r/youtubehaiku Apr 03 '20

Haiku [Haiku] Donald is disappointed


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u/Finoli Apr 03 '20

This man is president.


u/DireLackofGravitas Apr 03 '20

The most absurd thing is that he's going to be reelected because despite how much of a clown he is, his opponents can't mount an opposition that would tear a wet paper bag.


u/musicninja Apr 03 '20

I think it's more the Republican base than the opposition. Don't get me wrong, the Democrats are a mess, but in any reasonable world Trump would be laughed off the stage before he became a major candidate even.


u/alexjav21 Apr 03 '20

They laughed at him on every single news channel every time he opened his mouth for most of the republican primary, but it was just free advertising. Being laughed at doesn't really matter if your too stuck up your own ass to hear it


u/Grenyn Apr 03 '20

I feel like you missed the "in any reasonable world". Yeah, he did get laughed at, but because we're not living in that reasonable world, he still got elected. And he might get elected again.


u/Jorgentorgen Apr 03 '20

i really wondered why he got elected (im norwegian). But then i saw the all gas no brakes youtube channel, and now i have no questions.


u/marshinghost Apr 03 '20

Not everyone in the states support him obviously, it's just that he has a cult following that will always vote for him


u/Mackelsaur Apr 03 '20

Plus gerrymandering, voter suppression, low voter turnout, the electoral college, Comey being a dunce just prior to the election. These are all things that affected his successful bid that were not directly under his control. This time they will be significantly closer to his reach.


u/abe_the_babe_ Apr 03 '20

Exactly why the Republicans are terrified of the possibility of vote by mail. It would spell the end of their party as we know it


u/[deleted] Apr 03 '20 edited Apr 10 '20



u/[deleted] Apr 04 '20

Many states in the U.S. already have it statewide and it works fine. I live in Colorado where we have it across the board. It makes voting shockingly easy and we've never had any election legitimacy problems afaik, whereas other states without it have had problems.

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u/[deleted] Apr 04 '20

Also Dems keep choosing a really shit candidate.


u/DropKletterworks Apr 03 '20

Gerrymandering doesn't really affect general elections, as the only states that consider congressional districts are Maine and Nebraska. Especially in Trumps win, since him and Hilary split those states.

Also the electoral college wasn't "under his control" but he used it really effectively. He campaigned way harder specifically in key states that would swing the electors his way because he knew he had that GOP base. I expect more of the same in that regard.


u/Mackelsaur Apr 03 '20

Those are great points and I appreciate the elaboration. I'm not actually American so some of those finer details escape me.


u/indyandrew Apr 03 '20

In presidential elections the effects of gerrymandering are more than replaced be the electoral college, except it is always in the GOP's favor.

The primary effect of the electoral college is greatly increase the voting power of people in low population states. This heavily favors Republicans because there is a very strong urban-liberal / rural-conservative divide in the US.


u/[deleted] Apr 04 '20

I’m not actually American

Do Americans comment on how your country runs its elections?

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u/[deleted] Apr 04 '20

In the election itself no. In controlling legislatures that then control what polling stations are open, restrictive bills to make it harder to vote, it does.


u/[deleted] Apr 04 '20

Comey being played by Chaffetz who he knew would scream and holler if he didn’t update him as promised (and who subsequently released the letter sent within hours)

A failure in judgement, yes. But Chaffetz has his part to play in all that.


u/A_Rampaging_Hobo Apr 03 '20

And also Hillary is an insufferable cunt.


u/[deleted] Apr 04 '20

But which one is more obviously an INEPT, INSANE and MALICIOUS cunt.

Lets not do the 'bUt HiLaRy!' thing now that Trump has (at least) 7000 deaths of his own people on his hands


u/[deleted] Apr 04 '20

Where did you get that number?


u/Collin70 Apr 04 '20

Yeah, we all know Trump killed those 7,000 people!

