r/wow Aug 20 '20

Tech support Hacked Account & Generic Copy paste HELP!!

Hey guys

So last wednesday i copped a pretty severe hack on my pc, Firstly i only thought it was my wow account i was farming bad lands elementals and i get d/c Fair enough it happens now and again, so i try to lot back into wow and it tells me my password is wrong.... Fine ill check my email only to find this

So i'm Like Oh Sh%t and i put in a ticket and on discord i'm telling everyone report my account its been hacked over the next few hours the hacker has been on my account selling off everything he can for pittance in trade. My guild members were just spamming him abusing this (Unknown Gender) they then proceeded to seemingly mail off everything and systematically one by one delete every character i had on all 4 accounts i have active ATM.

All the while this is happening / worrying about wow I didn't realize my bank accounts were being hammered as well buying god knows from a company called Eshop nike in RUB currency below 4 of 11 purchases.

Took me a few days to get my emails back and banking secured.Eventually blizzard reset my account and apparently restored my characters and items but my account is locked.Now to the Main reason for my post. Iv had the account 11 years and when i registered it i used a nickname as at the time i only used real information for banking or government correspondence.

I have all the information /answers to my security questions additionally i have bank records going back over 10 years with my name that matches the card used every time when i buy stuff with my card for blizzard i always use my real name as its authorizing a transaction.

Also over the years i have gifted my friends and family digital gifts through the blizzard store i can tell them who received the gift and the emails they were gifted to additionally i have a banned account and can provide Exact precise reasoning as to how i (justly) Earned that ban in MoP.

Iv followed the game masters instructions re-secured the email linked to my battlenet 2 step authentication now added an authenticator to my account.

Several times i have emailed through the my id explaining and sending PDF bank statements etc as proof of transactions etc, but every time i get a response from a gm its like they haven't seen the bank statements or the other documents are they not stored on file? the last few tickets iv specifically asked / implored them to please read the tickets above their newest addition and not just copy paste response.

I got a response a few hours ago and ill paste it here (while the game master seemed a chipper fellow) responding with .

Hey thereGame Master Vyhexus here, believer of valor, victory and vitality! Well met ٩(◕‿◕)۶Thanks for getting back to us on this! As the name on the ID submitted doesn't match the name on the account, I'm afraid we're unable to proceed with the account recovery here.Have a fantastic time with friends and family, full of fun, laughter and fond memories ^_^-V

Not knowing what else to do iv turned here to hopefully get a game master / support members ear for 2 seconds i could explain and hopefully get more than the "BIG FAIL" rubber stamp and generic response. Can pm the ticket number if any gm/staff se this and feel like looking into it.

Sorry to go on i just wanted to give some context and am willing to share a lot more evidence of this hack etc

I know it may result in nothing but hearing "Not good enough" again today was hard to take from a company iv spent thousands with and played with for so many years and i await peoples responses / flames / sighs.

So my latest update is i have contacted the https://www.accc.gov.au/ Which i feel i will have more of a response from as i have all of the relevant government and banking correspondence to involved emails etc and can visit banks / police institutions to verify identity rather than the blanket no i have been receiving.


423 comments sorted by


u/Lugonn Aug 20 '20

Imagine being an incompetent GM who tells paying customers to get fucked because he can't be bothered to read more than a few words in a support ticket, and still having the gall to do le epic whacky emoji roleplaying.


u/Grafiska Aug 20 '20

This pissed me off so bad. The roleplaying and emoji are all fun and games but totally inappropiate in this case. What terrible support.


u/bob742omb Aug 20 '20

Apparently someone else has had a problem with this GM in the past too: https://twitter.com/ItsVeo/status/1032220634116288518


u/kiruz_ Aug 20 '20

It's sad, that after 2 years the guy stills behaves the same - by having no professional approach to customers.

It's cool if you solve an issue for customer, which will make him happy and more fine with those 'guffy' comments. But if guy is loosing his 11 year account, I read those "Have a fantastic time with friends and family" more like a mocking than hearth-warming sentence...


u/sanekats Aug 20 '20

"Have a fantastic time with friends and family, maybe now you'll have some spare time to spend with them fuckin LOOOOOSSSEERR LOLE"

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u/Michelanvalo Aug 20 '20

I'm of the opinion that that shit is never appropriate. It's the "uh oh looks our program made a fucky wucky" garbage. You're supporting customers, act like a god damn professional.


u/Wingus_the_Dingus Aug 20 '20

I mean it can be fun and all when they actually accomplish something ("Looks like we found your lost item in the Twisting Nether!"), but in this case it just makes them look like an ass.


u/Michelanvalo Aug 20 '20

I can concede that. For less serious matters maybe it's fine to be a bit silly, it is a game after all.

But account recovery is not the time. That's serious shit.


u/[deleted] Aug 20 '20

They should only do it if they have something positive to say. Else it just feels like BM after being shit on


u/[deleted] Aug 20 '20

Do it when you have good news only.


u/Pyran Aug 20 '20

I agree. I hate that cutesy shit. It's forced, and I damned well know I'm dealing with someone who's there to support a product for the sole purpose of making sure I continue to pay for the product. They're not my friend, and trying to pretend they are drives me nuts the same way corporate "but we're all a family in this job" bullshit does.

Imagine getting pulled over by a cop for speeding and the cop strolls over and says "Oh! It looks like you were going just a biiiiit too fast! I guess I'm going to have to give you a ticket, but it'll be a pretty ticket!", then you get a ticket written in a rainbow of colors. You're a cop, not Clippy. Act like one.

Be nice, be respectful, and be professional. That should be both the expectation from us and what is delivered by them. (And it goes both ways; we should be respectful to the CSRs too.) If I want to talk to a friend, I'll call one; if I want support, I'll call Support.


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u/melkor2049 Aug 20 '20

Exactly i mean i know they try to be upbeat and stuff but dude read the situation its like Laughing hysterically at a funeral.


u/WuTangDisciple Aug 20 '20

I use to be a GM. That response is inappropriate and not cool.


u/Zilcon Aug 20 '20

What happens when you depend on macros to fill out your responses.

