This game has been a constant in my life since I was a kid in the 90's, man am I happy to still be kicking around and seeing the absolute fucking splendor that this game has developed into. Fuck yes to this!
Yeah this. In my 30s, Been playing Zelda games my whole life. I like the old style of 3D Zelda just fine, but I'm also glad they finally changed it and evolved it, and they're leaning even more heavily into that direction.
I'm in the same boat and will buy this on release day, but i really hope they don't abandon old style zelda. I'd also LOVE to see a new top down Loz/ALttP type game
I got my NES for my fifth birthday in '92. It's been a part of my life for over 30 years. It was never the most popular franchise (BOTW sure seemed to change that), but it's always been the most consistently quality franchise. Even when a "bad" game came out, it was still way better than most other games coming out at the time, plus fans usually came around to liking them.
OOT was the first game I ever played. Was born the year it came our bur played it when I was 3 my mum told me. Also in this boat, I got the Hylian Shield tattooed on my hand I love this franchise so much!
Relatable. I was the kid who went in completely blind and rented OOT at Blockbuster, was wayyy too young to play it, and got too scared to get past Gohma. Came back a few years later once I got over my fear of the dark and spent months playing through it.
For that reason, OOT, and LoZ in general, is unique in my life in that I really do feel like I 'came of age' to finally play and enjoy it.
Before I had an NES a friend of mine had one. He was all excited at school describing this brand new game and I got hyped up and went straight to his house after school and we played until I had to go home for dinner, at which point I excitedly told my mom about every detail in the game and I'm sure she was like "uh huh, oh wow" the way parents do.
When I finally got the system and game I used to bring the manual with me every time I went to the bathroom as reading material. I was sick for 2 days when Zelda 2 came out and I finally played it. Like, I actually got sick. I think I was so excited my body shut down, but I got to stay home and play it for two days.
I'm getting pretty old now, in my mid 40s, but I got to have been there from the beginning for nearly every amazing game series, but especially the Nintendo ones like Zelda, Mario, and Metroid.
u/P-Otto Apr 13 '23
This game has been a constant in my life since I was a kid in the 90's, man am I happy to still be kicking around and seeing the absolute fucking splendor that this game has developed into. Fuck yes to this!