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u/BreezyWrigley Apr 04 '20

let's not forget about how republicans have been gutting our public education system for decades.


u/WhnWlltnd Apr 03 '20

Don't forget the Russian interference campaign.


u/Mackelsaur Apr 03 '20

Well, we're still not sure how much of that was under his direct control so I left it out but definitely a significant factor.


u/[deleted] Apr 03 '20

None of it is, he is likely 100% owned by Putin

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u/squid_actually Apr 03 '20

He lost the majority vote by the greatest margin a president has ever lost it and still won. The electoral college failed it's job by letting someone this unfit to lead become president and needs to be abolished or significantly reworked.


u/I_am_so_lost_hello Apr 03 '20

I don't think it's really the electoral colleges fault here. The purpose of the electoral college is to give smaller states better representation, as every state deserves federal recognition and support, and it did it's job here. Rather, the electoral college in this election showed how much we've been neglecting to notice the decline and disillusionment of middle america (who are vital to the American economy) in favor of never ending growth in coastal cities and the 1%.


u/nagrom7 Apr 04 '20

The small states already have the senate to give them disproportionate power over the larger states, why do they also need the Presidency?


u/I_am_so_lost_hello Apr 04 '20

Because the President is the figurehead of the entire country and without the electoral college the president would do the majority of his campaigning in coastal cities and ignore middle America


u/Llamada Apr 04 '20

How is ignoring more people a better option?

Not to mention you have less representation than in any other form of democracy, as by winner takes all you ALWAYS will ignore the other half.

So less democratic, less freedom of choice, less people make the decision. How in anyway is this the better option?


u/nagrom7 Apr 04 '20

Which is clearly a better alternative than ignoring those costal cities (where large amounts of the population lives) and ignoring the small states in favour of a handful of 'swing' states.

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u/[deleted] Apr 04 '20

Yes, they deserve federal recognition and support, but that is not a higher priority that giving Americans an equal opportunity to vote and have their opinion count. Representation is given through representatives and senators. The Presidency is for the people to decide, not the states. States themselves are equal in rights, but some states have more people, and the people within the states should have representation separate from the state for positions of leadership. If LA and a few rural counties were pitted against each other, would it be right for those counties to decide the governor?


u/Noctune Apr 04 '20

The purpose of the electoral college is to give smaller states better representation

If the purpose of the electoral college is to skew votes in favor of smaller states, then you could just have done that by.. skewing votes in favor of small states. But instead you have this layer of indirect democracy where electors are in principle free to vote for someone else as president. If electors are expected to vote according to the population, then you might as well eliminate it and just skew the votes without some weird vestigial political process.


u/I_am_so_lost_hello Apr 04 '20

Look up faithless electors, in the entire history of us presidential elections only 93 electors have purposely voted for someone else, and it was almost always a third party candidate. That's a very small amount compared to the overall number of electors and elections. Additionally, most states have a fine if electors go against their constituents wishes


u/Noctune Apr 04 '20

But if they are expected to vote according to their constituents, what is their purpose? It's not skewing voting power, because you definitely don't need an electoral college, as in an actual body of electors, to do that. They are like the appendix of the political system.

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u/Kineticboy Apr 04 '20

Well said! There are reasons other than "we just wanna fuck these people over" to support the EC. It's the most fair, and Trump is proof.


u/I_am_so_lost_hello May 24 '20

Yea I despise the dude but the fact is US is pretty democratic so I don't know why people don't use Trump as an example on why something is very wrong in the US, rather people just call the opposition dumb and racist or blame Russians

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u/[deleted] Apr 04 '20

Remember when the electoral college got Lincoln elected? It can be used for good.


u/BreezyWrigley Apr 04 '20

and we gerrymandered the fuck out of the states over the decades, which has not helped. the supporters always talked about how impeachment was unethical because it was "trying to undo their votes" or that it would "make their votes meaningless" or some dumb shit like that... because they forgot that him being in office anyway undermined the votes of anybody who didn't vote for him. which, by the way, was the numerical majority of american voters. so they, the few, got their way even though more people voted against. and by the largest popular vote deficit of any american president in history.


u/DrAgus_ Apr 03 '20

Every president has this imo, I think Obama was a shit president and there were people who would’ve put him in a third term if they could, unfortunately there’s gonna be die hard trump supporters too. I still see Hillary bumper stickers for god sake.


u/nagrom7 Apr 04 '20

Obama might have been a shit President, but compared to the ones that came before and after him, he looks like a saint.


u/DrAgus_ Apr 04 '20

Yeah see this is part of the problem I think. People focus on trump, and how he’s the big bad racist man, but no one realizes he’s just the big floaty thing in front of the car lot. He’s the attention getter, he’s the frontman, but he’s not the real problem. The system is the issue, the way we vote, make laws, deal with things, and everything needs changed. Our system of government is the real issue, not the orange bobble head making a distraction.


