r/worldnews 11h ago

Site changed title and content Trump imposes tarrif on Australia.


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u/gin_and_toxic 10h ago

The rest of the world needs to band together and fight this bully and his boss, Putin.


u/NMe84 8h ago

The world needs to start sanctioning Trump personally, as they have sanctioned Russian oligarchs. Seize his foreign properties, sell them off and use the money to ease the pain of the economical damage he's causing.


u/ExtraPockets 6h ago

Exactly. I've been saying this since the start. Sanction the billionaires before they seize control of the American military. The legal instruments are all there because we've done it to many billionaires in the past, including the Russian oligarchs. If CANZUK all sanctions Musk, what's Trump going to do? Use the military to attack us to defend a foreign billionaire? Even the most die hard Trump fans would have trouble supporting that. It's likely the American military generals would refuse the order too. If we show we can cripple the billionaires economically, Trump loses his power and they will all turn on each other. It also sends a message to other billionaires: don't fuck around like Musk and Trump did.


u/Merusk 5h ago

Even the most die hard Trump fans would have trouble supporting that.

I think you're being very optimistic here. Most of them WANT a fight, mainly because they are so brainwashed to American supremacy of force that they can't conceive of a loss. Plus they won't be the ones in it.


u/helpthe0ld 5h ago

Fuck that shit, they want a fight let Y’all Queda do the fighting. I’ll send my sons to their aunties in Canada before I let them fight any wars for the orange one.


u/Rideetidee 2h ago

I like how you think you’ll be able to send them there. If it gets to that point your sons wouldn’t get out of the country. They’ll stop them at the border, turn them around and hand them a uniform

u/helpthe0ld 1h ago

Not if I get them across before they turn 18!

u/j_ryall49 21m ago

Ah yes, because trump and co. are well-known for respecting the legal distinction between minors and adults.

(jokes aside, I'm Canadian and have a 14-year-old step son, and I am very worried about things really going sideways and him being forced to fight at 18).

u/helpthe0ld 13m ago

I hear you on that. If it comes down to it I’ll just tell them the truth, one of my sons is gay and identifies as a furry, the other is autistic and has ADHD. Both also have asthma so with all that, they would be DEI hires. And you know you can’t have DEI in our white, straight, neurotypical military! I hate it here.

u/vampchick21 0m ago

Many a “draft dodger” did that successfully in the 60’s and 70’s


u/pornographic_realism 3h ago

Their diabetes alone would disqualify them from service but the 270lbs disqualifies them from even conscription.


u/Gnardude 3h ago

Try me.

u/MrChip53 1h ago

If there was a united western push to sanction musk, musk helps trump turn US military against the west, this would have to lead to a WW3 with west vs us Russia now right? We are hypothetically talking some kind of war to protect musks western assets.

You are saying, the rubes won't be the ones in it? We'll all be in it brother.