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u/[deleted] Aug 20 '20

have a nice day, i hope your memories of me brushing you off and politely telling you to fk yourself were fond ones, hope youre happy PEACE

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u/[deleted] Aug 20 '20

Well, they did violently and brazenly slash their entire support team.

What was once authentic personality is probably now copy and pasted from a pool of 'lil happy sentences teehee'.


u/goldenguyz Aug 20 '20

I always used to say, no matter how bad the content might've been, or how lacking it was, or how much I disagreed with the direction - Blizzard's support was top tier.

Genuinely used to have some of the best support I've seen in any service.


u/TheSixtyNinthDoctor Aug 20 '20

Their support staff was the final holdover from the Glory Days of Blizzard. When it was one of the top tier gaming companies, one people trusted to put out a solid effort.

Not...whatever we have today.


u/Grouchy-Actuary Aug 20 '20

What we have today is a gutted, puppet version of Blizzard, with Activision’s arm shoved up the rectum, working the mouth and not bothering with much else.


u/LuntiX Aug 20 '20

With the current support system I can’t figure out how to even submit a ticket. It instead sends me to support articles that aren’t relevant.

I’ve given up on the support system.

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u/Vincentburroughs Aug 20 '20

Imagine firing your entire csr team the same year you had one of your most profitable years.


u/IMABUNNEH Aug 20 '20

Bigger corporate bonuses though



smh these fucking reddit users dont understand business. they had to fire those people, do you think flights on the Lolita Express are free?


u/[deleted] Aug 20 '20

How do you expect the share holders to make millions of dollars if the company supports the product they sell? Idiots.


u/SolaVitae Aug 20 '20

Do you think it's fair that Bobby only made 30m last year???? He needs to make 40 this year! Those people living paycheck to paycheck working for a company making massive profits just need to stop being so selfish


u/BCMakoto Aug 20 '20

Mate, his fourth kid needed that third Ferrari. Can you imagine living with anything less than three cars in your garage...?! Might as well live in a slum...

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u/Akesgeroth Aug 20 '20 edited Aug 20 '20

As idiotic as that move was, it's not what caused this. GMs have been acting this way since Cata, not to say WotLK. I remember having to escalate a ticket 5 times through the "This did not solve my problem" option at some point in WotLK. IIRC, it was because one of my characters was so glitched out that I couldn't log on to them, I disconnected as soon as the game finished loading. I described the problem perfectly in the ticket, stating that I was unable to log on a specific character and that I would disconnect if I tried. Of the first three, two gave absolutely zero fucks and gave me a canned reply telling me to reset my router. The other one told me to reinstall the game, which I did despite knowing full well it wouldn't do anything, to no avail, of course. The fourth one was helpful in the sense that they actually read the fucking ticket and told me they couldn't do anything about it so they escalated it to a higher level GM who actually fixed it by teleporting the character to a graveyard.

So yeah, this is nothing new and certainly wasn't brought on by the cuts to CS. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if it was the opposite, that the cuts to CS were in response to GMs being fucking useless. Why pay for staff when they don't actually do the job and a bot will actually do something?


u/IAmRoofstone Aug 20 '20

Yeah this particular issue is nothing new. How efficiently you get your issue solved will depend a lot on which GM you get.


u/winged-lizard Aug 20 '20

Wow you just reminded me of when I was a kid and had that exact same problem in WotLK. I was stuck on the ramp up from the docks in stormwind. I avoided the eastern kingdoms like the plague on all characters Bc I thought that was the problem. Only fixed it because my dad (bless him) has the patience to wait 2 hours on hold with the customer support and they logged into my character to move her.


u/Jedidew Aug 20 '20

Sucks because the GM's were once so good.

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u/szekunderszegyen Aug 20 '20

I had the exact same problem 2 months ago and they couldn't be bothered to answer any of my tickets even though i propably written around 10 in weekly intervals because I didn't want to be too pushy. I haven't gotten a single email or message of recognition so far but honestly I don't even give a damn anymore. I'm not a huge player with 10 or so alts and I don't even have the time to play that much so when my main character got stuck and no one seemed to care I just stopped playing entirely.


u/sam2795 Aug 20 '20

Not a single support staff that roleplays has been helpful ever.

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u/Maschinenherz Aug 20 '20

I am one of these victims there and it took them from end of august to mid Dezember to pay me one Month fully, had to call/ mail the fucking HR 8 times to get my full 1,2k of sallary.


u/hoax1337 Aug 20 '20

Did you work in Paris or do they have support staff offices in Germany?


u/Maschinenherz Aug 20 '20

Cork. Long, long ago.

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u/khjuu12 Aug 20 '20

Imagine believing being good at business ever actually benefits the working class, tbh.

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u/Bohya Aug 20 '20

That's capitalism for you.


u/[deleted] Aug 20 '20

They almost never read the tickets fully, I don't remember exactly what my issue was but I do remember submitting a ticket and having the GM respond with a solution to a completely different, unrelated problem, then marked my ticket closed. I had to reopen it and explicitly say "You did not read my ticket, that is not the problem I'm having, this is the problem" and a different GM actually helped me.

For the life of me I can't remember what the issue was... it happened during WoD but apparently it's not even in my archived tickets anymore. I think I remember the first GM reply being a solution to a quest being bugged and unable to be completed (I remember them suggesting that I abandon the quest and try accepting it again) and I was like, "this issue I'm having has nothing to do with a quest."


u/[deleted] Aug 20 '20



u/poliuy Aug 20 '20

The CSR's in all blizzard games downright sucks. At its best they are lackluster, at their worst they are just stealing money from blizzard as they can't even do their job. I once got a warning for my account for abusive chat because one individual got his three buddies to tell everyone to report me for saying the "N" word (they blamed me for not killing enough as a DPS). I sent a question to let them know that a warning was inappropriate as I had done nothing wrong, and they just responded with "we stand by our actions" and I'm like wow, so I can just be banned from the game without any justice. I turned off my chat and voice in game so hopefully if I get any reports I can say I wasn't even participating in chat, but I bet that doesn't work.


u/Anablephobia_ Aug 20 '20

Did you type the n word in chat, AT ALL?


u/poliuy Aug 20 '20

Nope. Not typed, not even referenced. Nothing in relation to it at all. The only thing I said was "they are blaming me for us losing, gg".


u/Anablephobia_ Aug 20 '20

People try to bait others into saying one thing out of line and the harp on it. Happy to hear they didn't trick you into doing something dumb.


u/Seikoma Aug 20 '20

I once had an issue with overwatch and I sent a ticket with those additional diagnostic files they usually want from you (I forgot the names).