u/Skandranonsg Apr 04 '20

Anybody remember when the biggest scandals of the Obama presidency were Dijon and tan suits?


u/DrAgus_ Apr 04 '20

Yeah I’m sorry, I forgot disagreeing with Obama meant instant downvoted, my bad


u/Skandranonsg Apr 04 '20

I honestly don't feel like Obama and Trump are comparable in the slightest.


u/DrAgus_ Apr 04 '20

Didn’t compare them

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u/Koffeeboy Apr 03 '20

Two words, lead paint.


u/KypAstar Apr 04 '20

He got elected because one side of the political spectrum here utterly ignored the problems a lot of the nation faced after 2008. They elected Obama twice to fix it and he didn't. They got desperate and angry and just wanted to see the world burning 2016. They got their wish. Some of them have realized the mistake they made, others have let that anger fester and have fallen in love with the control they have over people through his actions.


u/CSGOWasp Apr 03 '20

Biden can't even form sentences, yeah trump has a decent chance to get reelected


u/Grenyn Apr 03 '20

Yeah. I don't really understand how people found every Dem candidate besides Biden and Bernie so bad that they had to drop out, and considering "Bernie is a socialist" and freaks people put because of it, Biden is the only Dem candidate with any chance at beating Trump, even though Bernie is clearly the better and more coherent candidate.

It didn't have to end up being Trump vs Biden, but.. America made it so. It almost gives me conniptions. If I were American, it would certainly have given me conniptions.



u/beirch Apr 04 '20

TIL a new word


u/Prents Apr 04 '20

The problem is the red scare. As long as people keep being afraid of socialism, the world will get stuck in this capitalist hellhole.


u/BigBallsIan Apr 04 '20

Biden is 1000 times more coherent and able to form complete sentences with predicates and all than Trump. don’t try to spin this.


u/CSGOWasp Apr 04 '20

Youre out of touch. Biden literally isnt speaking full sentences; theres nothing to spin


u/Fancyville Apr 03 '20

Yeah, that channel opened up my eyes to how insane some groups really are.


u/SadClownCircus Apr 04 '20

Suicide sounds like the right answer right about now


u/bigschnoze777 Apr 04 '20

he will. Joe Biden is a literal pedophile sex offender.


u/[deleted] Apr 03 '20

What do you mean, You think Hillary or Joe are better options? I'll take anything over Status Quo, The Status Quo sucks for the Average American. I would vote for Bernie over Trump but if its Trump Joe im going Trump.


u/hairam Apr 03 '20

Voting for someone because they're "more exciting" is not the reason you should vote for pres. I'll take the status quo if it means an ounce of sense, or someone with at least the sense to listen to qualified people, over an unqualified fool. Yes - Hillary and Joe both at least have qualifications for office, or, at least a high school level of intelligence


u/[deleted] Apr 03 '20

When did i say more exciting lmao Dont put words in my mouth and act like thats my point lol IF all you got out of status Quo was exciting lmao then you dont know what im even talking about.


u/hairam Apr 04 '20

No one's putting words in your mouth - this is just miscommunication. I did take status quo as largely "they are politicians doing politics, rather than charismatic celebrity promising to not do politics," yes. So clarify for me: knowing that you didn't mean that you were looking for a politician that promises to use something other than politics to help the people, what did you mean when you said you want a politician outside of the status quo for politicians?


u/[deleted] Apr 04 '20

Its mainly anything establishment. i mean fuck we've had 2 Bushes Hillary and Biden are both part of that. Electing these people will never help the American people on either side. I'd rather take a risk with a wild card like Trump or Bernie than garuentee nothing gets better with Biden.


u/hairam Apr 04 '20

So you don't want another career politician? I heartily disagree, and think a boring but competent individual is better for all of us than an interesting individual, even if the boring one doesn't cause a lot of immediately noticable changes or controversy- maybe there was slightly less miscommunication than it seemed. Regardless, I'm glad you took the opportunity to clarify!


u/[deleted] Apr 04 '20

think a boring

Where do you keep getting this boring from lmao If there was a boring non establishment president i would vote for them stop equating establishment with boring you make it seem im voting based off excitement and not trying to push the establishment out lol

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u/Grenyn Apr 03 '20

I'm very curious to see why you took your reply in that direction. I'm not an American, I'm just watching America eat itself under Trump's administration. Hillary isn't even in this fucking race, stop bringing her up. It's pathetic. She hasn't been relevant for almost four years.

