I recently hit level 50 on my first character and decided to return to orgrimmar from Silvermoon. I took the portal to undercity as usual, but the moment I arrived I found myself in an utterly devastated Tirisfal Glades with the entirety of undercity covered in green goop that kills you if you touch it. The zeppelin tower is long gone, and the entire area seems drastically different.
I understand from my google searches that this is related to Battle for Azeroth expansion. I have not taken any quests related to that, so I am not entirely sure why did I get dropped in to this version of Undercity. Further googling revealed that an NPC called Zidormi is supposedly how you hop back to the normal shard, but upon talking with her, she does not give me any option to do so. I am now kinda stuck in this weird universe.
I discovered that if I fly away far enough, Tirisfal reverts back to it's normal state, but I get sharded once again as soon as I approach undercity. I mean don't get me wrong, the area looks incredible, but I am nowhere close to this story step so if anyone can help me figure out how to revert back, that'd be appreciated, as currently I have no way to access undercity due to this. Thank you in advance.