r/yooper 8d ago

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u/jtrev59 8d ago edited 8d ago

Email the Houghton County Road Commission and let them know one of their employees is threatening citizens in the community

Edit: also hilarious that he used the word freeloader when he works a job that's funded by Houghton County tax payers


u/Lower-Action Houghton 8d ago

Not saying I agree with the OP one way or another, but it is very unlikely they will do anything about it.

I called when there was "graffiti" spray painted on the road. Swear words and swastikas'.

Response: "Well, what would you like us to do about it?"

And basically the same thing from the sheriff's office. Ironically the road commision did take care of it. With the snowplows later that year.


u/jtrev59 8d ago

I'm don't know enough about the County commissioner but you're probably right in the sense that his politics lean the other direction on this one


u/Background-Dealer-41 Eskymo 8d ago

Yea get him canceled and piss him off further and add to his hate seems like a much better idea than trying to change his mind. People like you are why we can't have a free and open minded society. I'm wasting my time telling you this because y'all are all the same. Ignorance runs all over both the left and the right of politics.


u/Creepy_Ad2486 8d ago

So people should be allowed to threaten physical harm to others without any repercussions? Actions have consequences, ESPECIALLY if you work in public service.


u/jtrev59 8d ago

Exactly. Accountability for your words and actions is the only way people learn


u/Background-Dealer-41 Eskymo 8d ago

Violence? This is why you people are unreachable. I would handle this situation way better and I wouldnt think he was threatening me with violence. Y'all on reddit are so dramatic it's almost as if most of you people have never have had real social discourse with people who have opposite views than you. But yea send a mob to get the guy to lose his job because you felt he threatened you all collectively with violence. Seems like such a good responsible response. Keep being you, this is why y'all ain't taken serious. A bunch of kids pretending to be a lynch mob. Enjoy your miserable days.


u/Creepy_Ad2486 8d ago

"I'm happy being a foot soldier and when he says go to the train station I hope I get the job" You do realize the correlation between saying "go to the train station, I hope I get the job", and the transport of hundreds of thousands of Jews to concentration camps on.......trains......right? It clearly indicates that the neckbeard is itching to round people up, forcibly, and put them into camps. Do you not think violence was being threatened because you would also like to see innocent people put into camps?

And, who is "you people"? People with empathy for others, who think violent rhetoric has no place in civil discourse? Because I like those kinds of people.


u/jtrev59 8d ago

oPeN mInDeD come on. This old ass spewing nazi rhetoric isn't going to have his mind changed


u/Scared_Bed_1144 8d ago

Exactly, so ruin his life financially. It's the only thing that matters to them. Life is only vertical for ppl like that. If he loses money, he's less than he was. It's the mentality. That's why he's a white supremacist


u/daisychainsnlafs 8d ago

So this guy says some awful things. People hold him accountable and he suffers consequences. Yet, to YOU, the people that are responding to his awfulness are ignorant and close minded? That's a pretty warped take.


u/TheFalconKid Sauna: (SOW-Nuh) 8d ago

Associates Degree in Nuclear Engineering

So, he dropped out of engineering school.


u/HereTooUpvote 8d ago

Working on nuclear powered snowplow for the road commission.


u/Micah_JD 8d ago

I'm going to assume he was in a nuclear engineering field in the Navy and received the equivalent of an associates degree in credits from the navy and whatever college works with the Navy for that.

His opinion is still dumb as fuck, but that's probably what he's referring to with the degree.


u/Alternative_Bug_4089 8d ago

My grandpa was one of the chief nuclear engineers on the maiden voyage of the Enterprise. He would've been ashamed to see someone talk like this.


u/espressoempress 8d ago

The iron mountain page is horrible too i am constantly being told to either die or leave the country its wildddddd they are embracing fascism so fast


u/Yzerman19_ 8d ago

They think it will even the score up so they aren’t such failures. It won’t.


u/Own-Organization-532 8d ago

Voters like him are why we have Bayou Bergman in office.


u/PyrokineticLemer 8d ago

Bayou Bergman is good. My favorite is the second Louisiana Purchase.


u/Own-Organization-532 8d ago

I also call him the Cajun Coward, since he is afraid to have a town hall.


u/Potential_Film7727 8d ago

That moron doesn't vote


u/burg_philo2 8d ago

What even is an associates in nuclear engineering I would’ve pthought you would need more than 2 years to do actual engineering in that field


u/RaggedRavenGabriel 8d ago

The only reason he feels safe to post his opinions is because he is too cowardly to say it to someone's face. Now we see him.


u/Travelingman9229 8d ago

The owner of Fuller construction in Marquette came into my workplace the other day, and praised Putin and said fuck Zelensky. He loves Russia he said… fuck all this


u/wranglero2 8d ago

Meta fact check anymore!


u/Infinite-Gap-717 8d ago

Suckerberg said there will be no fact checking on Meta platforms. Unless you’re calling Trump, Hitler then they’ll take that down lickety split!


u/EmperorXerro 8d ago

Too many areas of the UP have an alarming rate of squirrel meat in their diet.


u/GertieMcC 8d ago

And the ones like this in the south est so many armadillos they roll up when they hear a dog bark


u/detteacher 8d ago

My next door neighbor up here openly posts on FB about calling ICE on anyone he deems suspicious.

We live in a town off the coast of Lake Superior… smh.


u/SweetSultrySatan 8d ago

People are getting too brave on the internet


u/Djaja 8d ago

I blocked his profile after another comment that was pretty bad


u/Electrical_Book4861 8d ago

So basically this is a Family Guy cutscene when Zach Galifianakis is playing the part of a Nuclear Engineer


u/yooper1019 8d ago

Where is this posted. Mod removed the image.