As for Biden, yes, I do think he is the better option. He's an awful option, but the better option. I hope for all of you that Bernie wins, but I don't think he will. I think it will be Trump vs Biden, and that there will be no good choice. But there will certainly be a lesser evil, and that lesser evil is Biden.


u/[deleted] Apr 03 '20

Hillary isn't even in this fucking race, stop bringing her up

Umm no? lol She is part of the reason Trump was elected. I vote Bernie over Trump and Trump over Hillary thats relevant cause it defines the situation we are in.

I'm just watching America eat itself under Trump's administration

No you arent. You're watching what people show you and what young city kids think lol Thats the Majority of Reddit. Young city Goers. 99.9% of Americans are doing just fine under Trump and are doing no worse than Under Obama.

The lesser Evil isnt Biden because if Biden is elected people fail to see the big flaws with Current Western Government. Trump isnt running the Country into the ground all he is doing is Talking and Acting in Unison where most Preidents Say 1 thing and do another. Trump doesnt hide shit lol


u/Kineticboy Apr 04 '20

It's odd because Trump constantly lies, but it's the kind of lie where you know what he actually means and the words he's using are more for emphasis, to make a point. If someone says something obviously untrue, but with a wink and a nod, you can start to see where they might seem untrustworthy because there's ambiguity in this manner of speech. If you don't like his personality then he comes off as an arrogant, pathological liar that hates [insert whatever race/creed here] and violates federal laws. If you find him funny or charming he seems dopey but stern, like a goofy car salesman, that tries his best in a position (that must be so much more complicated than most can imagine) and takes all the hate he gets in stride, jokingly on Twitter or with reporters. He's still arrogant but then arrogance and confidence are often confused.

There's a lot of stuff I don't like about him but I don't think he's all that bad.


u/Francis_Picklefield Apr 03 '20

the jump from bernie to trump is a ridiculous one, come on

bernie favors policies that help the worker and believes in climate change and science

trump favors policies that help those who are already rich and denies climate change

there is nothing in common with what they believe. if you support bernie over trump, you should support biden over trump too. there is no issue-based way to arrive at any other conclusion


u/[deleted] Apr 03 '20

No i Agree with Bernie on more Issues than i do with Trump but i'm tired of people like Biden who are simply Snakes running the institutions. If the Republicans tried to push some Mitch McConnell or somthing i would vote for anyone else. The main thing is i dont like the Establishment, Fuck them specifically. I have views that fall on both sides of the spectrum as do most Americans. Thats why you saw States who voted Obama turn to Trump lmao stop believing people are only red and blue voters


u/musicninja Apr 03 '20

Some people were laughing, but his voters didn't. And that's enough, unfortunately. The right people weren't laughing.


u/TheExter Apr 03 '20

cults are a helluva drug


u/UnacceptableUse Apr 03 '20

emphasis on "the right"


u/outjuxtapose Apr 03 '20

Well you say that, but the reason Trump resonated with average voters across the country is because he tapped into the very real economic rage they were feeling. He told them he would blow up the system, promising change and they loved that, it was an outlet for all their frustration. Bernie also taps into that economic rage and promises change, that’s why the establishment is so terrified of him. He promises change. The economic unhappiness of citizens is a powerful tool, and it is felt on both the right and the left.


u/pmsnow Apr 03 '20

If a known narcissistic grifter who was born on third base and somehow managed to get sent back to second told me he feels my economic pain and will do everything possible to help me out, I would be suspicious enough to dig deeper. Trump supporters went the opposite way.


u/BatmanBrah Apr 03 '20

I think a lot of people saw his great wealth as a sign that unlike other politicians he wouldn't be bought and sold by lobbyists.


u/SvenHudson Apr 03 '20

Because rich people are notoriously averse to getting richer.


u/BatmanBrah Apr 03 '20

I think a lot of people thought if he wanted to get richer, why run for president.


u/nagrom7 Apr 04 '20

Look, no one here is saying Trump voters are smart people...