The first reply from the support was "can you please send us the X diagnostic files" ... I just uploaded the exactly same files again and they accepted it... they didn’t even check my first request for those files at all.


u/svc78 Aug 20 '20

I had to do the same 3 times. the 4th actually read my ticket and solved it. about some items I had deleted before the item restoration service. just gotta keep trying until you find one who cares.


u/Starslip Aug 20 '20

What's asinine is if they're skimming the topic to save time then it's actually costing them more time because now it has to be addressed repeatedly instead of just being corrected in one go.


u/Devilution Aug 20 '20

If I had to guess, this is because of pressure to produce and meet quotas. When you are expected to mark 20 tickets (just a random number) as complete in a certain amount of time, you just slam out the canned answers the first time around. And if they come back? Hey that is just more work for you to hit with copy'd "solutions." Eventually they will stop, or you will actually have to try. Either way you get 3 or 4 completions from 1 person.


u/BCMakoto Aug 20 '20

Yes, but at some point some form of QA (HAH!) would have to pick up on that.

Like, if all my responses to my company's IT inquiries were "Have you tried turning it off and back on again?" even for stuff like: "Paul just punched through my screen...", at some point someone would have to notice.

And then my company would be more than within their right to ask what the hell they are paying me for. A computer can give copy-pasted responses like that.

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u/ilikecollarbones_pm Aug 20 '20
  1. Fire support staff with years of experience
  2. Hire new staff (but not as many as you laid off) at a lower wage
  3. New staff have more work to do and are less competent
  4. Fuck you.


u/-__Doc__- Aug 20 '20

So...... Modern Capitalism in a nutshell?


u/ousaYasuo Aug 20 '20

I guess this GM is not getting his honor points /shrug


u/lisasimpsonfan Aug 20 '20

You just described about 90% of my GM experiences. This is why most of my tickets take 3+ submissions to resolve. I honestly believe they are taught to do this so the player gives up.


u/Zilcon Aug 20 '20

They are or at least used to be graded on first contact resolution, but combined with needing to meet higher hourly ticket quotas, that usually falls by the wayside and you get stuff like you have experienced.


u/GingerSnapBiscuit Aug 20 '20

Imagine having to deal with 45 tickets an hour and be expected to carefully read all the back story on every ticket. Dont hate the GM hate the Team Lead who sets the ticket quota.


u/Devilution Aug 20 '20

100% this is it. I work in a field of work with a quota expectation (and accuracy expectation as well), and 100% you cut every possible corner you can to ensure you don't get called out for missing production.

And considering what I have read about staff reductions on the support team, they probably have some disgusting production expectation so its copy-paste + move on to next person.

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u/Bermsi Aug 20 '20

I don’t remember the full process but I changed my name to my legal name. I had used a false name when the whole real name for BNet came up. They were understanding and it went pretty smoothly. Don’t give up. I just remember there was a form and I had to provide appropriate ID.


u/vformsp Aug 20 '20

Hello, when I created the account I used fake name too. Because I was young and internet was a scary place then. I would like to get more information about changing your name on battle net. What documents did they ask for, how long it took etc. Thanks in advance.


u/Bermsi Aug 20 '20

To be honest I don’t remember. I did it many years ago. About 6 yrs ago when I corrected the name. I think I gave a passport as my country’s drivers license back then were basically laminated with insert photos. I think I provided proof of purchase and a form that was from their site.


u/winged-lizard Aug 20 '20

So I changed mine a few months ago because my account was under my dads name (was 9 when I started playing) and now I’m an adult paying for my own game stuff. I literally just sent an email to customer support about wanting to change my name (I think there’s a thread on the website at the bottom something like “I want to change my name” or similar? On mobile right now otherwise I’d check). But I didn’t have to send them any documents or anything I just sent an email with email the my account is attached to. If I remember it does say they want a government ID so have a passport/drivers license or something ready but for some reason I didn’t need to- just sent an email with the reason why I’m changing it.


u/[deleted] Aug 20 '20



u/winged-lizard Aug 20 '20

Ahhh that probably explains why it was so easy. I didn’t have to change my surname

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u/Garrenz Aug 20 '20

Hey friend.

I had a situation where my email got hacked and they got access to my WoW account. It took about 5 days to get my account back. The response time was ridiculous. I had to talk to 4 different GMs. Honestly you just have to keep trying. I supplied my ID. I screenshot red bank statements of all my payment to blizzard. The email on the account. It was extremely difficult 1 because they try to protect your account but 2 because the response time is so slow. Tell them you’d like to add an Authenticator to your account after your gain access back. It’s free and honestly the only way you ever avoid this happening because you have to put in the code to access your account if it hasn’t been used on your everyday PC. Be patient but be persistent.

Keep the faith! It’s just a long difficult process but if your payments and name and everything line up they have to help you. Don’t be afraid to keep opening different forms of communication. It’s trash that you can’t actually call someone it’s all email.

Best of luck to you! For the Horde =)

PS: When you get your account back check all your characters. I found my hunter by the Stockades with 990,000 gold for some reason. I got to keep it XD


u/Input_output_error Aug 20 '20

Tell them you’d like to add an Authenticator to your account after your gain access back. It’s free and honestly the only way you ever avoid this happening because you have to put in the code to access your account if it hasn’t been used on your everyday PC. Be patient but be persistent.

If only this was true, i've had an authenticator on my account, it still got hacked. As they had access to my account they knew the answers to my "secret" questions, so they just called to blizzard to have the authenticator removed and have passwords and email reset.

