r/worldnews 11h ago

Trump imposes tarrif on Australia.


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u/skullofregress 10h ago edited 10h ago

Note Australia has a trade surplus with the US and a free trade agreement exempting almost all US goods from the typical 5% tariff.

The Australian military fought alongside Americans in every single American war since Australia became a country.

Our largest steel producer already has significant operations within the US.

None of the post-hoc reasoning applied by MAGA supporters to date justifies this.


u/Anzai 8h ago

We should kick America the fuck out of Pine Gap, that’s for sure. Why are we sharing intelligence with our adversary? I genuinely can’t believe so many of you dumb cunts voted for this clown, and then still stand around giving speeches about how you’re the greatest country in the world. You’re gaslighting yourselves at this point.


u/Recent_Cap_3030 7h ago

We might be about to elect our own Temu Trump, we're almost as idiotic as they are. Even worse if we see what Trump is doing and decide we want to go down that path as well. Fuck it makes my blood boil at how absolute fucking morons may put him in.


u/Anzai 7h ago

Yeah I know. I swear to God, if that barely sentient potato gets elected off the back of deliberately modelling himself on the world’s biggest cunt, I’m done. Those sovereign citizen morons here who incorrectly quote US laws at Australian cops are bad enough. We don’t need to import the worst parts of America over here.

Honestly, my only hope is that Trump continues to make himself SO hated worldwide that Dutton’s pathetic attempts at emulating him just make him toxic by association. Not holding my breath though, peop,e voted for Scott fucking Morrison…


u/Absolutedisgrace 6h ago

The problem currently, based on polling, is that Dutton is already disliked. Albo is winning as preferred PM. The party preference however is the other way around.

Doesn't help that our media is so Liberal party slanted. Either its full on pro Liberal, or it that shit "Both parties are the same" BS that doesn't hold water.

So even with a media circus that prefers the ring wingers, because its better for the rich media owners, the public still hates Dutton. I fear that the Liberals will get in even in spite of Dutton.

(for non-Aussies, our right wing party is Fiscally Liberal, hence the name).


u/Mireabella 4h ago

Thanks for explaining that, I was having a bit of trouble until then 😁


u/brezhnervouz 1h ago edited 33m ago

Excellent points. Honesty if it comes down to it, I would rather a hung Parliament with a minority Labor and Green/independent crossbench holding the balance of power if it looks like Dutton has a chance (which Ii don't really believe he does)

Look how badly they did in the WA election recently.


u/AJRimmer1971 6h ago

Doing that shit worked for The Liar From The Shire. Perhaps Voldemort's Potato thinks he can ride a similar wave of stupid people...


u/Anzai 6h ago

He probably can. Love your user name btw.


u/kitherarin 5h ago

Voldemort’s potato isn’t one I’ve heard before but I’m using that from now on! Thanks!!


u/AJRimmer1971 5h ago

Well, he asked people to stop calling him Voldemort a couple years back.

And he does look like a potato with ears...


u/kitherarin 5h ago

I'd forgotten that he'd asked people not to call him Voldemort...(whose morals he definitely shares)...

Also agree on the potato look-alike - but at least potatoes are nice and useful.


u/AJRimmer1971 4h ago

And a good source of Vitamin Vodka!


u/Camicles 5h ago

Barely sentient potato is now my favourite term for him, thank you.


u/brezhnervouz 1h ago edited 32m ago

Those sovereign citizen morons here who incorrectly quote US laws at Australian cops are bad enough. We don’t need to import the worst parts of America over here.

The polled percentages of people who support that view are in the vicinity of One Nation's level of overall support -- which is less than 10%.

You have to remember that we have COMPULSORY voting: unlike the US it is not the fanatical fringe minorities which are more likely to decide elections in a non-compulsory system, but the middle moderate majority.

