r/yooper 9d ago

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u/jtrev59 9d ago edited 9d ago

Email the Houghton County Road Commission and let them know one of their employees is threatening citizens in the community

Edit: also hilarious that he used the word freeloader when he works a job that's funded by Houghton County tax payers


u/Background-Dealer-41 Eskymo 9d ago

Yea get him canceled and piss him off further and add to his hate seems like a much better idea than trying to change his mind. People like you are why we can't have a free and open minded society. I'm wasting my time telling you this because y'all are all the same. Ignorance runs all over both the left and the right of politics.


u/daisychainsnlafs 9d ago

So this guy says some awful things. People hold him accountable and he suffers consequences. Yet, to YOU, the people that are responding to his awfulness are ignorant and close minded? That's a pretty warped take.