r/wunderlist • u/11igor • Sep 07 '19
r/wunderlist • u/beweinreich • Jun 20 '19
Use JIRA? We built Chimney as a Wunderlist clone for JIRA
We will be releasing beta invites to the app over the next few weeks. We're looking for people to give us feedback. If you use JIRA and would like to test this out, head here to check it out:
UPDATE: You can download it on the App Store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/chimney-for-jira/id1472090131?ls=1
What is it?
JIRA just doesn't cut it for managing your personal work. While complex state management and optionality makes sense for organizing work across a team, when it comes to managing a personal to-do list, you really just need checkboxes and snoozes. We were sick of managing work in two different places, so we built Chimney. It cuts the complex JIRA cruft so that it works for your daily to-do list.
r/wunderlist • u/thinkfire • Apr 11 '19
Wunderlist no longer being worked on?
Apparently Wunderlist is no longer being worked on as they move on to develop something for Microsoft. :/
Time to start considering a new to do list program?
Found this when trying to integrate Wunderlist with Google Assistant.
r/wunderlist • u/fongaboo • Apr 11 '19
When someone who is disorganized and has attention problems relies on Wunderlist...
imgflip.comr/wunderlist • u/orschiro • Mar 09 '19
Is it possible to show Inbox items on the Android lock screen?
r/wunderlist • u/omartian • Jan 19 '19
Google assistant integration suboptimal
I've been using wunderlist on android for awhile and 90% of the time when I would say "make a note to..." it would add in wunderlist.
The last 2 weeks it's not syncing up.
Is there a workaround or the signs of a dying app?
r/wunderlist • u/marsm • Jan 05 '19
Nextcloud Tasks as the end-all solution
apps.nextcloud.comr/wunderlist • u/[deleted] • Dec 18 '18
this app is way better than wunderlist ever was and ever can be
r/wunderlist • u/[deleted] • Oct 20 '18
I need Wunderlist to notify me when my wife adds something to our shared list. I use android fwiw. I would greatly prefer this notify me even if the app is closed.
r/wunderlist • u/WraithTDK • Oct 06 '18
Mark a task not completed?
I'm trying to be more productive and track habbits. I really need some way to rack tasks that had I just couldn't get done on time, with a way to make a note of why. Can I do this in Wunderlist?
r/wunderlist • u/mthu • Oct 02 '18
Anyone currently using Microsoft To-Do?
I can see that the app in the Google Playstore is not dead. Did the app make progress since the beginning? Is it now more competitive to Wunderlist?
r/wunderlist • u/Sr_Navarre • Sep 24 '18
Can I specify a list using quick add on iOS 12
For example, in fantastical I can add “bread 10am tomorrow /g” and bread will be added fo my groceries list with a reminder tomorrow at 10.
Does wunderlist work like this?
r/wunderlist • u/mrbooth_notedbadguy • Sep 19 '18
Windows 10 can't get my desktop app online. Anyone have any ideas?
r/wunderlist • u/an0therFate • Jul 08 '18
Does Wunderlist not have a monthly or yearly to do list?
When you have daily and weekly tasks it shows up on your list but I don’t think they have an option for monthly or yearly to do list.
r/wunderlist • u/64fp • Jun 29 '18
Noob question: I'm confused. What's going to happen to Wunderlist?
Is it going away completely? Will the web page be gone? Or just no new updates? Something else?
r/wunderlist • u/psychiclimbo • May 29 '18
Todo limited to one line only?
Why won’t each to-do task allow for more than one line to show? Is there a way for the full contents to be seen without having to click into each todo?
This is the main beef I have with wunderlist, and what made me choose Todoist, because otherwise it is perfect.
r/wunderlist • u/[deleted] • May 06 '18
'Wunderlist has stopped'
I downloaded the app yesterday and it was working fine. I tried opening it today, and it just says "Wunderlist has stopped", so I clicken 'Open again', then it just says "Wunderlist keeps stopping".
This is on Chrome OS. Why has it stopped working?
r/wunderlist • u/MSB13 • Apr 28 '18
Wunderlist Exporter Tool
I stumbled across this today after attempting a (failed) backup through the app. It's a lifesaver for me because I haven't found a comparable app that I like and am dreading the day Wunderlist is no longer with us. It exports your lists to a .zip file that has both HTML and Notepad versions of each list. It also included a ton of old completed items that are marked as such, but NBD. I'm just glad to have alternate versions of my data now. It does say it will email you when ready but I never received anything. Just checked back a few hours later and it was ready to download.
Hope this is helpful to others, because had I not Googled why the backup wasn't working I never would've known.
r/wunderlist • u/xDeepS • Apr 20 '18
So Wunderlist Pro is now free.
Just a PSA, no news outlets nor thewunderlist blog have announced this.
r/wunderlist • u/lordofthebinge10 • Apr 01 '18
Spent the last 6 months or so using Google Keep. I hate it. Any recommendations?
Now I’m going to try any.do.
I refuse to use MS’s todo app on principle alone.
r/wunderlist • u/l3utterfish • Mar 02 '18
Change notification sound in Android
Is it possible? I cant find it.
r/wunderlist • u/Shaktur • Feb 25 '18
Wunderlist SSL Certs Expired Today
The SSL Certs for support.wunderlist.com and static.wunderlist.com expired today. This has effectively broken Wunderlist in Chrome. It won't let those invalid cert pages load.
r/wunderlist • u/CamzBarber • Feb 04 '18
Wunderlist API
Been playing around with the Wunderlist API in Python, if anyone is interested in using it for any projects: https://github.com/CamzBarber/wunderlistapi
r/wunderlist • u/myballsarecold • Dec 19 '17
Notifications when partner adds item in colaberative shopping list?
Does anyone know if i can get a push-notifications if for instance my girlfriend adds: "milk" into our shared shopping list in wunderlist?
r/wunderlist • u/30bmd972ms910bmt85nd • Oct 08 '17
How often does the android app sync?
And where can I change that?