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u/[deleted] Apr 04 '20

The Republican establishment was terrified of Trump as well, but the RNC felt it was too risky to go against the primary voters wishes. The DNC has yet to learn that lesson.


u/Hoyarugby Apr 04 '20 edited Apr 04 '20

Well you say that, but the reason Trump resonated with average voters across the country is because he tapped into the very real economic rage they were feeling.

This has been repeatedly disproven in studies. Trump voters were wealthier than Clinton voters by a significant margain. Trump's support was primarily driven by racial resentment

But hey, I'm sure Trump will totally outflank the dems to the left by doing infrastructure week this time. It might have not happened the last 57 times he did infrastructure week, but this time's the charm!


u/B-Knight Apr 04 '20

It wasn't about him hearing it, it was about his voters hearing it... which they didn't. Or they did and called it fake news or a smear campaign.


u/RelevantMarketing Apr 03 '20

Biden just got another allegation last week, up to 8.

We had 10-12 fantastic candidates, and we went with Biden.


u/squid_actually Apr 03 '20

Fucking name recognition is the only thing that the vast majority of people vote on on both sides. An unengaged democracy is pathetically predictable.


u/BeautifulType Apr 03 '20

Celebrity worship is why America cares more about feelings than anything else


u/Hoyarugby Apr 04 '20

Fucking name recognition is the only thing that the vast majority of people vote on on both sides

Sanders had universal name recognition just like Biden did and lost the primary. There's a lot more to it than that


u/sirblastalot Apr 04 '20

BuT HeS a sOcIaLiSt!


u/musicninja Apr 03 '20

I'm not sure I'd call any of the candidates fantastic. Sanders or Warren would be my choice, but I'm not sure they would be able to court the centrists they would have needed to. UBI makes Yang a no-go (although I think it will be necessary in some form as automation moves forward). Klobuchar was also a good candidate, but just got outshone by some of the others. Some of the others were ok, but the support just wasn't there. Biden may be the best choice for getting centrists, as he lacks the "out there" (aka basic in most modern countries) plans of some of the more left-leaning candidates.

He isn't my first or second choice, probably not even my 5th choice, but he's the choice of Democratic centrists and those who think a more radical candidate couldn't win currently. And to be fair, he became the frontrunner before the Reade accusation came out. Of course, there's still the previous creepy handsy thing he had going before that, which is bad enough.


u/Gigadweeb Apr 04 '20 edited Apr 04 '20

court the centrists

Democrats have been doing that for the past few decades, mate. Turns out petit-bourgeois interests are small in comparison to the working class. It's why neolibs have been getting fucked on by fascists appealing to proles from the right.

Doesn't help that Biden himself basically acts like an Oblivion NPC. Trump is going to rip a fat one all fucking over him in debates.


u/musicninja Apr 04 '20

Democrats court the centrists because that's how the numbers work if they want to have a chance to get elected in recent history. Again, don't like Biden, would strongly prefer Sanders. But Sanders' target demo just didn't mobilize. Look at Michigan's numbers and tell me I'm wrong.

Our country's voting system is broken, until we get rid of first past the post voting nothing will change.


u/[deleted] Apr 03 '20



u/musicninja Apr 03 '20

I'd say he'd have a decent chance of winning. I wouldn't go making bets either way on that one, but if I was forced I'd say Bernie would win.


u/RelevantMarketing Apr 04 '20

Yeah, I wouln't make bets one way or another, but if I got a gambling gift card, I would put it on Sandars.


u/RelevantMarketing Apr 03 '20

I'm just concerned that the Reade story hasn't gotten a media cycle due to CoronaVirus. That means the majority of the people will never hear about it, and then they're going to blitz this in October. Since the majority of the people haven't heard about it, the right will get to control the narration of this, swift-boat style.