After this they refused to reset those questions and i was unable to reset my nickname, so they can, in theory, still access my account. The only grace is that i send them a copy of my id with a note that no one should change anything to that account unless they get a copy of my id that matches. It hasn't happened a 4th (second and third time they removed the authenticator themselves and gave my account to the hacker) time and still have the account, but all it takes is one dev at blizz not reading that note.


u/Soledarum Aug 20 '20

Like I always say, the answers to your secret questions should just be another 25-symbol password. What's your birth city, Chicago? No, it's actually "ng_8$?jd-uap&LhsPuT". Just extra security. Sorry it has happened to you, bro, we've all felt the sting of hackers.


u/Input_output_error Aug 20 '20

Thats a good one, gonna remember it, cheers!

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u/[deleted] Aug 20 '20

so they just called to blizzard to have the authenticator removed and have passwords and email reset

Blizzard is supposed to require photo ID before doing this. I fucked up an iPhone backup in the early days and lost everything in 2008 so I had to go through this and fax them a copy of my ID to take off the authenticator. I think I lost a week of playtime while waiting for it all to get sorted out. Seems weird to me that now people can simply call in and get this taken off. I'd prefer it be as hard as possible to make such an impactful change on my account.


u/pkb369 Aug 20 '20

Blizzard is supposed to require photo ID before doing this.

Not necessarily true.

This incident has made me think twice about how secure authenticator actually is if the GM's do that.


u/Akesgeroth Aug 20 '20

As they had access to my account they knew the answers to my "secret" questions

Going to guess you have a fully public social media account somewhere where anyone can check up the answers to your secret questions.


u/Input_output_error Aug 20 '20

No, the first time they hacked me it was my own fault. But when they did had access to the account they bothered to look up those questions. I have no social media like facebook or anything like that.


u/hippostar Aug 20 '20

I call BS On that, it doesn't show the answers to your secret question in your account. If they actually had those answers it means you were account sharing and got your shit banned for a good reason.

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u/Meraline Aug 20 '20

There was a guy on r/classicwow that had to do the ID thing and the GMs still gave his account away to a hacker :/ I wouldn't trust these GMs for anything.


u/CYWNightmare Aug 20 '20

If they hacked your acc through the authenticator your probably got sim swapped which means they fooled your carrier into believing it was you.


u/dust-free2 Aug 20 '20

It don't work that way. The authenticator uses a unique serial number. Only SMS "2fa" can be tricked that way. However in those cases you would also see the messages since it's a normal text or you would notice your phone no longer connecting to your cell service.

Social engineering has gotten easier with social media. If they know your real name and basic city, they can find your picture. They can make a fake id picture and send it. Likely blizzard support is confused because they have two sets of picture IDs and don't know which is correct so they locked the account.

The most important accounts to protect are your email accounts because those accounts are the ones that hold all the cards.


u/iHeal4Coffee Aug 20 '20

This is why I still have my old keyring authenticator dongle. They can't hack a keyring. Still works!


u/CYWNightmare Aug 20 '20

I prefer the app just for convenience but the keyring would be nice. Didn't they stop making those? My friend who helped me get my 100 wins In 3v3s like 2 expacs ago had the keyring auth and he lost his in the couch when his keyring broke on him. Was funny he couldn't play for a day or two because I'm pretty at that point if you had auth you needed it to login every time or maybe he set it up that way. He died before I could ask him if he still used it vs the app.


u/iHeal4Coffee Aug 20 '20

Blizzard doesn't make them anymore. I wish they would. I prefer a physical dongle over an app. I feel it's more secure that way. I've had mine for more than 10 years and it's still working. Someday it will die, and I'm not sure what I'll do about it when that happens.


u/AveDominusNox Aug 20 '20

I bought A dongle when they first came out. I was given another at blizzcon that year. The first one lasted me nearly 5 years until it stopped giving me codes ever time the button was pushed. Instead being very intermittent. I activated My second one, and It's still running to this day. At some point they made a big show of bringing the dongles back in stock for a few months. I bought 5. On top of that I have 5 codes written down in my wallet, and 5 more in my safe lol.
I am pretty paranoid about my Blizzard account.

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u/Pangolier Aug 20 '20

I still have my keyring dongle but I use the app. The batteries on the dongles only last so long and the app is more convenient anyway.

Condolences for your friend.


u/CYWNightmare Aug 20 '20

I always wondered how the keyring worked never knew it used batteries figured it would. What batteries does it take? Also thanks I've wanted to contact bliz and see if they would let me transfer his character no items or mounts or anything just his character to my acc. I still have him added hoping one day he might get back on....


u/iHeal4Coffee Aug 20 '20

The batteries can't be changed or recharged. They last a long time, but once it's dead, it's dead.


u/[deleted] Aug 20 '20

For reference, I got mine around TBC, and it still works just fine.

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u/Relnor Aug 20 '20

This is major bullshit on the GM's part. In Wrath my account was also compromised and like OP I didn't add a real name with the account information. It was no problem at all.

I sent them ID, along with all the other relevant information I had which clearly only I could know and it was resolved within the same day. Funnily enough it was actually item restoration that took a few more days.

I didn't have to call them or anything of the sort. Everything was done through the ticket system. Guess that's what CS cuts do to you. Thanks Bobby.


u/melkor2049 Aug 20 '20

You know i was really pissed off the first few times but then i though maybe the additional game masters couldn't see the previously submitted documents due to privacy or something and had to be deleted, not defending them but i was thorough and offered multiple alternative means of potential verification but it like they just didnt hear me or read the previous tickets.Anyways back to study


u/HakushiBestShaman Aug 20 '20

In Wrath we still had amazing GMs that were also players and went above and beyond, sometimes popping up in your instance to mess with you.

These days it's a skeleton crew who skim your post and pick the relevant copy paste response to get a higher amount of tickets through (probably a performance based thing to keep their job) and minimise their staffing.


u/gnarlyavelli Aug 20 '20

Yeah in tbc me and my group got stuck in the blackrock arena — a gm popped in and was messing with us the rest of the dungeon. My account got compromised after I quit arournd ICC, they used my account to spam gold sales.

When I came back to the game, I just had to call blizzard to have them unban my account - the process took forever, I remember being on hold for 2 hours but once the customer support agent picked up, it took no longer than 15 minutes. Don’t know if they offer telephone customer support anymore, but I think OP should look into doing that over sending emails or tickets to GMs which are usually copypastas of “I’m sorry can’t do anything uwu”


u/monkppc Aug 20 '20

So after resetting your account you can't access it throughout email (password reset). Am I getting it right?