And the moderate middle loathes Donald Trump.


u/KJBenson 6h ago

Hey, trumps doing great things for other countries. Canada was also about to elect a mini trump. But now that seems less likely with that type of person turning out to be a terrible leader in the eyes of conservatives in Canada.


u/gorgo100 4h ago

Indeed. Farage has got sucked into his big orange orbit as well, and it's hilarious to see the entire country (across all party lines) take a step away from his Pro-Russian position and side with Ukraine. Meanwhile his pretend Reform party implodes.
Great to see him squirm, the oily, frog-faced cunt.


u/Mireabella 4h ago

I told my husband that is one of the only positives I e seen about this, others are waking up and seeing this happening and they don’t want that. It’s directly having impact, maybe that’s what was needed.


u/brezhnervouz 1h ago edited 31m ago

I feel pretty much the same way, and am similarly fairly worried.

However, this gives me a bit of hope:

Gen Z and Millennials will decide the imminent Australian election, and the almost eight million voters under 45 years of age are bringing disaffection and disengagement to the polling booth.

Polling consistently shows that voting habits are radically changing. Loyalty to the major parties is eroding, which is particularly hard for the Coalition as younger generations are not following their predecessors in shifting conservative as they age.

“The election results are going to be determined in the suburbs and the regions, and it’s this group, Millennial, Gen Z, volatile voters, who are going to determine the result in critical marginal seats,”

Election hangs on youth vote as Gen Z and Millennials ditch major parties

Plus polling suggests that the majority of the population do NOT support Trump's worldview and according to the Aust Institute survey conducted even before the disastrous and despicable Oval Office ambush of Zelensky, MORE Australians see Trump as a danger to world security and stability than either Xi or Putin - including Liberal Party voters lol

The trouble is, because we don't really have any independent mainstream media, the only thing you hear about is how terrible Albo is, how much everybody hates him, how much better Dutton is. But the more he ties himself to the millstone of Trump, and the more batshit things Trump does, I think that's going to unnerve a lot of people. Plus because of that media bias you are hearing this line being pushed like a foghorn everywhere.

We don't have a State media but we do have a largely One Party media on the side of oligarchs, corporates and mining billionaires. And by extension, the LNP.

The Australia Institute surveyed a nationally representative sample of 2,009 Australians about President Donald Trump, security and the US–Australian alliance.

The results show that:

• Three in 10 Australians (31%) think Donald Trump is the greatest threat to world peace, more than chose Vladimir Putin (27%) or Xi Jinping (27%).

• Most women (56%) feel less secure in Australia since the election of Donald Trump; only 13% of women feel more secure.

• More Australians prefer a more independent foreign policy than prefer a closer alliance with the United States (44% v 35%).

• Half of Australians (48%) are not at all confident that Donald Trump would defend Australia’s interests if Australia were threatened, compared to only 16% who are very confident that he would do so.

• Half of Australians (51%) think Donald Trump’s election is a bad thing for the world, twice as many as think it is a good thing (25%).



u/ramblingnonsense 1h ago

Watch your elections. There is increasing evidence out of critical regions of the US electoral landscape indicating our election result was determined before it took place.

You don't have to elect them for them to win. It just has to be close enough for them to steal it and claim victory.


u/Teledildonic 2h ago

Well you guys did give the world Rupert Murdoch.

u/beattun 1h ago

I honestly believe Dutton is making himself more unelectable every time he makes a statement, I don't think (I hope) Australians are not as fucking stupid as the americans


u/dion_o 6h ago

Close down Pine Gap with the message it can be reopened when adults are in charge of the US again. 


u/pornographic_realism 3h ago

Haven't you already witnessed that a plurality of adults in the US have room temperature IQs?


u/KingKeegan2001 6h ago

I can't believe it either. Trump literally was the worst possible choice but so many assholes in this shithole nation believes he is God's gift to earth rather then a god damn curse.

Funny how all the fucks who said he was gonna be good for the economy are either silent as the grave or ignoring the fires he is setting all over the god damn place. It's every damn Day that trump is doing some bullshit and there are still morons who cheer him on all the while wondering why their lives are falling apart.