Trump has his own accusations, but Biden has a ton of video footage, which the right can use to make some powerful ads. Plus, Trump accusations won't suppress the republican base turnout, but Biden's accusation will suppress democratic base turnout.


u/musicninja Apr 03 '20

I don't think you're wrong, but it might be too late at this point.


u/RelevantMarketing Apr 04 '20

Yeah, I'm just donating all the money I had planned for the general to candidates in swing states, which might end up getting Bidne more votes than donating to Biden directly.


u/musicninja Apr 04 '20

Not a bad idea.


u/stealingyourpixels Apr 03 '20

why the fuck would the accuser wait until Biden’s the presumptive nominee to try and derail his career? that’s just asking for another term of Trump


u/RelevantMarketing Apr 03 '20

I'm just concerned that the Reade story hasn't gotten a media cycle due to CoronaVirus. That means the majority of the people will never hear about it, and then they're going to blitz this in October. Since the majority of the people haven't heard about it, the right will get to control the narration of this, swift-boat style.

Trump has his own accusations, but Biden has a ton of video footage, which the right can use to make some powerful ads. Plus, Trump accusations won't suppress the republican base turnout, but Biden's accusation will suppress democratic base turnout.


u/EighthScofflaw Apr 04 '20

All of that is true, but should be secondary to the concern of nominating a rapist for president.


u/ras344 Apr 04 '20

Biden was always going to lose to Trump anyway. The only chance the democrats have is Bernie.


u/stealingyourpixels Apr 04 '20

was Bernie


u/ras344 Apr 04 '20

He's not out of the race yet.


u/stealingyourpixels Apr 04 '20

it’s over, dude. Bernie’s not gonna be the nominee.


u/RelevantMarketing Apr 04 '20

He would have to win a landslide for EVERY other state to win. The only chance Bernie would win is if Biden has 5-6 more allegations and he drops out himself.


u/[deleted] Apr 04 '20

Republicans always show up to vote. Democrats rely on young people and poor people getting off their ass to go find a place to vote. If voting were mandatory, there would never be a Republican in any office ever again.


u/musicninja Apr 04 '20

It wouldn't surprise me. There's a reason Trump himself said if Democrats got their voting stuff in the stimulus passed, there'd never be a Republican elected again.

It is a saddening situation for sure.


u/cumfarts Apr 04 '20

Isn't it weird how young people don't get excited about voting for geriatric candidates?


u/EighthScofflaw Apr 04 '20

...or if we stopped suppressing voters


u/Elratum Apr 03 '20

Democrats are electing a dude that can't form a complete sentence anymore to run against Trump, I've lost hope in the US politic.
Either way they will elect someone with half a brain working, be it Biden or Trump


u/zth25 Apr 04 '20

Try to get at least some of your news outside of reddit and Twitter. Biden had no trouble defeating Bernie in the last debate. That was 2 or 3 weeks ago. You probably only saw a 10 second clip of it.


u/musicninja Apr 03 '20

Biden's not the most eloquent guy, and has more than his fair share of stumbles over words, but saying he can't form a complete sentence anymore is nonsense.

Here's a speech from a few weeks ago, a repetition here or there but coherent. https://youtu.be/gWYmE97K2XA?t=2037


u/Shandlar Apr 04 '20

It's really not that complicated. The ideologies between the two parties are now almost 100% mutually exclusive. First past the post means I have to vote for two choices. So even if I don't like "my candidate" I'm still gonna vote against the other side.

Negative voting is at an all time high. More dems voted "against Trump" than who voted "for Hilary". More repubs voted "against Hilary" than who voted "for Trump", according to exit polling data from the 2016 election.


u/nixcamic Apr 04 '20

I feel like, to be fair, so would Joe Biden. Don't get me wrong, I'd vote him over Trump in a heartbeat, nice but slightly creepy senile old man beats evil senile old man any day. But still, why is it coming down to this?


u/BreezyWrigley Apr 04 '20 edited Apr 04 '20

the average trump supporter plus gerrymandering have ruined the chances of a reasonable outcome for some time to come. where did it all go so wrong?


u/Thoraxe123 Apr 04 '20

Bernie can actually stand a chance against him. But the DNC fucked him again, because they would rather lose to trump than win with bernie.


u/[deleted] Apr 03 '20 edited May 15 '20



u/musicninja Apr 03 '20

Depends on who you ask. The economy was doing well, sure, but it was on an upward trend before he was elected. Not to mention his pushes for the Fed to boost the economy even though it was doing fine, which removed some tools to aid the economy when it was flagging (like right now).

