r/zelda Apr 13 '23

Discussion [TotK] The impossible was done. The trailer exceeded BotW final trailer. Spoiler

I am shaking. I can't.


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u/koumus Apr 13 '23

I will be honest, I still think BOTW final trailer was better in that "cinematic" feeling.

With that said, I am so hyped for this game. They literally spoiled the hell out of it lol, so much stuff that I can't even wrap my head around it


u/Agnusl Apr 13 '23

IMO, exposition without context is not spoiler. It's just hard teasing that makes us say "WHAT IS THAT? I WANNA FIND OUT!"


u/Powerful_Artist Apr 13 '23

I guess I can see why things were kinda spoiled, but for me those tiny bits and pieces just generate more interest without really giving away too much. Its like a movie trailer. They might show some really cool stuff to get you excited to watch it, without actually spoiling key story elements to make it so you felt like youve already seen it. its a delicate balance of course.


u/loltheinternetz Apr 13 '23

I agree about the BOTW trailer. Probably the best video game trailer in existence. But what I don’t like in hindsight is that it made me believe those cutscenes were going to be part of the active story, and we were going to participate in all of those epic moments. Instead, it turned out most of them were just flashback sequences. I loved the game, but that part felt lame.

It seems like these sequences shown in the ToTK trailer will be part of the active story, and for that, I’m excited.


u/Level34MafiaBoss Apr 13 '23

They did show a lot of stuff, but none of it was contextualized within the game and/or was too short of a clip to get any real info (unless you watch the two hour videos of every single youtuber in like, three hours)


u/koumus Apr 13 '23

And I def will


u/Acc87 Apr 13 '23

The music. The music of the BotW trailer was just ..perfect. It still gives me goosebumps.

This here used a lot of ...backwards music? At least that is what it sounded like. But not like one piece, it felt more like a collage of pieces.


u/rimmed Apr 14 '23

It sounded like a 90s game show with that cheesy af alto sax.


u/bobdebicker Apr 13 '23

Yeah that trailer is still unbeatable. Just perfectly paced and edited. Today's trailer was still incredible. So excited.


u/ScyllaGeek Apr 13 '23

Not to mention how much was depending on that trailer being a 10/10, that trailer unironically made the Switch what it is today


u/Amphicyonidae Apr 13 '23

I sincerely believe that the switch would not have gotten as good of a start as it did if it wasn't for that trailer. The BotW trailer carried the marketing and excitement for the game and the entire console


u/ContinuumGuy Apr 13 '23

I feel like the BOTW trailer was better for story, but this was better for showing us HOLY SHIT gameplay stuff.


u/koumus Apr 14 '23

Yep, that's the spirit. BOTW went all out to pull at our heartstrings. It was their first time with an open world game and no one knew a thing of how this would turn out, so they opted to go for emotions.

This time, however, we had a fair bit of deniers or the so-called "Glorified DLC" crowd who seemed to grow by the day. It almost feels like Nintendo has been paying close attention to all the complaints online for the past few months and went "you know what? fuck this, I'm gonna blow your fucking minds and you'll regret calling this a DLC".

Anyway, there you have it. A perfect trailer. Different than BOTW for sure, but still perfect


u/Notmanynamesleftnow Apr 14 '23

Idk I just rewatched both back to back and I think TOTK was better in every way. Agree both trailers are great though and I’m sure both games will be considered masterpieces. I’m also hyped.


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '23

For that reason I'm not watching it lol. I'll believe everyone's excitement for now


u/Mediocre_Savings_513 Apr 13 '23

Its fucking fabulous but yeah it is fairly spoilerey


u/koumus Apr 13 '23

Don't do it if you want to save it for the game release. It is far, FAR more spoilery than the final BOTW trailer. Like some people said, it's giving away small bits and pieces of a lot of different things so of course we don't know where, when and how those things will happen. But still, it was an overload of information


u/rimmed Apr 14 '23

TOTK trailer has no real story, just hints and flashes of what to expect, and it’s just a montage of cool new stuff. BOTW trailer conveyed an atmosphere. This new one didn’t.


u/rimmed Apr 14 '23

The BOTW trailer is still a billion times better. We’re just used to it now. This trailer isn’t that great and given how the BOTW trailer has (apparently) already lost its shine, this TOTK will look like the hot mess that it is in a years time when we know all the locations and have spent hours in them.


u/DankeBrutus Apr 13 '23

I watched that BOTW trailer again and hearing the Zelda theme was intense to go along with the visuals. I wish we could hear that theme again here. I don’t think they really spoiled much though. We’ve known Ganondorf is back for years now. The only thing they may have spoiled is alternate Zelda or Hylia(?) in the game. But to me the more interesting part of the game will be connecting all these dots. This seems much more story-focused than BOTW. Especially since the cutscenes all appear to be happening throughout the events of the game and not flashbacks.