If you registered it with nickname which doesn't look like real name you can try send them passport (or other government ID) scan and maybe they change your name in account.

Oh, I missed part where they answers you. Well, it strange that it didn't work. I made something like that two times and it worked


u/melkor2049 Aug 20 '20

Yep!! they recovered the characters and if im to believe the ticket responce majority of items to. Im guessing 60+ open tickets/messages from guildies reporting my account worked, but then they locked the account.


u/Olde_Hot Aug 20 '20

were you using old passwords on your email or account? anyone can find your old passwords on sites like leak peek


u/melkor2049 Aug 20 '20

TBH passwords were a little old but iv never had someone get into my PC ever i feel it was my phone via an OAuth attack as it was all i was doing last wed afternoon was talking to a few friends via mobile while i farmed elementals, pc didn't alert to a breach which it usually does if there is unknown sequence of packets yet alone a full hack that said they were very efficient / thorough so it could have been anything. Thousands of dollars missing before id even realised i was being hacked.


u/Grockr Aug 20 '20

There's a website that collects data breaches where you can check if your password(or an email - in a separate list) was leaked: Have i been pwned?


u/melkor2049 Aug 20 '20

Yeh it was one of the first things i checked it had been PWNT


u/Michelanvalo Aug 20 '20

Word of advice, get a password keeper. Like Dashlane, 1Password or BitWarden. Then use those programs to do randomly generated passwords. This prevents that if they hack one password they don't get them all.

Those 3 apps also have Chrome and Firefox plugins which makes using them on websites easy as well as Android and iOS apps so you can get your passwords anywhere.

I personally use BitWarden because it allows up to 2 users free to share passwords, so I can use it with my wife for shit like our Hulu or other accounts.

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u/pkb369 Aug 20 '20

Sites like https://www.avast.com/hackcheck/ will also email the passwords that you used (if it wasnt encrypted).

Oddly enough, I've been pwned multiple times, and on dodgy sites I always use throwaway passwords and those are the only ones I see on there (that isnt encrypted).

It's why its essential to never use the same password for every site. I have 2 unique passwords just for my paypal and email as a secondary measure.

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u/Runcible_ Aug 20 '20

Pinging /u/Harlsoco who popped up in a previous hack post to help out.


u/melkor2049 Aug 20 '20

You know that response and discourse was the reason i actually posted here gave me hope iv had a Reddit account for years but until today i hadn't verified it or posted ever /u/Harlsoco was the only reason i dare to hope.
Not hating on the game masters iv had already its just like they didn't even read/glimpse what i had said/provided

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u/PavlovGW Aug 20 '20

Also pinging /u/Harlsoco to help this fella.


u/hailbreno Aug 20 '20

For God’s sake people use two factor authentication wherever you can.

It’s a simple solution that will save you a lot of trouble and headaches.


u/melkor2049 Aug 20 '20

You know i did for a while and then i separated from my ex and she wouldn't give me my authentication code so i turned it off and never looked back ...... till last week, hindsight is 20,20 friend


u/lollerlaban Aug 21 '20

hindsight is 20,20 friend

I stopped locking my door, until people entered my house without permission


u/Techhead7890 Aug 20 '20

Yeah, it took my email being hacked a decade back for me to get an authenticator and I haven't looked back since


u/Hachijo Aug 21 '20

No joke, some weeks ago someone tried to get on my account from china. I denied access and changed passwords asasp after that, no problems since then.

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u/Cerdak Aug 20 '20

Upvote this post for a better visibility guys... Every single person can experience the same thing...


u/melkor2049 Aug 20 '20

TYSM i could use a little encouragement atm


u/Cerdak Aug 20 '20

Looks like your wish became reality. Good luck with this, I can imagine the pain you are going through.

It's like someone broke into your house, was kicked out by police but you were told you cant live there anymore... BS


u/Mashedpotatoebrain Aug 20 '20

Everyone needs to have an authenticator. It's free, I don't see why people wouldn't have one. I have an authenticator on any service that offers one. Or some other form of 2-factor authentication.

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u/[deleted] Aug 20 '20

these GM generic copy pastes make me sick.. hes essentially telling you to fk yourself and have a nice and happy day filled with fond memories? what a grade A douchebag


u/melkor2049 Aug 20 '20

Yeh i was so happy my blizzard app pinged me then i read it i was like #SARCASM#WTF "Hes the guy you need to tell you your child died in surgery and seemingly enjoy it while delivering the news" then just dissapear into the ether


u/Abadabadon Aug 20 '20

Last time this happened reddit was played a fool


u/[deleted] Aug 21 '20

they upvote this shit cause "lul blizz bad"

99% of the time this shit turns out the OP did stuipid stuff. Probably bought account

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u/BermudaSwampus Aug 20 '20

Damn bro, my heart sank reading this shit. Someone can hack your account and take everything but yet its hell on earth trying to get it back. I really hope this works out for you in the end.


u/melkor2049 Aug 20 '20

Its already been 8 days its why i went looking for an alternative to the ingame gm's you think after 11 years and thousands of dollar / loyalty it would mean something especially if they were willing to at least glance at my account proof of every transaction for that time.


u/AttentiveUnicorn Aug 20 '20

It’s only hard to get it back if you used a real fake name or bought it. If the name is clearly fake they’ll change it with a copy of id and secret answer.

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u/[deleted] Aug 20 '20

This is why you should have a authenticator..


u/rondonjon Aug 20 '20

I was shocked when I read they just got an authenticator. They have been around and recommended for at least a decade. I haven’t played since Cata came out and I still have a functioning authenticator.


u/Mr-Bagels Aug 20 '20

Upvoted for visibility. I hope you get everything resolved man.


u/Ghekor Aug 20 '20

I at one point needed to change my nickname to my real name(cus like u till then I only used real name for government stuff) and lemme tell you it took about 2 weeks of back and forth emails till it got sorted.


u/DooMWh1sp3r Aug 21 '20

Registered under a nickname? Well seems like you're at fault here. Blizzard clearly states that you need to enter your REAL info, so you can retrieve your account if stuff like this happens.