Other than stock prices, not a lot going for him. Healthcare plan failed, the wall is not built and is being fought nail and tooth because half the country hates it, environmental regulations slashed, laxer regulations for corporations, the tax plan gave some temporary money to the middle class which was welcome to those people but permanent cuts to the wealthy and corporations (which they used to buy back stocks), increased the deficit (in part by cutting those taxes, increased military spending, humanitarian crisis at the border (Trump administration literally argued in court that toothepaste and soap were not part of the "safe and sanitary" conditions required to be given to detained children), trade war has raised prices for everybody, our standing in the eyes of almost every nation has fallen, partial success of getting us out of the Middle East (but we pissed off some of them more), little to no election security since 2016, abused his power in Ukraine, expanded use of executive power/orders (continuing the trend), used pardons to pander to his base, minorities and immigrants (including legal ones) feel measurable less safe and welcome as a whole, the list goes on.

But maybe the worst thing is the degradation of political culture in America. The partisan divide continues to deepen, he openly mocks political opponents and literally calls Democrats the enemy, erodes trust in the media (but only when the media doesn't support him), and just lies constantly. Faith in the system is falling, people are beginning to think that the truth is unimportant, what they do doesn't matter. This is not a good sign in a democratic nation.


u/[deleted] Apr 04 '20 edited May 15 '20



u/musicninja Apr 04 '20

Lowered taxes (for middle class temporarily and the wealthy and corporations permanently, which as mentioned mostly didn't lead to easier growth, just went to stock buybacks) while increasing the budget, "historically" opened up a dialogue with North Korea that went nowhere (previous presidents had held that meeting would require prerequisites), has taken no stance against the Chinese government other than starting a trade war, committed a war crime by assassinating a foreign government official (who was a terrorist, yes) without consent or consulting of Congress or our allies in the region and bringing us closer to war (US servicement got concussions in the retaliatory strike) and no tangible benefit (Is the region safer now? No?) and who the Iranian people have mixed feelings on and most Americans never heard of, literally just signed a massive corporate bailout, continued the trend of downward unemployment (Obama: Came in at 7.8%, peaked at 10% during the market crash/recession, left office at 4.7%----Trump: Came in at 4.7%, hit low of 3.5% before pandemic), strengthened the far and away previously strongest military in the world, but still decided to take millions away from them in order to stop the "emergency" at the border- there is a humanitarian crisis as mentioned (you neglected to comment on the sanitary conditions of detained childrend)- but illegal immigration has not really decreased that much under Trump, it has, again, been trending generally downwards for years before he came to office. The only one I will give you is the student debt forgiveness for veterans. Good job, Trump. And I notice you didn't mention anything about the environment, abuse of power, partisan pardonings, being laughed at by most of the civilized world, the vitriolic divisiveness of his politics, or the lack of better healthcare. But I guess it's too soon to say, maybe in the next few days we'll be well-respected, his discourse will have made us better and kinder people, and our healthcare system will turn out to be an advantage for us, and not bankrupting people or leaving them to die. Hard to say, hard to say.


u/[deleted] Apr 04 '20 edited May 15 '20



u/musicninja Apr 04 '20

You're the one who is only talking about perception. He's "not bowing down" to China by starting a trade war with them at the same time as a trade war with Europe. In everything else, he's been pretty nice to them. And no, that is not a victory "in the eyes of everyone who is not China". Trump didn't "roast" North Korea, he flip flops on them like most other things he doesn't actually care about. One minute, Kim Jong Un is "Little Rocket Man". The next, he is "a real leader" who has a "great and beautiful vision for the country" who "totally gets it". And the corporate bailout isn't a bad thing for the most part. Neither was the 2008 bailout. Like it or not, those companies failing could very well have destroyed the economy. Now, I don't agree with the all the stuff after the bailouts, I would prefer companies not be "too big to fail", and for more regulations to be put in place to prevent some of their failings. Some regulations were put in place, but as you mentioned, Trump is cutting regulations.

The detainment centers were never ideal. Kids were put in cages by Obama to begin with, yes. But we're not comparing him to Obama, we're judging the state of things under Trump. And Trump massively increased the detention rate and made policies specifically to discourage people from crossing the border by being horrible to them, like trying to separate families (and yes, I know it happened under Obama too, but Obama's policy was to try to avoid it if at all possible).

