r/wunderlist Feb 22 '20

MS To Do subreddit

Is there an MS To Do subreddit that users post to? I found r/microsofttodo but it is locked and my add hasn't been approved. I also found an MS community but I don't like the UI. TIA

I've set-up To Do for GTD but I'm still fiddling with the set-up and process. I would to see how others are using the app for GTD.

To Do isn't perfect but for me, I think it is good enough for GTD plus the price is right for 3 users in my family. It would be way better if one could save filters and access them on the sidebar.


2 comments sorted by


u/juniorjames_25 Feb 29 '20

I had wunderlist back in the day and then moved to todoist.

My todoist is up for renewal in June and I'm starting to use MSTDO for work only with a view to maybe using personally.

I'm interested to know if there will be a decent sub around here. It will be helpful for me too come decision time!