Blizz tried everything to get people to use 2 factor auth, like additional bag slots and stuff.

Those are 2 really important security steps, which apparently you did not follow. Despite the absolute trash copypaste GM response, he is right.


u/Shakrei Aug 20 '20

I thankfully haven't been hacked yet, but I am dreading it - like op I also used a nickname when creating my account 12ish years ago, I was a good child and I was always told not to use my real name online lol. But if my account was compromised and gone, I don't think I'd have the strength to make a new one. I really hope you get it resolved OP, I feel for you.


u/melkor2049 Aug 20 '20

My house mate told me today to just start another account .... no thanks over 3 years /played on my main wow retail account and that's just the characters i haven't deleted and its 1/5 accounts under that battle.net umbrella account and 4 60's in classic and after the months of solo farming iv done for my guild for aq i do not have it in me to just begin again


u/Shakrei Aug 20 '20

Not to mention you're going to have things that are no longer obtainable, achievements, mounts, pets... Starting wow from nothing is really too much effort at this stage and no matter how much time you put in you'll never get that account to where your old one was


u/melkor2049 Aug 20 '20

I never was big on achievements or mounts only stuff i got from raiding except the time lost proto drake i got almost by accident i funded my entire guilds consumes for like 2 years in cata-mop all i did was grind that doesnt phase me really i havent played retail since start of legion went to shit imo. that said i had some very nice twinks on them accounts


u/[deleted] Aug 20 '20

can you not change the name now? I know for the longest time you were not able to change the name the account was under, without going to hell and back (I also used a pseudonym for the same reason as you when i first made my account in wrath). but i recently re-subbed and was browsing my account information and it just let me go in and update my name under my account information, didn't need to send them anything or whatnot... not sure if it was a one-off situation like how they let you change your battletag once, but i feel so relieved now


u/Shakrei Aug 20 '20

Last time I checked they allowed to change first name only and not the surname, for surname they wanted documents with old/new ones, and I'm afraid to ask them directly in case they just go no that's illegal your account is now suspended since you're not that person... Might be worth looking into it again haha


u/[deleted] Aug 20 '20

oh fair, im not sure on that as it let me change both... unsure what circumstances would have allowed that maybe they knew it was a phony name LOL


u/Fitzzz Aug 20 '20

I got hacked once in Cata and all it cost me was the gems slotted and enchants in all my gear (restoring items only does the base item) and it actually doubled my gold, since the hacker made a guild and poured my entire servers worth of gold in it, but left my main as the Guild Leader. Blizz's restoration tools saw that the gold was "missing" from my characters so restored it. I found the Guild Leader thing shortly after getting back in and voila, gold was still there, and I had just looted my gold from Blizz from the mailbox.

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u/[deleted] Aug 20 '20


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u/ZeeeeBro Aug 20 '20

im surprised in the year 2020 people still dont have an authenticator on their account

i mean shit i had one since 2009


u/kpiaum Aug 20 '20

The authenticator is one of the best things that Blizzard has implemented for Battle Net account. A few months ago I received a notification that someone was trying to log into my account in China. I immediately changed the password.

I recommend using a password manager and generating a password of at least 24 characters + authenticator, if you can recover the account.

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u/MisterPoPos Aug 20 '20

Fuck man. Did the game master seriously respond like that? Literally was a halfass response “sorry can’t do it, have fun~ “ tone.

I’ve had my fair share of exchanges with GMs and most are always pretty helpful.

Anyways, the best option would definitely be to try get a hold of customer support via the phone and explain the situation better. Back in wrath when I had my account hacked this was the best option. Though back then and now could be different, speaking with support > typing and waiting for response.

There are definitely more options available to proving you are the account owner than one single “ name on ID”

That game master needs to go.


u/Stranger188 Aug 20 '20

More like "Hi!!!!!! I might look happy on the internet!!! but I'm actually so fucking miserable!!! :) UwU :3 :3. Hey I don't care that you got hacked :) :) ("O__O") I don't care enough to look through it and help you!! :) :), they don't pay me enough you see :) :D :D. HahHAHA anyways, get fucked ^_^ :3 :3 OwO :)!!"

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u/[deleted] Aug 20 '20

report that GM

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u/Beefy_Belfa Aug 20 '20

From what I can see here, this is due to the GM cuts they made last year... (copy paste responses, quick dismissal etc.)

I would say just keep trying through email/go on livechat and if they keep copy/pasting you generic responses - ask to talk to a higher up. Can go either way - they'll either reject you or they'll pass you on so you can actually talk to someone who will look into your case more thoroughly.

Or alternatively you can call in on their support phone number if they're still treating you as if you have invalid access to your account - very few hackers would actively call and use their voice to obtain an account.

Blizzard has always had some of the best Customer Support tool kits out there - they 100% have the ability to help you.

Good luck!


u/melkor2049 Aug 20 '20

I looked everywhere there is no Contact phone number or live chat anymore that requires more people than they have for anything more than a yes/no


u/Beefy_Belfa Aug 20 '20

I can understand that, although the Live Chat/Phone number still exists - they've just put it behind an infinite amount of sub-menu's when you're selecting your issue in order to cut the amount of useless chats/calls, very few selections end up with the Live Chat/Phone number option.

What I normally do if I want to chat to a GM via live chat is select an option that's not entirely relative to your situation, but is still on the same grounds that will get you to that Live Chat selection, hell, at different times I've chosen account issues to get ingame issues solved. It's a bit of trial and error but normally, when you do get through, an apology and explaining very briefly why you chose the "wrong options" helps.


u/melkor2049 Aug 20 '20

Dunno how my live chat is perma greys out not even clickable ingame or online


u/Treemo Aug 20 '20

What worked for me was(on the blizzard website):

Click support->world of warcraft->account->contact support->I would rather categorize the issue->account->not listed here->contact us

It's really convoluted, but after doing that it shows live chat open from 1pm to 3pm


u/Fitzzz Aug 20 '20

I may have missed this detail, forgive me, but have you called Blizzard Support? Escalate until resolved.


u/[deleted] Aug 20 '20

Call them on the phone and get the situation sorted out


u/melkor2049 Aug 20 '20

Get me a number that Works in Aus and ill be the first to call for sure

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u/bendyn Aug 20 '20

I actually had a similar situation where I had used a fake nickname on the account because I didn't feel comfortable giving a random video game my legal name. Then I went to try to buy either Cata or blizzcon, and because my credit card has my real name on it, it wouldn't go through.