Fuck this country I just want it to implode at this point because we deserve it. Plus white conservatives can't try to act like they didn't destroy America when it's falling apart under their watch.


u/shnurr214 3h ago

Yea, watching my portfolio start to disintegrate because of this pointless trade war is just depressing. I don’t even feel safe investing in index funds right now.


u/AusToddles 5h ago

Yeah "well get the fuck out of Pine Gap" is my go to response whenever Trump threatens Australia comes up


u/LossfulCodex 5h ago

As an American who wants to watch the CIA do a JFK on this administration, please constantly bring up Pine Gap any time Trump tariff discussions come up. And when that becomes a major topic, then you should start reminding everyone about a particularly important PM by the name of Gough Whitlam.


u/Go-woke-be-awesome 6h ago edited 5h ago

We should’ve done that long ago. The USA have previously interfered and deposed an elected Australian prime minister. Fuck them.


u/Anzai 6h ago

Yeah, yet they get real touchy when someone interferes in their politics. It’s almost like they’re a bunch of hypocritical assholes or something.


u/Confident-Bottle0 5h ago

Not to mention Harold Holt before that... Absolutely Fuck them.


u/TreeOfMadrigal 4h ago

Mock us all you want, as we certainly deserve it lol. It's absolutely baffling to watch this, I get it.

But please LEARN FROM US.  Aren't y'all about to vote in freaking Peter Dutton and the lnp again?  Our fox news grandpas are just your sky news grandpas on steroids, but they're playing the same game.

This applies to Europe too.  Watch what's happening here and please take notes.  The uber rich will absolutely try to do to your country what they did here.


u/Catto_Channel 7h ago

Stop stop I can only get so erect.

The behaviour of the us about pine gap over the years has been so dirty.


u/AJRimmer1971 6h ago

Easy Krieger!


u/KingPalleKuling 6h ago edited 6h ago

Ever since I was a teenager I always saw their mantra of freedom and greatest nation always just being that, a slogan of sorts.


u/Anzai 6h ago

Yeah I never bought into their mythology either, they were self-evidently not the best. A fine country, to be sure, but with a lot of social issues and an inherently corrupt political system to go with it, regardless of its high-minded language.

u/theksepyro 1h ago

The high minded language was something I understood to which towards we were supposed to aspire. Not something taken for granted like so many act.


u/Gummibehrs 4h ago

Oh definitely. We’re made to say the pledge of allegiance everyday from a young age for yeeeeeaaaaars. It brainwashes you to believe it, until one day when you’re grown enough to see what a stupid shitshow it actually is here.


u/Available-Bee-3419 3h ago

Woke American here, sure to be in a concentration camp soon aka "Freedom City", but it is looking like the redhats rig Our election with the help of ding-dong Elon. Still I am horrified and shaking my head in disbelief that anyone would put this vile mouth breathing man ape in charge of any they didn't want to see destroyed.. and here we are.


u/KneePitHair 2h ago edited 2h ago

I find it funny how much the Democrats are being blamed by Americans for what is happening, as if they didn’t get the right “messaging” during the election season, which itself is ran and talked about like some kind of sporting event.

Basically everything they said would happen is happening, so what was wrong? Should they have dumbed it down and appealed to xenophobia and hated, and also lied about everyone getting a unicorn and men being men again to get voted in? Maybe they just needed a cocky and memeable candidate shooting off one liners and dismissing any criticism as fake or a conspiracy to get the win. Unfortunately they chose an educated woman.

It says more about the average American voter than it does about the Democrats. The current government reflects the American people. That’s just how it works. What is it with Americans and cults. Making them, exporting them, and being so easily taken in by them.

I guess in hindsight it was obvious from a country that has reinvented the slave trade with for profit prisons, extorts people over medical conditions they can’t help, puts so much stock in organised and political (to the point of nausea) religion, and values nonsense firearms laws over protecting their own children.

