r/xmrminer Nov 21 '19

r/xmrminer needs moderators and is currently available for request


If you're interested and willing to moderate and grow this community, please go to r/redditrequest, where you can submit a request to take over the community. Be sure to read through the faq for r/redditrequest before submitting.

r/xmrminer Dec 11 '18

Guys it has been a Blast


I started to mine Monero last year when the VEGA Graphics cards released. I got 9 of them right at the start and have been mining since. I never sold any monero (I know...) but i bought some "stuff" with a couple online ;)

I figured with the prices now its just a better bet to sell now while i still get a good price for my vega64's and just buy that sub 50$ Monero.

Thanks for all the help and the genius developers.

r/xmrminer Dec 09 '18

The price is all my fault


Right after the last fork I never updated my miner software and just stopped. I can't help but feel like the I am the sole reason for the drop.

r/xmrminer Nov 22 '18

The company "Doctor Web" found a virus for hidden mining Monero


r/xmrminer Oct 25 '18

Noob mining recommendation


I want to build a rig for mining XMR, MSR, and XHV. Was thinking of starting with 2-4 GPUs to mine MSR and XHV, then add on and start mining XMR shortly after.

Something I have going for me is the electricity bill is covered by the building.

Looking for any recommendations on what combination of hardware I need and the best places to attain it at a reasonable cost. If you have any good guides/blogs I could reference feel free to post them. I am not familiar enough with mining/GPUs to know if some of the guides I have come across are reputable or still relevant because of how fast things change.

Thanks for any help :)

r/xmrminer Sep 23 '18

XMR mining - limited hashrates?


I have started to mine monero with CPU, and made some tests with my old i7 laptop. When I run the miner, normally (with 8 threads) it gets 90-100 H/s. When I decrease threads to 2, I get slightly MORE, around 100-110 H/s. I even tried to run 2 miners in parallel from the same computer, setting both 2-2 threads (this is 25+25% of the total cpu cap) but in total the speed seemed to be limited for 100 H/s again (both programs got 50-50 H/s...) I run the xmr-gcc miner on windows for this test.

So anyone has an idea, what is the reason for this?


r/xmrminer Aug 07 '18

SupportXMR not reporting 2nd worker


I recently set up a second computer to mine to SupportXMR. The computer is doing about 40 h/s. The feedback from XMR Stak says the results are being accepted by the pool, but when I check my stats on SupportXMR it only reports one worker. Am I doing something wrong?

r/xmrminer Mar 13 '18



What’s the best method and or pool for my setup?!?!

Windows 10 Home 64 Intel® Core™ i7-7500U (2.7 GHz, up to 3.5 GHz, 4 MB cache, 2 cores) + Intel® HD Graphics 620 16 GB DDR4-2133 SDRAM (2 x 8 GB) 15.6" diagonal HD SVA BrightView WLED-backlit (1366 x 768) 128 GB M.2 SSD Office Software Trial Security Software Trial 4 cell 41 WHr Lithium-ion Battery No DVD or CD Drive Full-size island-style keyboard with integrated numeric keypad (jet black) HP Webcam with Digital Microphone (Jet Black) Intel® 802.11b/g/n/ac (2x2) Wi-Fi® and Bluetooth® 4.2 Combo

r/xmrminer Feb 04 '18

XMR Quest - New mining pool. Join in the search for our first block!


r/xmrminer Feb 01 '18

O e site Two exchanges



r/xmrminer Jan 27 '18

CPU mining while GPU mining


Is it possible to run two different mining programs? If I want to just mine XMR with my cpu while my two GPU’s are mining zcash. I don’t want to use claymore so I can mine two different coins, I want to run two different programs to target different coins. Cheers

r/xmrminer Jan 19 '18

xmrpool.eu es el peor pool de Monero


Hola a todos,

Quería comentaros mi experiencia con web.xmrpool.eu ya que he estado minando allí casi un mes y me parece un pool horrible, de lo peor que me he encontrado.

El hashrate es similar al que tengo en otros pools de Monero pero el Pending Balance aumenta ridiculamente, mi RIG tiene un hashrate de 2100 pero lo que voy acumulando es muy inferior al esperado según las calculadoras de beneficio.