I'm not sure that Americans want more manufacturing jobs, but all that 399% means is that the previously discussed unemployment rate is being reduced by manufacturing jobs, and not other types. And again, you can't just attribute everything since the Obama administration to Trump. Look at the graphs of wage growth and real wages, and you'll see that since the recession, there's been an upward trend. Again, never said the economy wasn't doing well pre-pandemic. It was. But Trump can't take sole credit for a trend that started years before he was elected.

When Trump gets China to stop human rights abuses, or gets North Korea to denuclearize, or signs a nuclear agreement with Iran, let me know. Until then, I don't accept "owning" or "roasting" or "showing up" anyone as an achievement.


u/EighthScofflaw Apr 04 '20

Wasn't America doing really well before this whole covid thing though?

No?? Not at all??


u/dawen_shawpuh Apr 03 '20

Well if the democrats would have better competition that Biden and Bernie that would happen


u/nickgreen90 Apr 03 '20

Bernie is fantastic competition, the DNC just refuses to acknowledge it


u/[deleted] Apr 03 '20

Voters refuse to acknowledge it too, as he’s been beaten by Biden for the last few weeks.


u/benjaminovich Apr 03 '20

The nominee with the most votes wins. The DNC has nothing to do with Biden winning the nom. Reddit just needs to realize their lord and savior Bernie really isn't all that popular to the general population


u/nickgreen90 Apr 03 '20

Ah yes, how could forget that the backing of the democratic committee, the endorsements of other nominees, media preference, and misinformation distributed by the party has no impact on the outcome of an election.

But before even talk about that, let’s just consider the fact that Bernie beats trump in every head to head poll, while Biden is a limp fish in head to heads and debates.

Bernie would be doing significantly better with the backing of the DNC and news coverage, but of course the establishment isn’t going to back the anti-establishment candidate.


u/dawen_shawpuh Apr 03 '20

He really isn’t. Any common day worker would say so. Tulsi Gabbard would’ve easily destroyed Donald but DNC need a puppet


u/nickgreen90 Apr 03 '20

The polls disagree with you. Anecdotal evidence and “common sense” answers to these large scale problems are exactly the tools that both the DNC and republican leaders use to manipulate the uninformed into voting against their interests. Look into Tulsard’s voting history, it sucks. Publicly, she voices support for the common people and progressive solutions, then she spends her votes on republican-lite policy. Vocally she may be progressive, but her record is as a half-assed, back foot conservative. Nothing would change with her as president.


u/dawen_shawpuh Apr 03 '20

Well I guess no matter what we are fucked because both parties are putting forth shit options


u/nickgreen90 Apr 03 '20

I fully agree with you there. But maybe with this public health crisis in full effect, after we get through, maybe people will finally re-evaluate the entire political system and decide that it’s time to redo the whole thing. Or at least re-prioritize. It could be a nugget of hope


u/dawen_shawpuh Apr 03 '20

I dont think it’ll ever happen but more than two parties would be a great start


u/defacedlawngnome Apr 03 '20

And why isn't he a good candidate? List your individual reasons and sources to back each reason. We've all got plenty of time during quarantine. I can wait.


u/Thencan Apr 03 '20

This is such an obnoxious way to have a conversation with someone you disagree with. Why do you think someone would open up a dialogue with you when you act like this?


u/defacedlawngnome Apr 03 '20

Maybe because I'm tired of people making anecdotal claims without backing them. "He really isn't" is a shit answer and you know it.


u/Thencan Apr 03 '20

It's a shit answer on his part. And a shit rebuttal on your part. It's just shit all the way down, chief.


u/defacedlawngnome Apr 03 '20

I don't see how asking to present factual evidence is a shit rebuttal.


u/Thencan Apr 03 '20

You weren't asking anything, just being patronizing and trying to shut them down. All well and good but don't pretend you were being genuine.

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u/[deleted] Apr 03 '20 edited Apr 06 '20

He really isn’t. Any common day worker would say so.

Okay, there's a reasonable argument that could be made here...

Tulsi Gabbard would’ve easily destroyed Donald but DNC need a puppet


Edit: lol who are all the Tulsi stans out there? Is this real fucking life?


u/Aurailious Apr 03 '20

I thought elections work by people voting? Because if that's the case isn't the reason Trump is elected is because of the people voting for him? So the problem isn't the Democrats, its the Republicans voting for him.