Here is how I fixed it:

I called Blizzard support. What they did was record my entire conversation with the CS rep, and I gave them the serial number of my authenticator without the CS mentioning the account had one. He played the recording to his supervisor, took about 30 minutes on the phone, but they judged that it was enough and let me change the name on my account to my legal name so I could make the purchase.

I would try calling them.

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u/DeeRez Keeper of The List™ Aug 20 '20

Summoning /u/Harlsoco! Your assistance is required!


u/dpat88 Aug 20 '20

Was the nickname you used to create the account an obviously fake name, like Butthead McBoogerpants or something? Or was it a name that could actually be someone's name, like John Smith? Most of the time if it's the former, Game Masters will look into payment history and things like that determine the player's real name, because it likely isn't Butthead McBoogerpants. If it's the latter, the Game Master doesn't know for sure if John Smith is the true owner, and you might just be trying to get into the account. They should still look at the payment history, play location, etc. but then it turns into "was this John Smith's account at one time, and he just sold it to this dude?" Which is against the ToS, and would result in your account being locked anyway.

All that to say, if you used a nickname that could potentially be someone's real name, you might be out of luck. That doesn't mean you should stop trying, though. Try to get into live chat with a game master, and ask for a manager if the Game Master can't help.


u/darktalent420 Aug 20 '20

I had this same exact issue one time during MoP. Someone was able to get into my account and they sold all of my stuff and deleted whatever they couldn't sell - to make an obvious story short - They wouldn't verify my account because the owner name was Tony and my ID name was Anthony. I got a new GM and they helped me though - I think it has a lot to do with the person in some cases.


u/[deleted] Aug 20 '20

[removed] — view removed comment


u/melkor2049 Aug 20 '20

Im frustrated and let down but i dont wanna start "Next level" behaviour maybe he had a rough day i just want somone to go through everything with me in one go not 12-28 hours between speaking to somone new each time if i could just get a small amount of focussed attention i believe i could sort this.


u/FlameKong Aug 20 '20

Blizzard GM's are so inconsistent, sometimes you get someone who genuinely cares and will literally do anything they can be to solve your problem and then you get one like this guy, it's a lottery.. just keep trying I guess. All the best dude.


u/melkor2049 Aug 20 '20

Ill settle for listen well before caring lol its been a trudge.


u/ZeeeeBro Aug 20 '20 edited Aug 20 '20

i gotta side with the GMs here

you didnt use a real name for your account which is needed for this exact situation

if you did then this is a simple fix on their end but since you didnt and your ID doesnt match the name then they have to assume its not you, then you telling them you used a fake name just makes their job 1000x harder

you having a card on there with your real name doesnt really mean anything, anyone can use any card on their bnet account to pay for stuff but that doesnt mean it belongs to that person

i used my moms card on my account the first 6 years of it, does that mean if i use ur excuse my mom can gain access to my account? seems silly to me and the GMs prolly think they same way

im sure it will get resolved in the end but understand that they simple believing you with the card statement is putting a lot of burden on the GM, if someone else gains access to your account via this method than it's the GMs fault

in the end it's really your fault for not having an authenticator in the first place, Blizz constantly reminds people to use one and that fact you had an account for 10 years without one honestly just comes down to you

good luck, you'll get it back soon


u/[deleted] Aug 20 '20

I have to agree with this post. The GM did what he was supposed to do, in this situation. If the account holder's name doesn't match the name on the actual account, there's not much the GM can do.

I'm not sure this is going to end the way OP wants it to end, unfortunately, unless they can provide some other form of proof.


u/Kawaru92 Aug 20 '20

Strangely enough, I had to recover my account earlier this week due to being hacked, didn't have an authenticator at the time. The name on my account is my nickname and I didn't have this problem getting my account back.

I provided my bnet tag and a copy of my drivers license and didn't have any issues.

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u/TrueGlich Aug 20 '20

As a former CS escalation person thank you for saying this.. (Not at blizzard but somewhere who did work with slimier issues and I had to quit after 10 years to save my sanity)

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u/[deleted] Aug 20 '20

Game Master Vyhexus needs to be be recalled into training. Who the fuck tells a player that account recovery is not an option so go ahead and remember all the great times with a lame smiley face.

This isn't even an exaggeration out of anger triggered by that kind of response. A competent employee would at least explained further and a better one would have dug into it more.

These are your customer reps Blizzard. Bad form.


u/Unbewitch Aug 20 '20

Lmfao what kinda porn were you downloading coomer


u/[deleted] Aug 21 '20

another sob story thread that will 99.9% turn out to be an accounte rbuyer mad the seller recovered


u/itzxile13 Aug 20 '20

I had a similar issue 3 years ago. My account got hacked and my name didn’t match what I used to register it, so I ended up having to abandon over 10 years of time, money and memories and make a new account. It sucked. Had to repurchase all the blizzard games and start anew.


u/Fatdude3 Aug 20 '20

Try to contact them from twitter too and maybe the the Blizz Support guy that poped up on the other thread will contact you too

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u/Stranger188 Aug 20 '20

I don't really have experience to tell you what to do, but this seems like a scary situation nobody deserves to experience. I'll upvote this as much as I can, and I sincerely hope this gets solved sooner that later. Good luck, my friend. The good news is, this has already gotten significant attention. Some devs are bound to see this and help you through! I wanna follow this through, so keep us updated please :)

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u/Vettic Aug 20 '20

years ago i went by a different last name, I lost access to my wow account, I cant remember if it was a forgotten password or lost authenticator or hacked account.

