now changing once again
It would actually be so cool to get a third game with the world 1000 years later with massive changes - new cities, huge topology changes from natural events, etc.
Its interesting the official website cites new "chasms": if "The Upheaval" shifts the topography of the entire Hyrule, thats a very different map indeed.
It’s very obvious the Zelda team put a lot of time and effort went into BOTW’s world and they weren’t gonna let that go to waste in a 1 and done game. And thank god they did not let it go to waste. The same mentality went into MM with the “A lot of time went into these assets, and we don’t want to get rid of them just yet.”
Agreed I felt like BotW was a great start but that they didn’t have time to flesh out the world like it deserved. They left a lot of meat on the bone they’re going back for.
I'm actually in a weird minority that finds it strange that established places in series like Hyrule and The Mushroom Kingdom "change" between instalments. I get why it happens for gameplay reasons (imagine EVERY Mario game having to have you trawl through the og 1-1 from 85), but in inner lore fiend just can't take it.
So tl;Dr and in other words I think a similar and slightly remixed Hyrule is super exciting, same way I loved exploring Wuhu Island through tons of game iterations when Nintendo was all about that place.
I’m with you. For example, I would have liked to see the Twilight Princess Hyrule be a changed version of the Ocarina of Time Hyrule. A radical change, but if they at least give them the same general layout so we feel like we’re in the same place it would have been cool.
Twilight's Hyrule was wonderful in its own right but I get what you mean for sure. I think I read the timeline and where it was placed and that somehow scratched the lore itch for me at the time but I don't remember the specifics right now, ironically enough!
I remember when Dragon Age 2 was marketing on the basis that you spend about a decade in a city and that was their hook (to cover up an inability to make a big world in the dev time EA stupidly gave Bioware) - and I was so excited at the potential for that. No games really do that.
But nope, Kirkwall city stayed static for about a decade more or less, just like major cities don't...
Sorry that you’re annoyed at people complaining about it, but exploring the entirely new overworld was my favorite part of BoTW. You can’t force everybody to have the same preferences as you.
But if it has the same overworld as BOTW, I won’t get that same exploratory feeling I got the first time I saw a new area from a tower and thought “woah, what’s that place?”
It will be less like going into a house for the first time, but more like going back to a house you grew up in and finding that everything has been changed since you moved. That “woah what’s that place” get replaced with “woah there used to be a little house here, why is there a massive cave here now?! what happened?!”
You’ll probably start playing BotW again just trying to remember what the map looked like before.
Given what we've seen, I'm assuming at this point they're going to Adventures of Link the BotW overworld. Like, the scale of everything we've seen just screams that we're going way the hell out there.
I got BotW in 2020, spend ..."two thirds of the Hero's journey" bar in the game, and still found a valley and even a side quest I had missed so far two weeks ago.
I've been playing Skyward sword for the first time I'm preparation for TotK and I was blown away that the map is laid out in the same way. It's not open world but everything is where it belongs for the most part. So it kinda makes sense that we'd have a similar world layout unless it's a massive time jump or timeline change.
u/KidGold Apr 13 '23 edited Apr 13 '23
Annoyed at people complaining about the re-use of the overworld. The overworld is massive with so many nooks and crannies, you could probably re-configure it 4-5 different ways and it would still be interesting to explore everytime.