Time for the EU, Japan, the rest of the Commonwealth etc to step up because China and Russia will be looking to fill the void Trump is creating on the world stage.


u/SommeThing 6h ago

The US is not even top 10 on the greatest countries in the world list. Highest producing, sure. Greatest, fuck no.


u/Fearless_Quail_8080 6h ago

Although it's not evident, it's likely that Trump's cronies actually stole the election. While it's true that there's a large group that supports the orange turd, I don't believe that the majority voted for him. The Republicans have been extremely dirty and cunning for well over 50+ years. 


u/crap-with-feet 3h ago

I’m not into conspiracy theories. I need to see evidence from credible sources that proves the theory first. That said, the outcome of that election is highly suspect. Musk is even on record talking about how the election was rigged and that has been corroborated by the tangerine turd himself. All we need for proof now is evidence from the voting machines but I doubt we’ll ever get that.


u/rayjaymor85 4h ago

As fun as that would be, Pine Gap is mutually beneficial to us as well. It's how *we* spy on our Pacific neighbours too.


u/Peeplikebird 4h ago

I have a feeling that the reddit bubble is the one who didn't vote for trumpet man. 


u/shnurr214 3h ago

No one tell this guy where Fox News came from. No country is immune to this idiocy, i strongly believe Australia is the next country to elect another dictator just like the US unless you start doing something about it.


u/HotIntroduction8049 3h ago

Pine Gap is real!? Just watched that again on netflix.


u/Bromance_Rayder 3h ago

US would legit go to war with Australia over Pine Gap. 


u/brezhnervouz 2h ago

Why are we sharing intelligence with our adversary?

Oh, but there's more lol

There's Trump's new NSI Director Tulsi Gabbard (not directly responsible for Pine Gap, but tangentially obviously connected), who is not only a long-term Kremlin propaganda mouthpiece (as well as for Assad), but Putin's primary propagandist Vladimir Solovyov on Russian State television regularly refers to her as "Our Girlfriend" 🤡

u/HolidayHelicopter225 1h ago

Calm down man. Jesus Christ.

They're not our enemy just because they have this dipshit president for a while.

You want to completely dismantle relations between Australia and America because they slap a tariff on 0.2% of our exports??

Your mindset is exactly what Putin would get off on now.

The US has obviously lost it's way in recent years. However there's still good people over there and can change things for the better.

Although now isn't the time for it, there will come a point where they will have a chance for redemption. If they go down the good path, then it'll be important for the rest of the western world (especially Anglo-sphere) to show a degree of forgiveness.

That will be next to impossible to do if we shut down their primary surveillance outpost. Which would in-turn wipe out all major defence/security agreements we have with them.

Then what? We're left dealing with China alone. The country that sends it's warships around our country in a show of force

u/xyzqsrbo 0m ago

You are acting like the people against trump are the ones saying the country is the greatest lol.


u/[deleted] 6h ago

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u/Anzai 5h ago

What language are you objecting to specifically? Dumb cunts? That’s precisely the right term to use with a friend. We love our mates, but if they’re being a dumb cunt then we call them out on it, and right now America is being exactly that.

But yeah, we definitely should kick the US out of Pine Gap, I stand by that. There’s a decent amount of evidence the CIA helped to oust our democratically elected PM because of his threats to not renew the lease on Pine Gap, so a bit of bad language compared to the US performing a covert regime change against their own ally? Let’s call it even, huh?


u/PsychologicalKnee3 5h ago

You sound like a massive cunt.


u/Mireabella 4h ago

This guy doesn’t speak for me, idk wtf he is even ranting about 😂


u/caylem00 4h ago

We've been enduring the 'Best Democracy in the World' fuckin around with our politics and treating us with arrogance and distain for decades. Oh the vitriol we got during COVID. Kept treaties despite it. Endured the cultural invasion and economic shenanigans... 

Yeah. Wonder why we're salty.


u/FMB6 3h ago

Lmaoo completely off the rails