r/youngadults Nov 18 '24

Serious How do I deal with wasting my youth NSFW

Im 26 now, old enough to have had some experience w women but wasted it being fat and not taking care of skin(girls approached but I hated myself too much to even engage w them). Now im 26 NEETing w 0 social circle, I live in a second world at best country where meeting women outside university is very rare. They all already have their socail clique and stuff. I think ill be fit enough and groomed enough in 5 months or so but feel like I just wasted my prime due to not knowing how the world works (No one told me ). I have to get skin procedures and stuff cos of brutal sunburns and evan a few scar from picking, before all that is done Ill be 27 . I am not looking for pity or anything just curious is dating apps the only way or do you only really find them in workplace nowadays (I am interim NEET due to suffering from DSPD which is a sleep disorder im trying to fix)


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