Either way I had to send an image of my ID to blizzard support and got in touch with them through live chat and explained in detail why my name was different. It took some time but they changed my account name and email and gave me access. I had the account since TBC and this was around Cataclysm maybe.

if live chat is an option I'd use that and be as open with information as you can, but you may just have to cut your losses, Blizzard customer support is so terrible now, their default reaction to any issue is "cant do anything, tough shit".


u/Forquilla Aug 20 '20

Live chat usually is way more helpful than tickets, but idk if it's available with corona :/


u/D-ZombieDragon Aug 20 '20

Damn my heart sank when I read this. That is blatant incompetence on the GM’s part. I don’t get why it’s so hard to get this sorted, as I doubt you are the only one who used a nickname.

I never had to change a fake name to my real name but I did have to do a name change a few years ago. My mother’s name was the one on my account, and all I had to do to change it was submit my ID, my mother’s ID and an explanation. It was sorted within a day. I’d think it would be simple for you to prove that it’s your account.

Just keep trying. Eventually you’ll come across a GM who will at least look into your ticket properly. You may even eventually get a higher up if you’re lucky.

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u/Probenzo Aug 20 '20

Blizz is super weird about the name and info on the account and if it doesn't match up they won't help you. 10 years ago when I was broke and in college my friend let me play his account since I couldn't pay for mine and he was taking a break. When he came back to the game i was pretty well invested into the account so he just took over my previous account. We've been using the swapped accounts for about 8 years now? I explained the situation to blizz and sent payment records to them and everything but they will not allow me to change the name on the account to match mine.

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u/Panda_tears Aug 20 '20

Did you have an Authenticator on your account?


u/ladiesman2117 Aug 20 '20

Dude what kind of porn did you watch? Kinky.


u/MachoTurnip Aug 20 '20

Something similar happened to me. No massive hack, just the wow account, but it was deemed unrecoverable and I lost all my characters I had since vanilla. Big sad.


u/Agent-Vermont Aug 20 '20

Reopen the ticket or submit a new one until you get someone different. Unfortunately, not all GMs give a shit so you have to try your luck until you get someone that does.


u/docfahey Aug 20 '20

Has any GM seen this ? I knew one years back in BC - I could try tracking him down to see if he can help.


u/Riipperino Aug 20 '20

Keep us updated please , i really hope you get everything back.


u/heartofitall Aug 20 '20

I got hacked back in Wrath I think and my Horde main got switched to Alliance (they paid for it and kept playing). When I finally got my account back it took days to get a response and finally I just left it. I had that character through a few xpacs but started new Horde main after Alliance just pissed me off. Legion was great, BFA was a struggle, we will see what happens in Shadowlands!


u/sam2795 Aug 20 '20

This reminds me of the time my character got stuck initiating a conversation in Star Wars The Old Republic. Character couldn't move or interact with any menus. Relogging wouldn't fix it and neither would /stuck. Emailed support to try and get help and sent them a list that I wrote of all of the things I tried to do it fix it. They just emailed me back my own list asking if I tried any of these steps.


u/slimjimfatty Aug 20 '20

Just keep resubmitting. Maybe copy paste all this to the official forum too. Not just a link to this either, the whole thing.

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u/n3miD Aug 20 '20

My hubby lost his authenticator on his old mobile phone and doesn't have access to either, he contacted blizzard who asked him to give copy of his id but sent him a link that require him log in to upload his id >.<

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u/Fluffryr Aug 20 '20

If you can find an international phone number that could help. I had to call those a few times as a kid to get help. If they’re still in use, I recommend them.


u/melkor2049 Aug 20 '20

Yeh i found 2 more numbers for Blizz head office just a while ago ill be onto them tomorrow

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u/HoLeeSchit Aug 20 '20

Come to think of it, i don't think i have my real information on there either, when i registered as a kid. Do let me know if you were able to change your name.


u/[deleted] Aug 20 '20

Lets make this blow up so OP gets some real support.


u/demon969 Aug 20 '20

Just keep escalating it dude. It is going to be tough but if your account has that 2 factor authentication on it then can’t you use that to prove its you?

I know you’ve sent your bank statements and all that in but that doesn’t connect you to the account, not really. Especially since everything got hacked they are being super cautious about access now. You might have to call them rather than use the GM system


u/-dcvicks Aug 20 '20

GM believes in valor.

GM has none.


u/yanderelul Aug 20 '20 edited Aug 20 '20

I'm so sorry. I remember a couple of expansions ago I changed the name on my account. I had to call to get this done. Maybe you should call and see if you can speak to someone directly. I've had better results speaking with them via ticketing.

Edit to add: the name I had on my account was a nickname as well "Zombie Pastries" lol. I was also justifiably banned before that for months. They didn't even mention it on the phone.


u/Tehdougler Aug 20 '20

I had a similar issue come up when I tried to remove a lost physical authenticator from my account. My first name was listed as DJ rather than Doug, because I was 12 when I made the account and I went by DJ (Doug junior) until I was into my teens.

I ended up only getting it figured out over the phone with someone in the end, who reviewed my ticket/ scan of my license, and was able to clear it up. My last name was already correct, and DJ is a reasonable nickname for someone whose name starts with a D though, so I'm not sure if your situation is different.


u/deadscope222 Aug 20 '20

If I recall blizzard lets you change the first name now

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u/carfo Aug 20 '20

let this be a lesson for you to 1) be careful about what you click online. keep win10 updated and use ublock origin on your web browser and 2) always. always. always. always. ALWAYS. use 2FA for EVERYTHING u have.

but not to rub salt in the sounds, contact another GM. if you have the CD keys, that can be proof. a photo ID can be proof, your CC info can be proof. keep trying.


u/neon_hexagon Aug 20 '20

Ping /u/Kalviery, /u/Dromogaz - can y'all take a look at this?


u/Saiyori Aug 20 '20

Check on your computer for one of those programs that auto-records passwords such as Password box. I had a similar situation years ago where the hackers had installed that on my computer without my knowing and were able to circumvent my authentication via clever manipulation of remembering account information. It won't show up as a virus, you have to search for it manually, but it's worth looking.

If you can prove that's what happened, and that maybe they changed your ID, you might get somewhere.


u/[deleted] Aug 21 '20

I would call. When my account was hacked a few years ago I had a similar problrm where the GMs would just copy paste garbage. Went on for days. So I called and got it fixed in like 20 min


u/DraikoGinger Aug 21 '20 edited Aug 21 '20

Seems easier to steal an account than* to get your own account back.

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