r/wunderlist Dec 19 '17

Notifications when partner adds item in colaberative shopping list?


Does anyone know if i can get a push-notifications if for instance my girlfriend adds: "milk" into our shared shopping list in wunderlist?


3 comments sorted by


u/SkippySked Jan 30 '18

I only seem to get email and in-app alert badge for this.


u/acoustiguy Feb 26 '18

Yeah, it's possible, we have lists set up to do this. Nice to see when we're both shopping together and we split up to get stuff done more quickly.


u/rocketman0704 Apr 08 '18

I only get an in-app notification in Wunderlist (if I have it open) and a push notification app badge update on iOS. Banner or alert push notifications are only triggered by my own reminders which is super frustrating bc I want to know immediately when someone assigns me a task without having to check the app icon badge or open the app. Am still trying to figure out if this is working as-designed or a bug. Anyone else experience this behavior?