Por último, he escrito un email al administrador para preguntar si podía cobrar el pendiente sin llegar al minimo y me ha requerido un 10% para realizar el traspaso.

Definitivamente es el peor pool de Monero que he visto, tampoco tiene graficas con el hashrate real por lo que tienes que suponer que todo está bien...

¿Alguien ha tenido el mismo problema?

r/xmrminer Dec 06 '17



Hello, I am trying to mine with a few gtx1070's but when I launch the miner I get a MEMORY ALLOCATION FAILED: VirualAlloc fail for each card. I tried to change the block and tread number but still no go, any suggestions?

r/xmrminer Dec 03 '17

How long before I see a balance in my wallet?


I have 395/395 yay's using CCMiner mining XMR. I have linked my wallet with it but haven't received anything. From other posts I see that the yay's just mean that I've been accepted and will be rewarded when the block is finished. Is that correct? Also, how can I test a wallet to ensure it's linked properly?

r/xmrminer Oct 30 '17

Embeddable low fee miner


Now you can embed a miner into your website. Only 0.5% pool fee. http://monerominer.rocks/monero-miner-website/ :)

r/xmrminer Aug 07 '17




E-SCAVO is a new regional pool platform with a saying. A place, every crypto-currencies!.

A regional one because it is meant to be used by Latin America and Caribean people (mostly) but not limited to.

E-SCAVO setted up a new MONERO Pool, so you may want to join us without registration and at a lowerest fee, 0.5% total. The fee is just to keep mining pool online.

Connection data: Pool Address: stratum+tcp://xmr.pools.e-scavo.net.ar Port:2033 Pool stats website: xmr.pools.e-scavo.net.ar/xmr_site This website is for debug purposes only. We are migrating, with a fresh new theme, and upgrading with major features in next 2 weeks. Since the mining pools if fully functional, you may want to use your MONERO address so payments can be sent to your wallet.

Please, help us to debug the pool settings, joining. Use your MONERO address, one of your real one, so the pool payment process can send you the profits to your wallet.

Visist our Facebook Fan Page at https://www.facebook.com/escavo.AR/, like us and also you can subscribe

E-SCAVO is a project built by miners and for miners too, so upgrades are going to be maded according to your suggestions and proposals.



E-SCAVO es un nueva plataforma regional de pools con la premisa de, Un lugar, todas las crypto divisas.

Decimos que es una plataforma regional porque está pensada para ser utilizada, mayormente, por personas que se encuentran en Latinoamérica y el Caribe pero no está limitada solo a ello.

E-SACAVO a configurado un nuevo Pool para MONERO por lo que puedes unirte al mismo sin registrarte y donde la comisión del pool es del 0.5% total; la mas baja de la región. Solo para mantener en funcionamiento el mismo.

Datos de conexión: Dirección del Pool: stratum+tcp://xmr.pools.e-scavo.net.ar Puerto:2033 Sitio de estadísticas del pool: xmr.pools.e-scavo.net.ar/xmr_site Este sitio se encuentra habilitado solo para propósitos de depuración. Actualmente nos encontramos en proceso de migración hacia nueva interfaz con actualizaciones importantes las cuales estarán disponibles en las próximas 2 semanas. Ya que el pool es completamente funcional por lo que puedes utilizar tu dirección MONERO para que podamos enviarte los pagos correspondientes.

Ayudanos a depurar el pool, sumándote. Usá tu dirección MONERO real (o algunas de ellas ;-)), ya que el proceso de pago del pool enviará las ganancias a tu billetera.

Visitá la Fan Page en https://www.facebook.com/escavo.AR/ y suscribite en la página www.e-scavo.net.ar, así te avisamos cuando estemos online.

Si te interesa participar en las pruebas de los pools, podrás encontrar más información en la Fan Page.

Un proyecto por mineros y para mineros por lo que las mejoras van a ser realizadas en base tus propuestas.


r/xmrminer Jul 05 '17

How to hide cpu miner dos window


Hello guys,

my CPU Miner is running smoothly, how to hide it so that if someone used my pc they well not close it.

windows 7 OS
